Country: Usa

Creating a Culture of Peace

“Creating a Culture of Peace (CCP) is a nationwide program for community- based peacemaking. The innovative design of CCP provides a holistic and practical foundation in spiritually-grounded active nonviolence. Participants come to recognize their own power for making personal and social changes without violence and improve their skills for respectful engagement with opponents, instead of confrontation that polarizes and demonizes.”

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Council on Foundations

“An active philanthropic network, the Council on Foundations, founded in 1949, is a nonprofit leadership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations. It provides the opportunity, leadership, and tools needed by philanthropic organizations to expand, enhance and sustain their ability to advance the common good. The Council empowers professionals in philanthropy to meet today’s toughest challenges and advances a culture of charitable giving in the U.S. and globally.”

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Cool the Earth

“CTE’s mission is to engage the public in climate change by motivating them to take measurable actions to reduce their carbon footprint….Cool the Earth is a grassroots organization that believes personal action is essential to reducing carbon emissions. Cool the Earth’s focus is on educating and inspiring Marin residents and employees to drive electric. EVs are about 40- 50% of a driver’s personal footprint and switching to an EV can practically erase the emissions. Cool the Earth was founded in 2007 by Marin County parents Carleen and Jeff Cullen, who were inspired to take action after seeing the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” Cool the Earth’s program has had far reaching results, reaching over 250,000 families in 40 states and catalyzing 300,000 carbon saving actions.”

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Compassion Over Killing

“Working to end animal abuse since 1995, Compassion Over Killing exposes cruelty to farmed animals and promotes vegetarian eating as a way to build a kinder world.”

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Coming Home Animal Sanctuary

“While building a nurturing environment for abused, abandoned, and discarded special needs farm animals and rabbits, we provide a safe, loving, and permanent home where these beautiful animals may live out their lives in peace. Coming Home advocates nonviolence, veganism and the abolition of animal exploitation. We are dedicated to raising consciousness on the negative impact that animal agriculture has on the earth, our health, and most of all, on the animals.”

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Color Of Change

“Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization.We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by more than 1.4 million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America.”

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Code Pink – Action Calendar

Action Calendar “CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs. Join us!”

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Climate Change & Colleges – How Campuses & Students Are Helping to Save the Planet

“Humans played a big role in the changes to the earth’s climate over the last century, and scientists predict catastrophic problems if climate change goes unchecked. America is the second largest contributor to carbon dioxide in the world but accounts for only 4.4% of the global population, which means people in the U.S. can make great strides in the fight against climate change with the right tools, information, and resources. College is a great place to start, and there are many opportunities for involvement as a student. See what climate change experts have to say on the matter and learn more about the different ways you can get involved on campus and beyond.”

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Citizens Awareness Network

“CAN is a grassroots environmental organization working to end the production of unaffordable and dangerous nuclear waste and power, and replace it with sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy generation. We are therefore committed to a democratically led, environmentally just, and scientifically sound solution for nuclear waste.”

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Ching Farm Rescue & Sanctuary

“We advocate for farm animals through rescue, education, and adoption or placement services in the Salt Lake valley. We believe the work we do can help change the perception of these animals, and create a deeper respect for their rich emotional lives. With each and every contribution we receive, we’re able to continue our mission. Donations provide the animals at Ching Farm Rescue & Sanctuary with the food, housing, and medical care they need to live happy and healthy lives.”

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Chicken Run Rescue

“Chicken Run Rescue fosters an evolution in critical thought about who is food and who is friend through rescue, rehabilitation, sanctuary and education. Help all animals by adopting a vegan diet. Help individual chickens by adopting them as companions.”

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Children’s defense fund

“The Children’s Defense Fund Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.”

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Chatham Animal Haven

“Chatham Animal Haven, Inc. is a 501(c)3 farm animal sanctuary located just outside the village in Chatham, NY. We took in our first animal in April of 2015. We look forward to growing and helping as many animals as we can. “

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Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition

“The Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition came together for the first time in May of 2007. The groups consist of representation from MD PIRG, Public Citizen, Beyond Nuclear, Sierra Club (MD), Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Green Party (MD), Clean Water Action and a few local anti-nuclear activists.

The coalition was formed to challenge and subsequently stop the proposed new reactor at Calvert Cliffs.”

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Chenoa Manor

“For over 10 years, Chenoa Manor has served as a sanctuary for animals. Nurturing and respecting the interconnectedness of all strands in the web of life through humane education. Chenoa Manor is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. So we rely exclusively on the support of volunteers, fundraisers, and contributions from people like you.”

