The Vegan Society
“Founded in 1944, The Vegan Society is a registered educational charity that provides information and guidance on various aspects of veganism.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Founded in 1944, The Vegan Society is a registered educational charity that provides information and guidance on various aspects of veganism.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Check out events in your local area! “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
The contents, introduction and chapter 1 (Permaculture and Veganism – The Basics). 32 page pdf
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
The blog of Rainforest Action Network. “Mission: Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns. Vision: RAN works toward a world where the rights and dignity of all communities are respected and where healthy forests, a stable climate and wild biodiversity are protected and celebrated.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Union of Concerned Scientists is a national nonprofit organization founded 50 years ago by scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who sought to use the power of science to address global problems and improve people’s lives. Our Mission: The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. Joining with people across the country, we combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future. Today, we are a group of nearly 250 scientists, analysts, policy and communication experts dedicated to that purpose.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) is an international, nonviolent and democratic membership organisation. Its Members are indigenous peoples, minorities, unrecognised States and occupied territories that have joined together to defend their political, social and cultural rights, to preserve their environments and to promote their right to self-determination.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Health, climate change, animal welfare… what’s driving more people and brands to embrace a plant-based lifestyle? We investigate, and, below, four vegans explain their choice”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media…Alternative media outlets of the Left and Right have become a crucial supplement to our knowledge of the world, providing those perspectives usually ignored by our mainstream media. This small webzine will aim to provide convenient access to at least a fraction of those voices and topics.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Three attributes can make the difference between success and failure for nonviolent movements around the world: unity, planning, and nonviolent discipline.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The China Study is one of those weighty, important books that is perhaps more talked about than actually read. It’s easy to see why: At 417 pages packed with nutrition facts and research stats, it’s a lot to digest—not exactly a beach read. But it’s worth knowing about since the book is based on one of the largest comprehensive studies of human nutrition ever conducted, launched via a partnership between Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventative Medicine, with data collected over a span of 20 years. In The China Study, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and his son, Thomas M. Campbell II, MD, discuss and analyze the results from the study (and other influential nutrition research) and recommend their protocol for the best diet for long-term health.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“I’ve made the first edition of my Ultimate Vegan Guide available for free reading right from this page, since I would hate to think that anyone interested in eating fewer animal products might be hindered by the cost of learning how to do it.” Book: “You could be the world’s next vegan. It’s easy if you know how, and this uniquely helpful book tells you everything you need to know. Every topic related to vegan living is covered including cooking, nutrition, food shopping, travel, dining out, and much more. You’ll get clear and straightforward guidance from Erik Marcus, a vegan of thirty years and counting. Join the thousands of people who’ve used this book to easily and successfully transition to a vegan lifestyle.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The global economy is in crisis. The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, forces us to rethink our economic models. Where do we go from here? In this feature-length documentary, social and economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin lays out a road map to usher in a new economic system. A Third Industrial Revolution is unfolding with the convergence of three pivotal technologies: an ultra-fast 5G communication internet, a renewable energy internet, and a driverless mobility internet, all connected to the Internet of Things embedded across society and the environment. This 21st century smart digital infrastructure is giving rise to a radical new sharing economy that is transforming the way we manage, power and move economic life. But with climate change now ravaging the planet, it needs to happen fast. Change of this magnitude requires political will and a profound ideological shift.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“A more beautiful, just and sustainable world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change! Documentaries have an incredible power to raise awareness and create transformative changes in consciousness both at the personal and global levels. Over the last 8 years, we’ve watched hundreds of social change documentaries and cataloged the best of them on the site. There’s now so many that we realized we needed to filter this down even further. So what follows is our list of the very best 100 – hand-picked for their quality, insight and potential to inspire positive change. All of the films have been selected because they are either free to watch online, or can be rented online. There are several films we would have loved to add to this list, but they currently don’t have an accessible way to view them. As that changes, we’ll be updating this list over time. Enjoy!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Kingian Nonviolence workshops are transformational experiences that have helped thousands of people from around the world understand the depth of the philosophy of nonviolence, and learn to begin to bring the practices into their lives and their work…Whether you are an organizer working for social change, a teacher trying to change the culture of your school or simply an individual trying to deal with the conflicts in your personal life, each person will walk away from our workshops with new skills and a new perspective.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“What If A Solution To Climate Change Was Beneath Your Feet? Soil is a living universe beneath our feet. As important to our lives as clean air and water, soil also holds a potential solution to the global climate crisis. Increasing numbers of scientists, farmers and ranchers are implementing innovative land use practices that build fertile soil and sequester atmospheric carbon. These methods of land management have the potential to provide us with nutritious food, improved human health, cleaner water, and a healthier planet for all. World wide, most soils are depleted of carbon. The atmosphere contains an excess of carbon in the form of CO2, a climate change causing gas. What if that CO2 could be removed and stored in our carbon-hungry soil through land management practices? Find out how in The Soil Solution.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“”The Superior Human?” systematically challenges the common human belief that humans are superior to all other life forms, which is often used as an excuse for animal cruelty and the destruction of our own environment. It reveals the absurdity of this belief while exposing human bias.