Archives: Resources

Mundo Vegano

“In Mundo Vegano we offer you excellent options for your palate, your health, the environment and animals, with the greatest variety of substitute products of beef, chicken, turkey, pork, dairy, egg, dressings and more …”

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Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory: The Dharma of Natural Systems

“This book brings important new dimensions to the interface between contemporary Western science and ancient Eastern wisdom. Here for the first time the concepts and insights of general systems theory are presented in tandem with those of the Buddha. Remarkable convergences appear between core Buddhist teachings and the systems view of reality, arising in our century from biology and extending into the social and cognitive sciences. Giving a cogent introduction to both bodies of thought, and a fresh interpretation of the Buddha’s core teaching of dependent co-arising, this book shows how their common perspective on causality can inform our lives. The interdependence of all beings provides the context for clarifying both the role of meditative practice and guidelines for effective action on behalf of the common good.”

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Multinational Monitor

“Big Ideas For a Better World…Multinational Monitor is a monthly magazine devoted primarily to examining the activities of multinational companies. The magazine also covers issues involving labor, the environment, corporate crime, multilateral banks and development. Each issue contains: several short news items; approximately two feature articles; and an interview with a government official, corporate executive, union leader, environmentalist, academic, consumer activist, or other expert on a topic of interest to the magazine.”

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Muslim Peace Fellowship

Our objectives: -To work against injustice and for peace in ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world. -To affirm the commitment to peace on behalf of all Muslims. -To explore and deepen our understanding of Islamic teachings about peace and nonviolence. -To expose and transcend the vicious circle of religious stereotyping and false identity. -To develop faithful and authentic nonviolent strategies for the establishment of sustainable social balance and the redress of wrongs. -To reach out to people of other religious traditions to further mutual understanding and respect, and to build solidarity in the service of the planet. -To work together with all people of good will to keep open the Straight Path between human conscience and the creator of the worlds. Muslim Peace Fellowship pursues its goals through conferences, publications, service projects, teaching in academic and grassroots settings, speaking engagements, coalition building, and interreligious social action. And, of course, through interior work and prayer.

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“My Face Is On Fire is a blog (with an associated podcast) which focuses on abolitionist vegan education, animal rights issues and the misrepresentation of veganism in pop culture or mainstream media.”

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MS in Environmental Studies

“The world needs you to preserve biodiversity, work for environmental justice, reinvigorate science education, guide communities in planning for climate change, and promote sustainable practices in organizations, schools, and businesses. As a team of passionate advocates, educators, and mentors, this is our mission and commitment to our students. Our Master of Science will help you become part of the next generation of environmental leaders working towards a more sustainable, healthy future.”

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Movement Building for Allies

Manual: “Members and organizations of the traditional peace movement have been increasingly coming to recognize the importance not only of partnering and “joining forces” with groups and organizations led primarily by poor people and people of color, but also of taking leadership from those groups and learning how to be effective allies to them through our organizing efforts. Movement Building for Allies is a facilitators’ manual for a workshop intended for white activists working in groups within the peace movement and other anti-militarist movements who want to deepen their understanding of how to do strategic organizing using an anti-oppression and cross-movement approach. This includes a focus on how to be strong allies to directly impacted communities (i.e. those whose immediate survival-level needs are impeded by U.S. militarism) through relationship-building and a clear understanding of the root causes of war and militarism.”

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Movement Strategy Center

“To nurture whole people and whole communities to transition from a world of domination and extraction to a world of regeneration, resilience, and interdependence…Movement Strategy Center understands that transformative movements change the way we think, our structures and systems, the way we live, and even who we are. Transformative movements recognize that we are whole people, our communities are whole, and because the issues and problems are interconnected our systemic solutions and movements must be interconnected as well. For society to change we need our movements, and the people in our movements, to mirror and embody transformation right now. Along with a growing wave of movement makers, Movement Strategy Center believes incremental change strategies are inadequate in the face of rapidly accelerating climate disruption and growing inequality. Incremental change strategies cannot keep pace. Because the scale and nature of the problems we face are exponential, our change strategies need to be exponential as well. Transformative strategies are needed to generate the exponential change needed. But how do we accomplish this? How do we achieve transformation – the exponential shift of reality? Movement Strategy Center’s approach is grounded in four elements that are the core of transformative movement building: leading with audacious vision and bold purpose; deeply embodying the values at the heart of the vision; building radical and deep community around the vision; and using all of that – vision, embodiment, and connection – to strategically navigate toward the future.”

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Multimedia (Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs)

Videos & Audio. “The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs seeks a more just and peaceful world by deepening knowledge and solving problems at the intersection of religion and global affairs through research, teaching, and engaging multiple publics. Two premises guide the center’s work: that a comprehensive examination of religion and norms is critical to address complex global challenges, and that the open engagement of religious and cultural traditions with one another can promote peace. To this end, the center engages students, scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in analysis of and dialogue on critical issues in order to increase the public understanding of religion.”

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“MooShoes is a vegan-owned business that sells an assortment of cruelty-free footwear, bags, t-shirts, wallets, books and other accessories. MooShoes offers its services through the online store you’re currently reading this on as well as in its lovely retail stores in New York City and, as of 2014, Los Angeles. We’re open 7 days a week for your shopping pleasure. Check out our store hours and locations and come by to say ‘hey’.”

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Morning Star

“The Morning Star is a reader-owned co-operative and unique as a lone socialist voice in a sea of corporate media. We offer a platform for those who would otherwise never be listened to, coverage of stories that would otherwise be buried. We are one of the few media organisations that is honest about the perspective it represents: that of the labour movement and working people all over the world.”

