Wholesome Practice: Community Building

Conscience Studio

“Conscience Studio identifies universal practices for living peaceful, conscientious private and public lives. We encourage people to love life, act on conscience, and create a global culture of peace. We publish materials, curate exhibitions, offer training and visit to develop and connect communities of conscience.”

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Child Poverty Action Group

“Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) strives to achieve the elimination of child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. We work to provide evidence-based research about the causes and effects of poverty on children and their families, and to inform the public, policy makers, media and politicians of the changes to policy needed to reduce child poverty.”

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Charter for Compassion

“We support the emergence of a global movement that brings the Charter for Compassion to life. To do so, we are a network of networks, connecting organizers and leaders from around the world, providing educational resources, organizing tools, and avenues for communication; sharing lessons, stories, and inspiration; providing the umbrella of the Charter for Compassion for conferences, events, collaborations, conversations and initiatives to create compassionate communities and institutions.”

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Charles Eisenstein – Podcasts

“From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this podcast features Charles Eisenstein in conversation with a series of extraordinary guests: activists and healers, scientists and spiritual teachers, artists and entrepreneurs, indigenous people and those from the elite. Topics revolve around concepts of interbeing and “technologies of reunion” — anything drawing from and contributing to a new story, including material, social, psychological, agricultural, healing, and educational “technologies.” For greater interactivity, the podcast includes live chats, discussion forums, and Q&A sessions. “No one can occupy the new story alone,” says Charles. “We need to hold each other there.” That is the purpose of this podcast and the community that surrounds it — to strengthen the field and spread the ideas of a new and ancient story.”

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“Changemakers is an Ashoka program that uses the power of open challenges and social innovation knowledge – coupled with Ashoka’s network of social entrepreneurs and impact partners – to connect high-potential changemakers in order to accelerate the rate of change for critical social issues. Through a three-step process—frame, convene, and ignite (see below), Ashoka Changemakers® works with the rest of Ashoka, its global network, and partners to frame an approach to a problem that exponentially accelerates social change.”

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Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB)

“Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) is a statewide coalition of 70 grassroots organizations that is reducing the number of people in prisons and jails, shrinking the imprisonment system, and shifting public spending from corrections and policing to human services. Founded in 2003, our coalition amplifies the work of community leaders on issues from sentencing reform to conditions of confinement. We bridge movements for environmental, social, racial, and economic justice in California and across the nation. In addition to our organizational members, CURB’s Action Network is a thriving, growing movement of thoughtful, committed activists now numbering over 20,000!”

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Buddhist Peace Fellowship

“The Buddhist Peace Fellowship shapes movements for ecological and social justice by sharing spiritual-political practices and resources. We come together from multiple lineages, Buddhist and otherwise, to support bold, creative, loving actions to block systemic harm, while building collaborative tools and gatherings that give us the strength to be with our suffering, in order to transform towards liberation. “

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Build Your Own Toolkit

“Welcome to TCA’s exclusive resource search application….All of the campaigners’ resources in our extensive collection have been tagged with keywords to help you find what’s most helpful to you or your organisation.”

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BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz

“BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz is the largest network of Baptist peacemakers in the world. We celebrate and support the peacemaking work done by Baptist churches in our four home countries of Canada, the United States, Puerto Rico and Mexico by raising the visibility of these efforts; bringing peacemakers together in regional and international gatherings; and providing resources, speakers and training to our members. We also actively connect with peacemakers from other traditions, faith-based and secular, to build alliances and work together toward our common goal of a more just and peaceful world.”

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Black Youth Project 100

“BYP100 (Black Youth Project 100) is a member-based organization of Black youth activists creating justice and freedom for all Black people.”

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Barefoot Guide 5: Mission Inclusion

Book: “Mission Inclusion Stories and Practices of Building ​a World where All Belong…Everyone agrees that inclusion is hard, that reaching the poorest and most marginalised is difficult. The layers and reinforcing cycles of exclusion defy the conventional development project approach. Something else, something qualitatively different is needed. Many organisations, large and small, are tackling the deep challenges of exclusion and coming up with creative, innovative and workable solutions that are putting into practice the policies and strategies that everyone is talking about. This Barefoot Guide, written by 34 practitioners from 16 different countries on all continents makes many of these successful approaches and solutions more visible. We will be releasing five translations (French, Spanish, Swahili, Arabic and Viet) and three audio translations (Hausa, Arabic and Swahili) over the next several months.” A dyslexic version available too.

