Archives: Resources

Resource Generation

Resource Generation envisions a world in which all communities are powerful, healthy, and living in alignment with the planet. 

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Research Methods for Community Change: A Project-Based Approach

Book: “Everyone is a member of a community, and every community is continually changing. To successfully manage that change, community members need information. Research Methods for Community Change: A Project-Based Approach is an in-depth review of all of the research methods that communities use to solve problems, develop their resources, and protect their identities. With an engaging, friendly style and numerous real world examples, author Randy Stoecker shows readers how to use a project-based research model in the community. The four features of the model are: -Diagnosing a community condition. -Prescribing an intervention for the condition. -Implementing the prescription. -Evaluating its impact.”

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Réseau Sortir du nucléaire

“Our role : To bring together all the people who wish to express their will for a nuclear exit. By gathering around a Charter, we are putting together a balance of power to achieve concrete results. Our objective : To obtain the abandonment of the nuclear power in France thanks to another energy policy, by promoting in particular the control of the energy, and the development of other means of electrical production.”

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Resource Center for Nonviolence

“The Resource Center for Nonviolence, founded in 1976, is a peace and justice organization promoting the practice of nonviolent social change. Located in Santa Cruz, California, we cultivate relationships with allies around California, across the United States, in Latin America, the Middle East and elsewhere. Our primary mission is to support the growth of nonviolent activists. The Center hosts activists and analysts from nonviolent struggles around the world.”

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Resource Manual for a Living Revolution

Book: “An all time favourite of activist educators. Nicknamed ‘the Monster Manual’ this trainers’ manual made a big impact in Australian social change movements during the 1970s when it was used by trainers during the Franklin dam blockade. Coover and her co-authors were active members of the Quaker network Movement for a New Society. It remains one of the best sources for trainers working around facilitation, decision making and group maintenance. Out of print, but generally available from second hand through online bookstores.”

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Renegade Inc.

“Renegade Inc. is an independent knowledge platform for people who think differently. We find thinkers, writers, leaders and creators in search of the best new ideas, businesses and policies. Many more people are now questioning the conventional wisdom of modern life and asking a simple question: How do I live well during the age of uncertainty? Renegade Inc. was founded to answer some of those questions.”

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Renewable Energy World

“Renewable Energy World was started in 1999 by a group of Renewable Energy professionals who wanted their work to relate to their passion for renewable energy. With this passion and the desire to create a long-term sustainable business, we have created perhaps the single most recognized and trusted source for Renewable Energy News and Information on the Internet. At Renewable Energy World we do our best to provide you with access to Renewable Energy-focused news, case studies, technology trends, markets, companies and so much more.”

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Renewable Industries Canada

“Working with government stakeholders and policymakers to strengthen Canada’s economy and environment―at the same time…Through collaboration and consultation, we work with government stakeholders and policymakers to identify climate solutions with growth opportunities. We share expertise in planning and building initiatives with economic and environmental sustainability. We advocate for increases in adoption, production and innovation of Biofuels, Renewable Products, and Clean Technologies.”

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“ReliefWeb is the leading humanitarian information source on global crises and disasters. It is a specialized digital service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). We provide reliable and timely information, enabling humanitarian workers to make informed decisions and to plan effective response. We collect and deliver key information, including the latest reports, maps and infographics from trusted sources. ReliefWeb is also a valuable resource for job listings and training programs, helping humanitarians build new skills and discover exciting new career opportunities.”

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Remaking Society

Book: “Remaking Society is a primer on Murray Bookchin’s ideas. In an accessible style it takes the reader through anthropology; the emergence of heirarchy and modern capitalism; technology; utopian radical solutions; urbanization and communities; and the ethics of social ecology – or towards a philosophy of nature and community. Murray Bookchin (1921 – 2006) was an American anarchist and libertarian socialist author, orator, historian, and political theorist. A pioneer in the ecology movement, Bookchin initiated the critical theory of social ecology within anarchist, libertarian socialist, and ecological thought. He was the author of two dozen books covering topics in politics, philosophy, history, urban affairs, and ecology.”