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Cesar Chavez Foundation

“At the Cesar Chavez Foundation, our mission is to carry on Cesar’s life’s work of uplifting the lives of Latinos and working families by inspiring and transforming communities through social enterprises that address essential human, cultural and community needs.”

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Center for Social Concerns (University of Notre Dame)

“MISSION: To enact Catholic social teaching through community-engaged research, teaching, and learning. IDENTITY: Fulfilling Notre Dame’s mission to cultivate a disciplined sensibility to the poverty, injustice and oppression that burden the lives of so many, the Center for Social Concerns gathers, forms, and nourishes community-engaged scholars in the study, practice, and renewal of Catholic social tradition. By enacting human dignity, pursuing the common good, and standing in solidarity with the marginalized and poor, we advance pedagogies of engagement, leverage personal transformation for social change, and transform principles of Catholic social teaching into 21st-century leadership.”

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Center for Health, Environment & Justice

“The Center for Health, Environment & Justice helps build healthy communities nationwide. Since its founding in 1981, CHEJ has grown into the nation’s leading resource for grassroots environmental activism, a ground-breaking, progressive organization with a vision for clean, green neighborhoods built from hard-won experience fighting for environmental justice.”

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Center for Food Safety

Center for Food Safety (CFS) is a national non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy organization working to protect human health and the environment by curbing the use of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture. CFS also educates consumers concerning the definition of organic food and products. CFS uses legal actions, groundbreaking scientific and policy reports, books and other educational materials, market pressure and grass roots campaigns through our True Food Network. CFS’s successful legal cases collectively represent a landmark body of case law on food and agricultural issues.

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Center for Biological Diversity

“At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.”

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Catalyst Project

“Catalyst Project helps to build powerful multiracial movements that can win collective liberation. In the service of this vision, we organize, train and mentor white people to take collective action to end racism, war and empire, and to support efforts to build power in working-class communities of color.”

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Catholic Peace Fellowship

“Guided by a personalist philosophy, the Catholic Peace Fellowship works for peace before, during, and after war through education, counseling, advocacy, and accompaniment.”

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“Mission: Causa works to improve the lives of Latino immigrants and their families in Oregon through advocacy, coalition building, leadership development, and civic engagement. Latino immigrants and their families are the heart of Causa and inspire, implement, and champion our work. Vision: Causa envisions a world where all people have the opportunities and resources needed to thrive. We envision a community that welcomes and values the contributions, strengths, and assets of Latino immigrants and their families.”

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Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB)

“Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) is a statewide coalition of 70 grassroots organizations that is reducing the number of people in prisons and jails, shrinking the imprisonment system, and shifting public spending from corrections and policing to human services. Founded in 2003, our coalition amplifies the work of community leaders on issues from sentencing reform to conditions of confinement. We bridge movements for environmental, social, racial, and economic justice in California and across the nation. In addition to our organizational members, CURB’s Action Network is a thriving, growing movement of thoughtful, committed activists now numbering over 20,000!”

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C-10 Research & Education Foundation

“Safety for Citizens within the 10-mile radius of Seabrook nuclear plant…C-10’s mission is to monitor and advocate for the safety of Seabrook Station nuclear power plant in order to protect public health and the environment in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and beyond. C-10’s vision is that our region transitions to a clean, safe and resilient energy economy.”

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Brother Wolf Animal Rescue

“Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, located in Asheville, North Carolina, was founded in 2007 to provide the resources and life-saving programs to build No-Kill communities. As a grass roots organization, Brother Wolf operates an adoption center that is open to the public — making it easy to adopt, volunteer, and become involved in our No-Kill mission.”

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Buddhist Peace Fellowship

“The Buddhist Peace Fellowship shapes movements for ecological and social justice by sharing spiritual-political practices and resources. We come together from multiple lineages, Buddhist and otherwise, to support bold, creative, loving actions to block systemic harm, while building collaborative tools and gatherings that give us the strength to be with our suffering, in order to transform towards liberation. “

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BlackOUT Collective – Trainings

“The BlackOUT Collective is a radical direct action full service organization that provides on the ground support, training and deep space visioning in communities that prioritize the liberation of Black people. BlackOUT Collective address “anti-Blackness” and views direct action as a critical movement strategy to achieve this outcome both in terms of internalized oppression as well as historic and contemporary of white supremacy. Using direct action training and support as a vehicle, we help organizations craft strategies that win; in addition to training newly formed formations comprised of politicized Black people. In the past three years, we have witnessed the power of direct action to create instant accountability and its ability to quickly amass power in Black communities. We aim to increase and harness that power. By 2020, we aim to train to 10,000 Black people to be Direct Action Practitioners and Strategists.”