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“Waking up to Wisdom In Stillness and Community…Awakin.org is about deepening our self-awareness, in a community of kindred spirits. By changing ourselves, we change the world.”

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“Apache-Stronghold, San Carlos, Arizona, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit community organization of grassroots organizers coming together to battle continued colonization, defend holy sites and freedom of religion, and is dedicated to building a better community through neighborhood programs and civic engagement.”

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Alternatives to Violence Project Queensland

“Welcome to AVPQ Online. AVPQ is a growing community of people who support those actively seeking nonviolent solutions to conflict. Members share experiences, skills, information and their time. It is a multicultural, independent, non-profit association of trained volunteers, offering experiential workshops that can help people to change their lives.”

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Alliance of Community Trainers

“The Alliance of Community Trainers is a small collective that works with broader networks of trainers, allies organizations and projects. ACT offers knowledge, tools, and skills to individuals, organizations and communities to empower sustainable transformation.”

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After Stonewall

Film: “In 1969 the police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City’s Greenwich Village, leading to three nights of rioting by the city’s gay community. With this outpouring of courage and unity the Gay Liberation Movement had begun. After Stonewall, the sequel to Before Stonewall, chronicles the history of lesbian and gay life from the riots at Stonewall to the end of the century. Narrated by Melissa Etheridge, it captures the hard work, struggles, tragic defeats and exciting victories experienced during this time, and it explores how AIDS dramatically changed the direction of the movement. The two films, Before & After, tell the remarkable tale of how LGBT people, a heretofore hidden and despised group, became a vibrant and integral part of America’s family, and, indeed, the world community. Featuring Dorothy Allison, Michael Bronski, Rita Mae Brown, Barney Frank, Barbara Gittings, Arnie Kantrowitz, Larry Kramer, Craig Lucas, Armistead Maupin, Leslea Newman, Barbara Smith, and many more!”

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Active Peace

“Why Become an Active Peacemaker? Active Peace is a holistic approach to personal, interpersonal, and collective healing. It takes in the big picture and addresses the root causes of disrespect, division, and violence. Inner healing is fully integrated with heart-centered service to life and future generations. Through a restorative justice-inspired model of community peacemaking (Active Peace Circles) we address even the most challenging issues in a transformational way that includes root causes and systems change. After successful workshops in Boulder in January 2019, the Active Peace Circle model is ready to be implemented in communities hungry for an integrated and consistently nonviolent approach to conflict transformation. Active Peace prioritizes respect, deep relationships, personal responsibility, and repairing harm at all levels and includes unmasking Privilege, Patriarchy, and Internalized Racism in a proactive and compassionate way. As an Active Peacemaker you will become more relaxed, courageous, compassionate, and resilient. You will be a positive example of what humans are capable of and bring more hope into the world. You will also join a growing network of people channeling their care into effective action.”

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A Well-Fed World

“A Well-Fed World is a hunger relief and animal protection organization chipping away at two of the world’s most immense, unnecessary and unconscionable forms of suffering… the suffering of people hungry from lack of food, and the suffering of animals used and abused for food. We have a positive, practical, and action-led approach that produces immediate assistance for those in need and structural change for lasting results.”

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Abolitionist Tools

Abolitionist Tools “Critical Resistance’s mission is to end the prison industrial complex (PIC). The PIC is a system that uses policing, courts, and imprisonment to “solve” problems. We don’t agree that we need the PIC to keep us safe. Instead, we work to build safe and healthy communities that do not depend on prisons and punishment. “

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A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (2016)

“A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. Throughout the year the group built tiny houses, planted veggie gardens, practised simple living, and learned how to live in community.”

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A New We – Ecological Communities in Europe

“A New We is a film about hope, alive in this world in ecological communities in Europe. Meet inhabitants of 10 communities creating unique lifestyles and solutions to social, ecological, and economic issues in this world. A New We inspires a new future of humanity and for all life on the planet. Witness passionate cooperation, persistent experimentation, and brave exploration into ecological living. Visit eight countries, to brand new and well established communities, large and small, spiritual to secular. Witness a wide diversity of what people are doing on the cutting edge of cooperation and sustainability!”