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Remembering Tomorrow: From SDS to Life After Capitalism: A Memoir

Book: “In this lucid political memoir, veteran anti-capitalist activist Michael Albert offers an ardent defense of the project to transform global inequality. Albert, a uniquely visionary figure, recounts a life of uncompromising commitment to creating change one step at a time. Whether chronicling the battles against the Vietnam War, those waged on Boston campuses, or the challenges of creating living, breathing alternative social models, Albert brings a keen and unwavering sense of justice to his work, pointing the way forward for the next generation.”

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Remineralize the Earth

“Our Mission: Remineralize the Earth (RTE) promotes the use of natural land and sea-based minerals to restore soils and forests, produce more nutritious food, and remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Our Vision: Given the immediate and growing threats of climate change, desertification, and increased food insecurity, Remineralize the Earth, through soil remineralization, is helping to create better soils, better food, and a better planet. Through our research, education, advocacy, partnerships, and implementation we are: -Regenerating soils and forests around the world. -Increasing the nutritional quality and yield of food production. -Stabilizing the climate”

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Remineralize the Earth – Blog

Blog. “Our Mission: Remineralize the Earth (RTE) promotes the use of natural land and sea-based minerals to restore soils and forests, produce more nutritious food, and remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. Our Vision: Given the immediate and growing threats of climate change, desertification, and increased food insecurity, Remineralize the Earth, through soil remineralization, is helping to create better soils, better food, and a better planet. Through our research, education, advocacy, partnerships, and implementation we are: -Regenerating soils and forests around the world. -Increasing the nutritional quality and yield of food production. -Stabilizing the climate”

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Reclaiming’s international communities listings. “Reclaiming is a community of people working to unify spirit and politics. Our vision is rooted in the religion and magic of the Goddess, the Immanent Life Force. We see our work as teaching and making magic: the art of empowering ourselves and each other. In our classes, workshops, and public rituals, we train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to voice our concerns about the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture.”

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Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook, a Moveable Feast

Book: “Beautifully designed A-Z of the totality of revolutionary politics. This brand new Crimethinc book is the action guide – the direct action guide. From affinity groups to wheatpasting, coalition building, hijacking events, mental health, pie-throwing, shoplifting, stenciling, supporting survivors of domestic violence, surviving a felony trial, torches, and whole bunch more. Incredible design, and lots of graphics give it that hip situ feel. Loads to read, to think about, and to do. At 650 pages, you could always throw the damn book at a suitable target. What are you waiting for?”

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Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Source of True Healing

Book: “Reclaiming Our Health is best-selling author John Robbins biggest and most important book to date. Elaborately researched and fluidly written, Reclaiming Our Health is a provocative and crystal-clear commentary on one of the most complex issues facing America today – national health care. In an epic look at the human and financial consequences of the polarization of traditional and alternative medicine, John Robbins calls for nothing short of a revolution in the basic beliefs on which traditional health care is provided. Robbins has written a masterpiece that will be as popular with people unhappy with the medical establishment as Diet for a New America is with critics of the meat industry. Although we spend $1 trillion each year on health care, the toll in human suffering from degenerative disease continues to rise and many in our country cannot afford basic health care. Meanwhile, women are growing increasingly frustrated with the care they receive from a male-dominated system; and the incidence of dangerous communicable diseases is growing. There are answers to these problems and the myriad others that we face, but the dogmatic and monopolistic beliefs held by modern medicine are preventing us from finding the. Reclaiming Our Health presents a brilliant, refreshing, and uplifting new vision of what health care might be.”

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Reflections on Living Compassion

Book: “This book, created over years of sharing and teaching workshops, individual sessions, and retreats, leads the reader into unsuspected depths. It is a guide for exploring dimensions of wholeness and healing; an invitation to approach our experience in a radically different way. We enter into our difficult experiences to reveal the fullness and beauty in all experience.”

