Vegan Organic Network – Farms Directory
“Please contact individual farms for information on buying wholesale, courses, box schemes, seeds, plants, volunteering and working opportunities.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Please contact individual farms for information on buying wholesale, courses, box schemes, seeds, plants, volunteering and working opportunities.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“The Vegan Living Program is a month-long series of educational and social events for new and aspiring vegans, designed to assist and support participants as they transition to lifelong vegan living, and build a community to provide sustained support. In addition to coordinating our own programs, we train and assist individuals and organizations to implement Vegan Living Programs tailored to their own communities. We promote compassionate, healthy and environmentally responsible vegan lifestyles, helping people make life-affirming choices and become more responsible planetary citizens. Until All Are Free.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Welcome to Vegan India! The Vegan India! blog was started in early 2010, when there were just a handful of vegans in the country. Today, by 2018, the vegan movement has reached a defining point in India, thanks to each and every vegan who has been a living example of change. Vegan India! has come back with more perspectives and information, as always, for committed vegans, for prospective vegans, for vegans visiting India, for vegetarians, for non-vegans, and for the simply curious!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Food can suddenly feel quite foreign when you decide to try vegan. It’s an odd sensation when you realise that you don’t actually know what’s in most of the foods you eat. You start to question even the most obvious, and your local supermarket suddenly feels like uncharted territory. But don’t panic. We’re not talking about learning a language here – within a week you’ll have graduated to Expert Label Reader status, and by the end of the month you’ll be able to add another word to that title: Expert Label Speed Reader. Vegans can read labels astonishingly quickly, it’s like a super power. But we’ll let you in on a little secret, it’s only because we know what to look for… Below are a few tips that’ll have you throwing items into your shopping trolley with confidence! Refer to this as often as necessary. And if in any doubt, it is probably best to leave it out.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Do you want to go vegetarian or vegan but need help making the transition? Are you already vegan and want some one-on-one support? Well, you’re in the right place! Get connected via email with a volunteer mentor who’ll help you with anything from navigating the grocery store aisles to figuring out how to respond when people ask you questions. The Vegan Mentor Program (Programa Mentor Vegano en Español) now has 2,300 mentors in 1,150 cities in 60 countries. Over 4,300 mentees have been matched so far! Are you an experienced vegan who wants to help others adopt this compassionate lifestyle? Well, you’re in the right place too!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“When Tennessee Titans linebacker Derrick Morgan decided to go vegan for his health, little did he realize that his teammates would follow. Roughly 15 players on the Titans roster now eat vegan all or most of the time—nearly 30 percent of the team.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Going vegan? Here’s the go-to-guide, with a six-step transition plan to a plant-based diet, with detailed nutritional information for everyone from athletes to kids to pregnant women. Whether you’re considering going vegan or just want to learn more about plant-based nutrition, Vegan for Life is your comprehensive, go-to guide for optimal healthy eating. Registered dietitians and long-time vegans Jack Norris and Virginia Messina debunk some of the most persistent myths about vegan nutrition and provide essential information about getting enough calcium and protein, finding the best supplements, and understanding the “real deal” about soy. Covering everything from a six-step transition plan to meeting protein requirements and even calorie and nutrient needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Vegan for Life is the guide for aspiring and veteran vegans alike, complete with an easy-to-use food chart, tasty substitutions, sample menus, and expansive resources.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “In this informative and practical guide, two seasoned vegans offer tips and advice for thriving without animal by-products. Sometimes funny and irreverent yet always aware of its serious message, this resource for being vegan in a world that doesn’t always understand or have sympathy for the lifestyle illustrates how to go vegan in three weeks or less by employing a “cold tofu method;” convince family, friends, and others that there is no such thing as a vegan cult; and survive restaurants, grocery stores, and meals with omnivores. Also offering answers to questions such as “Do you, like, live on apples and twigs?” this reference dispels myths and explains the arguments for ethical, abolitionist veganism, encouraging everyone to embrace their inner vegan.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Evidence-Based Nutrient Recommendations… provides: -Reviews of the scientific literature related to the health benefits of a vegan diet. -Discussions about concerns related to vegan nutrition. -Recommendations for nutrients that can be low in the diets of some vegans.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Categories: “Expert Statements on Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Cohorts, Type 2 Diabetes and Vegan Diets, Cancer Rates of Vegetarians, Disease Markers, Average Nutrient Intakes of Vegans”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Here is our comprehensive directory of major vegan festivals and events happening around the world. These events are packed with dedicated activists and the best vegan restaurants and food companies in your region. Attending one of these events gives you a wonderful opportunity to sample amazing vegan food, make new friends, and listen to some of the vegan world’s most prominent speakers.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Vegan for Her, a blueprint for optimal health and wellness at any age, will show you how to: lower your risk for breast cancer and heart disease; manage conditions like arthritis and migraines; diminish PMs and cramps; build strong bones for life; enhance fertility; make an easy transition to a vegan diet; and incorporate principles of both fashion and compassion into your home and wardrobe.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Vegan blog including shopping list, food brands, soups, milk, nutrients guide, tofu, dog food, condiments, chocolate and more