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“Ecological Revival and Sustainable Living in the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest of Tamil Nadu: A Measurement of Residential Perception in Sadhana Forest”

“Our nations’ leaders should be looking to Sadhana, and communities like them, as models for future development. These locations offer a unique opportunity to learn first -hand about sustainability. As ecovillages continue to grow and expand across the globe, it is clear that there is an increasing interest in living sustainably and perhaps even that there is a preference towards the ecovillage lifestyle. These communities have a record of successful and failed projects that provide a knowledge base and can potentially save a government time and money while implementing sustainable practice and design. Further research in this field should investigate the logistics of how ecovillages can engage with local governments and what resources governments need as they include sustainability in their affairs. “

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Within Reach

“Within Reach is a film documenting one resilient couple’s 6,500 mile bicycling journey across the United States in search of sustainable communities. Mandy and Ryan gave up their corporate jobs and houses to travel thousands of miles in search of a new home, while also looking within. One of the most important questions facing the world today is “Can humans live sustainably?” This film answers this in a resounding way – Yes! Within Reach: Journey to Find Sustainable Community. Meet people from around the country showing that there might just be a better way we can live together on this planet. It is not only possible, it is already underway!”

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Within Reach (2013)

Film: “Within Reach explores one couple’s pedal-powered search for a place to call home. Mandy and Ryan gave up their jobs, cars, and traditional houses to ‘bike-pack’ 6500 miles around the USA seeking sustainable community. Rather than looking in a traditional neighborhood, they begin to recognize that community is the secret ingredient to living sustainably on this planet. Along the way, they explored 100 ecovillages, cohousing communities, co-op houses, communes, transition towns, and their own principles and commitment.”

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Wild & Grace

Blog about local events in the Bay of Plenty with info on wellness, environment, community and sustainability.

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What Is Restorative Practices?

“All humans are hardwired to connect. Just as we need food, shelter and clothing, human beings also need strong and meaningful relationships to thrive. Restorative practices is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities.”

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We Are Interconnected

“Hi, I’m Michael Lanfield. The author of six books including two #1 Amazon best-selling books The Interconnectedness of Life and The Journey and also my newest book Return to the Gentle Sea: For the Love That Lives in Everyone. I’m also a vegan advocate, YouTuber, and certified World Peace Diet Facilitator. I have been featured on dozens of FM/AM radio stations, podcasts, various websites, magazines, and media outlets, sharing veganism to millions of people around the world.”

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Voices of Transition (2012)

“This inspirational film presents innovative and very concrete solutions to the food security challenges of our crisis-ridden age. Its powerful images showcase community-led agriculture in Cuba, ingenious woodland farming methods in France and the influential Transition movement in the UK, where communities are already moving towards local resilience. The pioneers of this global movement share a positive vision: a new food system in which soils and people once again support each other in a balanced and sustainable way. The film offers a tantalising glimpse of a future-proof society – one in which our communities are happier and healthier, too.”

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Unity Earth

“Our calling is to weave threads of unity within the colourful diversity of the Human Family and with the ecosystems that sustain us. Honoring all traditions and lineages, we are inspired by the collective wisdom of humanity to foster community, connect cultures and cultivate peace. Our events and offerings are designed to enhance personal transformation and facilitate planetary consciousness. There are so many inspiring individuals and organisations doing the hard work and taking strides towards greater unity on our planet, our aim is to strengthen and connect this grassroots movement.”

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True Wealth

Book: “In True Wealth (titled Plenitude in hardcover), economist and New Dream board co-chair Juliet Schor offers a groundbreaking intellectual statement about the economics and sociology of ecological decline, suggesting a radical change in how we think about consumer goods, value, and ways to live: a plenitude economy. Responding to our current moment, True Wealth puts sustainability at its core. But it is not a paradigm of sacrifice. Instead it’s an argument that through a major shift to new sources of wealth, green technologies, and different ways of living, individuals and the country as a whole can actually be better off and more economically secure. As Schor observes, plenitude is already emerging. In pockets around the country and the world, people are busy creating lifestyles that offer a way out of the work-and-spend cycle. These pioneers’ lives are scarce in conventional consumer goods and rich in the newly abundant resources of time, information, creativity, and community. Urban farmers, D.I.Y renovators, Craigslist users, cob builders—all are spreading their risk and establishing novel sources of income and outlets for procuring consumer goods. Taken together, these trends represent a movement away from the conventional market and offer a way toward an efficient, rewarding life in an era of high prices and traditional resource scarcity.”

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Tools for Change

“Tools for Change explores the nexus of social change and spirituality, working from the inside out. We promote healing, leadership development, and sustainable democracy. Our approach weaves together deep reflection, sharing stories and heart felt dialog to inspire social healing, generosity of spirit and collective genius.”