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Real Food Encyclopedia

“With over 200 entries, our comprehensive encyclopedia helps you understand the foodprint of each food listed. You’ll learn how sustainable (or unsustainable!) each food is, what to look for when shopping for it and even tips on how to cook it.”

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Real Estate 4 Ransom: Why Does Land Cost the Earth? (2012)

“REAL ESTATE 4 RAN$OM outlines a genuine alternative to the global property speculation that forced so many into debt. Doubling the pressure, the tax game has become just that, with tax havens a favoured option for the wealthy. The result – we are taxing the wrong things, causing more problems whilst bankrupting once proud economies. Fast edits and funky music help to lift the world of economics above the dreary doziness that has put the people off understanding how monopoly capitalism has taken over. Solutions are a core part to the film that hints at the need to look deeper than banking reform alone. Professor MIchael Hudson, Alanna Hartzok and Frank de Jong feature. Music by the KLF, Kaki King, Monkey Marc and Los Codos. Thanks to the vimeo community – long live the creative commons 😉 Watch Real Estate 4 Ransom so we can occupy the middle ground, calling neo-liberals for the free ride they have masqueraded in a world of mobile capital. Who made the earth for private profit?”

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Re:Imagining Change: How to Use Story-based Strategy to Win Campaigns, Build Movements, and Change the World

Book: “An inspirational inside look at the trailblazing methodology developed by the nonprofit strategy and training organization, smartMeme, this unique exploration provides progressive activists with the tools to get stories into the media, build successful campaigns, and connect with other organizations the world over. Providing resources, theories, hands-on tools, and illuminating case studies for the next generation of activists, this resource shows how culture, media, memes, and narrative intertwine with social-change strategies and offers practical methods to amplify progressive causes in popular culture. A summation of the smartMeme approach, this study in memetics provides practical exercises to augment movements for justice, ecological sanity, and transformative social change.”

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Realizing Hope: Life Beyond Capitalism (Critique Influence Change)

Book: “Someone once said that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. Michael Albert would disagree. Realizing Hope offers a speculative vision of a future beyond capitalism – an alternative to the exploitation of human labour, the unchecked destruction of the earth, and the oppression of all for the benefit of the few. Participatory economics – parecon for short – is Albert’s concrete proposal for a classless economy, developed from anarchist principles first introduced by Kropotkin, Bakunin, Pannekoek and others. In this classic text, Albert takes the insights and hopes of parecon and enlarges them to address all key aspects of social life and society – gender, culture, politics, science, technology, journalism, ecology, and others. Realizing Hope provides vision to help us all together conceive a world that might be just over the horizon, a world we can begin building today.”

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Radical Street Performance: An International Anthology

Book: “Street performance has long been a staple of radical and visionary political movements. Typically, theater transports an audience to a reality apart from the everyday. Radical street performance strives to transport everyday reality to something more ideal. Because the spectators are not necessarily predisposed to theater-going, it takes place in public spaces and is usually free of charge. Potentially, street performance creates a bridge between imagined and real actions, often facilitated by staging the event at the very sites of power the performers seek to transform. Radical Street Performance is the first volume to collect the fascinating array of writings by activists, directors, performers, critics, scholars and journalists who have documented political performance in streets around the world. These essays look at performance in Europe, Africa, China, India and both of the Americas, and describe engagements with issues as diverse as abortion, colonialism, the environment and homophobia, to name only a sampling. Including coverage of the highly performative political activities of organizations such as ACT-UP and Greenpeace, the public spectacle of Abbie Hoffman’s political radicalism, and the writings of Tolstoy, this is truly a new kind of primer for the study of politics and performance. Radical Street Performance is an inspirational testimony to this international performance tradition, and a valuable record of a form of theater that continues to flourish in an increasingly apolitical and televisual age [Publisher description].”

