Harmful Practice: Animal Farming

The Deathly Insect Dilemma

“Insect abundance is plummeting with wild abandon, worldwide! Species evolve and go extinct as part of nature’s normal course over thousands and millions of years, but the current rate of devastation is off the charts and downright scary.”

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The Compassionate Road

“The Compassionate Road website is a free resource for anyone interested in creating more healthy, sustainable and kind habits. Gemma is a Qualified Naturopath, yoga teacher and co-author of The Compassionate Kitchen. She has been involved in the making of a documentary and is an Ambassador for the animal protection group, Voiceless. She regularly speaks at events and hosts a range of workshops from healthy cooking, to how and why we can be more mindful around our diet and lifestyle choices.”

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The Bioneers: Declarations of Interdependence

Book: “This seminal book presents the fascinating stories of 14 bioneers at the forefront of technological and social innovation inspired by natural systems. First published in 1997, it introduced the emerging bioneers landscape and helped define the culture of restoration. Among the beautifully etched portraits are John Todd, Vandana Shiva, Wil- liam McDonough, John Perkins, Kat Harrison, Ana Edey and Joshua Mailman. Learn some of what and who inspired the creation of Bioneers.”

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The Beet-Eating Heeb

“This blog is really meant for anyone who cares about the implications of their food choices — not just Jewish vegetarians and vegans. The Beet-Eating Heeb is committed to providing a forum for a meaningful, and occasionally light-hearted, discussion of food issues. And, oy vey, are there a lot of issues.”

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The Aussie Farms Repository

“Aussie Farms is an animal rights charity, dedicating to ending commercialised animal abuse and exploitation in Australian animal agriculture facilities by increasing industry transparency and educating the public about modern farming and slaughtering practices….The Aussie Farms Repository is a public repository/gallery for videos, photos, documents and campaign materials (fliers, posters, etc); a knowledgebase; and a centre for innovative and creative tools, relating to the animal rights movement in Australia. We believe that between all of us, we have tonnes of visual evidence of animal cruelty and exploitation, a lot of which might just be gathering dust because it doesn’t fit any particular campaigns, or otherwise isn’t getting out there to the public who need to see it.”

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The Animals’ Vegan Manifesto

Book: “Sue Coe’s advocacy of animal rights is unmatched in its eloquence, forcefulness, and lasting impact. She does so with a combination of extraordinary images and few words. In her unstinting insistence on tolerance and love, Coe brings us to a life-affirming philosophy that values compassion over greed, community over self, and life over capital. In 115 black-and-white woodcut illustrations for The Animals’ Vegan Manifesto, Sue Coe unleashes an outraged cry for action that takes its rightful place alongside the other great manifestos of history. As a prize-winning artist, she bears witness to unspeakable crimes, and has long advocated that we human beings must take more responsibility for ourselves, our fellow species, and the planet. Her illustrations, in the tradition of Goya, Kollwitz, and Grosz, will be familiar to many; her paintings, drawings and prints have been exhibited in galleries and museum around the world, including New York’s Museum of Modern Art.”

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The Artist as Activist

“Filmmaker James LaVeck explains why Harriet Beecher Stowe was a masterful social justice artist, and how her approach to writing her famous antislavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin inspired the making of the documentary film Peaceable Kingdom – The Journey Home. The imaginations of the filmmakers were sparked by the history of US social justice movements, anecdotes of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s life, and unforgettable personal experiences with individual animals at a sanctuary. Following Stowe’s example, they focused on highlighting the individuality and family bonds of those being harmed, in this case, the billions of animals being exploited every day on industrial and family farms.”

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The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation? (Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science, and Law)

Book: “Gary L. Francione is a law professor and leading philosopher of animal rights theory. Robert Garner is a political theorist specializing in the philosophy and politics of animal protection. Francione maintains that we have no moral justification for using nonhumans and argues that because animals are property—or economic commodities—laws or industry practices requiring “humane” treatment will, as a general matter, fail to provide any meaningful level of protection. Garner favors a version of animal rights that focuses on eliminating animal suffering and adopts a protectionist approach, maintaining that although the traditional animal-welfare ethic is philosophically flawed, it can contribute strategically to the achievement of animal-rights ends. As they spar, Francione and Garner deconstruct the animal protection movement in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, and elsewhere, discussing the practices of such organizations as PETA, which joins with McDonald’s and other animal users to “improve” the slaughter of animals. They also examine American and European laws and campaigns from both the rights and welfare perspectives, identifying weaknesses and strengths that give shape to future legislation and action.”

