Wholesome Practice: Self-reflection/transform.

Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview (2013)

Film: “Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview is a documentary exploring the depths of the current human condition and the emergence of a worldview that is recreating our world from the inside out. Weaving together insights and findings from biology, psychology, network science, systems science, business, culture and media, the film reveals the inner workings of the human experience in the 21st century, urging viewers to step out of the box and challenge their own assumptions about who we really are, and why we do what we do. Crossroads places evolutionary context to today’s escalating social unrest, natural disasters, and economic failures. It illuminates the footsteps of an integrated worldview, penetrating its way through the power of social networks to the forefront of our personal and collective awareness.”

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CreatureKind: six-week church course

“CreatureKind has developed a new course to help Christians think about what their faith means for animals, and we need your help to bring it to your church!…Through videos, short readings, and lots of dialogue, the CreatureKind Course for Churches encourages Christians to consider what we believe about God’s creatures and how we might move toward living out those beliefs as members of the body of Christ.”

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Conscience Studio

“Conscience Studio identifies universal practices for living peaceful, conscientious private and public lives. We encourage people to love life, act on conscience, and create a global culture of peace. We publish materials, curate exhibitions, offer training and visit to develop and connect communities of conscience.”

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Common Wonders – Co-creating a culture of peace

Robert Koehler: Peace journalist “We are at a terrifying transition of consciousness, and this transition faces enormous resistance, primarily at the institutional level. If we believe in a society that is more humane, more empathy-driven, than the one we have now, we are on our own and easily marginalized by the powers that be. This is our challenge: to find one another and start building a humane, sustainable future! I mean this website as a link in this process.”

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Coming Back to Life

Book: “Many of us fall prey to despair even as we feel called to respond to these threats to life on our planet. Authors Joanna Macy and Molly Brown address the anguish experienced by those who would confront the harsh realities of our time. In this fully updated edition of Coming Back to Life, they show how grief, anger and fear are healthy responses to threats to life, and when honored can free us from paralysis or panic, through the revolutionary practice of the Work that Reconnects.”

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Climate: A New Story

Book: “Flipping the script on climate change, Eisenstein makes a case for a wholesale reimagining of the framing, tactics, and goals we employ in our journey to heal from ecological destruction. With research and insight, Charles Eisenstein details how the quantification of the natural world leads to a lack of integration and our “fight” mentality. With an entire chapter unpacking the climate change denier’s point of view, he advocates for expanding our exclusive focus on carbon emissions to see the broader picture beyond our short-sighted and incomplete approach. The rivers, forests, and creatures of the natural and material world are sacred and valuable in their own right, not simply for carbon credits or preventing the extinction of one species versus another. After all, when you ask someone why they first became an environmentalist, they’re likely to point to the river they played in, the ocean they visited, the wild animals they observed, or the trees they climbed when they were a kid. This refocusing away from impending catastrophe and our inevitable doom cultivates meaningful emotional and psychological connections and provides real, actionable steps to caring for the earth. Freeing ourselves from a war mentality and seeing the bigger picture of how everything from prison reform to saving the whales can contribute to our planetary ecological health, we resist reflexive postures of solution and blame and reach toward the deep place where commitment lives.”

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Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class (2005)

“Based on the book by Pepi Leistyna, Class Dismissed navigates the steady stream of narrow working class representations from American television’s beginnings to today’s sitcoms, reality shows, police dramas, and daytime talk shows. Featuring interviews with media analysts and cultural historians, this documentary examines the patterns inherent in TV’s disturbing depictions of working class people as either clowns or social deviants — stereotypical portrayals that reinforce the myth of meritocracy. Class Dismissed breaks important new ground in exploring the ways in which race, gender, and sexuality intersect with class, offering a more complex reading of television’s often one-dimensional representations. The video also links television portrayals to negative cultural attitudes and public policies that directly affect the lives of working class people.”

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Christian Peace Witness

“Christian Peace Witness is an ecumenical, ad hoc group of Partners who are called and committed to raising a Christian voice for peace. Our staff is volunteer (although often staff of Partner peace organizations) and our budget is based on donations. We witness to the power of God’s Spirit in bringing us together and enabling this work….Christian Peace Witness is committed to making “Conscience in War” a major theme for our work. We seek to foster a serious nationwide discussion on following Jesus in matters of conscience and duty, violence and nonviolence, war and peace.”

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Checklist for white allies against racism

“How often do you behave as an ally to people of color? Adapted from notes from John Raible: “I devised this checklist after thinking, as a person of color, about the white people I know with whom I have developed some degree of trust. I wanted to articulate the specific behaviors I see them engaging in which lead me to appreciate their actions on behalf of students of color and against racism in general.””

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Chasing the Scream: The Opposite of Addiction is Connection

Book: “For the first time, the startling full story of the disastrous war on drugs–propelled by moving human stories, revolutionary insight into addiction, and fearless international reporting. What if everything you think you know about addiction is wrong? One of Johann Hari’s earliest memories is of trying to wake up one of his relatives and not be able to. As he grew older, he realized he had addiction in his family. Confused, unable to know what to do, he set out on a three-year, 30,000-mile journey to discover what really causes addiction–and what really solves it. He uncovered a range of remarkable human stories–of how the war on drugs began with Billie Holiday, the great jazz singer, being stalked and killed by a racist policeman; of the scientist who discovered the surprising key to addiction; and of the countries that ended their war on drugs–with extraordinary results. His discoveries led him to give a TED talk and animation which have now been viewed more than 25 million times. This is the story of a life-changing journey that showed the world the opposite of addiction is connection.”

