Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Broad-Coverage Independent 
& Media Sites

Found 1997 Results

Project Censored

“Project Censored educates students and the public about the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government. We expose and oppose news censorship and we promote independent investigative journalism, media literacy, and critical thinking. Through our website, weekly radio program, annual book, and other programs, we provide this service to the United States, Canada, UK, and the world. Censorship undermines democracy. An informed public is crucial to democracy in at least two basic ways. First, without access to relevant news and opinion, people cannot fully participate in government. Second, without media literacy, people cannot evaluate for themselves the quality or significance of the news they receive. Project Censored’s work highlights the important links among a free press, media literacy, and democratic self-government.”

Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty

“Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty is an Alabama death row prisoner founded and run organization. We were founded in 1989. Our mission is to work together with friends and other supporters to educate the public and to bring about the abolition of the death penalty in Alabama.”

Project Learning Tree

“Mission: Project Learning Tree advances environmental literacy and promotes stewardship through excellence in environmental education, professional development, and curriculum resources that use trees and forests as windows on the world. Vision: Project Learning Tree is committed to creating a future where the next generation values the natural world and has the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and take responsible actions to sustain forests and the broader environment.”

Project South

“Project South was founded as the Institute to Eliminate Poverty & Genocide in 1986. Our work is rooted in the legacy of the Southern Freedom Movement, and four primary work areas achieve our mission of cultivating strong social movements in the South powerful enough to contend with some of the most pressing and complicated social, economic, and political problems we face today.” Four work areas: education, local & regional organizing, legal & advocacy, movement support.


“Since it mysteriously appeared on YouTube on July 18, 2012, ‘Propaganda’ has been described as ‘1984 meets The Blair Witch Project’, ‘A mouthful of scary porridge’, and ‘Even better than Triumph of The Will.’ It topped Indiewire’s top 10 films to watch out for at IDFA, where it had its world premiere. This was followed by The Independent declaring it ‘the real viral hit of 2012’ and Films for Action rating it their Number One film for 2012. So far, the film has been translated in to six languages. Controversial to the core, ‘Propaganda’ is part of an ongoing international incident involving the Australian Federal Police, the South Korean Embassy in New Zealand, the Catholic Church, the Counter-Terrorism Unit in Christchurch and the Korean Society, which has publicly accused the filmmakers of being North Korean agents.”

Proposed Mini Manual of Council Circles

Guidelines for meeting. “Council is the process of figuring out how the group feels; it’s not just for thinking. The goal is not necessarily consensus of action, but of understanding: once we understand each other, what to do should be obvious.”


“ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force. We dig deep into important issues, shining a light on abuses of power and betrayals of public trust — and we stick with those issues as long as it takes to hold power to account.”

Protect All Children’s Environment (PACE)

“Established in 1987 for people poisoned by the now-banned pesticide, Chlordane, PACE exists to give comfort and support. Through PACE, pesticide victims provide support to fellow survivors on an all-volunteer, not-for-profit basis. There are no charges for information, counseling or other services. PACE is unique in that true empathy is expressed through shared experience.”


“Protest.Net is a collective of activists who are working together to create our own media. By publishing a public record of our political activities on the web we are taking a stand against the established media. We are standing up and showing that serious activism is alive and well at the dawn of the 21st century. Everyday from Kansas to India activists are meeting, organizing, and protesting to demand a better world for all. When the corporate media takes note of our activities it is only to spit upon our struggle. We are accused of being misinformed bleading heart hooligans with nothing better to do than march up and down blocking traffic. Yet the rich get richer, and we are told to be complacent, to wait for our due. They say the environment isn’t being destroyed, it’s ok to kill millions of Iraqi’s with vindictive sanctions, that the billions living in slums just need to work harder, that global domination by a corporate elite is the only way. Activists around the world are fighting for a better world. We can’t rely on the media establishment to cover our movements. We will rise up and seize the means of communication!”

Prout: Economic Democracy in Practice (2004)

“Economics of Prout covers the basic economic principles of Prout, which offers a viable alternative to the materialistic, anti human philosophies of Capitalism and Communism.”


“ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition. Vision: We strive for a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet. Mission: Reducing the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040.”

ProVeg – Blog

Blog. “ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition.”