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Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

“The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League is a regional, community-based, non-profit environmental organization. Our founding principles are earth stewardship, environmental democracy, social justice, and community empowerment. Working in rural and disadvantaged areas, our staff and volunteers put into practice the ideals of love of community and love of neighbor. BREDL is a grassroots organization: each community group solves pressing local problems by developing a citizens’ campaign with goals, strategies, activities, and assessments. The issues center on industry’s dependence on toxic chemicals, utilities’ refusal to adopt sound energy alternatives, industrial development and highway construction at the expense of public health, intensive livestock operations’ effects on agriculture and the environment, and huge waste dumps. These are social problems with devastating environmental and public health effects. They are also the clarion call for community action.”

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Black Youth Project 100

“BYP100 (Black Youth Project 100) is a member-based organization of Black youth activists creating justice and freedom for all Black people.”

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Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary

”Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary was founded in November of 2014 by two middle school teachers who wanted to pair their love of animals and their concern for students to create a more compassionate world. By partnering children and adults who have suffered loss, trauma, neglect, or loneliness with animals who have experienced the same, magic is sparked. Friendships born between humans and animals encourage people to think of them as individuals with feelings and personalities, and the empathy born from these relationships creates kindness and goodwill toward all creatures and all people, something this world could use a great deal more of.”

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BlackOUT Collective

“BlackOUT Collective is a radical full service direct action organization. We build organizations’ capacity to execute creative and effective direct actions in service of their organizing and advocacy work. We do this through providing personalized direct action trainings and on the ground action support. We see ourselves as a “Liberation Lab”- a container for experimentation, deep space visioning and learning.”

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Black Belt Citizens

“We work towards a Uniontown and Black Belt region where all people will unite to act in love for shared liberty and justice for all. We, the Freedom Fighters, based in Uniontown Alabama will demonstrate faith in action by embracing and encouraging solutions against all injustices.”

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Beyond the Choir

“To build movements capable of winning real change, we need to do more than just “preach to the choir.” Beyond the Choir partners with social justice organizations to craft resonant messaging, plan strategic campaigns, and mobilize larger bases of support.”

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Best Friends Animal Society

“For over 30 years, Best Friends Animal Society has been running the nation’s largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals and building effective programs that reduce the number of animals entering shelters…The mission of Best Friends Animal Society is to bring about a time when there are No More Homeless Pets. We do this by helping end the killing in America’s animal shelters through building community programs and partnerships all across the nation. We believe that by working together we can Save Them All.”

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Bay Area Nonviolent Communication

“BayNVC is home to a number of projects and groups working under the same umbrella to apply and promote the principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication. Most of these are operated and run by BayNVC staff and trainers and include private sessions, classes, organizational services, retreats, and a variety of projects designed for social transformation. In addition, BayNVC provides fiscal sponsorship and financial services to other relevant projects by request. VISION: To create a world where everyone’s needs matter and people have the skills to make peace.”

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BaaHaus Animal Rescue Group

“Founded in 1997, BaaHaus Animal Rescue Group is a non-profit organization located on six private acres in the center of Vashon Island, Washington. As the surrounding countryside becomes more and more suburbanized, farm animals, farm “pets,” and other domestic animals can be as victimized by demographic changes as the human population and the land itself. BaaHaus is dedicated to helping abused, neglected, and abandoned domestic animals, particularly farm animals that, due to past treatment, would be difficult to place through adoption.”

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AV Magazine

“AV Magazine is a publication of the American Anti-Vivisection Society. Each issue of the AV focuses on one important topic related to the use of animals in research, testing, and education. With your donation of $15 or more, you’ll become an AAVS Member and receive AV Magazine (in print) for one year; and the digital version is available here.”

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“The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Audubon’s state programs, nature centers, chapters, and partners have an unparalleled wingspan that reaches millions of people each year to inform, inspire, and unite diverse communities in conservation action. Since 1905, Audubon’s vision has been a world in which people and wildlife thrive. Audubon is a nonprofit conservation organization.”

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Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education

“Our mission is to support and inspire educators in their quest for the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to help all learners understand, appreciate and care for their environment. As an integral part of achieving our mission, we encourage direct experience outdoors.”

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Asha Sanctuary

“Asha Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 Not for Profit Organization that rescues, rehabilitates and provides shelter to abused farmed animals. “

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Appalachian Voices

“Appalachian Voices has been the region’s grassroots advocate for healthy communities and environmental protection for over 20 years, and a leading force in Appalachia’s shift from fossil fuels to clean energy and a just future.”

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“Apache-Stronghold, San Carlos, Arizona, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit community organization of grassroots organizers coming together to battle continued colonization, defend holy sites and freedom of religion, and is dedicated to building a better community through neighborhood programs and civic engagement.”