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Chenoa Manor

“For over 10 years, Chenoa Manor has served as a sanctuary for animals. Nurturing and respecting the interconnectedness of all strands in the web of life through humane education. Chenoa Manor is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. So we rely exclusively on the support of volunteers, fundraisers, and contributions from people like you.”

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Charles Eisenstein – Author & Speaker

Topics include: -Ecology & Earth Healing. -Political & Social. -Alternative Narratives. -Self & Psyche. -Money, Gift, & Economics. -Science & Philosophy. Resources: Books, Essays, Podcasts, Audio, Video, Cources and Events.

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Charter for Compassion

“We support the emergence of a global movement that brings the Charter for Compassion to life. To do so, we are a network of networks, connecting organizers and leaders from around the world, providing educational resources, organizing tools, and avenues for communication; sharing lessons, stories, and inspiration; providing the umbrella of the Charter for Compassion for conferences, events, collaborations, conversations and initiatives to create compassionate communities and institutions.”

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Charles Eisenstein – Podcasts

“From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this podcast features Charles Eisenstein in conversation with a series of extraordinary guests: activists and healers, scientists and spiritual teachers, artists and entrepreneurs, indigenous people and those from the elite. Topics revolve around concepts of interbeing and “technologies of reunion” — anything drawing from and contributing to a new story, including material, social, psychological, agricultural, healing, and educational “technologies.” For greater interactivity, the podcast includes live chats, discussion forums, and Q&A sessions. “No one can occupy the new story alone,” says Charles. “We need to hold each other there.” That is the purpose of this podcast and the community that surrounds it — to strengthen the field and spread the ideas of a new and ancient story.”

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Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth

Book: “Our current story is about Sacred Money and Markets. Money, it tells us, is the measure of all worth and the source of all happiness. The market is omniscient. Earth is simply a source of raw materials. Inequality and environmental destruction are unfortunate but unavoidable. Although many recognize this story promotes bad ethics, bad science, and bad economics, it will remain our guiding story until replaced by a more compelling story that aligns with our deepest understanding of the universe and our relationship to it. A Sacred Life and Living Earth story is grounded in a cosmology that affirms we are living beings born of a living Earth itself born of a living universe. Our health and well-being depend on an economy that works in co-productive partnership with the processes by which Earth’s community of life maintains the conditions of its own existence—and ours. Offering a hopeful vision, this book lays out the transformative impact adopting this story will have on every aspect of human life and society.” PDF discussion guide available.

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Center for Humans and Nature

“The Center for Humans and Nature partners with some of the brightest minds to explore human responsibilities to each other and the more-than-human world. We bring together philosophers, ecologists, artists, political scientists, anthropologists, poets and economists, among others, to think creatively about a resilient future for the whole community of life.”

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Center for Social Concerns (University of Notre Dame)

“MISSION: To enact Catholic social teaching through community-engaged research, teaching, and learning. IDENTITY: Fulfilling Notre Dame’s mission to cultivate a disciplined sensibility to the poverty, injustice and oppression that burden the lives of so many, the Center for Social Concerns gathers, forms, and nourishes community-engaged scholars in the study, practice, and renewal of Catholic social tradition. By enacting human dignity, pursuing the common good, and standing in solidarity with the marginalized and poor, we advance pedagogies of engagement, leverage personal transformation for social change, and transform principles of Catholic social teaching into 21st-century leadership.”

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Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

“The Center for Building a Culture of Empathy is a leader of the global empathy movement. Our mission is to build a movement for creating a global worldwide culture of empathy and care. We do this through a variety of means. First is by community organizing and by collecting, curating and organizing all the material we find on the internet on the topic. A current focus is on; bridging social and political divides, designing a free online empathy training course, building an academic empathy training literature wiki, and holding public activist Empathy Tent Pop-ups.”

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Catholic Peace Fellowship

“Guided by a personalist philosophy, the Catholic Peace Fellowship works for peace before, during, and after war through education, counseling, advocacy, and accompaniment.”

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Carl Sagan – Who Speaks for Earth?

“We have heard the rationales offered by the super powers. We know who speaks for the nations. But who speaks for the human species, who speaks for Earth?…Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring” – Carl Sagan

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Carol J. Adams

“The heart-opening work of loving and responding with care to this fragile world and its inhabitants has shaped me as a writer and activist.”

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Carbon Dharma: The Occupation of Butterflies

Book: “Using the metaphor of metamorphosis, Carbon Dharma calls for our occupation of the Earth as Butterflies, to undo the damage done by the human species in its present Caterpillar stage of existence. It diagnoses the reasons for our Caterpillar stage of existence as the misinterpretation of the fundamental principles that underlie our democracy and our industrial civilization.”

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Can We Do It Ourselves? (2015)

“Within modern life exists a paradox: we celebrate democracy as a political system, but not as an economic system, even though our workplaces have a far greater impact on our day to day lives. It’s fair to say that most workplaces under capitalist management are organized in an authoritarian fashion, yet this fact is rarely questioned or thought about. Why has it become normal to reject authoritarianism in our governments, while accepting it when we clock into our jobs? “Can We Do It Ourselves?” asks if it is time to start pushing for a democratic, cooperative way of doing business, showing case studies of businesses who are surviving as democracies within our capitalist system.”