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Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement

Book: “Are “animal welfare” supporters indistinguishable from the animal exploiters they oppose? Do reformist measures reaffirm the underlying principles that make animal exploitation possible in the first place? In this provocative book, Gary L. Francione argues that the modern animal rights movement has become indistinguishable from a century-old concern with the welfare of animals that in no way prevents them from being exploited. Francione maintains that advocating humane treatment of animals retains a sense of them as instrumental to human ends. When they are considered dispensable property, he says, they are left fundamentally without “rights.” Until the seventies, Francione claims, this was the paradigm within which the Animal Rights Movement operated, as demonstrated by laws such as the Federal Humane Slaughter Act of 1958. In this wide-ranging book, Francione takes the reader through the philosophical and intellectual debates surrounding animal welfare to make clear the difference between animal rights and animal welfare. Through case studies such as campaigns against animal shelters, animal laboratories, and the wearing of fur, Francione demonstrates the selectiveness and confusion inherent in reformist programs that target fur, for example, but leave wool and leather alone. The solution to this dilemma, Francione argues, is not in a liberal position that espouses the humane treatment of animals, but in a more radical acceptance of the fundamental inalienability of animal rights.”

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Rainforest Action Network (RAN)

“MISSION: Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns. VISION: RAN works toward a world where the rights and dignity of all communities are respected and where healthy forests, a stable climate and wild biodiversity are protected and celebrated.”

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Race & Class

Race and class resources. “Class Action’s Race/Class Intersections Program aims to create new understandings of the intersections between race and class, and provide strategies to help people of color respond to classism within and beyond their communities. “

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Race Forward

“Race Forward’s mission is to build awareness, solutions, and leadership for racial justice by generating transformative ideas, information, and experiences. We define racial justice as the systematic fair treatment of people of all races, resulting in equitable opportunities and outcomes for all and we work to advance racial justice through media, research, and leadership development…Race Forward envisions a vibrant world in which people of all races create, share and enjoy resources and relationships equitably, unleashing individual potential, embracing collective responsibility and generating global prosperity. We strive to be a leading values-driven social justice enterprise where the culture and commitment created by our multi-racial and diverse staff supports individual and organizational excellence and sustainability.”

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Racial Equity Tools

“Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large.”

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Radical Joy for Hard Times

“We envision a planet where people and wounded places are reconciled through acceptance, compassion, and acts of beauty. A world where no part of the Earth is alienated from those who love it. In this way, we recognize that all of nature is part of the cycle of life. Our mission is to give people the opportunity to deeply connect with natural places that have been damaged through human or natural acts. Spending time in wounded places, we expose our hearts to difficult feelings of loss and guilt; listen to the land and to one another; and open ourselves to possibilities for finding and creating beauty there.”

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Quotations for Social Change

“This collection of 303 quotations related to positive social change made by over 160 people, some famous, some not so, includes the 263 quotations interspersed throughout Inciting Democracy plus 40 more that were too profound or clever to leave out.”

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Rabbit Rescue Hawkes Bay

“We are an all volunteer non-profit organization dependent on donations to help us rescue unwanted domestic rabbits and educate the public on rabbit care.Located in Havelock North, Rabbit Rescue Hawkes Bay is one of the best places to adopt a rabbit. Since opening in 2015 we have built up a loyal pet owner following with our genuine love for rabbits, commitment to helping service, and unique rabbits. Once you adopt a rabbit, you’ll understand what makes our community so special.”

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Queering Animal Liberation

“Queering Animal Liberation is an anthology in progress. This ground-breaking volume will include chapters by activists, artists, and scholars all focused on the intersection between speciesism and homo/transphobia or, on the upside, linkages between the struggles for queer and animal liberation.”

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Rabbit Food Grocery

“Our mission at Rabbit Food Grocery is to grow the vegan community by helping people go vegan and stay vegan for the animals, our health, and the environment…Founded by Jessica Morris and Gabriel Figueroa who are both longtime vegans with a passion for helping people go vegan and stay vegan. The team at Rabbit Food Grocery is dedicated to serving the community by living our core values of Giving, Teamwork, Passion, Creativity, Fun, Service, Caring, Integrity, Trust, and Education.”

