Resource Type: Resource Directory

Creature Kind

“CreatureKind’s mission is to encourage Christians to recognize faith-based reasons for caring about the wellbeing of fellow animal creatures used for food, and to take practical action in response. Our core message is that we are CreatureKind together with other animals, and ought to be CreatureKind in how we treat them.”

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Creating a Culture of Peace

“Creating a Culture of Peace (CCP) is a nationwide program for community- based peacemaking. The innovative design of CCP provides a holistic and practical foundation in spiritually-grounded active nonviolence. Participants come to recognize their own power for making personal and social changes without violence and improve their skills for respectful engagement with opponents, instead of confrontation that polarizes and demonizes.”

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Council on Foundations

“An active philanthropic network, the Council on Foundations, founded in 1949, is a nonprofit leadership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations. It provides the opportunity, leadership, and tools needed by philanthropic organizations to expand, enhance and sustain their ability to advance the common good. The Council empowers professionals in philanthropy to meet today’s toughest challenges and advances a culture of charitable giving in the U.S. and globally.”

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Costs of War Project

“The Costs of War Project is a team of 35 scholars, legal experts, human rights practitioners, and physicians, which began its work in 2011. We use research and a public website to facilitate debate about the costs of the post-9/11 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the related violence in Pakistan and Syria. There are many hidden or unacknowledged costs of the United States’ decision to respond to the 9/11 attacks with military force. We aim to foster democratic discussion of these wars by providing the fullest possible account of their human, economic, and political costs, and to foster better informed public policies.”

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Convention on Biological Diversity

“Safeguarding life on Earth…Signed by 150 government leaders at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the Convention on Biological Diversity is dedicated to promoting sustainable development. Conceived as a practical tool for translating the principles of Agenda 21 into reality, the Convention recognizes that biological diversity is about more than plants, animals and micro organisms and their ecosystems – it is about people and our need for food security, medicines, fresh air and water, shelter, and a clean and healthy environment in which to live.”

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Conservation International

“People need nature — and for over 30 years, Conservation International has worked to protect it. Through cutting-edge science, innovative pol​​icy and global reach, we empower people to protect the nature that we rely on for food, fresh water and livelihoods.”

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Compassion Over Killing

“Working to end animal abuse since 1995, Compassion Over Killing exposes cruelty to farmed animals and promotes vegetarian eating as a way to build a kinder world.”

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Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium (CCAMU)

“CCAMU, the Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium, is a grassroots organization that is sponsoring the Citizens’ Inquiry into the Impacts of the Uranium Cycle. While CCAMU supports a moratorium on the exploration and mining of uranium in Eastern Ontario, members of the Inquiry welcome submissions from every point of view. We have branches in Ottawa, Kingston and Peterborough.”

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Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade

“The Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (CAFT) is a grass-roots organisation, run entirely by unwaged volunteers. Unlike many wealthy, national campaigning groups we rely solely on generous public donations to continue fighting the fur trade. CAFT has helped regenerate the grass-roots campaign against the fur trade throughout the UK. Through investigations, education, campaigns and demonstrations we have exposed the horror of the fur trade and helped establish and continue many anti-fur actions across Britain. We have filmed undercover in fur farms, lobbied for a ban on fur farming and persuaded countless shops to stop selling real fur. We also work with anti-fur groups across the world. The fur industry is a global one so our fight against it should work on an international level too. Please join us in the struggle on behalf of fur-bearing animals worldwide. Get actively involved, educate others and support us financially.”

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Cluster Munition Coalition

“The Cluster Munition Coalition is an international civil society campaign working to eradicate cluster munitions, prevent further casualties from these weapons, and put an end to the suffering they cause.”

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Climate Change & Colleges – How Campuses & Students Are Helping to Save the Planet

“Humans played a big role in the changes to the earth’s climate over the last century, and scientists predict catastrophic problems if climate change goes unchecked. America is the second largest contributor to carbon dioxide in the world but accounts for only 4.4% of the global population, which means people in the U.S. can make great strides in the fight against climate change with the right tools, information, and resources. College is a great place to start, and there are many opportunities for involvement as a student. See what climate change experts have to say on the matter and learn more about the different ways you can get involved on campus and beyond.”