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Called to Rescue

“A beautiful and inspiring glimpse into the unbridled compassion on fifteen farm animal sanctuaries throughout the US. The rescued farm animals, simply by being who they are, are changing lives, lifestyles, and beliefs on both sides of the fence. The humans, many of whom dramatically altered the course of their lives because of a connection with a farm animal, are dedicated beyond words. The demonstration of forgiveness, wisdom, and love will live on long after the film. You may find yourself planning a visit to a farm animal sanctuary.”

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Build Your Own Toolkit

“Welcome to TCA’s exclusive resource search application….All of the campaigners’ resources in our extensive collection have been tagged with keywords to help you find what’s most helpful to you or your organisation.”

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Buddhist Peace Fellowship

“The Buddhist Peace Fellowship shapes movements for ecological and social justice by sharing spiritual-political practices and resources. We come together from multiple lineages, Buddhist and otherwise, to support bold, creative, loving actions to block systemic harm, while building collaborative tools and gatherings that give us the strength to be with our suffering, in order to transform towards liberation. “

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Bright Future Now

“Bright Future Now is a 7-week online course available everywhere in the world. Designed for change agents and cultural co-creatives, it enables you to find the positive momentum of our times – and align your life with it – so you can build a brighter future for yourself and for all life.”

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Blessed Unrest

“How the Largest Movement in the World Came Into Being and Why No One Saw it Coming. A leading environmentalist and social activist’s examination of the worldwide movement for social and environmental change. Paul Hawken has spent over a decade researching organizations dedicated to restoring the environment and fostering social justice. From billion-dollar nonprofits to single-person dot.causes, these groups collectively comprise the largest movement on earth, a movement that has no name, leader, or location, and that has gone largely ignored by politicians and the media. Like nature itself, it is organizing from the bottom up, in every city, town, and culture. and is emerging to be an extraordinary and creative expression of people’s needs worldwide. Blessed Unrest explores the diversity of the movement, its brilliant ideas, innovative strategies, and hidden history, which date back many centuries. A culmination of Hawken’s many years of leadership in the environmental and social justice fields, it will inspire and delight any and all who despair of the world’s fate, and its conclusions will surprise even those within the movement itself. Fundamentally, it is a description of humanity’s collective genius, and the unstoppable movement to reimagine our relationship to the environment and one another.”

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Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary

”Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary was founded in November of 2014 by two middle school teachers who wanted to pair their love of animals and their concern for students to create a more compassionate world. By partnering children and adults who have suffered loss, trauma, neglect, or loneliness with animals who have experienced the same, magic is sparked. Friendships born between humans and animals encourage people to think of them as individuals with feelings and personalities, and the empathy born from these relationships creates kindness and goodwill toward all creatures and all people, something this world could use a great deal more of.”

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Film: “Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum, a performing killer whale that killed several people while in captivity. Along the way, director-producer Gabriela Cowperthwaite compiles shocking footage and emotional interviews to explore the creature’s extraordinary nature, the species’ cruel treatment in captivity, the lives and losses of the trainers and the pressures brought to bear by the multi-billion dollar sea-park industry. This emotionally wrenching, tautly structured story challenges us to consider our relationship to nature and reveals how little we humans have learned from these highly intelligent and enormously sentient fellow mammals.”

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Big Ideas: Linking Food, Culture, Health, and the Environment

Book: “Big Ideas: Linking Food, Culture, Health, and the Environment, written by the Center for Ecoliteracy with a foreword by bestselling author Michael Pollan, provides a conceptual framework for integrated learning in these important areas in K–12 classrooms…In a style that is both positive and accessible, Big Ideas helps students and educators explore questions, such as: Where does our food come from and how it is produced? How does culture shape our food choices and behavior? What is the relationship between food choices and health? And what are the links between our food and the environment?”

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Bioneers Media

“Bioneers is a fertile hub of visionaries and innovators who are developing practical solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.”

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Bioneers Media – Video

Videos. “Bioneers is a fertile hub of visionaries and innovators who are developing practical solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.”

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Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World

Book: “Ten years ago, in the best-selling Ethics for a New Millennium, His Holiness the Dalai Lama first proposed an approach to ethics based on universal rather than religious principles. With Beyond Relgion, he returns to the conversation at his most outspoken, elaborating and deepening his vision for the nonreligious way—a path to lead an ethical, happy, and spiritual life. Transcending the religion wars, he outlines a system of ethics for our shared world, one that makes a stirring appeal for a deep appreciation of our common humanity, offering us all a road map for improving human life on individual, community, and global levels. “

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Beyond Awakening

“Are we heading for a great awakening or an apocalypse? How can higher consciousness help us rise to answer the call of our world crisis? When we wake up, what comes next? Join in on the deep public conversations where Terry Patten is exploring the “big questions” of our time with today’s most awake and dynamic thought leaders. Terry is the founder of Bay Area Integral and the co-developer and co-author, with Ken Wilber and others, of Integral Life Practice.”

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Beyond Beliefs: A Guide to Improving Relationships and Communication for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meat Eaters

Book: “Vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters can feel like they’re living in different worlds. Many vegans and vegetarians struggle to feel understood and respected in a meat-eating culture, where some of their most pressing concerns and cherished beliefs are invisible, and where they are often met with defensiveness when they try to talk about the issue. They can become frustrated and struggle to feel connected with meat eaters. And meat eaters can feel disconnected from vegans and vegetarians whose beliefs they don’t fully understand and whose frustration may spill over into their interactions. The good news is that relationship and communication breakdown among vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters is not inevitable, and it is reversible. With the right tools, healthy connections can be cultivated, repaired, and even strengthened. In Beyond Beliefs, internationally recognized food psychology expert and longtime relationship coach Dr. Melanie Joy provides easy-to-understand, actionable advice so you can: • Learn the principles and tools for creating healthy relationships • Understand how to communicate about even the most challenging topics effectively • Recognize how the psychology of being vegan/vegetarian or of being a meat eater affects your relationships with others, and with yourself”

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Beyond Forgiveness: Reflections on Atonement

Book: “Beyond Forgiveness shows how acts of atonement—making amends, providing restitution, restoring balance—can relieve us of the pain of the past and give us a hopeful future. The book contains fifteen thoughtful contributions from high-profile thinkers and activists including, among others, Huston Smith, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Jacob Needleman, Arun Gandhi, Diane Hennacy Powell, Azim Noordin Khamisa, Rabbi Michael Lerner, James O’Dea, Reverend Heng Sure, Kate Dahlstedt, and Edward Tick.”