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Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful Life

Book: “With a world steeped in materialism, environmental destruction, and injustice, what can one individual possibly do to change it? While the present obstacles we face may seem overwhelming, author and humane educator Zoe Weil shows us that change doesn’t have to start with an army. It starts with you. Through her straightforward approaches to living a MOGO, or “most good,” life, she reveals that the true path to inner peace doesn’t require a retreat from the world. Rather, she gives the reader powerful and practicable tools to face these global issues, and improve both our planet and our personal lives. Weil explores direct ways to become involved with the community, make better choices as consumers, and develop positive messages to live by, showing readers that their simple decisions really can change the world. Inspiring and remarkably inclusive of the interconnected challenges we face today, Most Good, Least Harm is the next step beyond “green” — a radical new way to empower the individual and motivate positive change.”

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Mountains to Sea – Solving New Zealand’s Freshwater Crisis

Book: “The state of New Zealand’s freshwater has become a pressing public issue in recent years. From across the political spectrum, concern is growing about the pollution of New Zealand’s rivers and streams. We all know they need fixing. But how do we do it? In Mountains to Sea, leading ecologist Mike Joy teams up with thinkers from all walks of life to consider how we can solve New Zealand’s freshwater crisis. The book covers a wide range of topics, including food production, public health, economics and Māori narratives of water. Mountains to Sea offers new perspectives on this urgent problem.”

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Move the Message: Your Guide to Making a Difference and Changing the World

Book: “Many of us—without the money to contract special media consultants or expensive public relations firms—want to create change in the world, but find communicating our vision difficult, whether our audience is one individual, small groups, large audiences, or the media. Take action and empower others to act with this strategic approach. Target your message to the appropriate power holders. Design and pitch a compelling, persuasive presentation with visual impact. Field questions and comments to energize your audience to take action and move the message to others. With confidence, negotiate for progressive outcomes, construct captivating soundbites to the media, deflect personal attacks, and take the message to the streets to get winning results. In Move the Message, communications consultant and activist Josephine Bellaccomo delivers a step-by-step process, complete with tips, tactics, strategies examples and exercises, to ensure that your message is focused, powerful and unstoppable. Whether the difference you want is local or global, this guide is essential for activists and concerned individuals working to create lasting change. “

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Money & Influence

“We are creating a democracy where everyone’s voice is heard and everyone plays by fair and commonsense rules…We deserve a democracy in which each of us is represented and has a voice — and a government that works for every American, not just the wealthy few. It’s time to add much-needed balance to our democracy and enforce tougher rules to ensure politicians can’t be bought by the highest bidder.”

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Monitor Institute by Deloitte

“Monitor Institute by Deloitte is a team within Deloitte LLP that works with social impact-focused organizations and their leaders, helping to make the hard choices and take the necessary actions to advance progress on pressing societal challenges. The Institute’s approach marries a deep grounding in strategy, networks and social movements, and human systems with the fundamentals of professional advisory services—effective project management, skilled facilitation and well-timed intervention.”

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Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart

Book: “Moonrise explores the flourishing, passionate forms of leadership emerging from women on behalf of the earth and community. Many today find themselves being called toward greater leadership on behalf of the Earth, sourced from their inner authority and inspired by what they love and are dedicated to protect, transform, and strengthen. Those successfully heeding this call have embraced the qualities previously relegated to the “feminine”– inner awareness, collaboration, relational intelligence, respect for the sacred and generosity — and married them to the best of their “masculine” attributes to create a new form of leadership more inspiring, inviting, and effective for transforming how we live on Earth and with each other.”

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Money & Life (2013)

Film: “Money & Life is a passionate and inspirational essay-style documentary that asks a provocative question: can we see the economic crisis not as a disaster, but as a tremendous opportunity? This cinematic odyssey connects the dots on our current economic pains and offers a new story of money based on an emerging paradigm of planetary well-being that understands all of life as profoundly interconnected.”

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Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth

Book: “Clearly, Gandhi never renounced the world; he was neither pacifist nor cult guru. Who was Gandhi? In the midst of resurging interest in the man who freed India, inspired the American Civil Rights Movement, and is revered, respected, and misunderstood all over the world, the time is proper to listen to Gandhi himself — in his own words, his own “confessions,” his autobiography. Gandhi made scrupulous truth-telling a religion and his Autobiography inevitably reminds one of other saints who have suffered and burned for their lapses. His simply narrated account of boyhood in Gujarat, marriage at age 13, legal studies in England, and growing desire for purity and reform has the force of a man extreme in all things. He details his gradual conversion to vegetarianism and ahimsa (non-violence) and the state of celibacy (brahmacharya, self-restraint) that became one of his more arduous spiritual trials. In the political realm he outlines the beginning of Satyagraha in South Africa and India, with accounts of the first Indian fasts and protests, his initial errors and misgivings, his jailings, and continued cordial dealings with the British overlords. Gandhi was a fascinating, complex man, a brilliant leader and guide, a seeker of truth who died for his beliefs but had no use for martyrdom or sainthood. His story, the path to his vision of Satyagraha and human dignity, is a critical work of the twentieth century, and timeless in its courage and inspiration. “

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Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute

“Mission: Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute instigates, trains, and supports racially, sexually, culturally, ethnically, religiously, and economically diverse individuals and organizations to become trauma-informed, resilience-oriented, and restorative justice-focused empowering communities in Minnesota, the USA, and around the world.”