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Watch “The Secret Reason We Eat Meat” with social psychologist and author Dr. Melanie Joy, founder of Beyond Carnism.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Is There No Other Way? is the mature work of one of the world’s most widely respected peace scholars and activists. Beginning with the achievements of Mahatma Gandhi, and following the legacy of nonviolence through the struggles against Nazism in Europe, racism in America, oppression in China and Latin America, and ethnic conflicts in Africa and Bosnia, Nagler unveils a hidden history. Nonviolence, he proposes, has proven its power against arms and social injustice wherever it has been correctly understood and applied. Nagler’s approach is not only historical, but also spiritual. He argues, drawing upon the experience of Gandhi and other activists, that the shift to nonviolence begins within the individual, through the reshaping and re-visioning of how one understands the world. He then shows how from changes in the individual, changes in the larger community follow. Is There No Other Way? is a provocative and emotionally powerful document that challenges readers’ assumptions about the workings of power in their homes and communities, as well as the larger political arena.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Our vision is an eco-centric, life-enriching global culture of normalized nonviolence. The mission of the Sacred Lifeline Project is to create safe, living spaces as experiential education and research centers (Imaginal Cell Academies) where such a culture can flourish, where we integrate human economy with natural ecology, creating and cultivating thriving, regenerative nonviolent systems of joyful living, founded on compassion for all life. Such a Great Transition in culture from our mainstream ego-centric consumer culture of normalized violence requires changes in foundational stories, common attitudes towards others including other life-forms, processes and practices. This is a multi-disciplinary undertaking involving artists, anthropologists, psychologists, political scientists, engineers, doctors, lawyers, architects and spiritual leaders, among others. Hence we have assembled a strong team with diverse international experience and strong knowledge to mentor this project as it takes shape with primary, hands-on participation of the younger generation.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Ruckus Society is a multi-racial network of trainers dedicated to providing the necessary tools, preparation, and support to build direct action capacity for ecological justice and social change movements. We work with Indigenous communities and other communities of color working to preserve their homes and environments and for climate justice.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Sanctuary at Soledad was founded by Carol and Julian Pearce, award winning goat cheese makers who, in 2015, decided to give it all up and create an animal rescue farm. It wasn’t a decision that was made overnight. Both Carol and Julian have had lifelong passions for animal welfare, and met while saving sick calves. They’ve been rescuing abused, abandoned and neglected goats, cows, horses, pigs, chickens, ducks and dogs for years, saving many from being euthanized. Now those rescued animals live side by side with former dairy goats as they all live out their happy lives. The Sanctuary at Soledad Goats is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization funded by donations from supporters like you. In addition, proceeds from the sale of the new vegan cheese go to The Sanctuary.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP) is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization, established by scientists and physicians dedicated to understanding the relationships between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Real News Network (TRNN) produces independent, verifiable, fact-based journalism that engages ordinary people in solving the critical problems of our times. As legendary journalist Ida B. Wells said, “The people must know before they can act, and there is no educator to compare with the press.” We examine the underlying causes of the chronic problems, and investigate and report on effective solutions and models for change. We don’t just cover people in high office or limit news to the partisan horse race for power. People who fight for human rights and work for solutions are newsmakers. We believe that real change will be driven by the people who need it most. While we report on and investigate all important issues of social and economic concern, we consider the climate change crisis an existential threat. In all of our programming and journalism, the impact of environmental degradation and the climate crisis, especially on marginalized people, and the urgency of finding solutions will be front and center. Our motto is “The Future Depends on Knowing.””
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Society has become increasingly aware of the suffering of animals due to human beings. Many will be familiar with the shocking realities of factory farming, or will have seen horrific images of animal testing, neglected and abused pets, the systematic murder of animals in slaughter-houses. Humans are responsible for a large portion of animal suffering, and there is much to be done in terms of eradicating this great source of injustice. What is less well known about, but perhaps even more morally relevant, is suffering caused to animals by other animals, or by Nature itself. Wild animals undergo torture. It is commonplace for creatures to be eaten alive by predators. Intense competition for resources means that starvation, one of the most agonising ways to die, is the norm for many species. Illnesses ravage their victims, injuries are left to fester; only a fortunate minority of any member of a species is able to lead the full, enjoyable life we typically imagine of animals in the natural world. The gruesome existence of wild animals needs to be acknowledged.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Welcome to The Resurgence Trust, where you’ll find positive, informed and original perspectives on environmental issues, activism, social justice, arts and ethical living…The Resurgence Trust is a UK-based educational charity that has become the flagship voice of the environmental movement across the globe. Our mission is to inspire each other to help make a difference and find positive solutions to the global challenges we now face.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“A gripping, deeply informative account of the plunder, hypocrisy, and mass violence of plutocracy and empire; insightful, historically grounded and highly relevant to the events of today.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“This is the final dharma talk of the 2000 21-Day Retreat, The Eyes of the Buddha, offered from Lower Hamlet at Plum Village by Thich Nhat Hanh on June 20, 2000. The primary theme of the dharma talk is the Noble Eightfold Path. In Part I, we begin with an introduction to deep listening – protected by compassion – followed by a teaching on the Noble Eightfold Path threaded with teachings on the Five Mindfulness Trainings. 1.Right View 2.Right Thinking 3.Right Speech 4.Right Action 5.Right Diligence 6.Right Livelihood 7.Right Mindfulness 8.Right Concentration. In Part II, beginning at 1-hour and 8-minutes we turn to the topics of violence, nonviolence, UNESCO’s Manifesto 2000, and dependent co-arising.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Excerpts from Thoreau’s journals concerning civil disobedience, conscience, law, government, slavery, war, and economics. These passages are what Thoreau considered to be “the price of freedom” – his attempts to mine the richest vein of observations about human conscience and political philosophy, and to present what he found free from all censorship.