RACE – The Power of an Illusion
“The online companion to California Newsreel’s 3-part documentary about race in society, science & history”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The online companion to California Newsreel’s 3-part documentary about race in society, science & history”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Public Citizen’s energy and climate program advocates for affordable, clean and sustainable energy. We safeguard families by promoting the strong regulation of energy markets, educate the public on the dangers of continued reliance on dirty energy sources, help solve climate change by promoting localized clean energy alternatives and hold large energy corporations accountable by exposing wrongdoing.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Public Intelligence is an international, collaborative research project aimed at aggregating the collective work of independent researchers around the globe who wish to defend the public’s right to access information. We operate upon a single maxim: equal access to information is a human right. We believe that limits to the average citizen’s ability to access information have created information asymmetries which threaten to destabilize democratic rule around the world. Through the control of information, governments, religions, corporations, and a select group of individuals have been able to manipulate public perception into accepting coercive agendas which are ultimately designed to limit the sovereignty and freedom of populations worldwide. This site is an attempt to compile and defend public information using software and methods which are open source and available to the public at large. It is our hope that by making such information available and demonstrating the power of a public resolved to inform itself, we may engender a more informed and proactive populace. Within our first two years of operation, we have already received more than twenty threats and takedown notices from government agencies and corporations around the world for publishing documents discovered via open source methods available to any member of the public. No information has ever been removed or censored.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“As the general focus of the QATSI Trilogy is the technological milieu, it is the purpose of this site to foster a web-dialogue on this little understood, yet ubiquitous subject – the nature of technology. What we know about the subject is vastly promotive, over-the-top positive, coming to us from the producers of global technology. A glowing wonderland of unlimited opportunity is promised by the good life of the technological order. Infinite capacity, virtual immortality, super human cognition – attributes that have until now been reserved for the divine are indicated for technology. A new technological pantheon has been established in the horizonless world of the Blue Planet. But is technology what it appears to be? Have we looked behind the shimmer of its glowing surface? Very little, if anything, reveals its meaning through mere appearances. Most everything is more complex, full with a universe of hidden dimensions. Is technology an exception to this common experience? Or, have we accepted its truth as the truth?” films: Koyaanisqatsi (life out of balance), Powaqqatsi (life in transformation), Naqoyqatsi (life as war).
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We have been going regularly to the local train station for five years wearing t-shirts bearing questions: one always reads, “What’s Your Opinion?” and the other might be, “Should We Have Gone to War?” or some other provocative question. Such questions are a non-threatening invitation to people who are ready to approach us and share their views on policy issues and how they came to hold them. As we listen with interest and respect, people vent feelings and, then, often become more free to think anew. People appreciate being listened to without interruption. If their opinion is listened to with respect, then their “suspicion” of talking to someone who may have a differing viewpoint quickly evaporates…Our names are Dan and Trey. We are two friends who, during the buildup toward war with Iraq in the fall of 2002, felt that not enough people were talking about this vital issue. We thought that such an action, which surely would cost our nation money and lives, merited discussion among Americans of all political persuasions. It is our belief that people do their own best thinking when they are listened to with respect. We decided, as concerned citizens, to create a forum for discussion on the topic of war and all related issues. We have conducted this project without the sponsorship of any political group.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Founded in 2011 by women reporters, Pública is the first nonprofit investigative journalism agency in Brazil. With breathtaking public interest reports, our stories were republished last year by over 700 media outlets under the Creative Commons license. All our reports are made on the basis of rigorous fact-finding and are based on the uncompromising defense of human rights. We investigated public administration, including all levels of government and legislative houses; the social and environmental impacts of companies, their corruption and anti-transparency practices; the judiciary, its effectiveness, transparency and equity; and violence against vulnerable populations in the city and in the countryside. In the independent journalism promotion program, we provide mentoring for journalists, a micro-scholarship contest, journalism discussion events, and support programs for innovative projects.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Blog. “ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Articles. “Vegan – The healthiest diet and its effects on the climate, the environment, animal welfare and human rights. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the “elitist theory of democracy” and the relationship between war, propaganda and class.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition. Vision: We strive for a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet. Mission: Reducing the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Introduction, The Healthiest Diet, For Human Rights, The Moral Reasons, For Animal Welfare and Animal Rights, For the Climate and Environmental Protection, The Religious Reason, Personal Epilogue