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“Miyoko cracked the code on making 100% non-dairy cheese, butter, and other goodies from organic, real foods like nuts, legumes, and other plant-based ingredients. Using traditional creamery cultures, age-old cheesemaking techniques, and modern technology, Miyoko’s products lead the way into the future of food innovation where real food gets reinvented into new and exciting forms.”

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Modern Diplomacy

“Modern Diplomacy is an invaluable platform for assessing and evaluating complex international issues that are often outside the boundaries of mainstream Western media and academia. We provide impartial and unbiased qualitative analysis in the form of political commentary, policy inquiry, in-depth interviews, special reports, and commissioned research. We are a leading European opinion-maker with far-reaching influence across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. What we are not is a pure news-switchboard: we do not just provide information but expose readers to analysis that goes deeper than standard media exposes. Today’s world already has an avalanche of information, real and fake. What it needs more of are knowledge platforms that provide shared experiences, honestly told opinions, and unique takes informed by rigorous analytical logic.”

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Mohawk Nation News

“Mohawk Nation News service began during the Mohawk/Oka crisis of 1990 by providing updates on the resistance. MNN grew to become an internationally recognized news service providing independent indigenous commentary on land, legal, culture, history, and current issues as they affect the nation.”

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Mind your Karma

“The Mind your Karma Retreat & Self Development Centre in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand, is a safe and welcoming space where reflection, acknowledgement and healing processes of your inner obstacles, question marks, and struggles are being enabled so that your inner strenghts, resources and talents can unfold freely in your life. “

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“At mindbodygreen we take a 360 degree approach to wellness that incorporates mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental well-being—because we believe these pillars of wellness are vital and interconnected. Hence mindbodygreen (one word, not three). We also believe that wellness is our shared journey, which is why we have a community of voices on mindbodygreen offering unique perspectives to help you cultivate a life of greater meaning, connection, fulfillment, and purpose.”

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Mines Action Canada

“Vision: To bring humanity one step closer to peace and social justice by eliminating the impacts of indiscriminate weapons and restoring the rights and dignity of affected individuals and communities… Mines Action Canada (MAC) is an international leader working to eliminate the serious humanitarian, environmental and development consequences of indiscriminate weapons. We are committed global advocates working to alleviate the impact that these weapons have on the rights, dignity and well being of civilian populations. We do this by engaging the public; supporting domestic and international partners; researching and monitoring the performance and compliance levels of disarmament and humanitarian laws; and by developing and disseminating resources. When you support Mines Action Canada, you are supporting initiatives that are an imperative component to making positive global change for hundreds of thousands of women, men and children. MAC is successfully achieving these goals by implementing our core values of peace, social justice, partnership, solidarity, cooperation, and innovation.”

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Mighty Earth – In The News

Relevant news articles. “Mighty Earth is a global campaign organization that works to protect tropical forests, oceans, and the climate. We aspire to be the most effective environmental organization in the world. “

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Mighty Earth

“Mighty Earth is a global campaign organization that works to protect the environment. We focus on the big issues: conserving threatened landscapes like tropical rainforests, protecting oceans, and solving climate change.”

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Millennials Are Driving The Worldwide Shift Away From Meat

“Millennials are shaking up industries everywhere. Just ask the meat industry, which is seeing its customers increasingly turn towards plant-based alternatives at a blistering pace. Chuck Jolley, president of the Meat Industry Hall of Fame, said plant-based meat substitutes are one of the six great challenges for agriculture in 2018.”

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Michael Leunig

“Michael Leunig is an Australian cartoonist, writer, painter, philosopher and poet. His commentary on political, cultural and emotional life spans more than forty years and has often explored the idea of an innocent and sacred personal world. The fragile ecosystem of human nature and its relationship to the wider natural world is a related and recurrent theme. His newspaper work appears regularly in the Melbourne Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. He describes his approach as regressive, humorous, messy, mystical, primal and vaudevillian – producing work which is open to many interpretations and has been widely adapted in education, music, theatre, psychotherapy and spiritual life.”

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Mic the Vegan

“Mic the Vegan is a vegan science writer that covers a variety of topics from the health effects of a vegan diet and the environmental impact of eating animal products to the sociological phenomenon of casual animal exploitation. Based in the U.S., he regularly tackles debunking the myths that perpetuate harmful dietary and lifestyle behaviors – all with a drop of humor that only he thinks is funny. Key facts: Mic. is short for microphone and Mike/Michael, NOT MICK! Yes, his beard doesn’t match his hair naturally, please don’t hate. “

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Michael Greger, M.D.

“Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, is a physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on a number of important public health issues. All proceeds from his speaking engagements and the sale of his books and DVDs are donated to charity. His 501(c)3 nonprofit is the first science-based, non-commercial website to provide free daily videos and articles on the latest discoveries in nutrition.”

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“Mickaboo is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1996 in Northern California. Most of our volunteers and foster birds live in the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento Valley. We are dedicated to rescuing companion birds (parrot-type and other commonly domesticated birds) who have been neglected, abused, injured or surrendered to us. Our goals are: -To ensure that birds in our care will have a safe, loving environment for life.- To educate bird owners on the most current standard of care, so that the medical, emotional, and dietary needs of their birds will be met. At Mickaboo, our underlying principle is that Every Bird Gets An Equal Chance. Once a bird is in our care, we provide all the medical and supportive care that s/he requires. We do not “triage” birds or spend more money on large species than small. We only euthanize a bird when s/he is suffering without the possibility of recovery. We provide hospice care for terminally ill birds who are not suffering.”