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Public Citizen – Climate and Energy

“Public Citizen’s energy and climate program advocates for affordable, clean and sustainable energy. We safeguard families by promoting the strong regulation of energy markets, educate the public on the dangers of continued reliance on dirty energy sources, help solve climate change by promoting localized clean energy alternatives and hold large energy corporations accountable by exposing wrongdoing.”

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Public Intelligence

“Public Intelligence is an international, collaborative research project aimed at aggregating the collective work of independent researchers around the globe who wish to defend the public’s right to access information. We operate upon a single maxim: equal access to information is a human right. We believe that limits to the average citizen’s ability to access information have created information asymmetries which threaten to destabilize democratic rule around the world. Through the control of information, governments, religions, corporations, and a select group of individuals have been able to manipulate public perception into accepting coercive agendas which are ultimately designed to limit the sovereignty and freedom of populations worldwide. This site is an attempt to compile and defend public information using software and methods which are open source and available to the public at large. It is our hope that by making such information available and demonstrating the power of a public resolved to inform itself, we may engender a more informed and proactive populace. Within our first two years of operation, we have already received more than twenty threats and takedown notices from government agencies and corporations around the world for publishing documents discovered via open source methods available to any member of the public. No information has ever been removed or censored.”

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Qatsi Trilogy

“As the general focus of the QATSI Trilogy is the technological milieu, it is the purpose of this site to foster a web-dialogue on this little understood, yet ubiquitous subject – the nature of technology. What we know about the subject is vastly promotive, over-the-top positive, coming to us from the producers of global technology. A glowing wonderland of unlimited opportunity is promised by the good life of the technological order. Infinite capacity, virtual immortality, super human cognition – attributes that have until now been reserved for the divine are indicated for technology. A new technological pantheon has been established in the horizonless world of the Blue Planet. But is technology what it appears to be? Have we looked behind the shimmer of its glowing surface? Very little, if anything, reveals its meaning through mere appearances. Most everything is more complex, full with a universe of hidden dimensions. Is technology an exception to this common experience? Or, have we accepted its truth as the truth?” films: Koyaanisqatsi (life out of balance), Powaqqatsi (life in transformation), Naqoyqatsi (life as war).

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Public Listening Project

“We have been going regularly to the local train station for five years wearing t-shirts bearing questions: one always reads, “What’s Your Opinion?” and the other might be, “Should We Have Gone to War?” or some other provocative question. Such questions are a non-threatening invitation to people who are ready to approach us and share their views on policy issues and how they came to hold them. As we listen with interest and respect, people vent feelings and, then, often become more free to think anew. People appreciate being listened to without interruption. If their opinion is listened to with respect, then their “suspicion” of talking to someone who may have a differing viewpoint quickly evaporates…Our names are Dan and Trey. We are two friends who, during the buildup toward war with Iraq in the fall of 2002, felt that not enough people were talking about this vital issue. We thought that such an action, which surely would cost our nation money and lives, merited discussion among Americans of all political persuasions. It is our belief that people do their own best thinking when they are listened to with respect. We decided, as concerned citizens, to create a forum for discussion on the topic of war and all related issues. We have conducted this project without the sponsorship of any political group.”

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“Founded in 2011 by women reporters, Pública is the first nonprofit investigative journalism agency in Brazil. With breathtaking public interest reports, our stories were republished last year by over 700 media outlets under the Creative Commons license. All our reports are made on the basis of rigorous fact-finding and are based on the uncompromising defense of human rights. We investigated public administration, including all levels of government and legislative houses; the social and environmental impacts of companies, their corruption and anti-transparency practices; the judiciary, its effectiveness, transparency and equity; and violence against vulnerable populations in the city and in the countryside. In the independent journalism promotion program, we provide mentoring for journalists, a micro-scholarship contest, journalism discussion events, and support programs for innovative projects.”

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ProVeg – Blog

Blog. “ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition.”

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“ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition. Vision: We strive for a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet. Mission: Reducing the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040.”