ProVegan – General Information

Introduction, The Healthiest Diet, For Human Rights, The Moral Reasons, For Animal Welfare and Animal Rights, For the Climate and Environmental Protection, The Religious Reason, Personal Epilogue

ProVegan – Info Box

Articles. “Vegan – The healthiest diet and its effects on the climate, the environment, animal welfare and human rights. “

PsyWar: The Real Battlefield Is The Mind (2010)

“This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the “elitist theory of democracy” and the relationship between war, propaganda and class.”

Public Citizen – Climate and Energy

“Public Citizen’s energy and climate program advocates for affordable, clean and sustainable energy. We safeguard families by promoting the strong regulation of energy markets, educate the public on the dangers of continued reliance on dirty energy sources, help solve climate change by promoting localized clean energy alternatives and hold large energy corporations accountable by exposing wrongdoing.”

Public Intelligence

“Public Intelligence is an international, collaborative research project aimed at aggregating the collective work of independent researchers around the globe who wish to defend the public’s right to access information. We operate upon a single maxim: equal access to information is a human right. We believe that limits to the average citizen’s ability to access information have created information asymmetries which threaten to destabilize democratic rule around the world. Through the control of information, governments, religions, corporations, and a select group of individuals have been able to manipulate public perception into accepting coercive agendas which are ultimately designed to limit the sovereignty and freedom of populations worldwide. This site is an attempt to compile and defend public information using software and methods which are open source and available to the public at large. It is our hope that by making such information available and demonstrating the power of a public resolved to inform itself, we may engender a more informed and proactive populace. Within our first two years of operation, we have already received more than twenty threats and takedown notices from government agencies and corporations around the world for publishing documents discovered via open source methods available to any member of the public. No information has ever been removed or censored.”

Public Listening Project

“We have been going regularly to the local train station for five years wearing t-shirts bearing questions: one always reads, “What’s Your Opinion?” and the other might be, “Should We Have Gone to War?” or some other provocative question. Such questions are a non-threatening invitation to people who are ready to approach us and share their views on policy issues and how they came to hold them. As we listen with interest and respect, people vent feelings and, then, often become more free to think anew. People appreciate being listened to without interruption. If their opinion is listened to with respect, then their “suspicion” of talking to someone who may have a differing viewpoint quickly evaporates…Our names are Dan and Trey. We are two friends who, during the buildup toward war with Iraq in the fall of 2002, felt that not enough people were talking about this vital issue. We thought that such an action, which surely would cost our nation money and lives, merited discussion among Americans of all political persuasions. It is our belief that people do their own best thinking when they are listened to with respect. We decided, as concerned citizens, to create a forum for discussion on the topic of war and all related issues. We have conducted this project without the sponsorship of any political group.”


“Founded in 2011 by women reporters, Pública is the first nonprofit investigative journalism agency in Brazil. With breathtaking public interest reports, our stories were republished last year by over 700 media outlets under the Creative Commons license. All our reports are made on the basis of rigorous fact-finding and are based on the uncompromising defense of human rights. We investigated public administration, including all levels of government and legislative houses; the social and environmental impacts of companies, their corruption and anti-transparency practices; the judiciary, its effectiveness, transparency and equity; and violence against vulnerable populations in the city and in the countryside. In the independent journalism promotion program, we provide mentoring for journalists, a micro-scholarship contest, journalism discussion events, and support programs for innovative projects.”

Qatsi Trilogy

“As the general focus of the QATSI Trilogy is the technological milieu, it is the purpose of this site to foster a web-dialogue on this little understood, yet ubiquitous subject – the nature of technology. What we know about the subject is vastly promotive, over-the-top positive, coming to us from the producers of global technology. A glowing wonderland of unlimited opportunity is promised by the good life of the technological order. Infinite capacity, virtual immortality, super human cognition – attributes that have until now been reserved for the divine are indicated for technology. A new technological pantheon has been established in the horizonless world of the Blue Planet. But is technology what it appears to be? Have we looked behind the shimmer of its glowing surface? Very little, if anything, reveals its meaning through mere appearances. Most everything is more complex, full with a universe of hidden dimensions. Is technology an exception to this common experience? Or, have we accepted its truth as the truth?” films: Koyaanisqatsi (life out of balance), Powaqqatsi (life in transformation), Naqoyqatsi (life as war).