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Bay Area Nonviolent Communication

“BayNVC is home to a number of projects and groups working under the same umbrella to apply and promote the principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication. Most of these are operated and run by BayNVC staff and trainers and include private sessions, classes, organizational services, retreats, and a variety of projects designed for social transformation. In addition, BayNVC provides fiscal sponsorship and financial services to other relevant projects by request. VISION: To create a world where everyone’s needs matter and people have the skills to make peace.”

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“Waking up to Wisdom In Stillness and Community…Awakin.org is about deepening our self-awareness, in a community of kindred spirits. By changing ourselves, we change the world.”

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Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education

“Our mission is to support and inspire educators in their quest for the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to help all learners understand, appreciate and care for their environment. As an integral part of achieving our mission, we encourage direct experience outdoors.”

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Ann McKnight – turn toward conflict

“Ann McKnight has been a licensed psychotherapist for over 20 years. Ever curious about what moves us toward wholeness and satisfaction in everyday living, she has been exploring the crafts of Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Circles for the last 10 years. Through experimentation in all areas of her life, she is growing to see conflict as an invitation to deeper understanding, strengthened relationships and dynamic, vital community. Ann is currently working with Grand Haven and Spring Lake Public Schools, Community Policing Officers through the Holland Police Department, Hope College, Western Seminary, Hope Church, Black River Public School, various health care organizations, churches, schools, families, couples and individuals in West Michigan.”

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Animal Rights National Conference

“The Animal Rights National Conference is the U.S. animal rights movement’s annual national conference. It is the world’s largest and longest-running animal rights gathering, hailing back to 1981. This year’s event will take place July 25-28, 2019 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center just outside Washington, DC. With 100 presenters from more than 60 organizations across the movement, the conference offers a variety of educational and networking opportunities including activist support workshops, group discussions, 100+ exhibits (free to visitors), film screenings, and so much more. Our multilayered program informs and inspires newcomers, trains and empowers activists, and strengthens the animal rights movement to advance our shared mission of creating a world free of animal exploitation. #AR2019 strives to be a safe space, inclusive and accessible to all. In an effort to minimize financial barriers, we offer registration discounts, working opportunities, and full or partial scholarships. For those who can afford more, we invite you to join us as an individual sponsor and/or make a donation toward our scholarship fund.”

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Ancient Wisdom, Modern World : Ethics for the New Millennium

Book: “This work presents the Dalai Lama’s prescription for the spiritual expansion of humankind. Addressing what he sees as the spiritual void in modern society, the Dalai Lama calls for the necessity of virtue and greater compassion. Besides discussing ways in which we may care for the environment, he gives guidance in the techniques of contemplation. Written as a form of spiritual handbook, this work is also a complement to “Freedom in Exile”, the Dalai Lama’s autobiography.”

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Alternative to Meds Center

“Alternative to Meds Center uses the very best of the medical, psychotherapeutic and holistic worlds to provide you with the most complete integrative and transformative program offered in the country.”

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Alliance of Community Trainers

“The Alliance of Community Trainers is a small collective that works with broader networks of trainers, allies organizations and projects. ACT offers knowledge, tools, and skills to individuals, organizations and communities to empower sustainable transformation.”

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Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World: A Guide for Activists and Their Allies

Book: “Aftershock is about the real war against terror―the struggle for a world in which nobody lives in fear of atrocities perpetrated by human beings. Every day, people who push against violence and injustice or pull for peace and freedom must face their own fears. Many activists also must struggle with “aftershock,” the physical and emotional reverberations of frightening, horrifying, or otherwise traumatizing experiences endured in the course of their activism. This book is for aftershocked activists and their allies, as well as for people and organizations that practice high-risk activism. It includes practical tips for individuals, organizations, and communities, as well as information about how traumatic events affect our bodies and abilities. Aftershock explores the culture of trauma that people have created through our violent exploitation of the Earth, other animals, and one another. As long as we continue to perpetrate such violations, we will never fully heal our own traumatic injuries. This book, therefore, is for survivors of all kinds of trauma, for therapists who treat trauma, and for anyone who hopes to reduce the amount of terror in the world.”

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Affluenza (1997)

“AFFLUENZA is a groundbreaking film that diagnoses a serious social disease – caused by consumerism, commercialism and rampant materialism – that is having a devastating impact on our families, communities, and the environment. We have more stuff, but less time, and our quality of life seems to be deteriorating. By using personal stories, expert commentary, hilarious old film clips, and “uncommercial” breaks to illuminate the nature and extent of the disease, AFFLUENZA has appealed to widely diverse audiences: from freshmen orientation programs to consumer credit counseling, and from religious congregations to marketing classes. With the help of historians and archival film, AFFLUENZA reveals the forces that have dramatically transformed us from a nation that prized thriftiness – with strong beliefs in “plain living and high thinking” – into the ultimate consumer society. The program ends with a prescription to cure the disease. A growing number of people are opting out of the consumer chase, and choosing “voluntary simplicity” instead. They are working and shopping less, spending more time with friends and family, volunteering in their communities, and enjoying their lives more.”