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AORTA (anti-oppression resource & training alliance)

“AORTA is a worker-owned cooperative devoted to strengthening movements for social justice and a solidarity economy. We work as consultants and facilitators to expand the capacity of cooperative, collective, and community based projects through education, training, and planning. We base our work on an intersectional approach to liberation because we believe that true change requires uprooting all systems of oppression.”

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Animal Rights National Conference

“The Animal Rights National Conference is the U.S. animal rights movement’s annual national conference. It is the world’s largest and longest-running animal rights gathering, hailing back to 1981. This year’s event will take place July 25-28, 2019 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center just outside Washington, DC. With 100 presenters from more than 60 organizations across the movement, the conference offers a variety of educational and networking opportunities including activist support workshops, group discussions, 100+ exhibits (free to visitors), film screenings, and so much more. Our multilayered program informs and inspires newcomers, trains and empowers activists, and strengthens the animal rights movement to advance our shared mission of creating a world free of animal exploitation. #AR2019 strives to be a safe space, inclusive and accessible to all. In an effort to minimize financial barriers, we offer registration discounts, working opportunities, and full or partial scholarships. For those who can afford more, we invite you to join us as an individual sponsor and/or make a donation toward our scholarship fund.”

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Animal Place

“Animal Place is one of the oldest and largest sanctuaries for farmed animals in the country. Nestled on 600-acres in Grass Valley, CA, Animal Place provides refuge to hundreds of neglected farmed animals. In addition to permanent sanctuary, Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch is a 60-acre adoption center, placing needy farmed animals into permanent homes. Sanctuary is important work, but Animal Place strives to create meaningful change for farmed animals through advocacy and education. Thousands of visitors flock to the sanctuary each year to learn more about the animals and farming. Volunteer classes introduce folks to the more intense ways people can help. Internships are also available. We invite you to put your compassion into action by becoming vegan, volunteering, interning, donating, adopting, or rescuing!”

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Animal Hero Kids

“OUR MISSION: Fostering empathy and kindness in children and teens by encouraging and recognizing compassionate and courageous acts that help all species of animals; and offering complimentary, interactive, humane education programs highlighting stories of the rescue and aid of animals in need.”

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Analysis of Cancer Risks in Populations near Nuclear Facilities

“The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.NRC) requested that the National Research Council provide an assessment of cancer risks in populations near U.S.NRC-licensed nuclear facilities. This assessment is being carried out in two consecutive phases. The first phase (Phase 1) was completed in May 2012 and resulted in a consensus report. The second phase (Phase 2) would be the assessment of cancer risks informed by the recommendations of the Phase 1 report.”

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American Vegan Society

“American Vegan Society (AVS) is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit here for you to learn about a compassionate way of life since 1960. AVS provides community and friendship to the general public and welcomes everyone to learn about veganism.”

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American Wind Energy Association

“The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is the national trade association for the U.S. wind industry. With thousands of wind industry members and wind policy advocates, AWEA promotes wind energy as a clean source of electricity for American consumers.”

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American Rivers

“The mission of American Rivers is to protect wild rivers, restore damaged rivers and conserve clean water for people and nature…We combine national advocacy with field work in key river basins to deliver the greatest impact. We are practical problem-solvers with positions informed by science. We build partnerships and work closely with local river advocates, business and agriculture interests, recreation groups and others to forge win-win solutions. And with our expertise, outreach, and additional grants, we deliver the highest return on investment.”

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Alternative to Meds Center

“Alternative to Meds Center uses the very best of the medical, psychotherapeutic and holistic worlds to provide you with the most complete integrative and transformative program offered in the country.”

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Alley Cat Allies

“Alley Cat Allies is the global engine of change for cats. We protect and improve cats’ lives through our innovative, cutting-edge programs. We are seen around the world as a champion for the humane treatment of all cats. We work toward a world where every cat is valued and protected and every community and shelter has policies and programs to save their lives.”

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Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA)

“We began as an alliance of affected peoples, organizers, health workers, and scientists who wanted to take on a military complex that was poisoning communities, wasting billions of our money, and putting the world at risk. ANA supports our over 30 member organizations and groups who are working throughout the country to empower citizens to take action and to protest an opaque and mismanaged nuclear complex. Our leaders, from across the country, are experts who are deeply rooted in the impacts of nuclear weapons, waste, and energy on our health and environment. We work to find solutions that can achieve a vision of a modern society that runs off renewable energy sources, has verifiably dismantled the world’s nuclear arsenal, and has responsibly disposed of our nuclear waste. We are not against nuclear science but we are against its irresponsible and dangerous use for political reasons.”