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Vegan Family House went online in 1998, back when the internet felt new, before blogs and Google and RSS feeds. It’s had to move and change. The best bits of the site and the blog are now situated here among the trees: recipes, books, photos, thoughts on life… more will be added as we go along.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Newly-released vegan books, compassionate food choices, get started eating vegan, easy vegan starter cookbooks, nutrition and health, fitness and sports, veggie & animal activism, children’s books”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“promotes veganism to millions of people through free literature, outreach, recipes and more”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Vegan Blog. Categories: News, Recipes, Plants, Animal, Health, Nature, Other
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We inspire people to be vegan to save the world! Vegan Action works to eliminate animal suffering, reduce environmental impacts, and improve human health through a vegan diet.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Vegan Australia is an organisation which campaigns nationally for veganism. We believe that by working at a national level we can more effectively support the vegan community, inform the public about the principles of veganism and, importantly, present a strong voice for veganism to governments, institutions, corporations and the media. We are dedicated to making a difference for animals, people and our planet. The name “Vegan Australia” is significant. The organisation is more than just a social group for like-minded people. Rather, the name represents an ethical and political statement about what we want – a vegan Australia (or a vegan world, but let’s take one step at a time!). Vegan Australia works in cooperation with other vegan, animal and other progressive organisations around Australia and provides a strongly vegan perspective. We are aware of the “tyranny of distance” in Australia and so strive to ensure that organisations and individuals from all parts of the country are involved.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Vegan bodybuilding is about fueling your body with a vast array of natural, healthy foods, combined with resistance weight training and exercise, providing your body with the appropriate tools to build your physique and achieve your fitness goals.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “One of the world’s most recognized vegan body builders presents a comprehensive guide to building a fit body while eating a plant-based diet. Author Robert Cheeke inspires people to develop magnificent bodies. His passion for doing the most amount of good while causing the least amount of harm has inspired athletes, trainers, and anyone interested in a strong, healthy body. This title includes information on the most important things to consider in order to be a successful vegan bodybuilder including the best way to put together vegan meal programs and training regimens, how to find sponsorship and make bodybuilding a career, and where to find access to vegan products, services, and equipment. There is also advice on how to take bodybuilding beyond a personal endeavor and use it for activism and outreach.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Vegan & Vegetarian: Essays & Editorial (The Animals Voice)
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We inspire people to be vegan to save the world!…Vegan Action is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (FIN# 94-3224024) works to eliminate animal suffering, reduce environmental impacts, and improve human health through a vegan diet. Created in 1995, is one of the oldest and most visited vegan websites in the world. Our efforts over the past 25 years include certifying thousands of vegan products with our logo through our Vegan Certification Campaign by: * introducing humane organizations to veganism with our Humane Outreach Campaign, * bringing vegan food into public and private facilities nationwide with our Food Service Campaign, * educating animal welfare organizations about the connection of care for companion animals and veganism, * leading cooking and plant-based nutrition lessons to students and community groups, * sharing the compelling ideas behind veganism with thousands of people with our Share Vegan Campaign and additional tabling events. We also raise awareness to over a quarter of a million people a year through this website.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“High-grade art supplies now offer conscientious artists professional-quality work materials free of animal products—or animal testing.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Online Resources. “United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Events, news and actions to take. “United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle. We provide information through our quarterly magazine Poultry Press, our Website at, and our sanctuary in Machipongo, Virginia on the Eastern Shore. We invite you to join us and support our work.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