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“A voice for peace, social justice, and the common good! Since 1909, The Progressive has aimed to amplify voices of dissent and those under-represented in the mainstream, with a goal of championing grassroots progressive politics. Our bedrock values are nonviolence and freedom of speech. Based in Madison, Wisconsin, we publish on national politics, culture, and events including U.S. foreign policy; we also focus on issues of particular importance to the heartland. Two flagship projects of The Progressive include Public School Shakedown, which covers efforts to resist the privatization of public education, and The Progressive Media Project, aiming to diversify our nation’s op-ed pages. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We publish multiple stories every day on our website, and also produce a bimonthly magazine featuring investigative reporting, cultural and political analysis, and poetry. Recent issues have focused on climate change, and being “othered” in today’s America.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Through an absorbing investigation into recent, high-profile scandals involving one of the largest kosher slaughterhouses in the world, located unexpectedly in Postville, Iowa, Aaron S. Gross makes a powerful case for elevating the category of the animal in the study of religion. Major theorists have almost without exception approached religion as a phenomenon that radically marks humans off from other animals, but Gross rejects this paradigm, instead matching religion more closely with the life sciences to better theorize human nature. Gross begins with a detailed account of the scandals at Agriprocessors and their significance for the American and international Jewish community. He argues that without a proper theorization of “animals and religion,” we cannot fully understand religiously and ethically motivated diets and how and why the events at Agriprocessors took place. Subsequent chapters recognize the significance of animals to the study of religion in the work of Ernst Cassirer, Emile Durkheim, Mircea Eliade, Jonathan Z. Smith, and Jacques Derrida and the value of indigenous peoples’ understanding of animals to the study of religion in our daily lives. Gross concludes by extending the Agribusiness scandal to the activities at slaughterhouses of all kinds, calling attention to the religiosity informing the regulation of “secular” slaughterhouses and its implications for our relationship with and self-imagination through animals.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba’s economy went into a tailspin. With imports of oil cut by more than half – and food by 80 percent – people were desperate. This film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people during this difficult time. Cubans share how they transitioned from a highly mechanized, industrial agricultural system to one using organic methods of farming and local, urban gardens. It is an unusual look into the Cuban culture during this economic crisis, which they call “The Special Period.” The film opens with a short history of Peak Oil, a term for the time in our history when world oil production will reach its all-time peak and begin to decline forever. Cuba, the only country that has faced such a crisis – the massive reduction of fossil fuels – is an example of options and hope.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “The idea of non-violence (passive-resistance) has always seemed beautiful but too good to be true. As a practical proposition it arouses scepticism and ridicule. But Mr Gregg is strangely convincing. He marshals the whole weight of contemporary knowledge,and uses the experience of Gandhi,who has employed non-violence methods on a wider scale and with greater success than any other figure in history. Non-violent resistance is the doctrine of absolute pacificism. In theory, it recognizes no use of violence as legitimate in practice it includes all human relations,national and social as well as individual. Contents Include Modern Examples of Non-Violent Resistance Moral Jiu-Jitsu What Happens Utilising Emotional Energy How is Mass Non-Violent Resistance An Effective Substitute for War The Class Struggle and Non-Violent Resistance Non-Violence and the State Further Political Aspects Biological Considerations Doubts and Queries Preperation for Non-Violence Further Understanding Self Discipline Group Training and Discipline Notes by Chapters”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Vision: Peaceful local, national and global communities. Mission: To build peaceful relationships among people of all ages and cultures – from personal to global – through education , research and action. Values: In pursuing this mission we are committed to honour Te Tiriti O Waitangi, human rights and the peaceful resolution of conflict and to modelling peace-making values within the Foundation and beyond. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
Book: “The Path of Most Resistance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Nonviolent Campaigns is a practical guide for activists and organizers of all levels, who wish to grow their nonviolent resistance activities into a more strategic, fixed-term campaign. It guides readers through the campaign planning process, breaking it down into several steps and providing tools and exercises for each step. Upon finishing the book, readers will have what they need to guide their peers through the process of planning a campaign. This process, as laid out in the guide, is estimated to take about 12 hours from start to finish. The guide is divided into two parts. The first lays out and contextualizes campaign planning tools and their objectives. It also explains the logic behind these tools, and how they can be modified to better suit a particular group’s context. The second part provides easily reproducible and shareable lesson plans for using each of those tools, and explores how to embed the tools in the wider planning process.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The mission of the Peace Abbey Foundation is to create and install public works of art that promote peace and nonviolence; and to administer and care for Abbey Interfaith Peace Chaplaincy, The Pacifist Memorial, The Animal Rights Memorial, Abbey Cremation Cemetery for Conscientious Objectors and the National Registry for Conscientious Objection. Throughout the year, the Foundation presents the Int’l Courage of Conscience Award at conferences and peace ceremonies and extends the impact of the Peace Seeds interfaith prayers for peace through their dissemination worldwide. We conduct and support programs that bring together and promote the cooperation of people of different faith traditions and non-theists as well. We do this in the spirit of the 1986 International Day of Prayer for World Peace, as celebrated that year by religious leaders from around the globe in Assisi, Italy. The Foundation supports grassroots efforts to link the many dimensions of the peace movement with a committed emphasis on human rights and animal rights. We recognize these two dimensions of intrinsic rights as inextricably interconnected, just as social and economic justice require environmental sustainability and deep respect for the biosphere. Central to our universalist approach is the premise that nonviolence is the most effective and long-term strategy in addressing the multitude of challenges that now threaten our increasingly imperiled planet.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Peace Alliance empowers civic action toward a Culture of Peace…One of the unique things that the Peace Alliance does is to focus not only on doing, and also being. We shift human understanding toward empathy, compassion and connection, thus fostering interdependence among citizens and dialogue toward common ground and peaceful solutions to conflict. This is the only approach that will work. Our Peace Alliance Council Leads establish what they feel are the clear and direct actions, through education, advocacy and collaboration, to expand and reinforce this shift to compassionate understanding and an expanded culture of peace.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“A non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the general public by providing a forum that strives to highlight issues of relevance to human rights, national struggles, freedom and democracy in the form of daily news, commentary, features, book reviews, photos, art, and more.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“A partnership of nonviolence training organizations and individuals offering educational programming for nonviolent transformation in our lives and our world”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Resource directory: “A partnership of nonviolence training organizations and individuals offering educational programming for nonviolent transformation in our lives and our world”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Articles from The Nonviolent Activist Magazine » NVA July – August 2001