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force. We dig deep into important issues, shining a light on abuses of power and betrayals of public trust — and we stick with those issues as long as it takes to hold power to account.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Established in 1987 for people poisoned by the now-banned pesticide, Chlordane, PACE exists to give comfort and support. Through PACE, pesticide victims provide support to fellow survivors on an all-volunteer, not-for-profit basis. There are no charges for information, counseling or other services. PACE is unique in that true empathy is expressed through shared experience.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Economics of Prout covers the basic economic principles of Prout, which offers a viable alternative to the materialistic, anti human philosophies of Capitalism and Communism.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Guidelines for meeting. “Council is the process of figuring out how the group feels; it’s not just for thinking. The goal is not necessarily consensus of action, but of understanding: once we understand each other, what to do should be obvious.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Protest.Net is a collective of activists who are working together to create our own media. By publishing a public record of our political activities on the web we are taking a stand against the established media. We are standing up and showing that serious activism is alive and well at the dawn of the 21st century. Everyday from Kansas to India activists are meeting, organizing, and protesting to demand a better world for all. When the corporate media takes note of our activities it is only to spit upon our struggle. We are accused of being misinformed bleading heart hooligans with nothing better to do than march up and down blocking traffic. Yet the rich get richer, and we are told to be complacent, to wait for our due. They say the environment isn’t being destroyed, it’s ok to kill millions of Iraqi’s with vindictive sanctions, that the billions living in slums just need to work harder, that global domination by a corporate elite is the only way. Activists around the world are fighting for a better world. We can’t rely on the media establishment to cover our movements. We will rise up and seize the means of communication!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“Project South was founded as the Institute to Eliminate Poverty & Genocide in 1986. Our work is rooted in the legacy of the Southern Freedom Movement, and four primary work areas achieve our mission of cultivating strong social movements in the South powerful enough to contend with some of the most pressing and complicated social, economic, and political problems we face today.” Four work areas: education, local & regional organizing, legal & advocacy, movement support.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Mission: Project Learning Tree advances environmental literacy and promotes stewardship through excellence in environmental education, professional development, and curriculum resources that use trees and forests as windows on the world. Vision: Project Learning Tree is committed to creating a future where the next generation values the natural world and has the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and take responsible actions to sustain forests and the broader environment.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Since it mysteriously appeared on YouTube on July 18, 2012, ‘Propaganda’ has been described as ‘1984 meets The Blair Witch Project’, ‘A mouthful of scary porridge’, and ‘Even better than Triumph of The Will.’ It topped Indiewire’s top 10 films to watch out for at IDFA, where it had its world premiere. This was followed by The Independent declaring it ‘the real viral hit of 2012’ and Films for Action rating it their Number One film for 2012. So far, the film has been translated in to six languages. Controversial to the core, ‘Propaganda’ is part of an ongoing international incident involving the Australian Federal Police, the South Korean Embassy in New Zealand, the Catholic Church, the Counter-Terrorism Unit in Christchurch and the Korean Society, which has publicly accused the filmmakers of being North Korean agents.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Project Censored educates students and the public about the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government. We expose and oppose news censorship and we promote independent investigative journalism, media literacy, and critical thinking. Through our website, weekly radio program, annual book, and other programs, we provide this service to the United States, Canada, UK, and the world. Censorship undermines democracy. An informed public is crucial to democracy in at least two basic ways. First, without access to relevant news and opinion, people cannot fully participate in government. Second, without media literacy, people cannot evaluate for themselves the quality or significance of the news they receive. Project Censored’s work highlights the important links among a free press, media literacy, and democratic self-government.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty is an Alabama death row prisoner founded and run organization. We were founded in 1989. Our mission is to work together with friends and other supporters to educate the public and to bring about the abolition of the death penalty in Alabama.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Blog about psychology and somatic experiences based on Jungian approaches
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Help make mass surveillance of entire populations uneconomical! We all have a right to privacy, which you can exercise today by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Mission Statement: Prison Radio’s mission is to challenge unjust police and prosecutorial practices which result in mass incarceration, racism and gender discrimination. We do this by bringing the voices of men, women and kids into the public debate and dialogue on crime and punishment. Our radio broadcasts help spur the public to examine core issues that create crime and heighten disenfranchisement. Our educational materials serve as a catalyst for public activism, strengthening movements for social change. Prison Radio’s productions illustrate the perspectives and the intrinsic human worth of the more than 7.1 million people under correctional control in the U.S and those not served by the justice system.