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The Animals Voice

“The Animals Voice is an independent online resource for helping animals and the people who defend them. We are an award-winning networking source of recent media coverage, timely information, and an incalculable volume of resources for animals and their defenders. We feature the latest news, multimedia, events, victories, thought-provoking and inspirational editorial, graphic and compelling photography, and in-depth investigative reports, as it relates to the plight of animals. Through our online database of hard-hitting editorial and photography, resources and networking, as well as our international award-winning animal rights magazine, we have already proven our potential among activists and adversaries as a powerful force in the changes necessary for the betterment in the living and dying conditions for animals worldwide. We promise to continue our independent work to globally network activists and organizations, and to educate and enlighten everyone who visits or reads our material about the desperate plight of animals and what part they can play in ending animal cruelty.”

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The Animal Activist’s Handbook: Maximizing Our Positive Impact in Today’s World

Book: “Matt Ball and Bruce Friedrich take the plight of the world’s animals seriously and have dedicated their lives to ending their suffering. The Animal Activist’s Handbook argues that meaning in life is to be found, quite simply, in turning away from the futile pursuit of “more,” and focusing instead on leaving the planet a better place than you found it. The critical component of creating a better world for all is thoughtful, deliberate, and dedicated activism that takes suffering seriously. The authors build a ground-up case for reasoned, impassioned, and joyous activism that makes the most difference possible, and suggest a variety of ways to live a meaningful life through effective and efficient advocacy.”

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The Accidental Activist

Book: “Not every activist starts out with the goal of changing the world. Some have their life shaped by chance, quirks of timing, and strange coincidences. And an unwillingness—or simple inability—to fully ignore the horrors perpetrated on animals today. Since Matt Ball learned of factory farms well over a quarter century ago, his journey has been anything but linear. Instead, his evolution has been fraught with denial, regression, conflicts, and failures. Matt’s evolution shows that not every activist is a confident extrovert with all the answers. His struggles—often publicly played out in written form, in newsletters, mailings, blogs—have influenced, directly and indirectly, countless individuals. Even though accidental and reluctant, the hard-learned but ultimately pragmatic lessons Matt shares in this book are changing the world. Having learned from years of mistakes, his insights can help others be effective and, hopefully, happier as well. As Peter Singer notes, “A new future is in sight, one that Matt, Vegan Outreach, and other advocates are hard at work creating.” This book can help each of us be a part of bringing about this new future.”

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Terrorists or Freedom Fighters

Book: “The first anthology of writings on the history, ethics, politics and tactics of the Animal Liberation Front, Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? features both academic and activist perspectives and offers powerful insights into this international organization and its position within the animal rights movement. Calling on sources as venerable as Thomas Aquinas and as current as the Patriot Act—and, in some cases, personal experience—the contributors explore the history of civil disobedience and sabotage, and examine the philosophical and cultural meanings of words like “terrorism,” “democracy” and “freedom,” in a book that ultimately challenges the values and assumptions that pervade our culture. Contributors include Robin Webb, Rod Coronado, Ingrid Newkirk, Paul Watson, Karen Davis, Bruce Friedrich, pattrice jones and others.”

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TeachKind, PETA’s humane education division

“We’re here to help schools and educators promote compassion for animals through free lessons, classroom presentations, materials, advice, online resources, and more. Check out TeachKind’s resources and start building empathy for all beings now!”

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Teaching Resources on Biodiversity and Agriculture

“Teaching students about biodiversity, or the variety of life on Earth, is a daunting yet exciting task. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity wants to support you in guiding students through a fascinating and exciting exploration of biodiversity issues. For our first project, we’ve designed an educational module on biodiversity and agriculture. It comprises of an online educational web portal for primary school students and five accompanying lesson plans for educators. Educators can also download the children’s web portal in a booklet format below. The resources are aimed at students in upper primary school (grades four to six), but could be adapted for other levels.”

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Tamerlaine Sanctuary

“Our vision is a world that is compassionate toward all beings, especially the most vulnerable among us. We founded Tamerlaine in 2013 on the idea that rescuing animals from industrial agriculture and introducing them to the public is one of the most powerful ways to create positive change for all animals and the world in which we live. We have been providing rehabilitation and exceptional care for abused, neglected, and otherwise discarded animals ever since. Our rescue efforts have grown organically to over 200 animal residents.”

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“We Help Green Businesses Grow. Our services will continue to help shift us toward a restorative economy: -Daily Green Business News: concise news from around the world that keeps you informed about the latest trends and legislation. -Green Dream Jobs: connects people looking for jobs with environmentally conscious nonprofits, government agencies and businesses. -Green Education Directory: profiles all relevant degree, certificate and executive development programs. -Venture Capital Directory: profiles investors across the world that finance green businesses of all kinds.”

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Sustainable Human

“The root cause of any human behavior is the story they tell themselves. If you desire to change any human behavior, whether individual or collective, you first must understand their story. Sustainable Human exists to examine the faulty stories that are driving our ecocidal, global civilization and explore alternative stories founded in the knowledge that all life is interconnected.”

