Adventist Peace Fellowship
“From the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s earliest beginnings, many of its members have dedicated their lives to working for peace and social justice “for the healing of the nations.” The Adventist legacy of social engagement has not always been a proud or heroic one, yet the Adventist tradition, at its best, has inspired—and continues to inspire—a passionate commitment to peacemaking, human rights, care for the environment, and solidarity with persons of all beliefs or none for the sake of the common good. The Adventist Peace Fellowship (APF) is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2001 that seeks to raise consciousness about the centrality of peacemaking and social justice to the beliefs and heritage of Adventists. We support public service, activism, advocacy, and scholarship that reflects the radical spirit of many Adventist pioneers. We welcome all Adventists and friends of Adventists to join our network and to add their voices and their talents to the work of peacemaking.”
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