News. “United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Articles and videos on reversing climate change and ending world hunger with our food choices.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle. We provide information through our quarterly magazine Poultry Press, our Website at, and our sanctuary in Machipongo, Virginia on the Eastern Shore. We invite you to join us and support our work. Founded in 1990 by Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns is the world’s foremost non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the respectful treatment of domestic fowl. UPC runs a haven for chickens in Virginia, and also teaches people about the egg and chicken meat industries, the natural lives of free chickens, pleasures and benefits of human-chicken companionship, and alternatives to chicken farming and the use of chickens in education and scientific experimentation.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The National Museum of Animals & Society (NMAS) is proud to present “Un-Cooped: Deconstructing the Domesticated Chicken.” This exhibit will explore the origins of and the cultural attitudes towards one of the most common—yet most often overlooked—of all domesticated animals: the chicken….Our hope is that this exhibit will help facilitate a dialogue about the ways chickens are perceived and treated in society and offer an opportunity for people to “get to know” chickens and their little known charisma, complexity and charm.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“For the Animals, for the Planet, for Humanity. Ubuntu 4 Animals is dedicated to the legal, religious and cultural protection of animals from human abuse. Ubuntu 4 Animals came into being in November 2013 with our first project, an AVAAZ petition to Pope Francis calling on him to use his role to protect animals. Ubuntu 4 Animals is currently working together with ITSOIS ( to develop and make available materials contributing to the emerging paradigm that puts the planet and all its inhabitants first.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Information on being vegan including why, how and recipes.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
TryVeg’s blog. Recipes, products, tips, documentaries etc
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“TreeHugger is the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Partial to a modern aesthetic, we strive to be a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information. We publish an up to the minute blog, weekly and daily newsletters, and regularly updated Twitter and Facebook pages. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Inspired by the words and deeds of social justice visionaries of past eras, we create documentary films, educational web sites, critical thinking essays, teaching presentations and grassroots advocacy programs that expose hidden injustices, awaken compassion, empower individual transformation and encourage nonviolent resistance to oppression and socially sanctioned violence.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Some of the online responses to my recently published Vegan Book of Permaculture have highlighted a polarity that exists between vegans and those who use animal products or integrate animals into their systems. Whilst I think most of the time both sides of the debate co-exist (reasonably) happily together, it’s an emotive topic, and when it does come to the surface can lead to raised passions, often resulting in hurt all round. This article is an acknowledgement of this divide, and hopefully moves towards a more positive and constructive outcome arising from the compost of the anger and miscommunication that can occur.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Melanie Joy on Carnism and other food choices. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Vegan eating has gained a significant amount of traction within the restaurant industry—sparking mega chains like Chipotle, Wendy’s, Burger King, Ben & Jerry’s, Starbucks, and countless others to add plant-based options for their diners. Among all the food industries, the pizza world seems to be the quickest in listening to customer demands. Here are our top five picks for pizza chains that are now offering vegan options—yes, all of them have vegan cheese.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Vegan diets are exploding in popularity around the globe, which makes travelling as a vegan much easier. Elizabeth Warkentin rounds up the places where you’ll never have to resort to a soggy sandwich”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Documentaries are a fantastic way to learn more about any given subject, and animal rights or vegan-based ones are no exceptions to that rule. There are so many documentaries to choose from when it comes to learning about animal rights or plant-based living, with many overlapping with environmentalism and health as well. Below we have chosen the top ten documentaries to watch–some of them focus on single issues, while others cover broad spectrums. What they all have in common is an overall impact in raising awareness and inspiring people to make changes.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Food that makes animals, people and the planet happy.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Vegan website: browse foods (A-Z), vegan food and drink guide, kitchen gear, vegan apparel guides, vegan sofas
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Searchable database of vegan products for sale divided into categories. “Thrive Market is an online, membership-based market making the highest quality, healthy and sustainable products available for every budget, lifestyle, and geography.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“This Is Hope is a crossover book for self-identified environmentalists, species rights advocates, vegans and vegetarians, those dedicated to true sustainability, fish and wildlife “management” professionals, students of deep ecology, and those who want to know the biocentric solutions for our dietary, consumer, and reproductive choices.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“As the leading organization at the forefront of the conscious consumerism movement, it is One Green Planet’s view that our food choices have the power to heal our broken food system, give species a fighting chance for survival, and pave the way for a truly sustainable future. By choosing to eat more plant-based foods, you can drastically cut your carbon footprint, save precious water supplies and help ensure that vital crop resources are fed to people, rather than livestock. With the wealth of available plant-based options available, it has never been easier to eat with the planet in mind.