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Sustainable Vegan Activism: How to Be More Effective and Fulfilled While Advocating Animal Rights

“In this workshop, psychologist Dr. Melanie Joy will explain the common causes of burnout, frustration, and ineffective activism that impact many animal rights activists. She will discuss how “unsustainable” activism is one of the most serious obstacles to the success of the animal rights movement, and a leading cause of depression and burnout among activists. She will explain specific strategies that activists can take to improve their activism and their lives.”

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Sustainable Diets: What You Need to Know in 12 Charts

“What we eat is rapidly changing around the globe, as people converge toward diets high in calories, protein and animal-based foods. A new WRI paper, Shifting Diets for a Sustainable Food Future, explores these changes and the challenges they pose for food security and a sustainable future. It shows that just small shifts in the choices consumers make can have a huge impact in reducing agriculture’s resource use and mitigating environmental problems”

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Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism

Book: “Animal protection is one of the most passionately debated issues of our day. In light of recent legislation and intensified pressure put on activists around the world, those advocates fighting for animal liberation or even animal welfare need a single resource covering the major, and some minor, models of animal activism. Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism brings together the most effective tactics for speaking out for animals and gives voice to activists from around the globe, who explain why their chosen models of activism have been successful — and how others can get involved.”

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Strategic Action for Animals: A Handbook on Strategic Movement Building, Organizing, and Activism for Animal Liberation

Book: “The animal liberation movement is growing in size and strength, but so are the industries that exploit animals. These industries have vastly more resources at their disposal than activists do. Given this tremendous power differential, how can activists hope to compete? The good news is that there is a way to shift the balance of power in favor of the movement. And strategy is the way. In Strategic Action for Animals, Melanie Joy explains how to use strategy to exponentially increase the effectiveness of activism for animals. Drawing on diverse movements and sources, she offers tried and true tactics based on well-established principles and practices. She also explains how to address the most common problems that weaken the movement, such as dissidence among organizations and activists, inefficient campaigns, wasted resources, and high rates of burnout. Whether you are working alone or with a group, whether you are a seasoned activist or new to the movement, Strategic Action for Animals, can help you make the most of your efforts to make the world a better place for animals.”

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St. Louis Animal Rights Team

“The St. Louis Animal Rights Team is a not-for-profit educational/activist group, formed in 1985, and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in 1988. Our goals are to: -Educate society about the rights of all species to live freely and die naturally. -Expose the harm and suffering caused by the denial of animals’ natural rights. -Promote the adoption of lifestyles compatible with the animal rights philosophy. -Promote the reform of social institutions to be compatible with animal rights.”

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Speciesism: The Movie

Film: “Modern farms are struggling to keep a secret. Most of the animals used for food in the United States are raised in giant, bizarre “factory farms,” hidden deep in remote areas of the countryside. Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries set out to investigate. The documentary takes viewers on a sometimes funny, sometimes frightening adventure, crawling through the bushes that hide these factories, flying in airplanes above their toxic “manure lagoons,” and coming face-to-face with their owners. But this is just the beginning. In 1975, a young writer published a book arguing that no justifications exist for considering humans more important than members of other species. It slowly began to gain attention. Today, a quickly growing number of prominent individuals and political activists are adopting its conclusions. They have termed the assumption of human superiority speciesism. And, as a result, they rank these animal factories among the greatest evils in our history. Speciesism: The Movie brings viewers face-to-face with the leaders of this developing movement, and, for the first time ever on film, fully examines the purpose of what they are setting out to do. After watching Speciesism: The Movie, you’ll never look at animals the same way again. Especially humans.”

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SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary

“SoulSpace Farm Sanctuary’s mission is to rescue and protect farm animals from cruelty. SoulSpace works to inspire change in the way society views farm animals and support people in their quest to live a more compassionate lifestyle. At SoulSpace, people of all ages have the opportunity to volunteer at the farm and experience the animals firsthand. We offer educational tours with the hopes of opening people’s hearts and minds to the animals and their stories. We invite groups from schools and underserved youth to visit the farm for fresh air, exercise and hands-on service-learning.”

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Solutions for a Healthy Earth (SHE)

“A window into the abundance of existing solutions.” A resource directory of videos on: Animals Plants and Biodiversity | Water | Housing | New Economy | Food and Agriculture | Ancient Wisdom and Consciousness | Art | Peace | Plastic, recycling and consumerism | Women and gender | Cities and Communities | Governance and Law | interconnectedness and Interdependence | Education | Activism | Energy | Humanity and Compassion | The Planet and Climate | Awakening | Media and Celebrities

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Simple Happy Kitchen

“I’m most passionate about two things. I love all animals. I love most plant-based food (fennel tastes weird…) My goal is to use my design abilities to promote the values I believe in, and I am dedicating my life to do so. Prior to this project, I have volunteered my talents for many great causes, including: Educational materials for the Freedom Farm Sanctuary, Illustrated materials for ‘Meatless Monday’ organization, Illustrations for SPCA and another animal welfare organizations, Illustrated interior design for a hospital’s pediatric department. My current ambition is to use my illustrations to promote plant-based nutrition with Simple Happy Kitchen. This happy project is based on reliable resources and research, to bring you the very best in vegan living. All nutrition information is verified and approved by vegan nutritionist BSc Tal Porat.”