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Amplifying the voices of those in California’s solitary confinement in their call for an end to torture…The Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity coalition (PHSS)- originating in the San Francisco Bay Area and made up of grassroots organizations, family members, formerly incarcerated people, lawyers, and individuals- formed in 2011 to amplify the voices of CA prisoners on hunger strike striving to achieve their Five Core Human Rights Demands. The coalition continues to work in solidarity with CA prisoners and their families to amplify prisoners’ voices and end the torture that is solitary confinement.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“PI is a charity that challenges the governments and companies that want to know everything about individuals, groups, and whole societies. The future PI wants is one where people are in control of their data and the technology they use, and governments and companies are no longer able to use technology to monitor, track, analyse, profile, and ultimately, manipulate and control us. But we have to fight for that future. Privacy International is a fiercely independent charity and all our campaigns against companies and governments are driven solely by our charitable aims: to promote the human right of privacy throughout the world. This is why we do not accept any funding from industry. We also have a strict policy about the circumstances under which we would accept any grants so that it never gags our ability to criticise state actors and others who abuse your privacy and freedom. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
A discussion on 10 principles of nonviolence
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Vegan permaculture is the new black! (Or is it green?) Actually it’s more than just a fad, it’s the evolutionary expansion of traditional permaculture. Vegan permaculture is the true path to healing our fellow Earthlings, the environment and humanity in a way that causes the least amount of harm as possible to everyone and everything. Vegan permaculture is a ‘wholistic’ solution to most of our world’s problems…vegan permaculture can empower people to be more informed about all their decisions and ways of living; especially regarding food production. To become skilled at growing a percentage of our own clean, vibrant and nutrient dense food, and to become competent in designing our personal, business and community spaces is profound, uplifting and inspiring, and can happen in urban or rural locations. Vegan permaculture is all about designing for the needs of humans in the most peaceful, compassionate and mindful way that benefits humans, the animals and the environment.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Prevention of War Links (Physicians for Global Survival)
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Demonstrating How Lifestyle Medicine Can Prevent and Reverse Most Chronic Diseases”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Primate Freedom Project is dedicated to ending the use of nonhuman primates in biomedical and harmful behavioral experimentation. The Primate Freedom Project has three components: Education, Advocacy, and Support.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We are a wide network of peacemakers who engage issues of both national and international import. Our call is to be movers and shakers within the PC(USA) and beyond, encouraging one another to take seriously God’s call to God’s people to participate in God’s nonviolent work of love, peace, and justice in the world. The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship started in the 1940s as a group that provided support to Conscientious Objectors to World War II, a war in which objection was quite unpopular. Since our birth we have continued to be a prophetic voice in our church, urging the abolition of war and encouraging our sisters and brothers to enact peace in the midst of our broken world. We have helped lead the PC(USA) to take bold stances in the face of violence.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We are a coalition of organizations who care deeply about this issue. Our mission is simple: to Prevent Year ZERO from ever occurring. Between us, we have several decades of experience working on sustainability, environmental, conservation and animal rights issues.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Precious Life Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit organziation dedicated to rescuing and providing a safe home for abused, neglected and abandoned farm and companion animals, teaching humane education and advocating against practices that perpetuate animal suffering.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
A training exercise “My goal was to create something short that could be integrated into a regular direct action training to provide some consciousness raising.” 20-30 minutes
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Book: “Power-Under offers important new insights that can help us to break cycles of violence. Analyzing connections between oppression, trauma, and internalized powerlessness, this book shows how trauma is a link in complex chains of domination. Because large numbers of traumatized people are both oppressors and oppressed, understanding internalized powerlessness is critically important for our ability to build effective social change movements. Strategies including nonviolent self-protection, humanizing the oppressor, and a new politics of compassion are proposed for mobilizing traumatic rage toward progressive ends. Power-Under is strikingly relevant to a post-September 11 world in which we need to mount resistance to chain reactions of violence.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“With the corporate takeover of federal and state governments, growing state violence and oppression, a widening wealth gap and the climate crisis, more people are becoming politically active in new and creative ways. A growing culture of resistance is utilizing nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience as primary tactics, and is forming real democratic organizations to empower local communities—as opposed to working within the corrupt government dominated by a two-corporate party system and within an unfair, big finance, capitalist economy. PopularResistance.org is a resource and information clearinghouse for this movement of movements. We provide a daily stream of resistance news from the United States and around the world, and a national events calendar. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The growing human population depletes Earth’s finite resources, like water, arable land, and fuels. Pollution, available habitat, and climate change threaten the survival of all species. But we can stop population growth by protecting human health and human rights.