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “How do you define the good life? For many, success is measured not by health and happiness but by financial wealth. But such a worldview overlooks the important things in life: personal contentment, family time, spirituality, and the health of the planet and those living on it. A preoccupation with money and possessions is not only unhealthy, it can also drain the true joy from life. In recent years, millions have watched their American Dreams go up in smoke. The international financial collapse, inflation, massive layoffs, and burgeoning consumer debt have left people in dire financial straits—including John Robbins, a crusader for planet-friendly food and lifestyle choices, who lost his entire savings in an investment scam. But Robbins soon realized that there was an upside to our collective financial downturn: Curtailed consumerism could lead us to reassess our lives and values. The New Good Life provides a philosophical and prescriptive path from conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption. Where the old view of success was measured by cash, stocks, and various luxuries, the new view will be guided by financial restraint and a new awareness of what truly matters. A passionate manifesto on finding meaning beyond money and status, this book delivers a sound blueprint for living well on less.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Love Is Stronger Than Hate. “Nonviolence is not the recourse of the weak but actually calls for an uncommon kind of strength; it is not a refraining from something but the engaging of a positive force,” renowned peace activist Michael Nagler writes. Here he offers a step-by-step guide to creatively using nonviolence to confront any problem and to build change movements capable of restructuring the very bedrock of society. Nagler identifies some specific tactical mistakes made by unsuccessful nonviolent actions such as the Tiananmen Square demonstrations and the Occupy protests and includes stories of successful nonviolent resistance from around the world, including an example from Nazi Germany. And he shows that nonviolence is more than a tactic—it is a way of living that will enrich every area of our lives.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Principled. Progressive. The Nation speaks truth to power to build a more just society. Home to tenacious muckraking, provocative commentary, and spirited debate about politics and culture, The Nation empowers readers to fight for justice and equality for all. By providing a deeper understanding of the world as it is—and as it could be—we drive bold ideas into the conversation and ignite debates far beyond our pages. We believe in intellectual freedom. We value facts and transparency. We argue that dissent is patriotic and we hold the powerful to account, no matter their political persuasion. We raise up the promise of a radical tomorrow while we agitate for meaningful change today. Above all, we aspire to galvanize a more informed public—one equipped with a more profound understanding of events, ideas, and history. Founded by abolitionists in 1865, we’ve long believed that independent journalism has the capacity to bring about a more democratic and equitable world. Our writers shift paradigms and open minds. Our deep investigative reporting launches congressional hearings, forces policy change, and shapes news cycles. Instigating progress: It’s not only our legacy, it’s our continued commitment to future generations of torchbearers.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. Founded at its grassroots in the United States in 1951, The Nature Conservancy has grown to become one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world. Thanks to more than a million members and the dedicated efforts of our diverse staff and more than 400 scientists, we impact conservation in 72 countries across six continents…Our mission is to conserve the land and waters on which all life depends. Our vision is a world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill our needs and enrich our lives.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Network of Spiritual Progressives is a broad network that seeks to transform our materialist and corporate-dominated culture into a loving and just society. We envision a world based on a New Bottom Line of awe and wonder at the universe where everyone is seen as fundamentally valuable regardless of their role in the marketplace. We call this framework “a spiritual progressive worldview.” Our network includes environmentalists, social activists and people of all walks of life who identify as religious, spiritual, atheist, and secular humanist. We are the interfaith advocacy arm of Tikkun magazine.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Designed to produce dramatic health improvement in two months, a healthy eating program focuses on helping those who have already had, or are in danger of having a heart attack, but is also useful as a guide to the prevention of coronary disease.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “In this eye-opening book, Sierra Club Director Ken Midkiff exposes the dangers posed by corporate control of agriculture (agribusiness)–to our health, and to the health of the nation’s economy, security, and the environment. The Meat You Eat explores the current practices of the corporations taking over the raising and slaughtering of farm animals (and farmed fish, such as salmon). These companies use a model that has transformed livestock farming from quality-driven family-owned operations into big businesses concerned with volume, efficiency, uniformity, and profits above all. Midkiff reveals the true cost of agribusiness on all levels-environmental, financial, moral, legal, and medical-balancing startling truths with practical solutions. Rather than advocate a vegan or vegetarian diet, Midkiff argues that using and supporting local farmers will improve the quality of life for us all, as well as for the animals whose meat we eat. Complete with resource sections about where to find local farmers and lists of agribusiness culprits, the book encourages us to take an active interest in what we put on our plates and in our mouths, and use the power of our pocketbooks to make it clear that our health, our environment, and our communities are of vital importance. With a foreword by Wendell Berry, hailed by The New York Times Books Review as the “great moral essayist of our day,” The Meat You Eat is an informative and ringing call to arms.