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Clean Energy Council

“The Clean Energy Council is the peak body for the clean energy industry in Australia.We are a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation. We represent and work with over 600 leading businesses operating in or supporting the development of renewable energy (such as solar, wind, hydro, bioenergy, geothermal and marine) and energy storage, along with more than 5800 solar installers.”

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Class & Education

Class and education resources. “Class differences often appear in schools and on college campuses, yet few resources exist for dealing with class issues in these settings. Class Action has specific resources for discussing class issues in both K-12 and college environments.”

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Class Action

“Class Action provides a dynamic framework and analysis, as well as a safe space, for people of all backgrounds to identify and address issues of class and classism. We do this through powerful interactive trainings, workshops, presentations, organizational consulting, and public education.”

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Civil Liberties Defense Center

“The Civil Liberties Defense Center supports movements that seek to dismantle the political and economic structures at the root of social inequality and environmental destruction. We provide litigation, education, legal and strategic resources to strengthen and embolden their success.”
We provide litigation, education, legal and strategic resources to strengthen and embolden their success.

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Citizens Awareness Network

“CAN is a grassroots environmental organization working to end the production of unaffordable and dangerous nuclear waste and power, and replace it with sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy generation. We are therefore committed to a democratically led, environmentally just, and scientifically sound solution for nuclear waste.”

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Chomping Climate Change

“Chomping Climate Change addresses the failure of politicians for 20+ years to implement international policies on climate change. Now most people don’t trust politicians on climate change. But we provide unique, widely-cited analysis on how to address climate change through food and forestry.”

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Child Poverty Action Group

“Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) strives to achieve the elimination of child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. We work to provide evidence-based research about the causes and effects of poverty on children and their families, and to inform the public, policy makers, media and politicians of the changes to policy needed to reduce child poverty.”

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Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition

“The Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition came together for the first time in May of 2007. The groups consist of representation from MD PIRG, Public Citizen, Beyond Nuclear, Sierra Club (MD), Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Green Party (MD), Clean Water Action and a few local anti-nuclear activists.

The coalition was formed to challenge and subsequently stop the proposed new reactor at Calvert Cliffs.”

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Charter for Compassion

“We support the emergence of a global movement that brings the Charter for Compassion to life. To do so, we are a network of networks, connecting organizers and leaders from around the world, providing educational resources, organizing tools, and avenues for communication; sharing lessons, stories, and inspiration; providing the umbrella of the Charter for Compassion for conferences, events, collaborations, conversations and initiatives to create compassionate communities and institutions.”

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Chasing Coral

Film: “Coral reefs around the world are vanishing at an unprecedented rate. A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure to discover why and to reveal the underwater mystery to the world.”

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Charles Eisenstein – Podcasts

“From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this podcast features Charles Eisenstein in conversation with a series of extraordinary guests: activists and healers, scientists and spiritual teachers, artists and entrepreneurs, indigenous people and those from the elite. Topics revolve around concepts of interbeing and “technologies of reunion” — anything drawing from and contributing to a new story, including material, social, psychological, agricultural, healing, and educational “technologies.” For greater interactivity, the podcast includes live chats, discussion forums, and Q&A sessions. “No one can occupy the new story alone,” says Charles. “We need to hold each other there.” That is the purpose of this podcast and the community that surrounds it — to strengthen the field and spread the ideas of a new and ancient story.”

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Center for nonviolence & peace studies

“Our mission: -To institutionalize and internationalize nonviolence as a transformative educational process that reduces human suffering and promotes a global beloved community. -To foster mutual understanding among people, in which nonviolent processes are used to reconcile conflicts and to build peaceful, sustainable, and inclusive communities. -To collaborate with and strengthen relationships with other organizations, agencies, and governmental departments engaged in peacebuilding and nonviolence work at the local, national, and global levels. What we do: -To accomplish this mission, the Center for Nonviolence & Peace Studies organizes and provides training and education opportunities for individuals, organizations, and communities seeking to engage in the fundamental study of nonviolence and peaceful alternatives to conflict and violence.”