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Metta Centre for Nonviolence – Blog

An extensive range of categories and posts on nonviolence. Mission: “We encourage people in all walks of life to discover their innate capacity for nonviolence and to use its power trategically for the long-term transformation of themselves and the world, focusing on the root causes of injustice, competition, and violence. We aim to make the logic, history and yet-unexplored potential of nonviolence more accessible to activists and agents of cultural change (which ultimately includes all of us).”

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“Meta-Activism is a portal dedicated to providing strategic advice to activists and advocates around the world. It aims to create a just and sustainable world by increasing the effectiveness of change-making individuals and organizations.”

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Metta Center for Nonviolence

“Our Mission: We encourage people in all walks of life to discover their innate capacity for nonviolence and to cultivate its power for the long-term transformation of themselves and the world, focusing on the root causes of dehumanization and ultimately all forms of violence. We aim to make the logic, history and yet-unexplored potential of nonviolence more accessible to activists and agents of cultural change (which ultimately includes all of us), thereby empowering effective, healing, and principled action around the world…Values & Vision: Our core values grow from the power that it is our privilege to explore—nonviolence: responsibility, human dignity, compassion, respect for all life. We envision a world transformed by an awareness of the true potential of every human being, where all of life is sacred and where all our social systems work in harmony with the earth. We see a world in which conflict rarely occurs, and when it does, can always be addressed by the creative energy of nonviolence. In this world, unarmed peacekeeping has replaced military intervention, restorative justice has replaced retribution, and needs-based economies have replaced consumerism, among other essential changes.”

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Meta Peace Team – Skills Training

An outline of the skills training. ​”Creating an alternative to militarism and violence through empowered peacemaking. Our Vision: We seek a just world grounded in nonviolence and respect for the sacred interconnectedness of all life. Our Mission: Meta Peace Team pursues peace through active nonviolence in places of conflict. Our Goals: -Educating the public to the vision and practice of nonviolence, particularly as it relates to nonviolent conflict intervention/transformation. -Providing training in active nonviolence designed for the specific needs of the participants. -Recruiting, training, and placing Peace Teams both domestically and internationally. -Cooperating, supporting, and participating with local peace and justice groups, particularly as it relates to our Mission.”

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Metta Center for Nonviolence – Programs

“Would you like the Metta Center to give a talk, offer a training, webinar, or workshop? We’re happy to help…The Metta Center for Nonviolence provides educational resources on the safe and effective use of nonviolence, with the recognition that it’s not about putting the right person in power but awakening the right kind of power in people. We advance a higher image of humankind while empowering people to explore the question: How does nonviolence work, and how can I actively contribute to a happier, more peaceful society? The Metta Center holds special consultative status at the UN (Economic and Social Council).”

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Melbourne Chicken Save

“We aim to raise awareness of the misery and cruelty chickens are subjected to in the food industries through regular demonstrations and vigils around Melbourne, encouraging the public to transition to a plant based diet.”

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Mercy For Animals

“Mercy For Animals’ vision is a world where animals are respected, protected, and free to pursue their own interests. We exist to end the greatest cause of suffering on the planet: the exploitation of animals for food. Mercy For Animals is dedicated to eradicating this cruel food system and replacing it with one that is not just kind to animals but essential for the future of our planet and all who share it.”

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Mercy For Animals – Blog

Bog. “Mercy For Animals’ vision is a world where animals are respected, protected, and free to pursue their own interests. We exist to end the greatest cause of suffering on the planet: the exploitation of animals for food. Mercy For Animals is dedicated to eradicating this cruel food system and replacing it with one that is not just kind to animals but essential for the future of our planet and all who share it.”

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Merdeka and the Morning Star: Civil Resistance in West Papua

Book: “Jason Macleod is a member of the Change Agency team: a dedicated activist educator, mentor and strategist. Having dropped out of university in 1991, Jason hitched to northern Queensland then made his way to Papua New Guinea. Hiking and paddling the Sepik, he made his way into a remote part of West Papua where he contracted malaria. He collapsed into a coma and was cared for by local health workers. Jason’s initial experiences in West Papua led him to form an enduring commitment to justice for the West Papuan people: a 25 year commitment that has involved spending time with leaders of the self-determination movement each year, training hundreds of West Papuan activists and completing a PhD to deepen and articulate his emerging understandings. Jason’s analysis of the West Papuan struggle for self-determination is powerful and compelling. He draws on his 25 years of lived experience as an ally and his deep understanding of social movement theory. Merdeka and the Morning Star speaks equally to academics and activists. Jason applies his deep understanding of theoretical frameworks and political history to analyse strategic options, looking at the West Papuan self-determination struggle in its historical and contemporary forms, and looking forward to its future success. This is a precious example of activist research. Jason writes with the clarity that comes from decades of action and reflection and the commitment of a genuine ally.”

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Meta Peace Team

​”Creating an alternative to militarism and violence through empowered peacemaking. Our Vision: We seek a just world grounded in nonviolence and respect for the sacred interconnectedness of all life. Our Mission: Meta Peace Team pursues peace through active nonviolence in places of conflict. Our Goals: -Educating the public to the vision and practice of nonviolence, particularly as it relates to nonviolent conflict intervention/transformation. -Providing training in active nonviolence designed for the specific needs of the participants. -Recruiting, training, and placing Peace Teams both domestically and internationally. -Cooperating, supporting, and participating with local peace and justice groups, particularly as it relates to our Mission.”