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Addiction, Climate Change, and the Psychology of Recovery

“As a budding cultural ecologist and student of the emerging field of Ecopsychology, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between our relationship to addiction, drugs, and recovery and our relationship to oil, gas, coal, unchecked capitalism, and all the things that we think we need to keep investing in despite knowing that they aren’t serving us or the rest of life on Earth anymore. How does addiction relate to our relationship to the living world? How have we, as a society, treated our planet and interpreted how to deal with the ecological crisis that we are currently faced with? “

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Active Hope – How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy

Book: “The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheaval, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. Active Hope shows us how to strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power. Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach known as the Work That Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we’re in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society.”

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Active Hope Show 1 – The Shambhala Warrior Prophecy

“Joanna Macy tells the Shambhala Warrior Prophecy, twelve centuries old and from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Introduced by Chris Johnstone, this is the first episode of The Active Hope Show, which explores insights and practices that help bring out our best responses to the planetary emergency we face.”

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Active Peace

“Why Become an Active Peacemaker? Active Peace is a holistic approach to personal, interpersonal, and collective healing. It takes in the big picture and addresses the root causes of disrespect, division, and violence. Inner healing is fully integrated with heart-centered service to life and future generations. Through a restorative justice-inspired model of community peacemaking (Active Peace Circles) we address even the most challenging issues in a transformational way that includes root causes and systems change. After successful workshops in Boulder in January 2019, the Active Peace Circle model is ready to be implemented in communities hungry for an integrated and consistently nonviolent approach to conflict transformation. Active Peace prioritizes respect, deep relationships, personal responsibility, and repairing harm at all levels and includes unmasking Privilege, Patriarchy, and Internalized Racism in a proactive and compassionate way. As an Active Peacemaker you will become more relaxed, courageous, compassionate, and resilient. You will be a positive example of what humans are capable of and bring more hope into the world. You will also join a growing network of people channeling their care into effective action.”

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Abundant Living in the Coming Age of the Tree

“The practical and philosophical basis for ecological veganism – that we can feed the world healthily and compassionately and protect the planet with a diverse, mostly home grown, plant-based diet that includes tree crops…We are faced with the challenge of providing for the needs of a rapidly increasing world population from the diminishing resources of a finite and endangered planet. Fundamental changes in the values and practices of the dominant world system, which has created a situation in which millions of people and animals already suffer extreme deprivation and die prematurely, is essential. What is needed is a trend towards compassionate living the vegan way, with the emphasis on the use of trees and their products. As people face the challenge of environmental crises, as the supreme importance of using awesome intellectual powers with compassion for all sentient beings is realised, an evolutionary leap will be achieved. An era of truly abundant living will dawn in which humans, at peace with themselves, with each other and with all living creatures, will reach heights of creativity as yet unimagined.”

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Action For Nature – News

“Get the latest news and updates from Action For Nature and our Eco-Heroes! Subscribe to our Newsletter and join us on social…Action For Nature, Inc. is an international non-profit organization based in San Francisco, California, that encourages young people to take personal action to better their environments and to foster love and respect for nature.”

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Accidental Anarchist (2017)

“Carne Ross was a government highflyer. A career diplomat who believed Western Democracy could save us all. But working inside the system he came to see its failures, deceits and ulterior motives. He felt at first hand the corruption of power. After the Iraq war Carne became disillusioned, quit his job and started searching for answers. This film traces his journey across the globe as he tries to find an answer to the question so many people today are asking themselves – isn’t there a better way? For Carne there is. Anarchism offers a solution to the brutalities of Capitalism and the dishonesties of Democracy. It offers a world where people have control over their own lives. From the protesters of Occupy Wall Street, to an anarchist collective in Spain, to Noam Chomsky, the grand old man of anarchism himself, Carne finds people who are putting the theory into practice. His journey eventually takes him to one of the most dangerous places on earth – Syria, eight kilometers from the front line with Isis, where a remarkable anarchist state has risen phoenix like from the flames. A powerful film about one man’s epic journey from government insider to anarchist.”

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A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (2016)

“A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. Throughout the year the group built tiny houses, planted veggie gardens, practised simple living, and learned how to live in community.”

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A Prayer for Compassion

Film: “A Prayer for Compassion is a feature length documentary that strives to inspire and encourage those already on a religious or spiritual path, to expand their circle of compassion to embrace all life, regardless of species, and make choices in alignment with this value. The film follows Thomas Jackson on a quest across America, that ultimately takes him to Morocco for the UN Climate Conference and throughout the Indian subcontinent to ask the question, “Can compassion grow to include all beings? and Can people who identify as religious or spiritual come to embrace the call to include all human and nonhuman beings in our circle of respect and caring and love?””

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A New Story of Us

“Happiness: it’s what we all want. And contrary to the messages advertisers want us to believe, we cannot buy it. So how do we find happiness? We can start by looking at the way society is currently structured. Do our systems help all of us meet our human needs? Do they foster our sense of compassion? Is everyone treated fairly and justly? Are there widely established mechanisms for building relationships of trust? We can also look at our view of humankind. Do we hold a positive understanding of who we are and what we are here to do? Our short video “A New Story of Us” answers these questions, highlighting a path to the happiness and peace we’re all seeking.”