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“When The Meatrix® launched in November 2003, the viral film broke new ground in online grassroots advocacy, creating a unique vehicle by which to educate, entertain and motivate people to create change. The Meatrix movies, now a series, have been translated into more than 30 languages and are one of the most successful online advocacy campaigns ever ― with well over 30 million viewers worldwide. In early 2003, Free Range Studios awarded a grant to GRACE’s Sustainable Table® program to create an animated movie. The studio was impressed that Sustainable Table not only educated viewers about factory farming but also offered simple solutions to support sustainable food and agriculture. They created The Meatrix, spoofing The Matrix movie while educating viewers about the problems with factory farming. To respond to the overwhelming positive feedback from the public, Sustainable Table and Free Range Studios launched the sequel The Meatrix® II: Revolting in March 2006, to explore the dark side of the industrial dairy industry. In November 2006, in partnership with Participant Productions, The Meatrix® II 1/2 was also released to help promote the social action campaign around the Fast Food Nation movie and to show what happens inside a meat processing facility…The Meatrix website offers information on the issues surrounding factory farming, as well as alternatives to conventionally-raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs. The website also features The Meatrix Interactive 360, a tool to help people learn about factory farming, with in depth information on the issues. The Eat Well Guide®, an online directory of sustainable food from farms, stores and restaurants in North America, was launched with the original movie to help people take action. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Are you ready to get to the roots of your challenges around food– whether it’s gratuitous snacking,compulsive or emotional eating, indulging cravings, overeating, or other disheartening habits? Be ready to get mindful. Mindfulness can be the deciding factor between your successful adoption of a healthy vegan diet and repeated frustrating attempts. This simple technique goes under the surface of what is hampering your happiness, providing a sought-after solution to many of life’s ups and downs by rewiring your reactivity to challenges. Certified mindfulness meditation facilitator, award winning health educator, and longtime vegan advocate Lani Muelrath has been practicing mindfulness meditation for 25 years. In The Mindful Vegan, she teaches you how to practice mindfulness and shows how it can bring freedom and a new joy to your eating– and living– experience.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Building upon the achievements of Stanford University’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, the King Institute supports a broad range of activities illuminating Dr. King’s life and the movements he inspired.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“With grace, acuity, and humor, Miki Kashtan has shared with thousands of people on five continents how to live from love, courage and truth – in every moment, in thought, word, and deed. By integrating these three hallmarks of nonviolence into daily life, radical shifts happen…you begin to choose how to respond to life, rather than merely reacting; you no longer settle for solutions that work only for you or only for others; and, more and more, you step into leadership by taking responsibility for the whole in every situation. This little book contains 200 concise, evocative distillations of her wisdom, illustrated with powerful and original images. The Little Book of Courageous Living is an invitation to you to begin to build your own courageous life.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Video: “At the core of our being, lies the heart. The heart is what contains human emotion, including love and compassion. Though humanity wants world peace, we can’t seem to live peacefully amongst one another. Religious institutions, schools and educational systems, military and governments have done little to nothing to end the violence. Love is the solution, yet we continue to justify the violence. Why is this? The Lost Love examines why we lost our innate love for all life, and what we can do to reawaken it within us, and cultivate that to the rest of the world.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Direct Action Everywhere – Blog. “We openly rescue animals in captivity, exposing violence behind closed doors.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“MISSION: The Library of Peace is developing into a global archive of inspiring stories, photos and videos from sisters and brothers of our global family… like you. VISION: Human history is full of people who take the high-road and choose to cultivate peace and nonviolence. WE will tell their stories and we invite you to add your support at this exciting time. You are invited to join us and become an official co-founder too!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The primary focus of the LIFE program is to develop awareness of the consciousness of “the living energy of needs” or “the beauty of needs.” This is the foundational base for Living Compassion and is core to living and integrating NVC into life. The deepening work of the LIFE program is designed to establish a clear pathway to first identifying, then experiencing and cultivating this consciousness. This work supports an embodied spirituality and a way to engage in a living practice in our everyday, moment-to-moment living. Processes and tools are offered that serve this integration and development.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Books to do with Martin Luther King, Jr. “The King Center envisions a world where global brotherhood and sisterhood are not a dream but the state of humankind.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Intercept is an award-winning news organization dedicated to holding the powerful accountable through fearless, adversarial journalism. Its in-depth investigations and unflinching analysis focus on politics, war, surveillance, corruption, the environment, technology, criminal justice, the media, and more. The Intercept gives its journalists the editorial freedom and legal support they need to expose corruption and injustice wherever they find it.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“the Jane Goodall Institute promotes understanding and protection of great apes and their habitat and builds on the legacy of Dr. Jane Goodall, our founder, to inspire individual action by young people of all ages to help animals, other people and to protect the world we all share. We advance the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall to lead a movement of conservation for the common good—one that builds on our connections to each other, our fellow species, and the natural world we all share. Following in the trailblazing footsteps of our founder, we inspire hope through action, encouraging individuals around the world to join us in taking care of the planet we call home. Whether we’re restoring chimpanzee habitat, improving women’s health in a nearby village, or working with our Roots & Shoots youth groups in nearly 100 countries, we find practical ways to make the greatest lasting impact for people, animals and the environment.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Revealing the numbers of animals killed worldwide by the meat, egg, and dairy industries since you opened this webpage…The program code for all versions of the Animal Kill Counter is “open source,” which means that anyone is welcome to copy and use the code, and even modify the code as they see fit.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We prepare global citizens to create a more just, humane and peaceful world using Dr. King’s nonviolent philosophy and methodology (Nonviolence365®).”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The contribution of military activities to the unprecedented series of environmental crises facing the world today has been largely overlooked and, to an extent, wilfully ignored. This, despite the reality that 163 of the 192 current sovereign countries maintain regular armed forces (Westing 2000). Although the use of weapons of mass destruction has been a prominent feature in the media in recent months, there is a disturbing lack of detailed analysis on the consequences of their use, particularly with regard to the environment. Often vehemently defended for their role in insuring national security, peacetime military operations, in fact, pose a constant and major health threat to the citizens of militarized countries. Yet, governments still refuse to conduct serious assessments comparing the highly actualized national security threat posed by their own armed forces versus those posed by perceived external threats.” (45 page pdf)