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “In their debut cookbook, The Plantpower Way, Julie Piatt and her ultra-endurance athlete husband, Rich Roll, inspired thousands to embrace a plant-fueled lifestyle, and through their advocacy efforts, podcasts, and talks, countless people are now enjoying healthier and more vibrant lives. In This Cheese is Nuts, Julie is bringing that message to the forefront once more, with a stunning collection of flavorful nut-based cheeses. Julie has always been known for her dairy-free cheeses, and here she shares seventy-five recipes using almonds, cashews, and other nuts to create cheeses anyone can make right at home. Nut-based cheeses are on the cutting edge in the world of vegan cuisine. They’re remarkably simple to prepare (all you need are a few simple ingredients and a basic dehydrator), and in as little as twenty minutes, you can have an assortment of tasty fresh cheeses fit for any occasion. Even creating aged cheeses is easy—they require only a day or two in the dehydrator, so making “fancier” cheeses, like Aged Almond Cheddar, is an almost entirely hands-off process. And though they’re delectable on their own, Julie’s nut-based cheeses are a terrific component in her recipes for Raw Beet Ravioli with Cashew Truffle Cream, Country Veggie Lasagna with Fennel and Brazil Nut Pesto, French Onion Soup with Cashew Camembert, and more. Filled with the essential tips, tools, and mouth-watering recipes home cooks need to immerse themselves in the world of nut-based cheese-making, This Cheese is Nuts will demonstrate why nut cheeses should be part of any healthy, sustainable diet.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“Love traveling AND vegan food? We’ve got you covered with MFA’s Ultimate Vegan Road Trip!!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We act with hope and determination. We take on the impossible. We are everyday people connected around the world, embarking on a billion acts of courage. Join us today.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
Book and website: “Welcome to The World Peace Diet: a best-selling book by Dr. Will Tuttle that has become a movement. The evolution to a more conscious society begins with each one of us. As Gandhi emphasized, there can be no positive social change without positive personal change. The World Peace Diet, now translated and published worldwide in 16 languages, connects many dots–culturally, historically, nutritionally, ecologically, psychologically, and spiritually–to reveal how our routine exploitation of animals for food and other products boomerangs in countless ways, affecting both our outer world and the inner landscape of our daily experience. A more conscious way of living is beckoning, and the World Peace Diet approach blends mindfulness with kindness and respect for each other and all expressions of life, creating a practical foundation for harmony and freedom for ourselves and our world.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
A summary on world hunger as it relates to our food choices.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Thoughts about veganism. Promoting an end to the use and the property status of members of nonhuman species.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“This blog is mainly written with an audience of vegans/animal rights activists in mind. The strategies and ways of communication that I support and write about, are usually pragmatic and friendly in nature. What I hope to do is to provide arguments why pragmatic and friendly activism and communication work. Being friendly and pragmatic is not (just) about a concern not to offend people, and it certainly is not about compromising or selling out. It is also not about being slow, or thinking that we have time to spare. It is not about not being vegan or betraying the animals. Rather, being friendly and pragmatic is a matter of strategy. It is about being effective. It is about diminishing animal suffering in the fastest possible way. The friendly and pragmatic part of our movement needs arguments for why this approach works, lest they not be accused of not being interested in veganizing the world and just sitting around sharing recipes and eating cupcakes. I try to provide these arguments.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Welcome! has been online since January 2000 with the goal of promoting and providing support for your vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. We offer authoritative information on a wide array of topics, from health & nutrition to animal rights issues to agriculture & environment. Additionally, we offer complete online vegan shopping including vegan footwear, clothing & accessories, a huge selection of foods, personal care products, books, videos, and plenty more. We are unique in that we donate 5% of the amount of every single purchase you make (not merely 5% of net profits) to vegan and animal rights organizations.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Join the millions of others who are making the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle their chosen lifestyle for the 21st century. Plan your next vacation using our FREE state or country travel guides, and discover how exciting a healthy plant-based lifestyle can be! Find vegetarian B&B’s, sports & fitness retreats, natural hot springs, living food retreats and educational centers, meditation retreats, spas, and yoga retreats — around the world. We also feature an annual Events Calendar, eZine, and exclusive interviews.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The recipes on this blog are vegan, oil-free, dairy-free, tofu-free, no added gums, almost all are gluten-free and 8 ingredients or less!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
A resource directory of vegan brands. “Vegan products contain no animal ingredients and are not tested on animals. Even further, some vegans don’t consider palm oil production to be vegan; as many plantations are causing forested land to be clear-cut; displacing and harming wildlife. “Cruelty-free” is the term used for products that are not tested on animals, but it does not always mean there are no animal-sourced ingredients. More and more companies are making it easy by labeling the product with vegan symbols and certification. I never had this luxury when I first went vegan 4 decades ago! The post concludes with some simple free recipes shared by vegan friends.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Founded in 1944, The Vegan Society is a registered educational charity that provides information and guidance on various aspects of veganism.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Check out events in your local area! “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