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Population Media Center’s (PMC) reproducible formula for creating hit entertainment works across people, places, and media environments and it’s designed to impact multiple social, health, and environmental challenges. We engage audiences, change ideas, and empower people to make better-informed decisions.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Population Institute (PI) is an international non-profit (registered 501(c)(3) organization) that seeks to promote universal access to family planning information, education, and services. Through voluntary family planning, we strive to achieve a world population in balance with a healthy global environment and resource base. PI was established in 1969 and is located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“POSITION STATEMENT: It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage.” 11 page pdf
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is a nonpartisan independent watchdog that investigates and exposes waste, corruption, abuse of power, and when the government fails to serve the public or silences those who report wrongdoing.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter: PolitiFact’s methodology for independent fact-checking…Fact-checking journalism is the heart of PolitiFact. Our core principles are independence, transparency, fairness, thorough reporting and clear writing. The reason we publish is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Film: “Plutocracy is the first documentary to comprehensively examine early American history through the lens of class. A multi-part series by filmmaker Scott Noble, Part I focuses on the the ways in which the American people have historically been divided on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex and skill level.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“There is nothing Julieanna loves more than diving into a colossal bowl of salad. Known as The Plant-Based Dietitian, Julieanna has a bachelors of arts degree in Theatre from UCLA in and a masters of science degree in Nutrition from Cal State Northridge, bridging her three biggest passions for food, performing, and helping people.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“With the growing popularity of the plant-based diet and lifestyle comes the growing population of plant-based athletes. There are more plant-based athlete social media accounts today than there have ever been before, and there is no better time than right now to connect with others. Here are 25 epic plant-based athletes to follow on Instagram”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Plant-based ‘meat’ companies.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Planet Ocean by the notable environmentalist, journalist, and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand explores the ocean as an entire ecosystem, using stunning cinematography by Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot to show how all life on Earth is interconnected. Rather than using a persuasive tone, Planet Ocean employs the raw natural beauty of ocean life to show how precious and valuable this water world is. Using first person narration instead of the third person more commonly found in documentaries, it provides a much more personal view of the powerful scenes showcased throughout the film. Viewing this enchanting film leaves the haunting impression that the greatest threat to the ocean is humanity, but it is not too late to save it.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Plant Based diet and lifestyle tips” with vegan athlete examples
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Pioneer Network is the national leader of the culture change movement, helping care providers to transition away from a medical, institutional model of elder care to one that is life affirming, satisfying, humane and meaningful. Pioneer Network advocates for a culture of aging in which individual voices are heard and individual choices are respected. Our goal is transformational culture change in organizations to foster care that is directed by the person receiving it.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Mission: The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving and improving human and animal lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. Vision: Creating a healthier world through a new emphasis on plant-based nutrition and scientific research conducted ethically, without using animals.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Physicians for Global Survival (PGS), formed in 1980, was formerly a charity and is now a not for profit organization. It is the Canadian affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), which is the only international medical organization dedicated to preventing nuclear war. PGS recognizes that the catastrophic health and environmental consequences of a nuclear war are at the extreme end of a continuum of armed violence that undermines health and security. IPPNW and PGS are committed to studying the root causes of armed conflict from a public health perspective and to educating others. PGS promotes nonviolent means of conflict resolution and social justice in a sustainable world. Through examination of the connections between nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, PGS and IPPNW are now concerned about global energy sustainability and climate change issues. For its work, IPPNW was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“PSR advocates on the issues you care about by addressing the dangers that threaten communities, using our medical and public health expertise to prevent nuclear war and proliferation, reverse our trajectory towards climate change, protect the public and our environment from toxic chemicals and eliminate the use of nuclear power.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