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Center for Social Concerns (University of Notre Dame)

“MISSION: To enact Catholic social teaching through community-engaged research, teaching, and learning. IDENTITY: Fulfilling Notre Dame’s mission to cultivate a disciplined sensibility to the poverty, injustice and oppression that burden the lives of so many, the Center for Social Concerns gathers, forms, and nourishes community-engaged scholars in the study, practice, and renewal of Catholic social tradition. By enacting human dignity, pursuing the common good, and standing in solidarity with the marginalized and poor, we advance pedagogies of engagement, leverage personal transformation for social change, and transform principles of Catholic social teaching into 21st-century leadership.”

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Center for Humans and Nature

“The Center for Humans and Nature partners with some of the brightest minds to explore human responsibilities to each other and the more-than-human world. We bring together philosophers, ecologists, artists, political scientists, anthropologists, poets and economists, among others, to think creatively about a resilient future for the whole community of life.”

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Center for Food Safety

Center for Food Safety (CFS) is a national non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy organization working to protect human health and the environment by curbing the use of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture. CFS also educates consumers concerning the definition of organic food and products. CFS uses legal actions, groundbreaking scientific and policy reports, books and other educational materials, market pressure and grass roots campaigns through our True Food Network. CFS’s successful legal cases collectively represent a landmark body of case law on food and agricultural issues.

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Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

“The Center for Building a Culture of Empathy is a leader of the global empathy movement. Our mission is to build a movement for creating a global worldwide culture of empathy and care. We do this through a variety of means. First is by community organizing and by collecting, curating and organizing all the material we find on the internet on the topic. A current focus is on; bridging social and political divides, designing a free online empathy training course, building an academic empathy training literature wiki, and holding public activist Empathy Tent Pop-ups.”

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Center for Ecoliteracy

“The Center for Ecoliteracy is dedicated to cultivating education for sustainable living. We recognize that students need to experience and understand how nature sustains life and how to live accordingly. We encourage schools to teach and model sustainable practices.”

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Center for Development and the Environment

“The CED’s mission is to contribute to the protection of the rights, interests, culture and aspirations of local and indigenous communities in the forests of Central Africa, by promoting environmental justice and the sustainable management of forests and natural resources in the region. Our goals are: Reduce the ecological and social impacts of extractive industries; Contribute to the local development of indigenous communities and peoples, respecting their environment and culture; Contribute to changing forest, biodiversity and extractive industry management policies and practices, for reasons of effectiveness and the promotion of participation; Contribute to the improvement of land policies to secure the rights of communities on their lands.”

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Center for Effective Vegan Advocacy

“The Center for Effective Vegan Advocacy (CEVA) aims to increase the impact of vegan advocacy worldwide. CEVA is a program of Beyond Carnism, a charitable organization dedicated to exposing and transforming carnism, the invisible belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals. The production and consumption of animals is a leading cause of widespread animal and human suffering and environmental damage, and it is enabled by carnism – a global system of oppression. Veganism is the counterpoint to carnism, so increasing the power of the vegan movement is a key to ending carnism. At CEVA, we aim to empower the vegan movement by empowering advocates and organizations. Through offering on-site trainings, organizational consulting, grants to qualifying organizations, and a strategy resource center, we seek to increase the effectiveness of vegans and vegan organizations and therefore to increase the impact of the vegan movement as a whole.”

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Center for Biological Diversity – Publications

Publications. “At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.”

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Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS)

“The Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) is a non-profit, non-governmental, international network, oriented to educational work related to strategic nonviolent conflict…The core of CANVAS’s work is rather to spread the word of “people power” to the world than to achieve victories against one dictator or another. Our next big mission should obviously be to explain to the world what a powerful tool nonviolent struggle is when it comes to achieving freedom, democracy and human rights.”

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Center for Biological Diversity

“At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.”

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Catalyst Project

“Catalyst Project helps to build powerful multiracial movements that can win collective liberation. In the service of this vision, we organize, train and mentor white people to take collective action to end racism, war and empire, and to support efforts to build power in working-class communities of color.”

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“Mission: Causa works to improve the lives of Latino immigrants and their families in Oregon through advocacy, coalition building, leadership development, and civic engagement. Latino immigrants and their families are the heart of Causa and inspire, implement, and champion our work. Vision: Causa envisions a world where all people have the opportunities and resources needed to thrive. We envision a community that welcomes and values the contributions, strengths, and assets of Latino immigrants and their families.”

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Can Athletes Be Successful With A Vegan Diet?