The contents, introduction and chapter 1 (Permaculture and Veganism – The Basics). 32 page pdf
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Union of Concerned Scientists is a national nonprofit organization founded 50 years ago by scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who sought to use the power of science to address global problems and improve people’s lives. Our Mission: The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. Joining with people across the country, we combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future. Today, we are a group of nearly 250 scientists, analysts, policy and communication experts dedicated to that purpose.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Health, climate change, animal welfare… what’s driving more people and brands to embrace a plant-based lifestyle? We investigate, and, below, four vegans explain their choice”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The China Study is one of those weighty, important books that is perhaps more talked about than actually read. It’s easy to see why: At 417 pages packed with nutrition facts and research stats, it’s a lot to digest—not exactly a beach read. But it’s worth knowing about since the book is based on one of the largest comprehensive studies of human nutrition ever conducted, launched via a partnership between Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventative Medicine, with data collected over a span of 20 years. In The China Study, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and his son, Thomas M. Campbell II, MD, discuss and analyze the results from the study (and other influential nutrition research) and recommend their protocol for the best diet for long-term health.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“I’ve made the first edition of my Ultimate Vegan Guide available for free reading right from this page, since I would hate to think that anyone interested in eating fewer animal products might be hindered by the cost of learning how to do it.” Book: “You could be the world’s next vegan. It’s easy if you know how, and this uniquely helpful book tells you everything you need to know. Every topic related to vegan living is covered including cooking, nutrition, food shopping, travel, dining out, and much more. You’ll get clear and straightforward guidance from Erik Marcus, a vegan of thirty years and counting. Join the thousands of people who’ve used this book to easily and successfully transition to a vegan lifestyle.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Watch “The Secret Reason We Eat Meat” with social psychologist and author Dr. Melanie Joy, founder of Beyond Carnism.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Our vision is an eco-centric, life-enriching global culture of normalized nonviolence. The mission of the Sacred Lifeline Project is to create safe, living spaces as experiential education and research centers (Imaginal Cell Academies) where such a culture can flourish, where we integrate human economy with natural ecology, creating and cultivating thriving, regenerative nonviolent systems of joyful living, founded on compassion for all life. Such a Great Transition in culture from our mainstream ego-centric consumer culture of normalized violence requires changes in foundational stories, common attitudes towards others including other life-forms, processes and practices. This is a multi-disciplinary undertaking involving artists, anthropologists, psychologists, political scientists, engineers, doctors, lawyers, architects and spiritual leaders, among others. Hence we have assembled a strong team with diverse international experience and strong knowledge to mentor this project as it takes shape with primary, hands-on participation of the younger generation.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Sanctuary at Soledad was founded by Carol and Julian Pearce, award winning goat cheese makers who, in 2015, decided to give it all up and create an animal rescue farm. It wasn’t a decision that was made overnight. Both Carol and Julian have had lifelong passions for animal welfare, and met while saving sick calves. They’ve been rescuing abused, abandoned and neglected goats, cows, horses, pigs, chickens, ducks and dogs for years, saving many from being euthanized. Now those rescued animals live side by side with former dairy goats as they all live out their happy lives. The Sanctuary at Soledad Goats is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization funded by donations from supporters like you. In addition, proceeds from the sale of the new vegan cheese go to The Sanctuary.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The mission of the Peace Abbey Foundation is to create and install public works of art that promote peace and nonviolence; and to administer and care for Abbey Interfaith Peace Chaplaincy, The Pacifist Memorial, The Animal Rights Memorial, Abbey Cremation Cemetery for Conscientious Objectors and the National Registry for Conscientious Objection. Throughout the year, the Foundation presents the Int’l Courage of Conscience Award at conferences and peace ceremonies and extends the impact of the Peace Seeds interfaith prayers for peace through their dissemination worldwide. We conduct and support programs that bring together and promote the cooperation of people of different faith traditions and non-theists as well. We do this in the spirit of the 1986 International Day of Prayer for World Peace, as celebrated that year by religious leaders from around the globe in Assisi, Italy. The Foundation supports grassroots efforts to link the many dimensions of the peace movement with a committed emphasis on human rights and animal rights. We recognize these two dimensions of intrinsic rights as inextricably interconnected, just as social and economic justice require environmental sustainability and deep respect for the biosphere. Central to our universalist approach is the premise that nonviolence is the most effective and long-term strategy in addressing the multitude of challenges that now threaten our increasingly imperiled planet.