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Shifting Diets for a Sustainable Food Future

“Installment 11 of Creating a Sustainable Food Future shows that for people who consume high amounts of meat and dairy, shifting to diets with a greater share of plant-based foods could significantly reduce agriculture’s pressure on the environment. It introduces a protein scorecard ranking foods from lowest (plant-based foods) to highest impact (beef), as well as the Shift Wheel, which harnesses proven marketing and behavior change strategies to help move billions of people to more sustainable diets.” Link to 90 page pdf

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Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK)

“Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) was founded in 1993 by former hunter Steve Hindi. As a “sportsman,” Steve hunted many species of animals both on land and in the sea. He killed for thirty years until the life-shattering day when, en route to shark hunting in the Atlantic Ocean, Steve attended the infamous Hegins pigeon shoot in Pennsylvania. The slaughter of thousands of nonhuman victims, and the involvement of children in the horrific killings, was too much for Steve to tolerate. He vowed to stop pigeon shoots, and went on to dedicate his life to ending the abuse of all animals…SHARK’s number one tool is video footage and photographs! And no one does it quite like SHARK. Using hidden cameras, long-range lens, and even night-vision cameras, SHARK leaves no place for animal abusers to hide. SHARK’s award-winning video footage and photos are supplied to local, national and international media, lawmakers, the general public, courts and other animal advocacy organizations. Instead of simply saying animal cruelty is bad, SHARK gets the documentation and presents it to the world so they can see it and decide for themselves.”

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Save Poppy

“We are here to share important information about unnecessary cruelty, environmental destruction and the health impact of animal agriculture. We`d love you to take a moment to read the facts presented here. Here you will be exposed to the truth that too many vested interests have desperately attempted to prevent you from learning. The information that is shared within these pages can improve your own life immeasurably, while offering the clearest solution to some of the most pressing issues of our age.”

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“Satya has ceased publication. This website is maintained for informational purposes only.” Magazine categories: Animal Advocacy, Announcements, Environmentalism, Social Justice, Uncategorized, Vegetarianism

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Sacred Economics

“Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. “

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Rowdy Girl Sanctuary

“Rowdy Girl Sanctuary is the evolution of a very special story of two native Texans—one a multi-generational cattle rancher and former hunter; the other one, his wife, an ex-rodeo lover, and leather cowboy boot collector. Their story has turned into a mission to build an organization that rescues farm animals; and to be good stewards of their care forever in a sanctuary determined to become a state of the art animal care facility, and a plant based/environmental resource education center. Rowdy Girl Sanctuary will inspire other ranchers to experience a paradigm shift, and help them move from participating in the cruelty of factory farming to living out compassion towards the animals whose lives usually end in brutal death. This is Rowdy Girl Sanctuary’s greatest goal. “

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Running for Good

“From Executive Producer James Cromwell and award-winning director Keegan Kuhn (Cowspiracy, What The Health) comes RUNNING FOR GOOD, the feature-length sports documentary narrated by Rich Roll (Finding Ultra), following world record marathon runner Fiona Oakes in her attempt not only to set a new global record in endurance racing, but to compete in the “toughest footrace on earth,” the Marathon Des Sables, a 250km race through the Sahara Desert. Fiona Oakes has made a name for herself as a unique endurance runner. She is the fastest woman in the world to run a marathon on all seven continents, and the north pole, in both cumulative and elapsed time. Fiona’s achievements are made even more astounding due to the fact that she was told at age 14 that she would never walk properly, let alone ever run. She would undergo more than 17 radical knee surgeries which ultimately led to having her entire right kneecap removed. The process was agonizing, the rehab worse, the records she’s gone on to set even more astounding. With overcoming her own adversity, Fiona’s true drive to achieve incredible feats of speed and human endurance are motivated by a deep desire to raise awareness for the plight of animals. Her achievements help fund a 450+ animal sanctuary that she takes care of every day. “

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Roots & Shoots

“Founded in 1991 by Dr. Jane Goodall, Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots is a youth service program for young people of all ages. Our mission is to foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs, and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for people, other animals, and the environment.”