“A well-planned, balanced, diverse vegan diet is a great for all people young and old. Nutrition professionals all over the world recognise numerous health benefits of vegan lifestyles, and going vegan is also great for animals and for the Earth. But is it just as good for people with increased nutritional demands, such as vegan athletes? Well, in short, there is absolutely no reason why it wouldn’t be, provided one is getting all required nutrients! And although high quality studies assessing the suitability of plant-based nutrition for athletic demands are yet to be conducted, a large body of anecdotal evidence already exists.”

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Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility

“CCNR is a not-for-profit organization, federally incorporated in 1978. It is dedicated to education and research on all issues related to nuclear energy, whether civilian or military — including non-nuclear alternatives — especially those pertaining to Canada.”

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Bunny Army

“Cruelty Free Shopping Guide…A resource to make cruelty free shopping easy & make our army of voices against animal testing heard in the marketplace”

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Bure Stop

“This project of gigantic ATOMIC UNDERGROUND POUBELLE at least 500m underground has been underway since 1994, as a result of the 1991 law on the management of nuclear waste. The second law of June 2006 focused on BURE, a clay site in the Meuse , near the Haute-Marne, via a pseudo “laboratory” of geological research. The third law of 2016 activates the beginning of Cigeo , via a so-called “pilot phase”, which has nothing to do with research. This is the first industrial phase of the project (about 25% of the estimated total cost!). In 2019, Andra must file its application for authorization to create (DAC) and the worksite would then start, if granted. However, many preparatory works, very controversial on the ground, were launched at the end of 2015. 15 km2 are annexed between 4 Meuse villages : Bure, Ribeaucourt, Bonnet and Mandres to build huge infrastructure and 300 km of galleries. A future no man’s land? Who can want to live near such a site? This landfill project, refocused today at BURE, concerned 25 sites in France and is the object of very strong mobilizations and oppositions … which are not ready to finish.”

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C-10 Research & Education Foundation

“Safety for Citizens within the 10-mile radius of Seabrook nuclear plant…C-10’s mission is to monitor and advocate for the safety of Seabrook Station nuclear power plant in order to protect public health and the environment in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and beyond. C-10’s vision is that our region transitions to a clean, safe and resilient energy economy.”

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Build Your Own Toolkit

“Welcome to TCA’s exclusive resource search application….All of the campaigners’ resources in our extensive collection have been tagged with keywords to help you find what’s most helpful to you or your organisation.”

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BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz

“BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz is the largest network of Baptist peacemakers in the world. We celebrate and support the peacemaking work done by Baptist churches in our four home countries of Canada, the United States, Puerto Rico and Mexico by raising the visibility of these efforts; bringing peacemakers together in regional and international gatherings; and providing resources, speakers and training to our members. We also actively connect with peacemakers from other traditions, faith-based and secular, to build alliances and work together toward our common goal of a more just and peaceful world.”

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Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

“The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League is a regional, community-based, non-profit environmental organization. Our founding principles are earth stewardship, environmental democracy, social justice, and community empowerment. Working in rural and disadvantaged areas, our staff and volunteers put into practice the ideals of love of community and love of neighbor. BREDL is a grassroots organization: each community group solves pressing local problems by developing a citizens’ campaign with goals, strategies, activities, and assessments. The issues center on industry’s dependence on toxic chemicals, utilities’ refusal to adopt sound energy alternatives, industrial development and highway construction at the expense of public health, intensive livestock operations’ effects on agriculture and the environment, and huge waste dumps. These are social problems with devastating environmental and public health effects. They are also the clarion call for community action.”

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Book Publishing Company

“Book Publishing Company (BPC) is a community-owned press dedicated to publishing books that promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.” Categories: alternative lifestyles, natural health guides, DVDs and CDs, environment/gardening, natural health and wellness, PH balance, raw food recipes & nutrition, vegan cookbooks & lifestyle, vegetarianism and more.

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Black Lives Matter

“The Black Lives Matter Global Network is a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission is to build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front. We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise. We affirm our humanity, our contributions to this society, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression. The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.”