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ProVegan – General Information

Introduction, The Healthiest Diet, For Human Rights, The Moral Reasons, For Animal Welfare and Animal Rights, For the Climate and Environmental Protection, The Religious Reason, Personal Epilogue

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“ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force. We dig deep into important issues, shining a light on abuses of power and betrayals of public trust — and we stick with those issues as long as it takes to hold power to account.”

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Protect All Children’s Environment (PACE)

“Established in 1987 for people poisoned by the now-banned pesticide, Chlordane, PACE exists to give comfort and support. Through PACE, pesticide victims provide support to fellow survivors on an all-volunteer, not-for-profit basis. There are no charges for information, counseling or other services. PACE is unique in that true empathy is expressed through shared experience.”

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Proposed Mini Manual of Council Circles

Guidelines for meeting. “Council is the process of figuring out how the group feels; it’s not just for thinking. The goal is not necessarily consensus of action, but of understanding: once we understand each other, what to do should be obvious.”

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“Protest.Net is a collective of activists who are working together to create our own media. By publishing a public record of our political activities on the web we are taking a stand against the established media. We are standing up and showing that serious activism is alive and well at the dawn of the 21st century. Everyday from Kansas to India activists are meeting, organizing, and protesting to demand a better world for all. When the corporate media takes note of our activities it is only to spit upon our struggle. We are accused of being misinformed bleading heart hooligans with nothing better to do than march up and down blocking traffic. Yet the rich get richer, and we are told to be complacent, to wait for our due. They say the environment isn’t being destroyed, it’s ok to kill millions of Iraqi’s with vindictive sanctions, that the billions living in slums just need to work harder, that global domination by a corporate elite is the only way. Activists around the world are fighting for a better world. We can’t rely on the media establishment to cover our movements. We will rise up and seize the means of communication!”

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Project Learning Tree

“Mission: Project Learning Tree advances environmental literacy and promotes stewardship through excellence in environmental education, professional development, and curriculum resources that use trees and forests as windows on the world. Vision: Project Learning Tree is committed to creating a future where the next generation values the natural world and has the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and take responsible actions to sustain forests and the broader environment.”

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“Since it mysteriously appeared on YouTube on July 18, 2012, ‘Propaganda’ has been described as ‘1984 meets The Blair Witch Project’, ‘A mouthful of scary porridge’, and ‘Even better than Triumph of The Will.’ It topped Indiewire’s top 10 films to watch out for at IDFA, where it had its world premiere. This was followed by The Independent declaring it ‘the real viral hit of 2012’ and Films for Action rating it their Number One film for 2012. So far, the film has been translated in to six languages. Controversial to the core, ‘Propaganda’ is part of an ongoing international incident involving the Australian Federal Police, the South Korean Embassy in New Zealand, the Catholic Church, the Counter-Terrorism Unit in Christchurch and the Korean Society, which has publicly accused the filmmakers of being North Korean agents.”

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Project Censored

“Project Censored educates students and the public about the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government. We expose and oppose news censorship and we promote independent investigative journalism, media literacy, and critical thinking. Through our website, weekly radio program, annual book, and other programs, we provide this service to the United States, Canada, UK, and the world. Censorship undermines democracy. An informed public is crucial to democracy in at least two basic ways. First, without access to relevant news and opinion, people cannot fully participate in government. Second, without media literacy, people cannot evaluate for themselves the quality or significance of the news they receive. Project Censored’s work highlights the important links among a free press, media literacy, and democratic self-government.”

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Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty

“Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty is an Alabama death row prisoner founded and run organization. We were founded in 1989. Our mission is to work together with friends and other supporters to educate the public and to bring about the abolition of the death penalty in Alabama.”

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Project South

“Project South was founded as the Institute to Eliminate Poverty & Genocide in 1986. Our work is rooted in the legacy of the Southern Freedom Movement, and four primary work areas achieve our mission of cultivating strong social movements in the South powerful enough to contend with some of the most pressing and complicated social, economic, and political problems we face today.” Four work areas: education, local & regional organizing, legal & advocacy, movement support.

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“Help make mass surveillance of entire populations uneconomical! We all have a right to privacy, which you can exercise today by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.”