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Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement

Book: “Are “animal welfare” supporters indistinguishable from the animal exploiters they oppose? Do reformist measures reaffirm the underlying principles that make animal exploitation possible in the first place? In this provocative book, Gary L. Francione argues that the modern animal rights movement has become indistinguishable from a century-old concern with the welfare of animals that in no way prevents them from being exploited. Francione maintains that advocating humane treatment of animals retains a sense of them as instrumental to human ends. When they are considered dispensable property, he says, they are left fundamentally without “rights.” Until the seventies, Francione claims, this was the paradigm within which the Animal Rights Movement operated, as demonstrated by laws such as the Federal Humane Slaughter Act of 1958. In this wide-ranging book, Francione takes the reader through the philosophical and intellectual debates surrounding animal welfare to make clear the difference between animal rights and animal welfare. Through case studies such as campaigns against animal shelters, animal laboratories, and the wearing of fur, Francione demonstrates the selectiveness and confusion inherent in reformist programs that target fur, for example, but leave wool and leather alone. The solution to this dilemma, Francione argues, is not in a liberal position that espouses the humane treatment of animals, but in a more radical acceptance of the fundamental inalienability of animal rights.”

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Queering Animal Liberation

“Queering Animal Liberation is an anthology in progress. This ground-breaking volume will include chapters by activists, artists, and scholars all focused on the intersection between speciesism and homo/transphobia or, on the upside, linkages between the struggles for queer and animal liberation.”

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ProVeg – Blog

Blog. “ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition.”

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“ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition. Vision: We strive for a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet. Mission: Reducing the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040.”

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ProVegan – General Information

Introduction, The Healthiest Diet, For Human Rights, The Moral Reasons, For Animal Welfare and Animal Rights, For the Climate and Environmental Protection, The Religious Reason, Personal Epilogue

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Prevent Year ZERO

“We are a coalition of organizations who care deeply about this issue. Our mission is simple: to Prevent Year ZERO from ever occurring. Between us, we have several decades of experience working on sustainability, environmental, conservation and animal rights issues.”

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Practical Ethics

Book: “For thirty years, Peter Singer’s Practical Ethics has been the classic introduction to applied ethics. For this third edition, the author has revised and updated all the chapters, and added a new chapter addressing climate change, one of the most important ethical challenges of our generation. Some of the questions discussed in this book concern our daily lives. Is it ethical to buy luxuries when others do not have enough to eat? Should we buy meat from intensively reared animals? Am I doing something wrong if my carbon footprint is above the global average? Other questions confront us as concerned citizens: equality and discrimination on the grounds of race or sex; abortion, the use of embryos for research, and euthanasia; political violence and terrorism; and the preservation of our planet’s environment. This book’s lucid style and provocative arguments make it an ideal text for university courses and for anyone willing to think about how she or he ought to live. “

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Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

“Mission: The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving and improving human and animal lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. Vision: Creating a healthier world through a new emphasis on plant-based nutrition and scientific research conducted ethically, without using animals.”

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Pigs Peace Sanctuary

“Pigs Peace Sanctuary is a place of tranquility and happiness located one hour north of Seattle in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing a safe home for unwanted, abused or neglected animals in need and we are committed to spreading the message of compassion and respect for all animals.”

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Peter Singer: “The Ethics of What We Eat”

“Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University and professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne, Peter Singer takes a hard look at the food we eat, where it comes from, and how it is produced.”

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Peter Singer – Articles

Project Syndicate: Articles by Peter Singer. “Peter Singer is Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, Laureate Professor in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne, and founder of the non-profit organization The Life You Can Save. His books include Animal Liberation, Practical Ethics, The Ethics of What We Eat (with Jim Mason), Rethinking Life and Death, The Point of View of the Universe, co-authored with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek, The Most Good You Can Do, Famine, Affluence, and Morality, One World Now, Ethics in the Real World, and Utilitarianism: A Very Short Introduction, also with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek. In 2013, he was named the world’s third “most influential contemporary thinker” by the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.”

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“It’s super-easy to help animals, no matter how old you are. Learn all about why you should help animals used for food, clothing, entertainment, and experimentation, plus how to protect companion animals and wildlife!” games, videos, quizzes, photos, activities, comics, food and more.

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PETA Prime

“Are you ready to make a big difference for yourself, animals, and the Earth? Then PETA Prime is for you! Since 2008, PETA Prime has been a vital community of caring people who share their knowledge and experience to help you live a longer, healthier life, while making the Earth better for the people and animals who inhabit it. Our site features blog posts, book reviews, healthy recipes, travel tips, financial information, and compassionate ideas galore. Come share ideas and resources about health, your home, and your activism. We want to hear about your family, friends, companion animals, favorite animal-friendly recipes, health tips, travel experiences, penny-pinching ideas, and more! Let’s celebrate the wise people we have become and learn to make kind choices together.”