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “How do you define the good life? For many, success is measured not by health and happiness but by financial wealth. But such a worldview overlooks the important things in life: personal contentment, family time, spirituality, and the health of the planet and those living on it. A preoccupation with money and possessions is not only unhealthy, it can also drain the true joy from life. In recent years, millions have watched their American Dreams go up in smoke. The international financial collapse, inflation, massive layoffs, and burgeoning consumer debt have left people in dire financial straits—including John Robbins, a crusader for planet-friendly food and lifestyle choices, who lost his entire savings in an investment scam. But Robbins soon realized that there was an upside to our collective financial downturn: Curtailed consumerism could lead us to reassess our lives and values. The New Good Life provides a philosophical and prescriptive path from conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption. Where the old view of success was measured by cash, stocks, and various luxuries, the new view will be guided by financial restraint and a new awareness of what truly matters. A passionate manifesto on finding meaning beyond money and status, this book delivers a sound blueprint for living well on less.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Designed to produce dramatic health improvement in two months, a healthy eating program focuses on helping those who have already had, or are in danger of having a heart attack, but is also useful as a guide to the prevention of coronary disease.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Are you ready to get to the roots of your challenges around food– whether it’s gratuitous snacking,compulsive or emotional eating, indulging cravings, overeating, or other disheartening habits? Be ready to get mindful. Mindfulness can be the deciding factor between your successful adoption of a healthy vegan diet and repeated frustrating attempts. This simple technique goes under the surface of what is hampering your happiness, providing a sought-after solution to many of life’s ups and downs by rewiring your reactivity to challenges. Certified mindfulness meditation facilitator, award winning health educator, and longtime vegan advocate Lani Muelrath has been practicing mindfulness meditation for 25 years. In The Mindful Vegan, she teaches you how to practice mindfulness and shows how it can bring freedom and a new joy to your eating– and living– experience.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Video: “At the core of our being, lies the heart. The heart is what contains human emotion, including love and compassion. Though humanity wants world peace, we can’t seem to live peacefully amongst one another. Religious institutions, schools and educational systems, military and governments have done little to nothing to end the violence. Love is the solution, yet we continue to justify the violence. Why is this? The Lost Love examines why we lost our innate love for all life, and what we can do to reawaken it within us, and cultivate that to the rest of the world.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
News “Need help for an upcoming article, or simply want to see our latest press releases? …We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. Together, we are here, for the animals”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We fight the big fights to end suffering for all animals. Together with millions of supporters, we take on puppy mills, factory farms, trophy hunts, animal testing and other cruel industries. With our affiliates, we rescue and care for thousands of animals every year through our animal rescue team’s work and other hands-on animal care services. We fight all forms of animal cruelty to achieve the vision behind our name: A humane society. And we can’t do it without you.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
The poor treatment of factory farm workers.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. Together, we are here, for the animals…We create real social change in collaboration with others. After all, this is a movement that’s bigger than ourselves. So, we share resources. Train other nonprofit organizations. And, importantly cultivate a welcoming, collaborative and change-making community. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“John Robbins and Joanna Macy, who have been friends for thirty years, are both crusaders for a life-sustaining world. In this conversation, both intimate and visionary, they explore ways they have continued over the years to move and inspire each other. ” from Helping Hands Newsletter (Buddhist Global Relief)
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We work with scientists, investors, and entrepreneurs to make groundbreaking good food a reality. We focus on clean meat and plant-based alternatives to animal products—foods that are more delicious, safer to eat, and better for the planet than their outdated counterparts.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Buddhism ought to be an animal rights religion par excellence. It has long held that all life forms are sacred and considers kindness and compassion the highest virtues. Moreover, Buddhism explicitly includes animals in its moral universe. Buddhist rules of conduct—including the first precept, “Do not kill”—apply to our treatment of animals as well as to our treatment of other human beings. Consequently, we would expect Buddhism to oppose all forms of animal exploitation, and there is, in fact, wide agreement that most forms of animal exploitation are contrary to Buddhist teaching. Yet many Buddhists eat meat―although many do not―and monks, priests, and scholars sometimes defend meat-eating as consistent with Buddhist teaching. The Great Compassion studies the various strains of Buddhism and the sutras that command respect for all life. Norm Phelps, a longtime student of Buddhism and an acquaintance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, answers the central questions of whether Buddhism demands vegetarianism and whether the Buddha ate meat. He is not afraid to examine anti-animal statements in Buddhist lore―particularly the issues of whether Buddhists in non-historically Buddhist countries need to keep or to jettison the practices of their historical homelands.