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Tomorrow: Take Concrete Steps To A Sustainable Future

Film: “TODAY, we sometimes feel powerless in front of the various crises of our times. TODAY, we know that answers lie in a wide mobilization of the human race. Over the course of a century, our dream of progress commonly called “the American Dream”, fundamentally changed the way we live and continues to inspire many developing countries. We are now aware of the setbacks and limits of such development policies. We urgently need to focus our efforts on changing our dreams before something irreversible happens to our planet. TODAY, we need a new direction, objective… A new dream! The documentary Tomorrow sets out to showcase alternative and creative ways of viewing agriculture, economics, energy and education. It offers constructive solutions to act on a local level to make a difference on a global level. So far, no other documentary has gone down such an optimistic road…TOMORROW is not just a film, it is the beginning of a movement seeking to encourage local communities around the world to change the way they live for the sake of our planet. Start small to grow big, and write a new story for the generations to come.”

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The Palestine Chronicle

“A non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the general public by providing a forum that strives to highlight issues of relevance to human rights, national struggles, freedom and democracy in the form of daily news, commentary, features, book reviews, photos, art, and more.”

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The Little Book of Circle Processes : A New/Old Approach to Peacemaking

“Our ancestors gathered around a fire in a circle, families gather around their kitchen tables in circles, and now we are gathering in circles as communities to solve problems. This peacemaking practice draws on the ancient Native American tradition of a talking piece and combines that with concepts of democracy and inclusivity. Peacemaking circles are used in neighborhoods to provide support for those harmed by crime and to decide sentences for those who commit crime, in schools to create positive classroom climates and resolve behavior problems, in the workplace to deal with conflict, and in social services to develop more organic support systems for people struggling to get their lives together. The circle process hinges on storytelling. It is an effort bringing astonishing results around the country. A title in The Little Books of Justice and Peacebuilding Series.”

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The Freedom Archives

“The Freedom Archives is a non-profit educational archive located in San Francisco dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of historical audio, video and print materials documenting progressive movements and culture from the 1960s to the 1990s. Offering a youth development program focused on engagement with these historical materials and providing media production training, we also produce original documentaries and educational resources for use by schools and organizations as tools for community building and social justice work.”

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The Economics of Happiness (2011)

Film: “Economic globalization has led to a massive expansion in the scale and power of big business and banking. It has also worsened nearly every problem we face: fundamentalism and ethnic conflict; climate chaos and species extinction; financial instability and unemployment. There are personal costs too. For the majority of people on the planet life is becoming increasingly stressful. We have less time for friends and family and we face mounting pressures at work. The Economics of Happiness describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions. On the one hand, government and big business continue to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power. At the same time, all around the world people are resisting those policies, demanding a re-regulation of trade and finance—and, far from the old institutions of power, they’re starting to forge a very different future. Communities are coming together to re-build more human scale, ecological economies based on a new paradigm — an economics of localization. We hear from a chorus of voices from six continents including Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, David Korten, Michael Shuman, Juliet Schor, Zac Goldsmith and Samdhong Rinpoche – the Prime Minister of Tibet’s government in exile. They tell us that climate change and peak oil give us little choice: we need to localize, to bring the economy home. The good news is that as we move in this direction we will begin not only to heal the earth but also to restore our own sense of well-being. The Economics of Happiness restores our faith in humanity and challenges us to believe that it is possible to build a better world.”

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The Elm Dance – by Joanna Macy

“Around the planet, as people gather to work together for the healing of our world, a simple, beautiful practice is spreading. To celebrate their commitment to life and solidarity with activists the world over, they join hands in a circle dance.”

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The City Repair Project

“Mission: The City Repair Project fosters thriving, inclusive and sustainable communities through the creative reclamation of public space. We facilitate artistic and ecologically-oriented placemaking through projects that honor the interconnection of human communities and the natural world. We are an organized group action that educates and inspires communities and individuals to creatively transform the places where they live. The many projects of City Repair have been accomplished by a mostly volunteer staff and thousands of volunteer citizen activists. Our immediate service area is the Portland Metro Area and we have worked with communities in Gresham, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Oregon City, and Vancouver. Additionally, we can consulate with communities and organizations outside of our region. “

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The Circle Works

“Circle work is one of the oldest restorative practices utilized by humankind. Our goal is to institutionalize circle work in every aspect of American life. We see this as best demonstrated when we can work in collaboration, with compassion, as we strive toward competency…Since ancient times, people have been sitting in Circle to discuss difficult and emotional issues. They’ve also come together in Circle to reflect on and celebrate various occasions and individuals. Through the many uses of Circles; one common thread is community. Through the recognition and participation in Circle, the community can deepen its level of trust and understanding. Circles can help transform conflict, create trust and heal damaged relationships, build stronger teams, empower individuals, enhance personal accountability, and facilitate creative problem-solving.”