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Meet the Meatocracy

“This is the story of the “Meatocracy” and our global campaign to evolve beyond it. The “Meatocracy” comprising Big Meat, Big Pharma, Big Chem and Big Media is the weakest link in the “Corporatocracy” that is destroying the planet, torturing the animals and ruining our health, because it is entirely dependent on our willingness to play along. To follow this story, please begin by watching “The Films THEY Don’t Want You To See.” Then click on the links below to see: “Who Are THEY?” “What Do THEY Want?” “What Can WE Do About It?” We trust you find it as intriguing and inspiring as we do!”

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Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)

“The Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) is a professional not-for-profit organisation that works to promote peace and disarmament. MAPW aims to reduce the physical and psychological impact, as well as environmental effect of wars throughout the world. MAPW has branches in every State and Territory in Australia.”

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Mediation Works

Link to Mediation Works – Peace Education Programmes Newsletter. “The Peace Foundation (Foundation for Peace Studies Aotearoa/New Zealand) offers innovative and quality programmes, services and resources that are used in many schools, homes and communities – both in New Zealand and overseas. It helps to establish and maintain peaceful and non-violent relationships by teaching skills that encourage better communication, co-operation and non-violent conflict resolution.”

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Meditation for Peacemakers

Book: “Images of Nonviolent activism can be striking: protesters beaten with clubs in India, Civil Rights Activists subjected to firehoses in the south, Occupy students sprayed with neon orange chemicals. How to remain nonviolent, preserve inner calm, in the face of such severe violence? Gandhi maintained that the answer was in a sustained discipline of calming the mind, and in this eShort, lauded nonviolence theorist and meditation practitioner Michael Nagler shows you how.”

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Mediate Your Life – A training company

“The skills and processes that comprise the Mediate Your Life training are drawn from the worlds of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), mediation, mindfulness, compassion, positive psychology, and brain science. The result is nothing less than in-depth training in a new language and consciousness. It offers a set of skills and “maps” to be able to mediate and navigate any aspect of conflict or challenge in your life, internal or external, and help other people by offering empathic communication coaching and mediation.”

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Mediate Your Life – Blog

Blog. “Peace, connection, happiness and fulfillment are learnable skills. When we are able to understand and communicate our needs with clarity, and with empathy for the universality of those needs, conflict leads to connection. The illusion of separation between self and other fades. Finally, we are at home with the world, and can work together to respond to the challenges we face.”

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Mediate Your Life

“Peace, connection, happiness and fulfillment are learnable skills. When we are able to understand and communicate our needs with clarity, and with empathy for the universality of those needs, conflict leads to connection. The illusion of separation between self and other fades. Finally, we are at home with the world, and can work together to respond to the challenges we face.”

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“MediaJustice (formerly Center for Media Justice) is a racial justice hub for winning equity in a digital age. We boldly advance communication rights, access, and power for communities harmed by persistent dehumanization, discrimination and disadvantage. We envision a future where everyone has sustained and universal access to open and democratic media and technology platforms; a future in which we are all connected, represented and free.”

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Mediate Your Life – Shedule

Upcoming Trainings. “The skills and processes that comprise the Mediate Your Life training are drawn from the worlds of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), mediation, mindfulness, compassion, positive psychology, and brain science. The result is nothing less than in-depth training in a new language and consciousness. It offers a set of skills and “maps” to be able to mediate and navigate any aspect of conflict or challenge in your life, internal or external, and help other people by offering empathic communication coaching and mediation.”

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Meat Kills

“Directed by Mayank Jain and conceptualized by Shri Jai Kishan ‘JK’ Jhaver, this science-based film raises issues about the role of poor lifestyle—especially improper eating habits—in the spread of chronic diseases like cancer, cardio vascular diseases, diabetes, kidney disorders, neurological problems etc. The prevalent western diet results in consumption of huge amounts of animal proteins, dietary cholesterol, saturated fats and harmful chemicals which play a key role in the spread of life-threatening disorders. This diet, unlike a whole-foods-plant-based diet, lacks ‘good-health-agents’ like dietary fiber, anti-oxidants and phyto-nutrients. Owing to higher intake of animal-based food and fast foods, there is an abnormally high increase in the spread of colorectal cancers, heart problems, kidney failures and type-2 diabetes throughout the world. The film gives plenty of evidence to portray the negative influence of bad diets to human health—by drawing heavily from studies carried out by topmost international medical institutions. The data shows conclusively that some of the most dangerous chronic diseases could not only be controlled but even reversed with help of a low-fat-whole-foods-plant-based diet.”

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Meat Your Future

“We are a Texas-based nonprofit dedicated to providing a public resource of reliable information about the health, environmental and ethical implications of using and consuming animals. We also cover a number of important and related topics, including the role of human population growth in exacerbating current environmental challenges. We focus primarily on creating short informational video presentations, interviewing experts, and writing articles. We provide the underlying sources and studies referenced in all of our presentations and articles.”

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Media Alliance

“Media Alliance was formed in 1976 by a group of media workers to unite the professional media community with the public interest communities of the Bay Area. MA was founded with the belief that in order to ensure the free and unfettered flow of information and ideas necessary to maintain a truly democratic society, media must be accessible, accountable, decentralized, representative of society’s diversity and free from covert or overt government control and corporate dominance. MA dedicates itself to fostering a genuine diversity of media voices and perspectives, holding the media accountable for their impact on society and protecting freedom of speech. Media Alliance is a media resource and advocacy center for media workers, non-profit organizations, and social justice activists.”