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“Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.” News, Vegan Life, App and Recipes

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Peter Singer

“I am a professor of bioethics, with a background in philosophy. I work mostly in practical ethics, and am best known for Animal Liberation and for my writings about global poverty.”

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PETA – News

Blog and News. “Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.”

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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters. PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals who are often considered “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals. PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.”

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people for animal rights – federation of animal experiment opponents ev

“Animals are sentient beings. Yet they suffer millions in animal experiments, in industrial agriculture, in slaughterhouses, farms, zoos, circuses, in hunting, and as “domestic animals”. To end this mass suffering, we must finally give the animals their elemental rights – their rights to life and physical integrity, equal treatment and freedom. Our long-term goal: The human-animal relationship must change fundamentally.”

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Peaceable Kingdom – The Journey Home

Film “Can a change of heart change the world? Two animal rescuers, five farmers, and a cow named Snickers will make you laugh and cry, expand your consciousness, and challenge your ideas about who animals are. Open your eyes. Trust your heart. Take the journey. A story of transformation and healing, this award-winning documentary explores a crisis of conscience experienced by several farmers questioning their inherited way of life. Growing more and more connected to individual animals under their care, they struggle to do what is right, despite overwhelming social and economic pressure to follow tradition. The film also explores the dramatic animal rescue work of a newly-trained humane police officer whose desire to help animals in need puts her in conflict with unjust laws she is expected to enforce. With heartfelt interviews and rare footage demonstrating the emotional lives and family bonds of farm animals, this groundbreaking documentary challenges stereotypes about life on the farm, offering a new vision for how we might relate to our fellow animals.”

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Peaceable Journey

“In the hearts and minds of people from every culture and background, there exists a vast, untapped reservoir of potential. Yet many of these global citizens, motivated to help create a more just and compassionate future for us all, lack access to effective tools for education and outreach. Meeting this crucial and often unmet need is why Tribe of Heart was founded in 2000, and it is what has inspired our work ever since. “This film has changed my life” is a phrase we often hear, and it simultaneously humbles us and excites our imaginations. We wonder, what might be possible if a large enough number of people were to see Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home or The Witness? With individual lives being changed one by one, and more people becoming empowered to carry that change forward to others, could the tragic plight of the animals on our planet begin to turn around? Could the environment be spared from ever-greater devastation? Could many more people live longer, healthier lives? Could a growing ethic of compassion and justice arise in our culture, transforming the way we relate to our fellow beings, individually and collectively? If you are as captivated by these possibilities as we are and want to get involved, please use this page to learn more about Tribe of Heart and explore the many ways you can make a difference. Working together, we can awaken and empower a vast number of people to become agents of peaceful transformation in their communities, and thereby make a lasting difference for those most in need. Please join us!”

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“PAWS is people helping animals—rehabilitating injured and orphaned wildlife, sheltering and adopting homeless cats and dogs, and educating people to make a better world for animals and people.”

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Organic Consumers Association – Blog

Blog. Organic Consumers Association’s Mission: “To protect consumers’ right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants.”

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Organic Consumers Association

“Mission: To protect consumers’ right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants….What we do: OCA educates and advocates on behalf of organic consumers, engages consumers in marketplace pressure campaigns, and works to advance sound food and farming policy through grassroots lobbying. We address crucial issues around food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, including pesticide use, and other food- and agriculture-related topics. In the U.S., OCA education campaigns reach more than two million consumers and organic businesses either through our newsletter, our social media networks or mainstream and progressive news outlets. Our U.S. and international policy board is broadly representative of the organic, family farm, environmental, and public interest community.”

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Orange County People for Animals

“Orange County People for Animals (OCPA) is a Southern California-based, non-profit 503(c) animal advocacy organization founded in 1988 to create a compassionate, healthy and peaceful planet for all living beings. “

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One Voice

“There may be no fighting but there is one fight and that is against violence, One Voice acts to reverse it wherever it develops and on whoever the victim is. It defends animal and planetary ethics. It fights for all sentient beings, for the recognition of the status of animal personhood and the “link” between violence to animals and humans.
One Voice, law association 1908, was created by Muriel Arnal in 1995. It operates in France and in the world for the respect of life in all its forms and denounces both animal exploitation and its consequences ethically, environmentally and healthily. It develops campaigns of lobbying and sensitization relying in particular on the work from investigations by its investigators and reports from experts. It works with international NGOs, sanctuaries and shelters around the world where its actions are useful.”