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A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life

Book: “In undertaking a spiritual life, we must make certain that our path is connected with our heart. Since 1974 (long before it gained popularity in the 1990s), Jack has been teaching westerners how to integrate Eastern teaching into their daily lives. Through generous storytelling and unmitigated warmth, Jack offers this guidebook on living with attentiveness, meditation, and full-tilt compassion. Part of what makes this book so accessible is Jack’s use of everyday metaphors to describe the elusive lessons of spiritual transformation. For example, he opens with “the one seat” lesson taught to him by his esteemed teacher. Literally it means sitting in the center of a room and not being swayed or moved by all the people and dramas happening around you. On a spiritual level it means sticking “with one practice and teacher among all of the possibilities,” he writes; “inwardly it means having the determination to stick with that practice through whatever difficulties and doubts arise until you have come to true clarity and understanding.” The same could be said for this “one book.” Among all the spiritual self-help books, this is a classic worth sticking with and returning to–a highly approachable teacher that can only lead to greater clarity and understanding.”

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A New Story for Humanity (2016)

Film: “A New Story For Humanity presents a beautifully and sensitively woven tapestry of the rich diversity that is the human family. Featuring interviews on the essential topics of our time: from cosmology to ecology, from ancient wisdom to current thinking, from leadership to governance, from economy to social justice, from education to initiation, from community to sustainability. Captured through the lens of both our frailty and our wisdom, our pain and our joy, this inquiry into a new story for humanity offers a gateway into the evolutionary consciousness that will propel us as a species to recognize and embody our interdependence and oneness in harmony with the planet and in partnership with all life. What if we had the power to change the story, and with this awareness, change the world?”

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A Life Connected: VEGAN

Video: “A Life Connected: VEGAN from NonviolenceUnited.org on Vimeo. View in Other Languages: Volunteers from around the world have translated A Life Connected: VEGAN into many different languages. Click the links below to view. And share with people you know. Please contact us if you’d like to translate into another language and we’ll help you get started!”

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A Great Turning: The Process

“A Great turning to an Ecological Civilization cannot be led or imposed by institutions created to secure the relationships of an Imperial Civilization. Leadership must come from We the People. With no precedent or model to guide us, we must learn as we go, sharing the lessons of our experience as we withdraw our support from the institutions of the old economy and live into being the institutions of a New Economy that aligns with Ecological Civilization’s vision of possibility.”

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A Declaration of Conscience about Paying for War

Video: “A Declaration of Conscience about Paying for War with guidance for writing a statement of conscience is an 8 minute video to use with discussion or working groups to learn about the Declaration of Conscience and organize writing statements of conscience to join us in signing the Declaration.”

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A Bus of Our Own

Book: Age Range: 5 – 8 years “More than anything, Mable Jean wants to go to school. She has to walk five miles to get there, though, and her papa told her that if she can’t keep up, she’ll have to wait another year. She hurts her foot and misses some school days, but Mable Jean doesn’t give up. When the white children on their bus pass Mable Jean and her friends, laughing and taunting them, it’s almost more than Mable Jean can take. Finally, Mable Jean asks her parents why the black children don’t have a bus, too.”

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A Call for Revolution: A Vision for the Future

Book: “A Landmark Message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Are we ready to hear it? Are we ready to act? I call on you to confront the challenges of our era by rising up and embarking upon a revolution that has no precedent in human history. This eloquent, urgent manifesto is possibly the most important message the Dalai Lama can give us about the future of our world. It’s his rallying cry, full of solutions for our chaotic, aggressive, divided times: no less than A CALL FOR REVOLUTION.”

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35 Inspirational Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes On Success

“Thich Nhất Hạnh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, he has published more than 100 books, including more than 40 in English. He is active in the peace movement, promoting non-violent solutions to conflict and he also refrains from animal product consumption as a means of nonviolence towards non-human animals. May his quotes inspire you to live in the present moment and find happiness from within.”

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2012: Time For Change (2010)

“”2012: Time for Change” presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific method. As conscious agents of evolution, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that works for all. Rather than breakdown and barbarism, 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche and spirit becomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism that has pushed our world to the brink.”

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“Introduction: What is Natural Agriculture?” from “Farming to Create Heaven on Earth” (Shinji Shumeikai, 2007)

“To understand Natural Agriculture, imagine a seed placed in your hand. Its weight hardly registers, and only with intention will you feel its touch against your skin. But however slight, the seed is the place where all earthly food begins, and what you notice about it will tell much about your relationship to food. A gastronome might recognize the seed as a spice or grain. A scientist might tell you its chemical structure or nutritional value. Afarmer would certainly recognize its worth. But the average person would see little to remark upon and hand it back shortly. Those who practice Natural Agriculture would look at the seed and see a provider, a partner, and a teacher. In their eyes, the seed grants physical energy to nourish the body, and spiritual energy to nourish the heart and mind. It partners with the soil and its human caretakers to make the natural world healthier, more complex. And as we humans build that partnership, the seed shows us how to live with respect and gratitude. In the palm of a Natural Agriculturist’s hand, the seed registers a tremendous presence, for there it is brimming with promise, wisdom, and hope.” 5 page pdf

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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)

“A feature length documentary by Peter Joseph that presents the case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. The film intends to transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical life ground attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a Resource-Based Economy. Following on fromZeitgeist: Addendum, and the Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide, Moving Forward reinforces and clarifies the information presented in those films. It is done so in a crystal clear fashion beginning with an examination of the conditioning that shapes our behavior, moving on to the failures of the monetary/market system, it’s resultant socio-economic collapse and finally, the transition into a resource based economy for the betterment of humankind.”