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The Circle Works – Services

“We specialize in research and evidence-based practices for bringing about reconciliation to conflict and disharmony between individuals and within organizations and communities. We offer training utilizing the peacemaking circle process, theories of nonviolence, and other restorative practices to bring about peace, harmony, and balance in relationships. We can customize our services to meet your specific needs. We provide social justice-based training, consultation, and coaching. We assist individuals, K-12 schools, colleges and universities, community groups, non-profit and governmental agencies, faith-based communities, and others by utilizing restorative and transformative processes for problem-solving, conflict resolution, peace-building, team and community building, strategic planning, leadership development, racial healing, and racial equity analysis. We are an active partner of The Nonviolence Training Hub, an international consortium of trainers.”

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Sustaining Community

“Families, community engagement and environmental sustainability – for parents, students, practitioners and anyone who wants to make a difference.”

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Spotted Horse Press – Bookshop

“Winona LaDuke’s published books. “Winona LaDuke is one of the world’s most tireless and charismatic leaders on issues related to climate change, Indigenous rights, human rights, green and rural economies, grass-roots organizing, local foods, alternative sources of energy and the priceless value of clean water over a career spanning nearly 40 years of activism.”

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“Are you tired of ‘the problems’ and want to be more solutions-focused? Do you seek to live compassionately without the unnecessary exploitation of people, animals and the environment? Are you concerned about climate change and future generations? Create the change you wish to see in this world with permaculture! Our focus is on active learning, designing innovative courses and workshops that are participatory, fun, lively and inclusive. Adapted from the Permaculture Association (Britain)’s PDC core curriculum and much more, we create learning experiences that empower you, your organisation or your community to make positive change happen today.”

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Songs for the Great Turning

“The Great Turning is a global change of heart and ways of living, a more nurturing, appreciative and sustainable relationship with the Web of Life, a shift toward a life-enhancing human presence on Planet Earth. Songs, especially when sung together and in harmony, are a vital tool in the Great Turning and a great enhancement to the interactive group processes developed by Joanna Macy known as the Work That Reconnects. They help us experience in the body our connection to each other and the planet, summon our collective courage, enliven us and inspire us to play our part in creating a life-sustaining society.”

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Skylight Resilience Hub

“We support people of all ages throughout New Zealand who are facing any kind of tough life situation, but we specialise in grief, loss and trauma.”

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Sacred Economics

“Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. “

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Sadhana Forest

About Sadhana Forest includes a short video “Sadhana Forest started its ecological revival and sustainable living work on December 19th 2003. The vision of its founders, Yorit and Aviram Rozin, is to transform 70 acres of severely eroded, arid land on the outskirts of Auroville. In a spirit of human unity, their aim is to introduce a growing number of people to sustainable living, food security through ecological transformation, wasteland reclamation, and veganism. Our energy and resources are focused on the creation of a vibrant, indigenous Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest (TDEF).”

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Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing

“When ordinary people band together to gain more control over their life conditions, the first order of business is to organize in pursuit of collective action. This how-to manual presents strategies, tactics, methods, and techniques that community members can use to set their own goals, select issues, campaign for these issues, recruit members, develop leaders, hold effective meetings, conduct research, lobby politicians and legislators, and get the word out to the media. The author brings more than three decades of experience to the task of explaining root principles for developing and exercising collective power; he moves effortlessly from such broad discussions into providing specific tips for effective organizing methods and techniques. Armed with the information in this book, any community can bring about social change through collective action.”

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Rising Tide North America Trainers’ Network

“The Rising Tide North America Trainers’ Network functions as an all-volunteer grassroots network of trainers, working to further the climate justice movement through sharing skills, building leadership and expanding capacity of local groups. We seek to support local organizations and groups that are engaged in struggles for justice of all kinds.”

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Resource Generation

Resource Generation envisions a world in which all communities are powerful, healthy, and living in alignment with the planet. 

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Research Methods for Community Change: A Project-Based Approach

Book: “Everyone is a member of a community, and every community is continually changing. To successfully manage that change, community members need information. Research Methods for Community Change: A Project-Based Approach is an in-depth review of all of the research methods that communities use to solve problems, develop their resources, and protect their identities. With an engaging, friendly style and numerous real world examples, author Randy Stoecker shows readers how to use a project-based research model in the community. The four features of the model are: -Diagnosing a community condition. -Prescribing an intervention for the condition. -Implementing the prescription. -Evaluating its impact.”