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Directed by Louie Psihoyos and executive produced by James Cameron, The Game Changers tells the story of James Wilks — elite special forces trainer and winner of The Ultimate Fighter — as he travels the world on a quest for the truth behind the world’s most dangerous myth: that meat is necessary for protein, strength and optimal health. Meeting elite athletes, special ops soldiers, visionary scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes, what James discovers permanently changes his relationship with food and his definition of true strength.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We live in a concrete, violent, noisy, high tech, busy world. We have lost our connection to animals, to nature, and most of all, to ourselves. Animals are living lives of torment from beginning to end, their cries are unheard, their pain is unseen, and they are suffering. The rate of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes has never been higher. The rain forests are being destroyed, we are in a global drought, we are polluting our air, and species go extinct every day. But by having reverence for all life and by reconnecting with Mother Earth we each can change all that. At The Gentle Barn we stand up for the innocent, and we help animals and children alike remember that they matter. We open people’s hearts to the connections with nature. We open people’s minds to what is happening around us. And we inspire people to be an integral part of the solution. Through the stories and interactions with our animals, we can raise future generations to have reverence for all life, protect our planet, live good healthy, happy lives, and we will all be closer to having peace on earth!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
Book: “In 1987, John Robbins published Diet for a New America, which was an early version of this book, and he started the food revolution. He continues to work tirelessly to promote conscious food choices more than 20 years later. First published in 2001, The Food Revolution is still one of the most frequently cited and talked about books of the food-politics revolution. It was one of the very first books to discuss the negative health effects of eating genetically modified foods and animal products of all kinds, to expose the dangers inherent in our factory farming system, and to advocate a complete plant-based diet. The book garnered endorsements by everyone from Paul Hawken to Neal Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson to Julia Butterfly Hill. After ten years in print, The Food Revolution is timelier than ever–and a very compelling read. The 10th anniversary edition has an updated, new contemporary look and a new introduction by the author.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The End of Meat is a groundbreaking documentary film envisioning a future where meat consumption belongs to the past…The End of Meat reveals the hidden impact of meat consumption; explores the opportunities and benefits of a shift to a more compassionate diet; and raises critical questions about the future role of animals in our society.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Peter Singer, the groundbreaking ethicist whom The New Yorker calls the most influential philosopher alive teams up again with Jim Mason, his coauthor on the acclaimed Animal Factories, to set their critical sights on the food we buy and eat: where it comes from, how it is produced, and whether it was raised humanely. The Ethics of What We Eat explores the impact our food choices have on humans, animals, and the environment. Recognizing that not all of us will become vegetarians, Singer and Mason offer ways to make healthful, humane food choices. As they point out: You can be ethical without being fanatical.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Do I need more protein? Am I getting enough nutrients for the baby? How do I defend my decision to stay vegan? These questions and more are on the minds of vegan moms-to-be who want to maintain their lifestyle but still nurture a healthy baby. Well, you can breathe a sigh of relief because a vegan pregnancy is not only possible, it’s also healthy and completely safe. With this helpful guide, you will learn about all aspects of vegan pregnancy from conception to bringing home baby, including: Which foods to eat (and avoid) to get optimum nutrients for you and babyHow to deal with disapproval from family and friendsMethods to ensure a vegan-friendly hospital birthSetting up a vegan nursery for the baby Packed with information for both moms and dads, including 150 nutritious and healthy recipes for the whole family, this book is the ultimate resource for parents who want the best for their baby-without sacrificing the vegan life!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Emotional World of Farm Animals is a delightful documentary for viewers of all ages about the thinking and feeling side of animals that are all too often just viewed as food. Jefferey Masson, author of When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love, leads viewers through the personal journey he underwent while writing his latest book, The Pig Who Sang to The Moon. This journey into the sentient, emotional lives of farm animals brings Masson to animal sanctuaries around the country where caregivers and the animals themselves tell their harrowing stories of rescue and escape. Masson delves into the rich ancestry of these curious and intelligent animals and interviews top experts in animal behavior who offer scientific perspectives on these amazing creatures.