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One Step for Animals

“In short, One Step works to reduce the number of animals suffering as much as possible. Five hard facts drive One Step: 1. The vast majority of land animals who suffer in the United States today are birds. 2. Almost every argument for vegetarianism or veganism applies much more to avoiding red meat than birds – environmental and health arguments especially. 3. It takes more than 200 chickens to provide the same number of meals as one cow. 4. While beef consumption has fallen over the decades, chicken consumption has risen significantly. After a few years of decline, per capita consumption of animals in the US is currently at an all-time high and continuing to move higher, despite all advocacy efforts. (See graph below.) That means the average person in the US is causing more suffering than ever before. 5.The vast majority of individuals (~80%) who go vegetarian or vegan go back to eating animals, becoming active advocates against a compassionate diet. “

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No More Bull!: The Mad Cowboy Targets America’s Worst Enemy: Our Diet

Book: “In 1996, when Howard Lyman warned America on The Oprah Winfrey Show that Mad Cow Disease was coming to America, offended cattlemen sued him and Oprah both. Not only were Lyman and Oprah vindicated in court, but events have proved many of Lyman’s predictions absolutely right. Mad Cow Disease has come to America, and Lyman argues persuasively in No More Bull! that the problem will only grow more deadly until our government deals with it seriously. In Mad Cowboy, Lyman, a fourth-generation Montana rancher turned vegetarian then vegan, told the story of his personal transformation after a spinal tumor, which he believes was caused by agricultural chemicals, nearly left him paralyzed. In No More Bull!, Lyman uses his humor, compassion, firsthand experience in agriculture, and command of the facts of health to argue that we might all profit by transforming our diets. He makes a powerful case that Alzheimer’s is yet another disease linked to eating meat. And he explains that the steak at the heart of your dinner plate not only may destroy your own heart but actually offers no more nutritional value than a doughnut! If you’ve been confused by the competing claims of the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, and other fad diets, No More Bull! is the book that will set you straight. Its pure, unvarnished truth is told with down-home common sense. Lyman’s got a message for meat eaters, vegetarians, and vegans – and the message of No More Bull! is that we can all do better for ourselves and the planet.”

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No Happy Cows: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the Food Revolution

Book: “Internationally known vegan and bestselling author John Robbins has continued his observations and investigations into food politics and food-related issues of the day in his popular HuffingtonPost column, foodrevolution.org. No Happy Cows collects these recent observations along with never before published material for the first time in book form. Robbins shares his dispatches from the frontlines of the food revolution: From his undercover investigations of feed lots and slaughterhouses, to the rise of food contamination, the slave trade behind chocolate and coffee, what he calls the sham of “Vitamin Water,” and the effects of hormones on animals and animal products. Topics include:The skinny on grassfed beefGreed and salmonellaJunk food marketing to kidsSoy and Alzheimer’sHormones in our milkPlus many more. Robbin’s trenchant and provocative observations into the relationships between animals and the humans who raise them remind us of the importance of working for a more compassionate and environmentally responsible world.”

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New Crop Capital

“New Crop Capital is an evergreen fund managed by Unovis Partners, a global investment firm focused on companies developing replacements to animal protein products. Unovis’ mission is to transform the global food system by investing in solutions that facilitate sustained behavioral change and eliminate the production and consumption of animal protein products. Post investment, Unovis supports founders by sharing their culinary knowledge, understanding of consumer habits, experience in food manufacturing, and network of industry experts to de-risk investments and build lasting companies. “

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Natural News

“Natural News is a science-based natural health advocacy organization led by activist-turned-scientist Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. The key mission of Natural News is to empower consumers with factual information about the synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, hormone disruptors and other chemicals found in foods, medicines, personal care products, children’s toys and other items. Natural News covers holistic health, nutritional therapies, consciousness and spirituality, permaculture , organics, animal rights, environmental health, food and superfoods , and performance nutrition. The site strongly criticizes drugs-and-surgery medicine, vaccines, corporate corruption, animal testing, the use of humans for medical experiments, the chemical contamination of foods, heavy metals in consumer products, factory farming and government corruption.”

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Natural Resources Defence Council

“NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. We combine the power of more than three million members and online activists with the expertise of some 600 scientists, lawyers, and policy advocates across the globe to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water, and the wild.”

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Nationwide shift to grass-fed beef requires larger cattle population

Abstract: “In the US, there is growing interest in producing more beef from cattle raised in exclusively pasture-based systems, rather than grain-finishing feedlot systems, due to the perception that it is more environmentally sustainable. Yet existing understanding of the environmental impacts of exclusively pasture-based systems is limited by a lack of clarity about cattle herd dynamics. We model a nationwide transition from grain- to grass-finishing systems using demographics of present-day beef cattle. In order to produce the same quantity of beef as the present-day system, we find that a nationwide shift to exclusively grass-fed beef would require increasing the national cattle herd from 77 to 100 million cattle, an increase of 30%. We also find that the current pastureland grass resource can support only 27% of the current beef supply (27 million cattle), an amount 30% smaller than prior estimates. If grass-fed systems include cropland-raised forage, a definition that conforms to typical grass-fed certifications, these supplemental feeds can support an additional 34 million cattle to produce up to 61% of the current beef supply. Given the potential of forage feed croplands to compete with human food crop production, more work is required to determine optimal agricultural land uses. Future US demand in an entirely grass-and forage-raised beef scenario can only be met domestically if beef consumption is reduced, due to higher prices or other factors. If beef consumption is not reduced and is instead satisfied by greater imports of grass-fed beef, a switch to purely grass-fed systems would likely result in higher environmental costs, including higher overall methane emissions. Thus, only reductions in beef consumption can guarantee reductions in the environmental impact of US food systems.”