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Reclaiming’s international communities listings. “Reclaiming is a community of people working to unify spirit and politics. Our vision is rooted in the religion and magic of the Goddess, the Immanent Life Force. We see our work as teaching and making magic: the art of empowering ourselves and each other. In our classes, workshops, and public rituals, we train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to voice our concerns about the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture.”

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Proposed Mini Manual of Council Circles

Guidelines for meeting. “Council is the process of figuring out how the group feels; it’s not just for thinking. The goal is not necessarily consensus of action, but of understanding: once we understand each other, what to do should be obvious.”

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The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is a nonpartisan independent watchdog that investigates and exposes waste, corruption, abuse of power, and when the government fails to serve the public or silences those who report wrongdoing.

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Nonviolence International

“Nonviolence International researches and promotes nonviolent action and seeks to reduce the use of violence worldwide.  We believe that every culture and religion can employ appropriate nonviolent methods for positive social change and international peace.”

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Nonviolence Institute

“Our Mission: The mission of the Nonviolence Institute is to teach, by word and example, the principles and practices of nonviolence, and to foster a community that addresses potentially violent situations with nonviolent solutions. Our Vision: We work every day to build a Beloved Healthy Community reflective of the actions and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We serve as a leader in the nonviolence movement, serving as a model for other organizations across the country and training people from all walks of life in the principles and practices of nonviolence. We envision the Institute becoming an international center of excellence for the nonviolence movement.”

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“Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) is a national information and networking center for citizens and environmental activists concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation and sustainable energy issues.”

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Movement Strategy Center

“To nurture whole people and whole communities to transition from a world of domination and extraction to a world of regeneration, resilience, and interdependence…Movement Strategy Center understands that transformative movements change the way we think, our structures and systems, the way we live, and even who we are. Transformative movements recognize that we are whole people, our communities are whole, and because the issues and problems are interconnected our systemic solutions and movements must be interconnected as well. For society to change we need our movements, and the people in our movements, to mirror and embody transformation right now. Along with a growing wave of movement makers, Movement Strategy Center believes incremental change strategies are inadequate in the face of rapidly accelerating climate disruption and growing inequality. Incremental change strategies cannot keep pace. Because the scale and nature of the problems we face are exponential, our change strategies need to be exponential as well. Transformative strategies are needed to generate the exponential change needed. But how do we accomplish this? How do we achieve transformation – the exponential shift of reality? Movement Strategy Center’s approach is grounded in four elements that are the core of transformative movement building: leading with audacious vision and bold purpose; deeply embodying the values at the heart of the vision; building radical and deep community around the vision; and using all of that – vision, embodiment, and connection – to strategically navigate toward the future.”

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Links for teachers

“Resources for teachers encouraging students to environmentally-friendly educations, green degrees, career paths and top paying careers.”

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Jonah House

“Jonah House is an intentional, peace-and-justice community located in Baltimore, Maryland. We aim to live by these four roots: community, spirituality, stewardship, activism”

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International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

Events & Updates “We, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers represent a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children, and for the next seven generations to come. We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth and the destruction of indigenous ways of life.”

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“This site publishes a large number of nonviolence resources including regular editions of ‘Nonviolent News’.”

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Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective (2015)

Film: “Humanity is more than ever threatened by its own actions; we hear a lot about the need to minimize footprints and to reduce our impact. But what if our footprints were beneficial? What if we could meet human needs while increasing the health and well-being of our planet? This is the premise behind permaculture: a design process based on the replication of patterns found in nature. INHABIT explores the many environmental issues facing us today and examines solutions that are being applied using the ecological design lens of permaculture. Focused mostly on the Northeastern and Midwestern regions of the United States, Inhabit provides an intimate look at permaculture peoples and practices ranging from rural, suburban, and urban landscapes. Includes subtitles in English, German, Spanish, Italian and French.”

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Indigenous Environmental Network

“IEN is an alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose Shared Mission is to Protect the Sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination & exploitation by Respecting and Adhering to Indigenous Knowledge and Natural Law”

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In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times (2012)

“This film is an inspirational immersion in the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. There are stories of communities printing their own money, growing food, localising their economies and setting up community power stations. Transition is an idea that has gone viral, a social experiment that is about responding to uncertain times with solutions and optimism. In a world of increasing uncertainty, here is a story of hope, ingenuity and the power of growing vegetables in unexpected places. It features the following subtitles, all of which have been done by volunteers in their respective countries: Albanian, Croatian, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.”