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Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility

“The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility works to educate and protect the citizens of the State of California and future generations from the dangers of radioactive contamination. We support educating the public on options for energy generation, the dangers of aging nuclear plants and the increasing production and storage of high-level radioactive waste on California’s coastal zone. The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Legal fund lobbies for California legislation to limit the production and storage of high-level radioactive waste on California’s coast to current license terms and to prohibit license renewals for California’s nuclear plants until there is a permanent safe and operating solution to the storage of high-level radioactive waste.”

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Alliance for the Wild Rockies

“Alliance for the Wild Rockies (AWR) formed in 1988 to meet the challenge of saving the Northern Rockies Bioregion from habitat destruction. We are thousands of individuals, business owners, and organizations taking a bioregional approach to protect and restore this great region. Our mission is to secure the ecological integrity of the Wild Rockies Bioregion through citizen empowerment and the application of conservation biology, sustainable economic models and environmental law.”

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All of Us or None

“All of Us or None is a grassroots civil and human rights organization fighting for the rights of formerly- and currently- incarcerated people and our families. We are fighting against the discrimination that people face every day because of arrest or conviction history. The goal of All of Us or None is to strengthen the voices of people most affected by mass incarceration and the growth of the prison-industrial complex. Through our grassroots organizing, we are building a powerful political movement to win full restoration of our human and civil rights.”

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Adventist Peace Fellowship

“From the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s earliest beginnings, many of its members have dedicated their lives to working for peace and social justice “for the healing of the nations.” The Adventist legacy of social engagement has not always been a proud or heroic one, yet the Adventist tradition, at its best, has inspired—and continues to inspire—a passionate commitment to peacemaking, human rights, care for the environment, and solidarity with persons of all beliefs or none for the sake of the common good. The Adventist Peace Fellowship (APF) is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2001 that seeks to raise consciousness about the centrality of peacemaking and social justice to the beliefs and heritage of Adventists. We support public service, activism, advocacy, and scholarship that reflects the radical spirit of many Adventist pioneers. We welcome all Adventists and friends of Adventists to join our network and to add their voices and their talents to the work of peacemaking.”

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“For nearly 100 years, the ACLU has been our nation’s guardian of liberty, working in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country. Whether it’s achieving full equality for LGBT people, establishing new privacy protections for our digital age of widespread government surveillance, ending mass incarceration, or preserving the right to vote or the right to have an abortion, the ACLU takes up the toughest civil liberties cases and issues to defend all people from government abuse and overreach.”

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“… a collaborative campaign aimed at bringing hundreds of diverse organizations together in support of a unified platform for transformational change.1Sky became a collaborative national campaign for strong federal action to tackle global climate change and invest in building the clean energy economy of the future. Now one of the largest national climate campaigns in the country, 1Sky works to combine the force of 643 allied organizations, 203,500 committed climate advocates, 4,256 volunteer leaders in 50 states, and our own experienced team to effect change in the nation’s capital. In all of its diversity, a powerful climate movement is beginning to converge. The movement will never fly a single flag, or narrow itself to a single brand or institution, nor should it. Unity, not uniformity, is our goal. We are many; we are diverse; we are growing. And we need to stand together.”

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Youth Escape Arena., Inc.

“A Non-Traditional Practice for America’s Inner City Youth & Young Adults…Our program, The Youth Escape Arena model, redirects those off track in the arena of life. We are experts in the field, working with “At-Promise” youth and young adults who are often identified as the “At-Risk” population. The Youth and Young Adult Escape Arena, reconnects those who have disconnected themselves from school, work, group homes, and traditional living environments in their communities, and reconnects them with strategic plans that address their social emotional living, exposing the path to escape to an arena of alternative options, to an arena of positive outcomes. “

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Youth Justice Coalition

“The Youth Justice Coalition is working to build a youth, family, and formerly and currently incarcerated people’s movement to challenge America’s addiction to incarceration and race, gender and class discrimination in Los Angeles County’s, California’s and the nation’s juvenile and criminal injustice systems. The YJC’s goal is to dismantle policies and institutions that have ensured the massive lock-up of people of color, widespread law enforcement violence and corruption, consistent violation of youth and communities’ Constitutional and human rights, the construction of a vicious school-to-jail track, and the build-up of the world’s largest network of jails and prisons. We use transformative justice and community intervention/peacebuilding, FREE LA High School, know your rights, legal defense, and police and court monitoring to “starve the beast” – promoting safety in our schools, homes and neighborhoods without relying on law enforcement and lock-ups, preventing system contact, and pulling people out of the system. We use direct action organizing, advocacy, political education, and activist arts to agitate, expose, and pressure the people in charge in order to upset power and bring about change. “

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Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

“Woodstock Farm Sanctuary envisions a peaceful world rooted in respect and justice for all living beings. We rescue farmed animals and give them care and sanctuary, connect animals with people to advance veganism, and advocate for animal rights in alliance with other social justice movements. We welcome visitors to come and meet animals who are most commonly exploited, abused, and killed in animal agriculture. Our animal residents are given lifelong sanctuary and are treated with respect as individuals. By giving farmed animals the chance to live their lives with dignity and by sharing their stories, we advocate for veganism and aim to reduce suffering for all.”