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Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary

”Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary was founded in November of 2014 by two middle school teachers who wanted to pair their love of animals and their concern for students to create a more compassionate world. By partnering children and adults who have suffered loss, trauma, neglect, or loneliness with animals who have experienced the same, magic is sparked. Friendships born between humans and animals encourage people to think of them as individuals with feelings and personalities, and the empathy born from these relationships creates kindness and goodwill toward all creatures and all people, something this world could use a great deal more of.”

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BlackOUT Collective

“BlackOUT Collective is a radical full service direct action organization. We build organizations’ capacity to execute creative and effective direct actions in service of their organizing and advocacy work. We do this through providing personalized direct action trainings and on the ground action support. We see ourselves as a “Liberation Lab”- a container for experimentation, deep space visioning and learning.”

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Bioneers Media

“Bioneers is a fertile hub of visionaries and innovators who are developing practical solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.”

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Bioneers Media – Video

Videos. “Bioneers is a fertile hub of visionaries and innovators who are developing practical solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.”

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Biological Vegan Network (BVN)

“Welcome to the Biological Vegan Network (BVN) in German-speaking countries. Info Pool: Here are materials collected and linked to the bio-vegan agriculture and horticulture (book tips, texts, films, etc.) and the most frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) answered. Forum: Use the forum, if you want to exchange or network with other gardening and farming interested. Blog: Contributions from people from the BVN or from the “earthworm” -Heften.”

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“For almost 30 years, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of game-changing social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges. A celebration of the genius of nature and human ingenuity, Bioneers connects people with solutions and each other through our acclaimed annual national conference, award-winning media, local Bioneers Network events, and visionary programs and initiatives.”

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Links to: New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, Biodiversity New Zealand resources, Biodiversity offsetting. (Department of Conservation website)

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Beyond the Choir

“To build movements capable of winning real change, we need to do more than just “preach to the choir.” Beyond the Choir partners with social justice organizations to craft resonant messaging, plan strategic campaigns, and mobilize larger bases of support.”

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Beyond Nuclear

“The mission of Beyond Nuclear is to educate and activate the public about the connections between nuclear power and nuclear weapons and the need to abandon both to safeguard our future. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an energy future that is sustainable, benign and democratic. The Beyond Nuclear team works with diverse partners and allies to provide the public, government officials, and the media with the critical information necessary to move humanity toward a world beyond nuclear.”

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Beyond Carnism

“Beyond Carnism is a US-based, international organization dedicated to exposing and transforming carnism, the invisible belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals. Carnism causes extensive suffering. Animal agriculture is responsible for the unnecessary slaughter of 77 billion land animals worldwide per year, and it is a major contributor to environmental degradation, human disease, and human rights violations. However, the majority of people who eat animals are unaware that they are contributing to such destruction. At Beyond Carnism, we believe that people need and deserve to know the truth about carnism, so they can make their food choices freely — because without awareness, there is no free choice. Beyond Carnism seeks to empower concerned citizens and vegan advocates through education and activism, to help create a more compassionate and just world for all beings, human and nonhuman alike.”

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Beyond Awakening

“Are we heading for a great awakening or an apocalypse? How can higher consciousness help us rise to answer the call of our world crisis? When we wake up, what comes next? Join in on the deep public conversations where Terry Patten is exploring the “big questions” of our time with today’s most awake and dynamic thought leaders. Terry is the founder of Bay Area Integral and the co-developer and co-author, with Ken Wilber and others, of Integral Life Practice.”

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Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs

“The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs seeks a more just and peaceful world by deepening knowledge and solving problems at the intersection of religion and global affairs through research, teaching, and engaging multiple publics. Two premises guide the center’s work: that a comprehensive examination of religion and norms is critical to address complex global challenges, and that the open engagement of religious and cultural traditions with one another can promote peace. To this end, the center engages students, scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in analysis of and dialogue on critical issues in order to increase the public understanding of religion.”

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Best Friends Animal Society

“For over 30 years, Best Friends Animal Society has been running the nation’s largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals and building effective programs that reduce the number of animals entering shelters…The mission of Best Friends Animal Society is to bring about a time when there are No More Homeless Pets. We do this by helping end the killing in America’s animal shelters through building community programs and partnerships all across the nation. We believe that by working together we can Save Them All.”