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Media Lens

“Our aim is to raise awareness of the systemic failure of the corporate media to report the world honestly and accurately. We encourage readers to challenge the journalists, editors and media managers who set news agendas that traditionally reflect elite interests. Any improved performance resulting from this public pressure, while important, is always likely to be marginal. So we also hope to encourage the creation of non-corporate media – good examples are Democracy Now!, The Real News Network and ZNet – that offer genuine alternatives to the corporate mainstream. Fundamentally, our goal is to reduce human and animal suffering wherever it occurs.”

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Media Roots

“The root system of a tree is five times more extensive than the tree itself, and reaches far underground to form a solid base for growth and nourishment. Just as this root system is integral to the survival of the tree, media is integral to the foundation and survival of a democracy. Media Roots is a citizen journalism project that reports the news from outside of party lines while providing a collaborative forum for conscious citizens, artists and activists to unite.”

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Meat Eater’s Guide to Climate Change & Health

“EWG’s Meat Eater’s Guide to Climate Change + Health can help you green your diet. It provides useful information about the climate, environmental and health impact of your protein choices…To assess climate impacts, EWG partnered with CleanMetrics, an environmental analysis and consulting firm, to do lifecycle assessments of 20 popular types of meat (including fish), dairy and vegetable proteins. Unlike most studies that focus just on production emissions, our assessment calculates the full “cradle-to-grave” carbon footprint of each food item based on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated before and after the food leaves the farm – from the pesticides and fertilizer used to grow animal feed all the way through the grazing, animal raising, processing, transportation, cooking and, finally, disposal of unused food.”

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Mayors for Peace

“The purposes of the “Mayors for Peace” are to contribute to the attainment of lasting world peace by arousing concern among citizens of the world for the total abolition of nuclear weapons through close solidarity among member cities as well as by striving to solve vital problems for the human race such as starvation and poverty, the plight of refugees, human rights abuses, and environmental degradation.”

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McLibel: full documentary (Official)

“This is the official, full-length (81 min) version of our 2005 documentary, McLibel…The first documentary from renowned director Franny Armstrong (The Age of Stupid, Drowned Out), McLibel tells the true story of two ordinary people who battle McDonald’s in what became known as “the biggest corporate PR disaster in history” (Channel 4 News). “

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“Hello. And welcome. To McSpotlight. The biggest, loudest, most red, most read Anti-McDonald’s extravaganza the world has ever seen. Anything you could possibly want to know about McDonald’s or McLibel nestles somewhere in our 21,000 files. Don’t get us wrong, though, we’re not telling you to give up your Big Macs. We just provide the info for you to judge for yourself.”

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Meat Atlas: facts and figures about the animals we eat

“The report presents a global perspective on the impacts of industrial meat and dairy production, and illustrates its increasingly devastating impact on society and the environment. The way we produce and consume meat and dairy needs a radical rethink. The Meat Atlas aims to catalyse the debate over the need for better, safer and more sustainable food and farming and advocates clear individual and political solutions.” (68 page pdf)

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Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Life

Book: “Marshall Frady, the reporter who became the unofficial chronicler of the civil rights movement, here re-creates the life and turbulent times of its inspirational leader. Deftly interweaving the story of King’s quest with a history of the African American struggle for equality, Frady offers fascinating insights into his subject’s magnetic character, with its mixture of piety and ambition. He explores the complexities of King’s relationships with other civil rights leaders, the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover, who conducted a relentless vendetta against him. The result is a biography that conveys not just the facts of King’s life but the power of his legacy.”

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Matrix Exercise

“This exercise helps a group match tactics (specific actions) and the objectives to reach the campaign’s goals. This exercise is helpful when a group has not fully decided on action plans.” (2 page pdf)

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Maximum Tolerated Dose

“Maximum Tolerated Dose is the first feature-length documentary by Decipher Films. Equal parts found-footage mash-up, verité investigation, and artful meditation, the film charts the lives of both humans and non-humans who have experienced animal testing first-hand, with hauntingly honest testimony of scientists and lab technicians whose ethics demanded they choose a different path, as well as the simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking stories of animals who have seen both sides of the cage. MTD aims to re-ignite the debate about animal testing by bringing these rarely-heard perspectives to the fore.”

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Mapping veganic farms in the United States

“Veganic farms can be found across the country, but until today, finding them required detective work. Thanks to the work of Professor Mona Seymour at Loyola Marymount University, we are excited to share a map of self-identified veganic, vegan organic, and stockfree organic farms in the United States. The map also includes farms that identify with a method that is veganic in its nature. For the purposes of this mapping project, veganic is defined as growing organically and without inputs from farmed (or formerly farmed) animals. All farms listed here have commercial, charity, educational, or research components (on top of any subsistence function that the farm may have) – they are farms that bring veganic produce or knowledge to a broader community. These farms grow vegetables, fruits, grains, and other food items; the map does not include marijuana farms. Some of the farms on this map are not entirely veganic but might be featured because they exclusively use veganic methods on some of their fields. Click on the dots for details about each farm.”