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The number of wild animals vastly exceeds that of animals on factory farms, in laboratories, or kept as pets. Therefore, animal advocates should consider focusing their efforts to raise concern about the suffering that occurs in the natural environment. While in theory this could involve trying directly to engineer more humane ecological systems, in practice I think activists should concentrate on promoting the meme of caring about wild animals to other activists, academics, and other sympathetic groups. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Institute for Human Rights & Responsibilities, Inc. (IHRR) is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation that promotes adult leadership education for nonviolent democratic social change programs and projects. Located in Galena, Ohio, the IHRR publishes nonviolence and democracy educational materials, and conducts residential adult education leadership programs and nonviolence conflict reconciliation projects. Emphasis is placed on the institutionalization of nonviolence and democracy skills and information programs.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
News “Need help for an upcoming article, or simply want to see our latest press releases? …We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. Together, we are here, for the animals”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We fight the big fights to end suffering for all animals. Together with millions of supporters, we take on puppy mills, factory farms, trophy hunts, animal testing and other cruel industries. With our affiliates, we rescue and care for thousands of animals every year through our animal rescue team’s work and other hands-on animal care services. We fight all forms of animal cruelty to achieve the vision behind our name: A humane society. And we can’t do it without you.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
The poor treatment of factory farm workers.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Headlines from the front lines. “We fight the big fights to end suffering for all animals. Together with millions of supporters, we take on puppy mills, factory farms, trophy hunts, animal testing and other cruel industries. With our affiliates, we rescue and care for thousands of animals every year through our animal rescue team’s work and other hands-on animal care services. We fight all forms of animal cruelty to achieve the vision behind our name: A humane society. And we can’t do it without you.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. Together, we are here, for the animals…We create real social change in collaboration with others. After all, this is a movement that’s bigger than ourselves. So, we share resources. Train other nonprofit organizations. And, importantly cultivate a welcoming, collaborative and change-making community. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“We are part of the International Hakomi Institute based in the United States and have been offering practitioner training, workshops, and supporting the growth of Hakomi in New Zealand and Australia since 1989. Hakomi Experiential Psychotherapy is a mindfulness-based approach to self-understanding. Mindfulness is not simply part of the ‘tool kit’ in Hakomi, it forms the very foundation of the therapeutic encounter. Much more than a method or set of techniques, Hakomi is a way of looking at the world that is compassionate, mindful, curious, non-invasive, humorous and respectful.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“John Robbins and Joanna Macy, who have been friends for thirty years, are both crusaders for a life-sustaining world. In this conversation, both intimate and visionary, they explore ways they have continued over the years to move and inspire each other. ” from Helping Hands Newsletter (Buddhist Global Relief)
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“The Happy Herd is a farm animal sanctuary for animals either abused or at risk. As of August 2nd 2018 we are now a registered charity with the Government of Canada. On 4 wonderful acres, you can find the many animals we have rescued roaming freely. We have several goats, chickens, cows, pigs, turkeys, hens, ducks, cats, a couple of dogs, and a wonderful friendly donkey! Each with their own identity and personality.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
eBook: “Recent history has seen western farmers teaching Africans how to plough like they do in the rich clay lands of Shropshire, and the results have been a disaster. Permaculture, in its heady youth, had Australians teaching Europeans how to do desert work in those same heavy clays. A balance has to come and we will then have chance to do what is sensible in each place. ‘The Harmonious Wheatsmith’ details the method that Marc Bonfils developed for growing grains without ploughing. It is compatible with the awe-inspiring work of Masanobu Fukuoka in Japan (‘The One Straw Revolution’) and so it has been called the Fukuoka-Bonfils method. The value in terms of the erosion of soils speaks for itself. But beyond that I was fascinated by the time scale of the plantings. Marc, communicating through the late Emilia Hazelip, was adamant that his work should not be tainted by being published with any details of bio-dynamic farming, which also has a strong emphasis on timings. So I honoured that request and held off adding anything weirder than his own work. But now I think ‘wouldn’t it be interesting if the grain development of Hugo Erbe were to be the missing piece in getting the Fukuoka-Bonfils method to work more widely’? This was the first book what I wrote – and I had a lot of assistance, primarily from Graham Bell. Graham was very patient since it took a long time to get the illustrations done as my genius illustrator fulfilled another aspect of artistic talent in relation to punctuality. After that it wasn’t very helpful to hear that some people hated the illustrations. Sorry guys, I still think they are great.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Film: “With the exception of our companion animals and the wild and stray species within our urban environments, we experience animals daily only as the food, clothing, animal tested goods and entertainment we make of them. This moral dilemma is largely hidden from our view. THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world. Through the heart and photographic lens of animal rights photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur, audiences become intimately familiar with a cast of non-human animals. From undercover investigations to joyful rescue missions, in North America and in Europe, each photograph and story is a window into global animal industries: Food, Fashion, Entertainment and Research. THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE charts McArthur’s efforts to bring wider attention to a topic that most of humankind strives hard to avoid. Are non-human animals property to be owned and used, or are they sentient beings deserving of rights?”