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Youth Service America – Blog

Blog. “Founded in 1986, Youth Service America® supports a global culture of engaged children and youth committed to a lifetime of meaningful service, learning, and leadership. With half the world’s population under age 25, our mission is to help all young people find their voice, take action, and make an impact on vital community issues.”

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Youth Escape Arena., Inc.

“A Non-Traditional Practice for America’s Inner City Youth & Young Adults…Our program, The Youth Escape Arena model, redirects those off track in the arena of life. We are experts in the field, working with “At-Promise” youth and young adults who are often identified as the “At-Risk” population. The Youth and Young Adult Escape Arena, reconnects those who have disconnected themselves from school, work, group homes, and traditional living environments in their communities, and reconnects them with strategic plans that address their social emotional living, exposing the path to escape to an arena of alternative options, to an arena of positive outcomes. “

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“YES! is a vibrant and dynamic body of people – staff, board, global program partners, alumni, and supporters – on a learning journey, seeking to live and work more consciously in alignment with our values. Our organization and program principles focus on restoring balance and sustainability; means-to-end consistency; partnerships across historic divides; and intentional space for the role of love and spirit. YES! brings these core elements into social change movements worldwide by convening transformational gatherings called Jams and building lasting partnerships with diverse social entrepreneurs. Since being founded in 1990 by two teenagers, YES! has spoken in person to more than 650,000 students in school assemblies, led hundreds of day-long workshops, and held more than 100 week-long gatherings for visionary young leaders from 65+ nations. YES!’s Jams support some of the planet’s most potent and dedicated young social change leaders and are currently being held on six continents.”

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World Peace Society of Australia

“Our Vision: “Peace Begins with Me”. Our Mission Statement: We hold that a lasting peace will not be found in the world, until it is developed in the hearts of humanity. Our goal is to inspire the brothers and sisters of our human family with an achievable vision that is not bound by politics or religion or economics but an inevitable, triumphant victory of the heart. We believe that our responsibility for peace begins within each of us. The peace we offer to ourselves, our families, our communities and finally to our world family is the harbinger of tomorrow’s oneness-world of peace. We believe there is a simple choice for each human being between war and peace, between laying blame and increasing anger and conflict, or opening our hearts and sharing peace and love within our global family. We hold that violence and aggression will not create peace at home or in our schools or communities. We envision an irresistible wave of peace, a critical mass that will not stop until the world is free. We proclaim proudly “PEACE BEGINS WITH ME!” “

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World As Lover, World As Self: Courage for Global Justice and Ecological Renewal (Revised 2nd Edition)

Book: “A visionary ahead of her time, Joanna Macy sounds the call for us to wake up to a deeper relationship with the Earth or risk its destruction. In renewing our commitment to the natural world, she writes, we can nourish and replenish our spirits as well. ‘World as Lover, World as Self’ is a love poem to the planet, a story of personal journey, and a blueprint for social change.”

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World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony

Book: “Food is our most intimate and telling connection both with the living natural order and with our living cultural heritage. By eating the plants and animals of our earth, we literally incorporate them. It is also through this act of eating that we partake of our culture’s values and paradigms at the most primal levels. It is becoming increasingly obvious, however, that the choices we make about our food are leading to environmental degradation, enormous human health problems, and unimaginable cruelty toward our fellow creatures. Incorporating systems theory, teachings from mythology and religions, and the human sciences, The World Peace Diet presents the outlines of a more empowering understanding of our world, based on a comprehension of the far-reaching implications of our food choices and the worldview those choices reflect and mandate. The author offers a set of universal principles for all people of conscience, from any religious tradition, that they can follow to reconnect with what we are eating, what was required to get it on our plate, and what happens after it leaves our plates. The World Peace Diet suggests how we as a species might move our consciousness forward so that we can be more free, more intelligent, more loving, and happier in the choices we make.”

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Work that Reconnects Network

“The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization.” –Joanna Macy

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Work That Reconnects Network – Practices

“The books, Coming Back to Life, World as Lover, World as Self, and Thinking Like a Mountain, describe many forms of experiential group work relating to deep ecology, deep time, and despair and empowerment. The practices listed below are described in Coming Back to Life, by Joanna Macy and Molly Brown. Please acknowledge the source when you use any of these practices…Gratitude | Honoring our Pain for the World | Seeing with New Eyes/Ancient Eyes | Deep Time | Going Forth | Meditations”

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Within Reach (2013)

Film: “Within Reach explores one couple’s pedal-powered search for a place to call home. Mandy and Ryan gave up their jobs, cars, and traditional houses to ‘bike-pack’ 6500 miles around the USA seeking sustainable community. Rather than looking in a traditional neighborhood, they begin to recognize that community is the secret ingredient to living sustainably on this planet. Along the way, they explored 100 ecovillages, cohousing communities, co-op houses, communes, transition towns, and their own principles and commitment.”

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Within Reach

“Within Reach is a film documenting one resilient couple’s 6,500 mile bicycling journey across the United States in search of sustainable communities. Mandy and Ryan gave up their corporate jobs and houses to travel thousands of miles in search of a new home, while also looking within. One of the most important questions facing the world today is “Can humans live sustainably?” This film answers this in a resounding way – Yes! Within Reach: Journey to Find Sustainable Community. Meet people from around the country showing that there might just be a better way we can live together on this planet. It is not only possible, it is already underway!”