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Wildwood Farm Sanctuary

“Protecting nature. Promoting compassion. Inspiring change. Located on 98 acres in Newberg Oregon, Wildwood Farm Sanctuary is a haven for farm animals and wildlife alike. We provide lifelong refuge and rehabilitation for abused and abandoned farm animals while lovingly protecting the property’s native plants, wetlands, woodlands, and wild animals. Through our mission and the lives of our beloved residents in this special place, we aspire to inspire! Our greatest hope is to help open eyes and reshape the way humans view and treat farm animals by considering a compassionate and cruelty-free way of living.”

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What Is Restorative Practices?

“All humans are hardwired to connect. Just as we need food, shelter and clothing, human beings also need strong and meaningful relationships to thrive. Restorative practices is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities.”

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West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

“The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy promotes, encourages and works for the conservation – including both preservation and wise management – and an appreciation of the natural resources of West Virginia and the Nation. We focus primarily on the Highlands Region of West Virginia, but our work is for the cultural, social, educational, physical health, spiritual and economic benefit of present and future generations of residents and visitors alike.”

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What Can Be Recycled?: A List of 200+ Items

“We all know that we should recycle, unfortunately knowing where or how to recycle it isn’t always so intuitive. To help you determine what can be recycled, we built a recycling resource with information about how to dispose of the items we use most often. We asked our friends and neighbors to find out which items they have the most trouble recycling and then searched for environmentally friendly solutions. The result is this compendium of recycling instructions for more than 200 items from your home and garden. Please note, though, while these recommendations are best practices for most areas, they may not apply in your city. For any gray areas, check with local recycling centers to make sure you are following your region’s localized recycling guidelines.”

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“, a project of Demand Progress, is a progressive organization whose one million activists work to guard the interests of ordinary Americans — and fight back against corporations and wealthy interests that seek undue control over our government, economy and society.”

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Voices for Creative Nonviolence

“Voices for Creative Nonviolence has long-standing roots in active nonviolent resistance to U.S. war-making. Begun in the summer of 2005, Voices draws from the experiences of those who challenged the brutal economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and U.N. against the Iraqi people between 1990 and 2003. Members of Voices led over 70 delegations to Iraq to challenge the economic sanctions and were present in Baghdad in resistance the 2003 U.S. military invasion. Since 2009, Voices has led delegations to Afghanistan to listen and learn from nonviolent grassroots movements and to raise awareness about the negative impacts of U.S. militarism in the region. We are on the precipice of a full blown world war if one is not already under way. And we ask: what must our response be? And our answer- as tentative, grappling, searching and seeking as it may be- is that it falls upon us as citizens of the country initiating this world war to utilize all nonviolent means available to turn off war- to engage the electoral and legislative process, most definitely; to protest, of course; and to march and demonstrate. We must also move from protest to active nonviolent resistance. We must withdraw our collaboration and complicity with this system and use our bodies and lives as a means to bring the machinery of death to a grinding halt. Nonviolence cannot be a single day event- it must be a commitment we make and act upon every day of our lives. What might this active nonviolent resistance look like? And how might we act in solidarity with the Iraqi and Afghan peoples and others who find themselves in the crosshairs of U.S. war-making? Voices is committed to strategic campaigns and experiments. We engage in active nonviolent resistance. Such resistance must take into account that war-making is both military and economic.”

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VivaVegie Society

“The VivaVegie Society has a solid history of service to the vegetarian community. Since 1991 it has distributed tens of thousands of copies of its hallmark publication, “101 Reasons Why I’m a Vegetarian” by Pamela Rice. It has continuously published its journal, The VivaVine, for over 10 years. It has been tireless in its dedication to creative and effective vegetarian street outreach. Hundreds of people, and perhaps thousands, have adopted the vegetarian lifestyle because of the efforts of the group. “

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Vivisection and Dissection in the Classroom: A Guide to Conscientious Objection

Book: “Federal and state law provide important protections to students who have a conscientious objection to harming animals in an educational context. This book is an important tool, with over 130 pages of practical and theoretical assistance on the issue of students rights at every education level. THIS BOOK OFFERS: -A general introduction to the students rights issue, explaining the legal concepts that form the basis of a student’s right under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and related federal and state doctrines in a clear manner that will be easily accessible to the non-lawyer. -Basic information and assistance to lawyers who wish to advise students on resisting vivisection or dissection requirements, but who may not be knowledgeable about this area of the law. -Important practical advice on resolving a students rights problem before a law suit has to be filed, with strategies for approaching and negotiating with administrators, sample letters, and ways of documenting events to protect the student. -Sample legal pleadings as a reference tool.”