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We work with scientists, investors, and entrepreneurs to make groundbreaking good food a reality. We focus on clean meat and plant-based alternatives to animal products—foods that are more delicious, safer to eat, and better for the planet than their outdated counterparts.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Buddhism ought to be an animal rights religion par excellence. It has long held that all life forms are sacred and considers kindness and compassion the highest virtues. Moreover, Buddhism explicitly includes animals in its moral universe. Buddhist rules of conduct—including the first precept, “Do not kill”—apply to our treatment of animals as well as to our treatment of other human beings. Consequently, we would expect Buddhism to oppose all forms of animal exploitation, and there is, in fact, wide agreement that most forms of animal exploitation are contrary to Buddhist teaching. Yet many Buddhists eat meat―although many do not―and monks, priests, and scholars sometimes defend meat-eating as consistent with Buddhist teaching. The Great Compassion studies the various strains of Buddhism and the sutras that command respect for all life. Norm Phelps, a longtime student of Buddhism and an acquaintance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, answers the central questions of whether Buddhism demands vegetarianism and whether the Buddha ate meat. He is not afraid to examine anti-animal statements in Buddhist lore―particularly the issues of whether Buddhists in non-historically Buddhist countries need to keep or to jettison the practices of their historical homelands.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Directed by Louie Psihoyos and executive produced by James Cameron, The Game Changers tells the story of James Wilks — elite special forces trainer and winner of The Ultimate Fighter — as he travels the world on a quest for the truth behind the world’s most dangerous myth: that meat is necessary for protein, strength and optimal health. Meeting elite athletes, special ops soldiers, visionary scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes, what James discovers permanently changes his relationship with food and his definition of true strength.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Film: “There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America – a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat. The Future of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply. Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, The Future of Food examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world’s food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We live in a concrete, violent, noisy, high tech, busy world. We have lost our connection to animals, to nature, and most of all, to ourselves. Animals are living lives of torment from beginning to end, their cries are unheard, their pain is unseen, and they are suffering. The rate of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes has never been higher. The rain forests are being destroyed, we are in a global drought, we are polluting our air, and species go extinct every day. But by having reverence for all life and by reconnecting with Mother Earth we each can change all that. At The Gentle Barn we stand up for the innocent, and we help animals and children alike remember that they matter. We open people’s hearts to the connections with nature. We open people’s minds to what is happening around us. And we inspire people to be an integral part of the solution. Through the stories and interactions with our animals, we can raise future generations to have reverence for all life, protect our planet, live good healthy, happy lives, and we will all be closer to having peace on earth!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“The German Shepherd Dog Rescue Trust (GSRT) is a New Zealand-based non-profit Charitable Trust, (CC27372) an entirely voluntary organisation dedicated to rescuing neglected, abandoned and unwanted German Shepherd Dogs (GSD) across New Zealand. The trust was founded by Denise Sharp in the memory of Yani, Denise’s first German Shepherd Dog, who died at the age of 2 1/2 years after battling various illnesses. The Trust has 4 Trustees (see below) and enlists a few volunteers residing in Palmerston North, Hastings, Wellington, Waikato, Whakatane, Warkworth and Auckland, who offer services such as checking potential homes for a dog, transporting the dogs to their approved homes, and helping the Trust’s founder, Denise, in organising the annual GSDRT Christmas Party and GSDRT calendar production and posting.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Switzerland has everything it takes to secure its long-term supply on the basis of predominantly domestic and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency: natural, economic and financial resources as well as technological know-how. In order for the energy transition to succeed, it needs a clear framework, including as far as the nuclear phase-out is concerned. Nuclear power plants pose an unnecessary and unacceptable threat. They pollute the environment at all pre and post stages and leave nuclear waste behind. In addition, the construction of new nuclear power plants will hinder the development of a secure power supply with renewable energies and prevent incentives for (electricity) energy efficiency. The members of the Alliance nuclear phase-out commit themselves to the common goal of stopping the production of atomic energy. They are making political efforts to avert the construction of new nuclear power plants in Switzerland. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Forum’s mission is to encourage discussion, development, and dissemination of practical, policy-relevant ideas that will help to free humanity from the fear of terrorism and war. We think globally, promoting security that is inclusive, civilian-led, and consistent with the rule of law, including human rights. We believe that international cooperation and the use of incentives and sanctions, rather than overreliance on military force, is essential for the progress of a secure, civilized society in every country.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Mining, Nuclear and Water issues in South Africa. “The FSE is today widely recognized as the most prominent of the environmental activist stakeholders in the mining industry – and its directors are listed as amongst the 100 most influential people in Africa’s Mining Industry.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
Book: “In 1987, John Robbins published Diet for a New America, which was an early version of this book, and he started the food revolution. He continues to work tirelessly to promote conscious food choices more than 20 years later. First published in 2001, The Food Revolution is still one of the most frequently cited and talked about books of the food-politics revolution. It was one of the very first books to discuss the negative health effects of eating genetically modified foods and animal products of all kinds, to expose the dangers inherent in our factory farming system, and to advocate a complete plant-based diet. The book garnered endorsements by everyone from Paul Hawken to Neal Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson to Julia Butterfly Hill. After ten years in print, The Food Revolution is timelier than ever–and a very compelling read. The 10th anniversary edition has an updated, new contemporary look and a new introduction by the author.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Founded in 2013, The FANG Collective seeks to escalate resistance to the fracked gas industry while supporting other movements for justice.