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Maple Farm Sanctuary

“Maple Farm Sanctuary is an animal sanctuary providing lifelong homes for abused, abandoned and unwanted farmed animals while promoting veganism and respect for all life through public information. Maple Farm Sanctuary has taken in a fraction of the billions of farmed animals that are bought, sold, tormented and slaughtered by the meat, dairy and fur industries. At Maple Farm Sanctuary, we strive to treat both humans and non-humans as individuals who are worthy of compassion and respect, where we pursue a vegan diet and a non-violent lifestyle and where our stewardship of these 120 acres of beautiful Massachusetts farmland and wildlife habitat is a sacred trust. We ourselves once raised and sent to slaughter animals as a means of making a living. As a result of a profound change of consciousness, we now choose to see the world and animals in a very different light. We have dedicated our lives to completing our transformation from animal farmers to animal rescuers and caretakers, and to sharing what we have discovered along the way with as many people as possible.”

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Marching to a Different Drummer

“Documentary filmmaker James LaVeck shares personal stories about becoming a social justice artist. He explains how any motivated individual can overcome obstacles to living a meaningful life and making a difference for those most in need. James describes how he and fellow filmmaker Jenny Stein have come into contact with some of the best and worst of humanity during their 18 years of partnership at Tribe of Heart. Pursuing a path of conscience inevitably leads to unexpected challenges, but it also promises deep rewards, and an unending adventure of the heart and mind.”

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Marti Kheel

“Marti Kheel was a prominent writer and activist in the areas of ecofeminism, animal advocacy, and environmental ethics and author of the recently published Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective. Her articles have been widely published in journals and anthologies both within the United States and abroad.”

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Make Fur History

“The tide is turning against the practice of fur production within Europe as concerns about animal welfare and the ethics of fur continue to grow. Consequently, various countries in Europe have already prohibited fur farming (the United Kingdom, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, the Republic of Macedonia) and/or are presently phasing-out fur farming (the Netherlands, Czechia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Norway), but further measures are needed.”

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Making The News: A Guide For Nonprofits And Activists

Book: “With the media increasingly setting political and social agendas, news coverage about a problem can be the first step toward a solution. This handbook, based on interviews with media-savvy activists and twenty-five professional journalists, explains how to generate news coverage about any cause or issue that concerns you. Learn how to stage media events, write press releases, compile media lists, contact reporters, deliver sound bites, book a guest on talk radio, lobby editorial writers, columnists, and photographers, and much more. Making the News also contains unique advice on how to create newsworthy visual imagery. Simple, complicated, cheap, funny, flashy—ideas for all kinds of media events are described.”

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Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media

Book: “In this pathbreaking work, Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky show that, contrary to the usual image of the news media as cantankerous, obstinate, and ubiquitous in their search for truth and defense of justice, in their actual practice they defend the economic, social, and political agendas of the privileged groups that dominate domestic society, the state, and the global order. Based on a series of case studies—including the media’s dichotomous treatment of “worthy” versus “unworthy” victims, “legitimizing” and “meaningless” Third World elections, and devastating critiques of media coverage of the U.S. wars against Indochina—Herman and Chomsky draw on decades of criticism and research to propose a Propaganda Model to explain the media’s behavior and performance. Their new introduction updates the Propaganda Model and the earlier case studies, and it discusses several other applications. These include the manner in which the media covered the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement and subsequent Mexican financial meltdown of 1994-1995, the media’s handling of the protests against the World Trade Organization, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund in 1999 and 2000, and the media’s treatment of the chemical industry and its regulation. What emerges from this work is a powerful assessment of how propagandistic the U.S. mass media are, how they systematically fail to live up to their self-image as providers of the kind of information that people need to make sense of the world, and how we can understand their function in a radically new way.”

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Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992)

“Funny, provocative and surprisingly accessible, the film explores the political life and ideas of Noam Chomsky, world-renowned linguist, intellectual and political activist. A mammoth two-part project, the film is nonetheless light on its feet, favoring a style that encourages viewers to question its own workings, as Chomsky himself encourages his listeners to extricate themselves from the “web of deceit” by undertaking a course of “intellectual self-defense.””

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Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

Film: “This documentary film explores the political life and ideas of Noam Chomsky, a linguist, intellectual, and political activist. Created by two Canadian independent filmmakers, it expands on the ideas of Chomsky’s earlier book, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, which he co-wrote with Edward S. Herman. The film presents and illustrates Chomsky’s and Herman’s propaganda model, the thesis that corporate media, as profit-driven institutions, tend to serve and further the agendas of the interests of dominant, elite groups in the society. A centerpiece of the film is a long examination into the history of The New York Times’s coverage of Indonesia’s invasion and occupation of East Timor, which Chomsky claims exemplifies the media’s unwillingness to criticize an ally. Until the release of “The Corporation” (2003), it was the most successful documentary in Canadian history, playing theatrically in over 300 cities around the world; winning 22 awards; appearing in more than 50 international film festivals; and being broadcast in over 30 markets. It has also been translated into a dozen languages.”

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Mahatma: Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948

“This is a film which seeks to tell the life-story of Gandhi the Man and his incessant search for Truth. In this world so full of hatred and violence, this man of peace and goodwill fought all evil and injustice with Soul-Force. He stands out as a challenge giving the message of truth and non-violence, of love supreme and unbounded. He is the Mahatma – the Great Soul – the name given to him by the people of India. Gandhi has left an indelible mark on human history. His thought is ever relevant for all those who aspire for a better and fuller life. The Gandhi National Memorial Trust has made a humble attempt to perpetuate Gandhi’s memory by presenting the first complete biographical documentary film of his life which, in a large measure, reflects the history of India’s struggle for freedom.”

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Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Foundation, Inc.