Search resources by issue and type. “PSR advocates on the issues you care about by addressing the dangers that threaten communities, using our medical and public health expertise to prevent nuclear war and proliferation, reverse our trajectory towards climate change, protect the public and our environment from toxic chemicals and eliminate the use of nuclear power.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“Pigs Peace Sanctuary is a place of tranquility and happiness located one hour north of Seattle in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing a safe home for unwanted, abused or neglected animals in need and we are committed to spreading the message of compassion and respect for all animals.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Peter Singer on Effective Altruism & Cause Prioritization…Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement which applies evidence and reason to working out the most effective ways to improve the world. Effective altruists consider all causes and actions, and then act in the way that brings about the greatest positive impact. It is this broad evidence-based approach that distinguishes effective altruism from traditional altruism or charity.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University and professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne, Peter Singer takes a hard look at the food we eat, where it comes from, and how it is produced.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“In this short clip Peter Singer discusses the ethics of poverty and affluence, animal rights, and the radical nature of applied ethics.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Cruelty-free makeup brands list, Ultimate cruelty-free makeup brands info, A practical guide to going cruelty-free”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Philosopher Peter Singer visited Google’s Cambridge, MA office to discuss his book, “The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically”.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.” News, Vegan Life, App and Recipes
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“I am a professor of bioethics, with a background in philosophy. I work mostly in practical ethics, and am best known for Animal Liberation and for my writings about global poverty.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Project Syndicate: Articles by Peter Singer. “Peter Singer is Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, Laureate Professor in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne, and founder of the non-profit organization The Life You Can Save. His books include Animal Liberation, Practical Ethics, The Ethics of What We Eat (with Jim Mason), Rethinking Life and Death, The Point of View of the Universe, co-authored with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek, The Most Good You Can Do, Famine, Affluence, and Morality, One World Now, Ethics in the Real World, and Utilitarianism: A Very Short Introduction, also with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek. In 2013, he was named the world’s third “most influential contemporary thinker” by the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“It’s super-easy to help animals, no matter how old you are. Learn all about why you should help animals used for food, clothing, entertainment, and experimentation, plus how to protect companion animals and wildlife!” games, videos, quizzes, photos, activities, comics, food and more.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Are you ready to make a big difference for yourself, animals, and the Earth? Then PETA Prime is for you! Since 2008, PETA Prime has been a vital community of caring people who share their knowledge and experience to help you live a longer, healthier life, while making the Earth better for the people and animals who inhabit it. Our site features blog posts, book reviews, healthy recipes, travel tips, financial information, and compassionate ideas galore. Come share ideas and resources about health, your home, and your activism. We want to hear about your family, friends, companion animals, favorite animal-friendly recipes, health tips, travel experiences, penny-pinching ideas, and more! Let’s celebrate the wise people we have become and learn to make kind choices together.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We all have the right to clean air, clean water and a safe food supply. But we find pesticides in our fields, forests, lawns and ponds. When bureaucracies are slow to respond and chemical manufacturers and agribusiness block progress, Pesticide Watch steps in to help. We’re here to help you protect your community and family, and find solutions to pesticide problems.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Working for energy efficiency, conservation, and clean renewable energy in Connecticut”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“At Pesticide Action Network (PAN) North America, we work to create a just, thriving food system. For too long, pesticide and biotech corporations have dictated how we grow food, placing the health and economic burdens of pesticide use on farmers, farmworkers and rural communities. PAN works with those on the frontlines to tackle the pesticide problem — and reclaim the future of food and farming. PAN North America is one of five regional centers worldwide. We link local and international consumer, labor, health, environment and agriculture groups into an international citizens’ action network. Together, we challenge the global proliferation of pesticides, defend basic rights to health and environmental quality, and work to ensure the transition to a just and viable food system.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Blog and News. “Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“From the 23rd to the 26th of February of 1998, grassroots movements of all continents met in Geneva to launch a worldwide coordination network of resistance to the global market, a new alliance of struggle and solidarity called Peoples’ Global Action against ‘free’ trade and the WTO (PGA). That was the birth of this global tool for communication and coordination for all those who fight the destruction of humanity and the planet by capitalism and build local alternatives to globalisation. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters. PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals who are often considered “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals. PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Maintaining a healthy environment, a stable climate and prosperous communities requires collaboration, evidence-based decision making and innovative solutions…The Pembina Institute is working to solve today’s greatest energy challenges — reducing the harmful impacts of fossil fuels while supporting the transition to an energy system that is clean, safe and sustains a high quality of life. We provide our expertise to industry and government leaders, and we advocate for a strong, science-based approach to policy, regulation, environmental protection and energy development. It’s time to transition to cleaner energy systems. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“People Against Wylfa-B (PAWB is the Welsh word for ‘everyone’) was established in the 1988 to oppose a second nuclear power plant at Wylfa, Anglesey, Wales.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Animals are sentient beings. Yet they suffer millions in animal experiments, in industrial agriculture, in slaughterhouses, farms, zoos, circuses, in hunting, and as “domestic animals”. To end this mass suffering, we must finally give the animals their elemental rights – their rights to life and physical integrity, equal treatment and freedom. Our long-term goal: The human-animal relationship must change fundamentally.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“PeaceVoice is a program of the Oregon Peace Institute. We are devoted to changing U.S. national conversation about the possibilities of peace and justice and the inadvisability of war and injustice. We believe that nonviolent conflict transformation from destructive to constructive —peace and justice by peaceable means—can help shape public discourse and thus, ultimately, public policy.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Film “Can a change of heart change the world? Two animal rescuers, five farmers, and a cow named Snickers will make you laugh and cry, expand your consciousness, and challenge your ideas about who animals are. Open your eyes. Trust your heart. Take the journey. A story of transformation and healing, this award-winning documentary explores a crisis of conscience experienced by several farmers questioning their inherited way of life. Growing more and more connected to individual animals under their care, they struggle to do what is right, despite overwhelming social and economic pressure to follow tradition. The film also explores the dramatic animal rescue work of a newly-trained humane police officer whose desire to help animals in need puts her in conflict with unjust laws she is expected to enforce. With heartfelt interviews and rare footage demonstrating the emotional lives and family bonds of farm animals, this groundbreaking documentary challenges stereotypes about life on the farm, offering a new vision for how we might relate to our fellow animals.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Peace Foundation Newsletter. Promoting peaceful relationships through education, research and action”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of American political elites–oil, and a need to have a secure military base in the region, among others–work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to exercise a powerful influence over how news from the region is reported.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“In the hearts and minds of people from every culture and background, there exists a vast, untapped reservoir of potential. Yet many of these global citizens, motivated to help create a more just and compassionate future for us all, lack access to effective tools for education and outreach. Meeting this crucial and often unmet need is why Tribe of Heart was founded in 2000, and it is what has inspired our work ever since. “This film has changed my life” is a phrase we often hear, and it simultaneously humbles us and excites our imaginations. We wonder, what might be possible if a large enough number of people were to see Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home or The Witness? With individual lives being changed one by one, and more people becoming empowered to carry that change forward to others, could the tragic plight of the animals on our planet begin to turn around? Could the environment be spared from ever-greater devastation? Could many more people live longer, healthier lives? Could a growing ethic of compassion and justice arise in our culture, transforming the way we relate to our fellow beings, individually and collectively? If you are as captivated by these possibilities as we are and want to get involved, please use this page to learn more about Tribe of Heart and explore the many ways you can make a difference. Working together, we can awaken and empower a vast number of people to become agents of peaceful transformation in their communities, and thereby make a lasting difference for those most in need. Please join us!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Peace Science Digest is a publication to create awareness about the contributions peace research can make to prevent war and violence.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Welcome to Peace News, the newspaper for the UK grassroots peace and justice movement. We seek to oppose all forms of violence, and to create positive change based on cooperation and responsibility.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Peace One Day’s objective is to institutionalise Peace Day 21 September. Throughout the years, millions of people have been active on Peace Day in every country of the world, and hundreds of organisations have carried out life-saving activities in areas of conflict. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“At Peace Factory, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is our source of inspiration for communication, dialogue and conflict resolution…Peace Factory comes to life as an adult training center and eco-hamlet cooperative, firmly rooted in valuing the needs of every human being. The transformation of the site, initiated in spring 2009 aims to develop a place of eco-cohabitation, integrating a training and well-being center anchored in the development of universal human needs.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Welcome to our new Peace In Space website. We are focused on preventing the placement of weapons in outer space, which would be catastrophic to all of civilization, to all life, and to our environment. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“PEACE Iowa Vision: -Make visible the way of peace. Increase awareness of the presence of peace-minded individuals and groups in eastern Iowa, and support their endeavors. -Facilitate community, common purpose, and cooperative action among diverse peace-oriented groups. Draw from the peace traditions of many faiths and from secular movements promoting peace. -Inspire and educate future generations of peacemakers. -Connect eastern Iowans to people affected by violent conflicts around the world, in order to hear first-hand their experiences, perspectives, and needs. -Foster communication between eastern Iowans and ordinary people in nations and groups labeled our “enemies.” -Serve as a resource for individuals who want to learn about historical peace traditions and movements. -Educate ourselves and others about the links between war and political, social, and economic practices. -Provide resources to help eastern Iowans make personal choices that decrease the likelihood of war and promote international peace.