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Best vegan cookbooks for every cuisine & interest

“Being vegan is easy and satisfying, especially if you start off with the right cookbooks. There are hundreds of vegan cookbooks in print. Here are the very best recently-published titles, most from 2017 and 2016. Every cookbook listed here is 100 percent vegan.”

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Better World Links

“A unique resource & powerful tool for people who want to make this world a better place. Through 100,000 links to global current affairs topics we offer an easy-to-use, comprehensive internet directory right at your fingertips, all in one dynamic website…Better World Links aims to freely provide a broad and balanced blend of links across a vast variety of relevant topics, in order to help you make informed decisions and affect positive change in this world. This is provided through 250,000 (and counting) carefully selected links to global current affairs and many other related subjects. “

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Between the Lines

“Between the Lines books present new ideas and challenge readers to rethink the world around them. Our authors offer analysis of historical events and contemporary issues not often found in the mainstream. We specialize in informative, non-fiction books on politics and public policy, social issues, Canadian and world history, international development, gender and sexuality, critical race issues, culture, adult and popular education, labour and work, environment, technology, and media.”

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Be Fair Be Vegan

“Why vegan? You already know the answer. You may not know all the facts of animal exploitation, but you do know that animals must suffer and die in order to become the products you choose to consume. You may not know all the sobering facts of animal agriculture’s impact on the environment, world hunger and human health, but you do know that human actions are destroying the planet, that many of its inhabitants are starving, and that there is a direct link between diet and health. You may not know all the practical details of living vegan, but you do know, and already live by, the fundamental truth that causing harm for pleasure is not a “personal choice” but an abhorrent abuse of power, and that refusing to impose misery and death for a taste, a trinket, a thrill, is not a sacrifice, but the most basic act of human decency. Please take a moment to learn who is spared when we live vegan, and who suffers when we choose not to. Familiarize yourself with the many, and serious, reasons for becoming vegan but remember that you already hold the key and the answer: your conscience. Act on it.”

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Beautiful Rising

“Beautiful Rising harnesses the insights of changemakers worldwide to help make our movements more strategic, creative and effective.”

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Beautiful Trouble

“Beautiful Trouble exists to make nonviolent revolution irresistible by providing an ever-growing suite of strategic tools and trainings that inspire movements for a more just, healthy, and equitable world.”

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Beauty Without Bunnies

“Welcome to the searchable database of companies that do and that don’t test their products on animals! There are more than 4,000 cruelty-free companies in our database, including The Body Shop, Paul Mitchell Systems, Tom’s of Maine, wet n wild, and many more!”

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Bay Area Nonviolent Communication

“BayNVC is home to a number of projects and groups working under the same umbrella to apply and promote the principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication. Most of these are operated and run by BayNVC staff and trainers and include private sessions, classes, organizational services, retreats, and a variety of projects designed for social transformation. In addition, BayNVC provides fiscal sponsorship and financial services to other relevant projects by request. VISION: To create a world where everyone’s needs matter and people have the skills to make peace.”

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BaaHaus Animal Rescue Group

“Founded in 1997, BaaHaus Animal Rescue Group is a non-profit organization located on six private acres in the center of Vashon Island, Washington. As the surrounding countryside becomes more and more suburbanized, farm animals, farm “pets,” and other domestic animals can be as victimized by demographic changes as the human population and the land itself. BaaHaus is dedicated to helping abused, neglected, and abandoned domestic animals, particularly farm animals that, due to past treatment, would be difficult to place through adoption.”

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Backbone Campaign

“Backbone Campaign amplifies the aspirations of “We the People” with creative strategies and artful activism to manifest a world where life, community, nature, and our obligations to future generations are honored as sacred…Though we work on many causes, Backbone frames it all as part of one battle between paradigms. One paradigm idolizes capital, gives corporations rights, and considers everything For Sale. It commodifies people, democracy, communities, and the planet itself. The paradigm we fight for is one in which people communities and nature and our obligation to future generations are considered sacred, and clearly NOT for sale.”

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“Waking up to Wisdom In Stillness and Community… is about deepening our self-awareness, in a community of kindred spirits. By changing ourselves, we change the world.”

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“B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories strives to end Israel’s occupation, recognizing that this is the only way to achieve a future that ensures human rights, democracy, liberty and equality to all people, Palestinian and Israeli alike, living on the bit of land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Various political routes can bring about this future, and while it is not B’Tselem’s role to choose among them, one thing is certain: continued occupation is not an option.”