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Doomsday Clock is a design that warns the public about how close we are to destroying our world with dangerous technologies of our own making. It is a metaphor, a reminder of the perils we must address if we are to survive on the planet. When the Doomsday Clock was created in 1947, the greatest danger to humanity came from nuclear weapons, in particular from the prospect that the United States and the Soviet Union were headed for a nuclear arms race. The Bulletin considered possible catastrophic disruptions from climate change in its hand-setting deliberations for the first time in 2007.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “The Dietitian’s Guide to Vegetarian Diets: Issues and Applications provides the most up-to-date information on vegetarian diets. Written for dietitians and other health care professionals, the Third Edition can be used as an aid for counseling vegetarian clients and those interested in becoming vegetarian or serve as a textbook for classroom study for students who have completed introductory coursework in nutrition. Evidence-based and thoroughly referenced, this text includes case-studies, sample menus, and counseling points to help students apply material to the real world.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“I’m Joshua Katcher. I started The Discerning Brute, the world’s first men’s vegan lifestyle website, over 10 years ago. On this website you’ll discover food, fashion, sports and culture for the ethically handsome man. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Insect abundance is plummeting with wild abandon, worldwide! Species evolve and go extinct as part of nature’s normal course over thousands and millions of years, but the current rate of devastation is off the charts and downright scary.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Compassionate Road website is a free resource for anyone interested in creating more healthy, sustainable and kind habits. Gemma is a Qualified Naturopath, yoga teacher and co-author of The Compassionate Kitchen. She has been involved in the making of a documentary and is an Ambassador for the animal protection group, Voiceless. She regularly speaks at events and hosts a range of workshops from healthy cooking, to how and why we can be more mindful around our diet and lifestyle choices.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
Film: “This is a really good doco for anyone interested in their health and what is going on with the health and food industries in New Zealand. Whether you are already on a plant-based journey or thinking about improving your health and reducing your footprint. Any kiwi can relate to Grant’s story and journey.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“We’re all about eating delicious, healthy plant-based food! It’s good for us and great for the planet – so why not?! Our subscription, Ridiculously Good Recipes, takes the hassle out of healthy with 5 tasty dinner recipes and a shopping list each week. Check out the website to sign up, or take on a free Eat Better Challenge. We also offer individual, group and company packages tailored to the level of support and insight you’re after.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“This blog is really meant for anyone who cares about the implications of their food choices — not just Jewish vegetarians and vegans. The Beet-Eating Heeb is committed to providing a forum for a meaningful, and occasionally light-hearted, discussion of food issues. And, oy vey, are there a lot of issues.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Aussie Farms is an animal rights charity, dedicating to ending commercialised animal abuse and exploitation in Australian animal agriculture facilities by increasing industry transparency and educating the public about modern farming and slaughtering practices….The Aussie Farms Repository is a public repository/gallery for videos, photos, documents and campaign materials (fliers, posters, etc); a knowledgebase; and a centre for innovative and creative tools, relating to the animal rights movement in Australia. We believe that between all of us, we have tonnes of visual evidence of animal cruelty and exploitation, a lot of which might just be gathering dust because it doesn’t fit any particular campaigns, or otherwise isn’t getting out there to the public who need to see it.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Sue Coe’s advocacy of animal rights is unmatched in its eloquence, forcefulness, and lasting impact. She does so with a combination of extraordinary images and few words. In her unstinting insistence on tolerance and love, Coe brings us to a life-affirming philosophy that values compassion over greed, community over self, and life over capital. In 115 black-and-white woodcut illustrations for The Animals’ Vegan Manifesto, Sue Coe unleashes an outraged cry for action that takes its rightful place alongside the other great manifestos of history. As a prize-winning artist, she bears witness to unspeakable crimes, and has long advocated that we human beings must take more responsibility for ourselves, our fellow species, and the planet. Her illustrations, in the tradition of Goya, Kollwitz, and Grosz, will be familiar to many; her paintings, drawings and prints have been exhibited in galleries and museum around the world, including New York’s Museum of Modern Art.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Animals Voice is an independent online resource for helping animals and the people who defend them. We are an award-winning networking source of recent media coverage, timely information, and an incalculable volume of resources for animals and their defenders. We feature the latest news, multimedia, events, victories, thought-provoking and inspirational editorial, graphic and compelling photography, and in-depth investigative reports, as it relates to the plight of animals. Through our online database of hard-hitting editorial and photography, resources and networking, as well as our international award-winning animal rights magazine, we have already proven our potential among activists and adversaries as a powerful force in the changes necessary for the betterment in the living and dying conditions for animals worldwide. We promise to continue our independent work to globally network activists and organizations, and to educate and enlighten everyone who visits or reads our material about the desperate plight of animals and what part they can play in ending animal cruelty.”
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