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Peace Learning Center educates, inspires and, empowers people to live peacefully. Our vision is to build a community of peace where respect is primary and justice is real. Through the modeling of behaviors, community collaboration, and by providing services, we value: -Peaceful resolution of all conflicts. -Strength of diversity in our community. -The potential of youth. -Responsible stewardship of the environment and community resources.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Here are some articles and media pointing to the transforming effect of Restorative Practices in schools, communities,organizations, families as well as other approaches that our team is using in serving your needs.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Peace Action works for smarter American approaches to global problems. If we want to address problems like war, the nuclear threat, poverty, global warming, terrorism – the U.S. needs to work together, cooperatively, with other nations. It also means overcoming the partisan politics and divisive rhetoric that often drown out alternatives to war. By getting regular Americans involved, we build the political will needed to break through that deadlock. Our success comes from engaging average citizens in foreign policy issues like no other organization.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“This blog is about the power of stories–in particular, the power of stories to change the world–and maybe, just maybe, to change us too. Our scriptures, that original collection of stories that our ancestors cherished and passed down to us generation after generation, tell us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” The stories told here on this site, whether taken individually or woven together, provide us a vision that speaks to both the presence of peace in our world today and the promise of peace for peoples and places that so desperately yearn for it. The voices here come from throughout our global movement, 120 member organisations on 5 continents, individuals and groups who are witnessing to peace with justice through the practice of active nonviolence and reconciliation. These are the voices and stories of people close to the action, on the ground, at the grassroots, all joined together to make Pax Christi International.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Grounded in the Gospel and Catholic social teaching, Pax Christi USA (PCUSA) is a membership organization that rejects war, preparation for war, every form of violence and domination, and personal and systemic racism. As PCUSA, a section of Pax Christi International, we are a Catholic peace and justice movement that seeks to model the Peace of Christ in our witness to the mandate of the nonviolence of the Cross.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Human rights defenders are at the heart of all we do at PBI. We provide protection, support and recognition to local human rights defenders who work in areas of repression and conflict and have requested our support. We believe that lasting transformation of conflicts cannot come from outside, but must be based on the capacity and desires of local people. We avoid imposing, interfering or getting directly involved in the work of the people we accompany. Our work is effective because we take an integrated approach, combining a presence alongside human rights defenders on the ground with an extensive network of international support.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We believe in human relationships where we go beyond the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ thinking to curiously approach differences and connect to the deeper internal motivations and needs and create bridges of connection…The Peace Circle Center offers standard and customized programs to schools, groups, communities, organizations, parents to bring powerful and compassionate character-building, peacemaking, social and coaching skills. The Peace Circle Center caters directly to youths and children through ‘Mom & Daughter’, ‘Dad & Son’, ‘Youth empowerment’, “Bullying Transformers’ mentorship groups and retreats. The Peace Circle Center has a large community-building effort for interested parents, educators and ‘friends of children’ through DC-area social events, camping trips and annual summer camp partnerships.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Pasado’s Safe Haven was founded in 1997 in honor of “Pasado“, a beloved donkey who was tortured to death by three teenage boys. Located on 85 acres in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, we are a non-profit on a mission to end animal cruelty. In addition to investigating animal cruelty crimes and providing sanctuary and rehabilitation to animals who have suffered from abuse and neglect, we also advocate for better laws to protect animals and work to educate the public about how they can help end animal suffering. Through our uniquely comprehensive programs, we are able to help thousands of animals every year and spread a message of compassion to countless people.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Interviews, articles and books by Paul Craig Roberts. “Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Collected here are papers about progressive social change… In 1980, I began facilitating workshops to prepare people for nonviolent direct action. I found it useful to prepare sample agendas which I could then easily modify to suit the occasion. I also developed notes and handouts that included everything I had learned about these subjects. I freely distribute these papers and encourage other people to use them to facilitate workshops for progressive activists. Please spread the word!.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“What if there was a formula; a recipe for a socio-economic chain reaction that anyone of reasonable intelligence could set in motion? What if each and every step we took towards applying that formula would inherently improve the outcome?”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
A 20 – 45min training exercise. “To give people an opportunity to solve a hassle or conflict using nonviolence. To experience a conflict from various viewpoints.”
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