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Virginia Organizing

“Virginia Organizing is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization dedicated to challenging injustice by empowering people in local communities to address issues that affect the quality of their lives. Virginia Organizing especially encourages the participation of those who have traditionally had little or no voice in our society. By building relationships with individuals and groups throughout the state, Virginia Organizing strives to get them to work together, democratically and non-violently, for change.”

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Virginia Wilderness Committee

“Our mission is to: -permanently protect the best of Virginia’s wild places for future generations, -foster understanding and appreciation of Wilderness, and, -promote enjoyment and stewardship of our last remaining wildlands. Organized in 1969, VWC works closely with the congressional delegation from Virginia to pass federal legislation under the 1964 Wilderness Act, which provides permanent protection to outstanding wild areas on public land in Virginia. VWC has been instrumental passing legislation that designated all existing wilderness areas in the George Washington & Jefferson National Forests and in Shenandoah National Park. “

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Virginians For Wilderness

Articles and links related to protecting Virginia’s wilderness. “The goal of Virginians for Wilderness is not only setting aside pristine areas for protection, but also treatment of every acre of land and every trickle of water as sacred – and this includes places where people live as well as untrammeled nature.”

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Visit These US-Based All-Vegan Grocery Stores!

“Imagine a place where everything is 100 percent vegan, and you don’t have to worry about milk being in your kettle potato chips, or anchovies being in your hot sauce. Sounds like a dream! Well, at all-vegan grocery stores, you don’t have to worry about any of that — and they exist! Check out these 10 all vegan grocery stores all around the United States!”

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VINE Sanctuary

“VINE is an LGBTQ-run farmed animal sanctuary in Springfield, Vermont. We offer refuge to more than 500 animals while working for a plant-powered future of peace and freedom for everybody…VINE Sanctuary offers refuge to animals who have escaped or been rescued from the meat, dairy and egg industries or other injurious circumstances, such as cockfighting and zoos. Sanctuary residents include chickens, cows, ducks, doves, geese, pigeons, sheep, emus and even a few parakeets…In addition to sheltering and advocating for animals, we conduct research and education aimed at creating systemic changes in agriculture, trade, and consumption as well as human attitudes about animals and the environment… We work within an ecofeminist understanding of the interconnection of all life and the intersection of all forms of oppression. Thus we welcome and work to facilitate alliances among animal, environmental, and social justice activists.”

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Vernal Education Project

“The Vernal Education Project is a long-term effort to create a comprehensive education and support network that can bolster and sustain grassroots progressive social change movements in the United States. The project is described in the book Inciting Democracy: A Practical Proposal for Creating a Good Society by Randy Schutt. The project seeks to create a network of 50 educational centers around the United States, each of which would facilitate a 1-year program on social change for 120 students every year. The project is currently in the early development stages, focused on distributing Inciting Democracy and recruiting volunteer staffmembers.”

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Vegetarian Society of Richmond

“Welcome to the website of the Vegetarian Society of Richmond, Virginia! We are here to support you in pursuing a healthy, compassionate, earth-friendly vegetarian lifestyle. Whether you are a committed vegan or just trying out a few vegetarian dishes, you are welcome here! See our events page for a list of upcoming events. We hope to see you soon!…The Vegetarian Society of Richmond is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting vegetarianism through education, activities and advocacy. We seek to unite vegetarians and those interested in vegetarianism in the Richmond area. Activities may include restaurant visits, potlucks, lectures, classes, hikes, field trips, outreach, etc. Membership is open to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. “

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“Producing delicious, healthy, plant-based foods to satisfy all your eggy cravings without ever using any eggs….The Vegg produces and distributes the world’s healthiest 100% plant based-egg substitutes. Our products are all 100% vegan, plant-based, cholesterol free, gluten free and Kosher. Created in 2012 by Rocky Shepheard in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, the company is now under new management and headquartered in Carle Place, New York. We pleased to serve a broad range of customers within the United States and around the world.”