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Wilderness Reflections

“At Wilderness Reflections, we believe that finding sanctuary and connection in the natural world is essential to our wholeness and wellness as individuals and as a community. Through direct, embodied, meaningful contact with wild Nature, our rites of passage, education and training programs foster personal and professional transformation for teens, adults, professionals and organizations. This work is a part of our effort to make vibrant and essential contributions toward a more reciprocal and balanced relationship between the human community and the natural world.”

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Wildness: Relations of People and Place

Book: “Whether referring to a place, a nonhuman animal or plant, or a state of mind, wild indicates autonomy and agency, a will to be, a unique expression of life. Yet two contrasting ideas about wild nature permeate contemporary discussions: either that nature is most wild in the absence of a defiling human presence, or that nature is completely humanized and nothing is truly wild. Wildness, edited by Gavin Van Horn and John Hausdoerffer, charts a different path. Exploring how people can become attuned to the wild community of life and also contribute to the well-being of the wild places in which we live, work, and play, Wildness brings together esteemed authors from a variety of landscapes, cultures, and backgrounds to share their stories about the interdependence of everyday human lifeways and wildness.”

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Widening Circles: A Memoir

Book: “In this absorbing and sometimes thrilling memoir, well-known eco-philosopher, Buddhist scholar, and deep ecology activist /teacher Joanna Macy recounts her adventures of mind and spirit in the key social movements of our era. Macy’s autobiography reads like a novel as she relates her multifaceted life experiences and reflects on how her marriage and family life enriched her service to the world.”

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Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism

Book: “In this paperback edition is a foreword by activist and author John Robbins and a reader’s group study guide. This ground-breaking work, voted one of the top ten books of 2010 by VegNews Magazine, offers an absorbing look at why and how humans can so wholeheartedly devote ourselves to certain animals and then allow others to suffer needlessly, especially those slaughtered for our consumption. Social psychologist Melanie Joy explores the many ways we numb ourselves and disconnect from our natural empathy for farmed animals. She coins the term “carnism” to describe the belief system that has conditioned us to eat certain animals and not others. In Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows Joy investigates factory farming, exposing how cruelly the animals are treated, the hazards that meatpacking workers face, and the environmental impact of raising 10 billion animals for food each year. Controversial and challenging, this book will change the way you think about food forever.”

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Who Are THEY?

“…But a small group of citizens have managed to escape mind control by the corporatocracy. Either to heal their own disease, or out of concern for their planet, or out of mercy for the creatures themselves– they have stopped eating the creatures. As their addictions to the flesh foods subside, their sensibilities recover and they awaken to the vast deception, corruption, and destruction perpetrated by the corporatocracy….”

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When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals

Book: “This national bestseller exploring the complex emotional lives of animals was hailed as “a masterpiece” by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas and as “marvelous” by Jane Goodall. The popularity of When Elephants Weep has swept the nation, as author Jeffrey Masson appeared on Dateline NBC, Good Morning America, and was profiled in People for his ground-breaking and fascinating study. Not since Darwin’s The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals has a book so thoroughly and effectively explored the full range of emotions that exist throughout the animal kingdom. From dancing squirrels to bashful gorillas to spiteful killer whales, Masson and coauthor Susan McCarthy bring forth fascinating anecdotes and illuminating insights that offer powerful proof of the existence of animal emotion. Chapters on love, joy, anger, fear, shame, compassion, and loneliness are framed by a provocative re-evaluation of how we treat animals, from hunting and eating them to scientific experimentation. Forming a complete and compelling picture of the inner lives of animals, When Elephants Weep assures that we will never look at animals in the same way again.”

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What Makes People Tick: The Three Hidden Worlds of Settlers, Prospectors and Pioneers

Book: “Chris Rose’ powerful guide to values mapping is a ‘must-read’ for campaigners. If you want to communicate effectively with people – especially if you want to persuade them to act – you need to start from where they are, not from where you are. The failure to do this lies at the root of many communications damp squibs, disasters and social conflicts. Knowing about the Three Worlds gives you a head start in getting it right. These invisible ‘Worlds’ can only be truly revealed by large scale detailed surveys which identify the connections and correlations between attitudes and beliefs. These sets of attitudes and beliefs create three different versions of ‘common sense’, three distinct ways of seeing the world and of evaluating any offer or ask, any campaign or political idea, any past-time, hobby, social opportunity, any purchase, product or service. Because our place in one world or another is determined by meeting, or not yet having met, unconscious needs – of safety and security or identity, or for esteem of others or self esteem, or for things beyond that such as new ideas, innovations or ethics – we are not ordinarily aware that these worlds exist.”

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What is moral progress? A Conversation with Peter Singer

“In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with philosopher Peter Singer about the foundations of morality, expanding the circle of our moral concern, politics, free speech, conspiracy thinking, Edward Snowden, the importance of intentions, WWII, euthanasia, eating “happy cows,” and other topics. Peter Singer is Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He’s the author of Animal Liberation, The Most Good You Can Do, and many other books. His most recent book is Ethics in the Real World. He is also the co-founder of The Life You Can Save, a nonprofit devoted to spreading his ideas about why we should be doing much more to improve the lives of people living in extreme poverty.”

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What happens when we see ourselves as separate from or as a part of nature?

“We evolved within the community of life, and yet we humans often consider ourselves separate from nature. Are we unique? Is this distinction helpful? How do our ways of thinking of ourselves in relation to other life influence the identities we carry and actions we take? We invite you to share your reflections as we explore the relationship between humans and nature. Read a story, tell your own.”

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