“The Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Foundation, Incorporated, was founded in the United States of America in 1959 by Swami Premananda. The purpose of the Foundation is to disseminate and represent the philosophy, ideal, life, service and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi as well as the cultural heritage of India. The Foundation is a legally independent, nonprofit cultural and educational organization.”

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Main Street Vegan

“I’m Victoria Moran, and I’ve been vegan for over three decades. This way of living becomes more rewarding, and more important, all the time, and I’d love to share its joys with you. Check out the Main Street Vegan podcast, our weekly blog, and — if you’re a vegan already and want to take your outreach to the next level — the exciting Main Street Vegan Academy program, training and certifying Vegan Lifestyle Coaches and Educators.”

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Main Street Vegan – Victoria Moran

“A lively hour devoted to your health, well-being, and living lightly and lovingly on planet Earth. Host Victoria Moran entertains with the latest on the vegan life—it’s not just for celebrities but for anyone who wants to look and feel amazing, eat extraordinary food, help animals, and create a physical body attuned to spiritual growth.”

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Main Street Vegan blog

Blog. “Welcome to the healthy, compassionate world of Main Street Vegan! I’m Victoria Moran, and I’ve been vegan for over three decades. This way of living becomes more rewarding, and more important, all the time, and I’d love to share its joys with you.”

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Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Book: “NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The instant classic about why some ideas thrive, why others die, and how to improve your idea’s chances—essential reading in the “fake news” era. Mark Twain once observed, “A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on.” His observation rings true: Urban legends, conspiracy theories, and bogus news stories circulate effortlessly. Meanwhile, people with important ideas—entrepreneurs, teachers, politicians, and journalists—struggle to make them “stick.” In Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath reveal the anatomy of ideas that stick and explain ways to make ideas stickier, such as applying the human scale principle, using the Velcro Theory of Memory, and creating curiosity gaps. Along the way, we discover that sticky messages of all kinds—from the infamous “kidney theft ring” hoax to a coach’s lessons on sportsmanship to a vision for a new product at Sony—draw their power from the same six traits.”

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M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

“The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is a nonprofit that equips people to use nonviolence to create a sustainable and just world for all. The Gandhi Institute collaborates with local organizations, academic institutions, students, and committed peacemakers in the following areas: nonviolence education, sustainability and environmental conservation, and the promotion of racial justice. We prioritize programming for people between the ages of 12 and 24 as well as those who serve those age groups. The Institute continuously offers groups and individuals training in skills such as Nonviolent Communication, meditation, and experiential interconnectedness, and fosters responses to systemic violence in the Rochester area through projects focused on urban agriculture, racial healing work, and restorative approaches to conflict.”

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Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won’t Eat Meat

Book: “When former cattle rancher Howard Lyman appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1996 to share his insider view of the danger of Mad Cow Disease spreading to this country, his revelations about the beef industry prompted a group of Texas cattlemen to file a lawsuit charging Lyman and the talk show host with “food disparagement.” That wasn’t enough to silence Howard Lyman, and in this stirring account of his journey from meat-loving cowboy to vegetarian environmental activist, he tells the whole truth about the catastrophic consequences of an animal-based diet…Persuasive, straightforward, and full of the down-home good humor and optimism of a son of the soil, Mad Cowboy is both an inspirational story of personal transformation and a convincing call to action for a plant-based diet — for the good of the planet and the health of us all.”

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M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence – Workshops & Trainings

“In addition to public offerings, the Gandhi Institute offers learning experiences to groups of all kinds on a donation basis. We adjust the length and content of our offerings to best serve the groups with whom we work. Furthermore, we offer training to high school and university student groups and community groups. Gandhi staff members are available to offer the following workshops designed to build critical skills. The cost of workshops are negotiated by the coordinators, but all contributions benefit the work of the Gandhi Institute.”

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Local Heroes: Australian crusades from the environmental frontline

Book: “Local Heroes gives voice to activists who have struggled over the last twenty years to change agendas at local, state, national and international levels. The book looks at ten issues, including lead pollution in inner city Sydney, heavy metal contamination in Port Kembla, the Coode Island chemical storage plant in Victoria, the Smogbusters campaign in Brisbane, and the fruit fly chemical trauma in Far North Queensland. $10 including postage within Australia (rrp $32.95)”

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“ is a free lost and found pet service provided by the New Zealand Companion Animal Council, in conjunction with the leading lost and found services in New Zealand. On this site you can list both lost and found companion animals. Whether you have a lost cat, a lost dog, a found cat, a found dog, or in fact any lost or found bird or animal, you can list it and have the record instantly available.”

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Love in Action

Book: “Love in Action is a collection of over two decades of Thich Nhat Hanh’s writing on nonviolence, peace, and reconciliation. Reflecting on the devastation of war, he makes the strong argument that mindfulness, insight, and altruistic love are the only sustainable bases for political action. This timeless book is an important resource for those interested in social change.”

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Film: “Lucent is a feature-length documentary which explores the darker side of Australia’s pig farming industry through a combination of hand-held and hidden camera footage, highlighting the day-to-day cruelty accepted by the industry as standard practice. Lucent is the result of a successful crowdfunding campaign initiated in late 2013. Narrated by Lindsay McDougall (The Doctor from Triple J), the film contains footage from over 50 farms and slaughterhouses across Australia – much of this footage has never been seen before.”

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“The mission of LVEJO is to organize with our community to accomplish environmental justice in Little Village and achieve the self-determination of immigrant, low-income, and working-class families. Our vision is to build a sustainable community that promotes the healthy development of youth and families, provides economic justice, and practices participatory democracy and self-determination.”

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