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Fearless Heart is a project of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication. Like many projects, it started small when, in 2010, Miki Kashtan finally got the nerve to start her own blog. The response was so positive, and the pleasure of putting out her ideas and experiences so meaningful, that writing emerged as a core aspect of Miki’s work. As her visibility and reach grew over time, a team of people coalesced in support of the vision that she is holding for what’s possible for individuals and for the world. The Fearless Heart is where Miki blogs. It acts as the publisher for her books and upcoming multimedia self-study guide to Nonviolent Communication. The Fearless Heart team supports trainings around the world conducted by Miki, and a number of other projects. We invite you to look around this site and see what draws your attention. We believe there is something here for anyone, from CEO to social activist.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The End of Meat is a groundbreaking documentary film envisioning a future where meat consumption belongs to the past…The End of Meat reveals the hidden impact of meat consumption; explores the opportunities and benefits of a shift to a more compassionate diet; and raises critical questions about the future role of animals in our society.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Peter Singer, the groundbreaking ethicist whom The New Yorker calls the most influential philosopher alive teams up again with Jim Mason, his coauthor on the acclaimed Animal Factories, to set their critical sights on the food we buy and eat: where it comes from, how it is produced, and whether it was raised humanely. The Ethics of What We Eat explores the impact our food choices have on humans, animals, and the environment. Recognizing that not all of us will become vegetarians, Singer and Mason offer ways to make healthful, humane food choices. As they point out: You can be ethical without being fanatical.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Do I need more protein? Am I getting enough nutrients for the baby? How do I defend my decision to stay vegan? These questions and more are on the minds of vegan moms-to-be who want to maintain their lifestyle but still nurture a healthy baby. Well, you can breathe a sigh of relief because a vegan pregnancy is not only possible, it’s also healthy and completely safe. With this helpful guide, you will learn about all aspects of vegan pregnancy from conception to bringing home baby, including: Which foods to eat (and avoid) to get optimum nutrients for you and babyHow to deal with disapproval from family and friendsMethods to ensure a vegan-friendly hospital birthSetting up a vegan nursery for the baby Packed with information for both moms and dads, including 150 nutritious and healthy recipes for the whole family, this book is the ultimate resource for parents who want the best for their baby-without sacrificing the vegan life!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Emotional World of Farm Animals is a delightful documentary for viewers of all ages about the thinking and feeling side of animals that are all too often just viewed as food. Jefferey Masson, author of When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love, leads viewers through the personal journey he underwent while writing his latest book, The Pig Who Sang to The Moon. This journey into the sentient, emotional lives of farm animals brings Masson to animal sanctuaries around the country where caregivers and the animals themselves tell their harrowing stories of rescue and escape. Masson delves into the rich ancestry of these curious and intelligent animals and interviews top experts in animal behavior who offer scientific perspectives on these amazing creatures.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Ecologist is the world’s leading environmental affairs platform. We publish daily, bringing the latest news, comment, features and reviews to your screens – for free. You will find news about successful environmental campaigns, stories about advances in academic ecology and discursive articles touching on theoretical approaches that help us understand nature and the impact of our societies on the natural environment.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Doomsday Clock is a design that warns the public about how close we are to destroying our world with dangerous technologies of our own making. It is a metaphor, a reminder of the perils we must address if we are to survive on the planet. When the Doomsday Clock was created in 1947, the greatest danger to humanity came from nuclear weapons, in particular from the prospect that the United States and the Soviet Union were headed for a nuclear arms race. The Bulletin considered possible catastrophic disruptions from climate change in its hand-setting deliberations for the first time in 2007.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “The Dietitian’s Guide to Vegetarian Diets: Issues and Applications provides the most up-to-date information on vegetarian diets. Written for dietitians and other health care professionals, the Third Edition can be used as an aid for counseling vegetarian clients and those interested in becoming vegetarian or serve as a textbook for classroom study for students who have completed introductory coursework in nutrition. Evidence-based and thoroughly referenced, this text includes case-studies, sample menus, and counseling points to help students apply material to the real world.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“I’m Joshua Katcher. I started The Discerning Brute, the world’s first men’s vegan lifestyle website, over 10 years ago. On this website you’ll discover food, fashion, sports and culture for the ethically handsome man. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Dodo is the digital media brand for animal people. At The Dodo, we’re committed to creating visually compelling, entertaining, highly shareable animal videos and stories. We’re a halo brand for everyone who loves animals from people who are obsessed with their pets all the way to committed animal advocates. We want our audience to connect with animals through our stories, and feel empowered to help where help is needed.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Danish “The object of the organisation is to work for the abolition of all painful experiments on animals.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Film: “When a handful of West Virginia residents discover DuPont has been pumping its poisonous Teflon chemical into the air and public water supply of more than 70,000 people, they file one of the largest class action lawsuits in the history of environmental law. As the citizens of Parkersburg rise up against the forces that polluted their town, the story builds out to dozens of other American cities. In fact, as many as 110 million Americans may be drinking water tainted with PFAS chemicals. Exposure to this class of chemicals has even become a global phenomenon, spreading to places like Italy, the Netherlands, and China. Parkersburg is ground zero for this story, but this clearly is not about one place or one chemical: because of the power of the chemical lobby, PFOA is one of more than 80,000+ untested chemicals that have been approved for use, their dangers unknown.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Insect abundance is plummeting with wild abandon, worldwide! Species evolve and go extinct as part of nature’s normal course over thousands and millions of years, but the current rate of devastation is off the charts and downright scary.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Cornucopia Institute, through research and investigations on agricultural and food issues, provides needed information to family farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in the good food movement and to the media. We support economic justice for the family-scale farming community – partnered with consumers – backing ecologically produced local, organic and authentic food.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.”
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