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Avoiding Unsustainable Rainforest Wood

“In order to spare the world’s rainforests, we must reduce the imports of tropical woods by at least 90%. The remaining 10% must only come from operations that are not from old growth logging and are independently certified as well managed, accredited by the Forest Stewardship Council. “

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AV Magazine

“AV Magazine is a publication of the American Anti-Vivisection Society. Each issue of the AV focuses on one important topic related to the use of animals in research, testing, and education. With your donation of $15 or more, you’ll become an AAVS Member and receive AV Magazine (in print) for one year; and the digital version is available here.”

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Library of Pacifica’s alternative/community-based radio programming: ” ‘The Pacifica AudioPort’, or AudioPort for short, is Pacifica’s system for distributing programming for broadcast, on the Internet. It is in spirit an extension of our KU satellite distribution system, yet add much more flexibility to our distribution options.”

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Aussie Abattoirs

“Opening the doors to an industry that relies on secrecy. An increasing number of cruelty exposés at Australian slaughterhouses highlight the barbaric and terrifying nature of the annual killing of hundreds of millions of animals for human consumption. The Aussie Abattoirs website seeks to bring these practices into the public consciousness in order to ask the question, is any of it really necessary?”

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Australian Chicken Farming

“An undercover investigation by Animal Liberation NSW… The regulating authorities have failed to advocate for these animals. We see it as our duty to assist and protect these animals by documenting evidence of their suffering and to show the public the truth of what is happening behind these shed walls, to put pressure onto the regulating authorities to act to end this suffering.”

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Australian Conservation Foundation

“ACF is Australia’s national environment organisation. We are half a million people who speak out for a world where forests, rivers, people and wildlife thrive. We are proudly independent, non-partisan and funded by donations from our community.”

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“The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Audubon’s state programs, nature centers, chapters, and partners have an unparalleled wingspan that reaches millions of people each year to inform, inspire, and unite diverse communities in conservation action. Since 1905, Audubon’s vision has been a world in which people and wildlife thrive. Audubon is a nonprofit conservation organization.”

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Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education

“Our mission is to support and inspire educators in their quest for the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to help all learners understand, appreciate and care for their environment. As an integral part of achieving our mission, we encourage direct experience outdoors.”

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Association Defensa Derechos Animal (Defending Animal Rights)

“The Association’s work and aims are based mainly on the following areas: Denounce the abuse and ill treatment of animals. Promote and participate in drawing up appropriate legal standards. Pressurise through acts of protest or vindication. Information and awareness campaigns. Preparing and publishing educational programmes. Editing publications and awareness material. Promote participation platforms in favour of respecting animals. The people that direct the NGO, and set up activity programmes, do so full time, voluntarily and generously.”

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Article 20 Network

“The Article 20 Network was formed by activists whose personal experiences convinced them that, despite a blooming global protest movement, encroachments on and negative attitudes toward public demonstrations were threatening expression. Someone had to stand up for those who stand up. The Article 20 Network defends and advances the human right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly worldwide. Here’s how. The Article 20 Network calls attention to abridgments of and assaults on the freedom of assembly and fosters positive public attitudes toward assembly and its practitioners. Our team brings a variety of experiences as human rights scholars, lawyers, nonviolence experts, and activists. Together, we form a passionate, results-driven team devoted to a vision of humanity enjoying the benefits of thriving democracies perpetually balanced by public demonstration.”

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Appalachian Voices

“Appalachian Voices has been the region’s grassroots advocate for healthy communities and environmental protection for over 20 years, and a leading force in Appalachia’s shift from fossil fuels to clean energy and a just future.”

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Arid Lands Environment Centre

“The Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC) is central Australia’s peak environmental organisation that has been advocating for the protection of nature and ecologically sustainable development in the arid lands since 1980.”

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Arms Control Association

“The Arms Control Association, founded in 1971, is a national nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies.”

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ARRC Wildlife Trust

“Our Mission: -To provide specialised services, programmes and facilities for the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife and animals. -To demonstrate, educate and inform our community about the importance of respect and responsibility for the well being of our wildlife, animals and natural heritage.”

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