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Implementing Restorative Practice in Schools: A Practical Guide to Transforming School Communities

Book: “Restorative practice is a proven approach to discipline in schools that favours relationships over retribution, and has been shown to improve behaviour and enhance teaching and learning outcomes. However, in order for it to work, restorative practice needs a relational school culture. Implementing Restorative Practice in Schools explains what has to happen in a school in order for it to become truly restorative. Section 1 explains the potential of restorative practice in schools, describing the positive outcomes for students and teachers. It also outlines the measures that need to be in place in order to embed restorative practice. Section 2 examines the process of understanding and managing change, providing realistic and pragmatic guidance on the practical and emotional barriers that may be encountered. Finally, Section 3 provides in eight practical steps, strategic guidance for achieving a restorative culture that sticks. Featuring useful pro formas and templates, this book will be an indispensable guide for educators, administrators and school leaders in mainstream and specialist settings.”

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Honor the Earth

“Honor the Earth uses indigenous wisdom, music, art, and the media to raise awareness and support for Indigenous Environmental Issues.  We leverage this awareness and support to develop financial and political capital for Indigenous struggles for land and life.”

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“Highlander serves as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the South. We work with people fighting for justice, equality and sustainability, supporting their efforts to take collective action to shape their own destiny. Through popular education, language justice, participatory research, cultural work, and intergenerational organizing, we help create spaces — at Highlander and in local communities — where people gain knowledge, hope and courage, expanding their ideas of what is possible. We develop leadership and help create and support strong, democratic organizations that work for justice, equality and sustainability in their own communities and that join with others to build broad movements for social, economic and restorative environmental change.”

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Heart Politics Revisited

Book: ““Heart politics revisited” is part autobiography, part manifesto, and it dares to dream about a new politics with people at the center. “Heart Politics Revisited” is a new and expanded edition of the classic 1985 handbook for activists. Peavey’s approach shuns careerism, rigid ideologies, revenge and recrimination–and offers a pathway towards reconciliation and living with difference through empathy, non-violence, co-operation and person-to-person contact. And it has a humor which carries the reader through.”

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Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT)

“The Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) is a multiracial organization that promotes the connection between fundraising, social justice and movement-building. We believe that how groups are funded is as important to achieving their goals as how the money is spent, and that building community support is central to long-term social change. We provide training, resources and analysis to strengthen organizations, with an emphasis on those focused on social justice and based in communities of color.”

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Grassroots Fundraising Journal

Journal. “Mission Statement: The Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) is a multiracial organization that promotes the connection between fundraising, social justice and movement-building. We believe that how groups are funded is as important to achieving their goals as how the money is spent, and that building community support is central to long-term social change. We provide training, resources and analysis to strengthen organizations, with an emphasis on those focused on social justice and based in communities of color.”

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Good Neighbour

“To provide practical opportunities for people to support one another so that lives and neighbourhoods are transformed.” Activities: Food Rescue, Community Gardens, Neighbourhood Projects and Kitchen

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Go Eco

“We provide community education, collaborate with and support environmental groups and projects, provide inspiration for living lighter and advocates on behalf of the environment. We are home to a depot for recycling electronic devices, batteries, light bulbs, toner cartridges, and we run Kaivolution Food Rescue.”

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Global Ecovillage Network – Magazines

“What is it like to live in an ecovillage, cohousing neighborhood, or intentional community? How do you start one, sustain it, grow it, and solve the hardest challenges? Communities magazine addresses these questions, and shares new models for society. For nearly 45 years this magazine has connected people to the pulse of the communities movement, by chronicling the people, organizations, methods and ideas making it so. Discover inspiring examples of cooperation and creativity, as people work together to solve problems and create a better, more equitable, and ecological world. Diverse Themes: Each quarterly issue focuses on a different theme, such as: Food and Community, Community and the Law, The Many Faces of Community, Finding or Starting Community, etc.”

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Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)

“The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents. GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures.”

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Global Exchange

“Global Exchange is an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world. We take a holistic approach to creating change and as an education and action resource center, we advance our vision by working to ensure our members and constituents are empowered locally and connected globally to create a just and sustainable world. We realize that in order to advance social, environmental and economic justice we must transform the global economy from profit-centered to people-centered, from currency to community.”

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Friends of the Earth

“Together we speak truth to power and expose those who endanger the health of people and the planet for corporate profit. We organize to build long-term political power and campaign to change the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice and destroy nature.”