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

“NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep the public informed of the changing environment around them. From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product. NOAA’s dedicated scientists use cutting-edge research and high-tech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information they need when they need it.”

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My Problem with the Paleo Diet – Dr Michael Klaper

“In my opinion, the so-called Paleo diet is a diet of destruction – destruction of billions of animals, leading to the destruction of the humans who eat them and, ultimately, to the destruction of our planet’s ecosystems upon which we all depend for life. Is the Paleo diet the way of the future (or even of the past)? I don’t think so and I urge you not to be seduced by the siren-song of the Paleo promoters. Instead, there is solid evidence that a whole-food, plant-based diet – with far less death and destruction involved in its production and consumption – is the truly healing diet for people and our planet.”

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National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee

“The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) was established under the Animal Welfare Act to provide independent advice to the Government minister responsible for animal welfare.”

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“My Face Is On Fire is a blog (with an associated podcast) which focuses on abolitionist vegan education, animal rights issues and the misrepresentation of veganism in pop culture or mainstream media.”

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MS in Environmental Studies

“The world needs you to preserve biodiversity, work for environmental justice, reinvigorate science education, guide communities in planning for climate change, and promote sustainable practices in organizations, schools, and businesses. As a team of passionate advocates, educators, and mentors, this is our mission and commitment to our students. Our Master of Science will help you become part of the next generation of environmental leaders working towards a more sustainable, healthy future.”

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Mountains to Sea – Solving New Zealand’s Freshwater Crisis

Book: “The state of New Zealand’s freshwater has become a pressing public issue in recent years. From across the political spectrum, concern is growing about the pollution of New Zealand’s rivers and streams. We all know they need fixing. But how do we do it? In Mountains to Sea, leading ecologist Mike Joy teams up with thinkers from all walks of life to consider how we can solve New Zealand’s freshwater crisis. The book covers a wide range of topics, including food production, public health, economics and Māori narratives of water. Mountains to Sea offers new perspectives on this urgent problem.”

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Millennials Are Driving The Worldwide Shift Away From Meat

“Millennials are shaking up industries everywhere. Just ask the meat industry, which is seeing its customers increasingly turn towards plant-based alternatives at a blistering pace. Chuck Jolley, president of the Meat Industry Hall of Fame, said plant-based meat substitutes are one of the six great challenges for agriculture in 2018.”

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Mighty Earth – In The News

Relevant news articles. “Mighty Earth is a global campaign organization that works to protect tropical forests, oceans, and the climate. We aspire to be the most effective environmental organization in the world. “

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Mighty Earth

“Mighty Earth is a global campaign organization that works to protect the environment. We focus on the big issues: conserving threatened landscapes like tropical rainforests, protecting oceans, and solving climate change.”

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Mic the Vegan

“Mic the Vegan is a vegan science writer that covers a variety of topics from the health effects of a vegan diet and the environmental impact of eating animal products to the sociological phenomenon of casual animal exploitation. Based in the U.S., he regularly tackles debunking the myths that perpetuate harmful dietary and lifestyle behaviors – all with a drop of humor that only he thinks is funny. Key facts: Mic. is short for microphone and Mike/Michael, NOT MICK! Yes, his beard doesn’t match his hair naturally, please don’t hate. “

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Michael Greger, M.D.

“Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, is a physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on a number of important public health issues. All proceeds from his speaking engagements and the sale of his books and DVDs are donated to charity. His 501(c)3 nonprofit NutritionFacts.org is the first science-based, non-commercial website to provide free daily videos and articles on the latest discoveries in nutrition.”

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Melbourne Chicken Save

“We aim to raise awareness of the misery and cruelty chickens are subjected to in the food industries through regular demonstrations and vigils around Melbourne, encouraging the public to transition to a plant based diet.”

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Mercy For Animals

“Mercy For Animals’ vision is a world where animals are respected, protected, and free to pursue their own interests. We exist to end the greatest cause of suffering on the planet: the exploitation of animals for food. Mercy For Animals is dedicated to eradicating this cruel food system and replacing it with one that is not just kind to animals but essential for the future of our planet and all who share it.”

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