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Vegan World 2026! Conference

“YEAR ZERO : 2026 is the year when 100% of wild vertebrates are projected to disappear with current trends if the mainstream, egocentric consumer culture of normalized violence continues unchecked. Since 2026 is just 8 short years from now, this is a “Holy Shift” moment for humanity! Vegan World 2026! Conference is a multi-disciplinary forum for academics, professionals and ordinary citizens to come together and co-create the political, economic and social infrastructure for the “New Model.” The New Model is an eco-centric, life-enriching culture of normalized nonviolence so that we may Prevent YEAR ZERO from ever occurring.”

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Vegan Living Program

“The Vegan Living Program is a month-long series of educational and social events for new and aspiring vegans, designed to assist and support participants as they transition to lifelong vegan living, and build a community to provide sustained support. In addition to coordinating our own programs, we train and assist individuals and organizations to implement Vegan Living Programs tailored to their own communities. We promote compassionate, healthy and environmentally responsible vegan lifestyles, helping people make life-affirming choices and become more responsible planetary citizens. Until All Are Free.”

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Upcoming Events with United Poultry Concerns

“United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.”

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Uranium Watch

“Uranium Watch works to educate and advocate for protection of public health and the environment from past, current, and future impacts of uranium mining, uranium milling, nuclear waste disposal at uranium mill sites, and other impacts of the nuclear fuel cycle. Uranium Watch is encouraging and facilitating public participation in state and federal regulatory decision-making processes related to the uranium industry. The Uranium Watch Web Site was developed to provide citizens with news, information, and resources about current and historic uranium mining and milling activities and issues.”

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United Poultry Concerns – Action Alerts

Events, news and actions to take. “United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle. We provide information through our quarterly magazine Poultry Press, our Website at, and our sanctuary in Machipongo, Virginia on the Eastern Shore. We invite you to join us and support our work.”

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United Philanthropy Forum

“As the largest and most diverse network in American philanthropy, United Philanthropy Forum holds a unique position in the social sector to help increase philanthropy’s impact in communities across the country. We are a membership organization of more than 75 regional and national philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs), representing 7,000 foundations and other funders, who work to make philanthropy better. The Forum envisions a courageous philanthropic sector that catalyzes a just and equitable society where all can participate and prosper. The Forum has created a new kind of philanthropic network that brings together regional PSOs’ deep regional roots and connections with national PSOs’ deep content knowledge and reach. Given our network’s scale and scope, we can lead change and increase impact in philanthropy in a deeper and broader way than any other organization in our field. Our Vision: We envision a courageous philanthropic sector that catalyzes a just and equitable society where all can participate and prosper. Our Mission: We lead, strengthen and inform a national network of organizations that advance philanthropy’s impact for the common good.”

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United Poultry Concerns

“United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle. We provide information through our quarterly magazine Poultry Press, our Website at, and our sanctuary in Machipongo, Virginia on the Eastern Shore. We invite you to join us and support our work. Founded in 1990 by Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns is the world’s foremost non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the respectful treatment of domestic fowl. UPC runs a haven for chickens in Virginia, and also teaches people about the egg and chicken meat industries, the natural lives of free chickens, pleasures and benefits of human-chicken companionship, and alternatives to chicken farming and the use of chickens in education and scientific experimentation.”

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Tri-Valley CAREs

“Tri-Valley CAREs works to strengthen global security by stopping the development of new nuclear weapons in the US and promoting the elimination of nuclear weapons globally. Nuclear weapons decrease rather than increase human security. Nuclear weapons pose one of the great social, economic and ecological challenges of our time. Tri-Valley CAREs was founded in 1983 in Livermore, California by concerned neighbors living around the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of two locations where all US nuclear weapons are designed. Tri-Valley CAREs monitors nuclear weapons and environmental clean-up activities throughout the US nuclear weapons complex, with a special focus on Livermore Lab and the surrounding communities.”

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Training for Change – Upcoming Workshops

“All of our workshops are rooted in our Direct Education approach. Our trainers center the group, building upon dynamics in the room and participants’ own experience to introduce new content and help the group access their own wisdom. Many of our public workshops are “training of trainers”; they’re designed for folks facilitating and training across contexts and with varying levels of experience. Some are offered regularly throughout the year, but many are offered less frequently.”

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Toxics Action Center

“Toxics Action Center’s mission is to work side-by-side with communities, empowering you with the skills and resources needed to prevent or clean up pollution at the local level. Since 1987, we have organized over 1,000 community groups and trained over 20,000 individuals across New England to put together plans and strategies to effectively solve the problems they face. Not only do we provide the tools they need to defend their health and safety, but also the expertise they need to think strategically and come together for proactive, positive change. In our 30 year history, we have helped win hundreds of campaigns to protect the health of citizens and neighborhoods across the region.”

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