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Forgotten People

“Forgotten People (FP) is a Grassroots Organization on the Navajo Nation dedicated to rebuilding. FP utilizes a bottom up participatory approach to development which focuses on community wide identification of needs and then works with each community to engage them to solve their problems. This methodology allows the people to become empowered and healed from a legacy of oppression. In order to achieve this ‘agency’ the community had to evolve from a needs-based or dependency approach to the agencies into an assumption of full responsibility for their own development. Forgotten People has been recognized by their willingness to solve their own problems and has gained recognition as one of the most pro-active areas on the Navajo Nation.”

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First Earth: Uncompromising Ecological Architecture (2010)

“FIRST EARTH is a documentary about the movement towards a massive paradigm shift for shelter — building healthy houses in the old ways, out of the very earth itself, and living together like in the old days, by recreating villages. It is a sprawling film, shot on location from the West Coast to West Africa. An audiovisual manifesto filmed over the course of 4 years and 4 continents, FIRST EARTH makes the case that earthen homes are the healthiest housing in the world; and that since it still takes a village to raise a healthy child, it is incumbent upon us to transform our suburban sprawl into eco-villages, a new North American dream. Chocking up over 300,000 hits on YouTube even before its official release, FIRST EARTH is not a how-to film; rather, it’s a why-to film. It establishes the appropriateness of earthen building in every cultural context, under all socio-economic conditions, from third-world communities to first-world countrysides, from Arabian deserts to American urban jungles. In the age of environmental and economic collapse, peak oil and other converging emergencies, the solution to many of our ills might just be getting back to basics, focusing on food, clothes, and shelter. We need to think differently about house and home, for material and for spiritual reasons, both the personal and the political.”

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Edible City: Grow the Revolution (2012)

“Edible City tells the stories of the pioneers who are digging their hands into the dirt, working to transform their communities and do something truly revolutionary: grow local food systems that are socially just, environmentally sound, economically viable and resilient to climate change and market collapse. “

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Earthcare Education Aotearoa (Facebook page)

“Enlivening Community through Permaculture and Deep Ecology. A non-profit trust dedicated to the ethics and principles of sustainability and Permaculture….Our mission (kaupapa) is: * Recreating Right Relationship with ALL Communities – respecting ALL life as sacred. * Facilitating sustainable human settlements, where culture embraces nature. * Restoring ecosystems whilst establishing food security.”

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Earth Activist Training – Shedule

Courses, workshops and educational events. “Earth Activist Training’s mission statement: To bring the knowledge and resources of regenerative ecological design to communities with the greatest needs and fewest resources. To teach visionary and practical solutions and personal sustainability to social change activists, and to teach practical skills, organizing, and activism to visionaries. To cross-pollinate the political, environmental, and spiritual movements that seek peace, justice, and resilience.”

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Earth Activist Training

“Earth Activist Training’s mission statement: To bring the knowledge and resources of regenerative ecological design to communities with the greatest needs and fewest resources. To teach visionary and practical solutions and personal sustainability to social change activists, and to teach practical skills, organizing, and activism to visionaries. To cross-pollinate the political, environmental, and spiritual movements that seek peace, justice, and resilience.”

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“A digital platform powering offline action. DoSomething.org is mobilizing young people in every US area code and in 131 countries! Sign up for a volunteer, social change, or civic action campaign to make real-world impact on a cause you care about.”

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Doing Democracy with Circles: Engaging Communities in Public Planning

“Here is the definitive guide on circles with planners in mind. Primal and potent in equal measure, the circle is the basis for all good conversation. It is well nigh indispensable today for those practicing planning as collective communicative action whereby common, meaning-filled places get made. [This book] presses many of the hot buttons for planners looking to be more relevant and effective in today’s world, while also stretching minds into the realm of hearts and souls. Circles may be regarded as a conduit for tapping the precious galvanizing spirit in their communities and (if professional planners dare admit it) in themselves. This is a timely call for planners to consciously circle their praxis … to realize fuller, fairer processes and to facilitate a democratics that can transcend mere politics and contribute to a more just society. –Ian Wight, Associate Professor, City Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg” (Review)

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Discernment: Transforming Power in Daily Life

Workshop Manual “Discernment: Transforming Power in Daily Life is the ability to grasp the inward character and relationship of things, especially when obscure, leading to keen insight and judgment. This workshop offers practices for transforming power and living in accord with conscience in every moment while building conscientious relationships in community, at work and play.”

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