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Prison Radio

“Mission Statement: Prison Radio’s mission is to challenge unjust police and prosecutorial practices which result in mass incarceration, racism and gender discrimination. We do this by bringing the voices of men, women and kids into the public debate and dialogue on crime and punishment. Our radio broadcasts help spur the public to examine core issues that create crime and heighten disenfranchisement. Our educational materials serve as a catalyst for public activism, strengthening movements for social change. Prison Radio’s productions illustrate the perspectives and the intrinsic human worth of the more than 7.1 million people under correctional control in the U.S and those not served by the justice system.”

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Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity

“Amplifying the voices of those in California’s solitary confinement in their call for an end to torture…The Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity coalition (PHSS)- originating in the San Francisco Bay Area and made up of grassroots organizations, family members, formerly incarcerated people, lawyers, and individuals- formed in 2011 to amplify the voices of CA prisoners on hunger strike striving to achieve their Five Core Human Rights Demands. The coalition continues to work in solidarity with CA prisoners and their families to amplify prisoners’ voices and end the torture that is solitary confinement.”

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Privacy International

“PI is a charity that challenges the governments and companies that want to know everything about individuals, groups, and whole societies. The future PI wants is one where people are in control of their data and the technology they use, and governments and companies are no longer able to use technology to monitor, track, analyse, profile, and ultimately, manipulate and control us. But we have to fight for that future. Privacy International is a fiercely independent charity and all our campaigns against companies and governments are driven solely by our charitable aims: to promote the human right of privacy throughout the world. This is why we do not accept any funding from industry. We also have a strict policy about the circumstances under which we would accept any grants so that it never gags our ability to criticise state actors and others who abuse your privacy and freedom. “

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Principles of vegan permaculture

“Vegan permaculture is the new black! (Or is it green?) Actually it’s more than just a fad, it’s the evolutionary expansion of traditional permaculture. Vegan permaculture is the true path to healing our fellow Earthlings, the environment and humanity in a way that causes the least amount of harm as possible to everyone and everything. Vegan permaculture is a ‘wholistic’ solution to most of our world’s problems…vegan permaculture can empower people to be more informed about all their decisions and ways of living; especially regarding food production. To become skilled at growing a percentage of our own clean, vibrant and nutrient dense food, and to become competent in designing our personal, business and community spaces is profound, uplifting and inspiring, and can happen in urban or rural locations. Vegan permaculture is all about designing for the needs of humans in the most peaceful, compassionate and mindful way that benefits humans, the animals and the environment.”

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Primate Freedom Project

“The Primate Freedom Project is dedicated to ending the use of nonhuman primates in biomedical and harmful behavioral experimentation. The Primate Freedom Project has three components: Education, Advocacy, and Support.”

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Pray the Devil Back to Hell

Film: “Pray the Devil Back to Hell chronicles the remarkable story of the Liberian women who came together to end a bloody civil war and bring peace to their shattered country. Thousands of women – ordinary mothers, grandmothers, aunts and daughters, both Christian and Muslim – came together to pray for peace and then staged a silent protest outside of the Presidential Palace. Armed only with white T-shirts and the courage of their convictions, they demanded a resolution to the country’s civil war. Their actions were a critical element in bringing about a agreement during the stalled peace talks. A story of sacrifice, unity and transcendence, Pray the Devil Back to Hell honors the strength and perseverance of the women of Liberia. Inspiring, uplifting, and most of all motivating, it is a compelling testimony of how grassroots activism can alter the history of nations.”

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Book: “First published in India in 1977, this discourse on prayer and meditation by the great spiritual leader explores the meaning of devotion and describes the specific pratices he used. Reprint. Original.”

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Precious Life Animal Sanctuary

“Precious Life Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit organziation dedicated to rescuing and providing a safe home for abused, neglected and abandoned farm and companion animals, teaching humane education and advocating against practices that perpetuate animal suffering.”

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Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

“We are a wide network of peacemakers who engage issues of both national and international import. Our call is to be movers and shakers within the PC(USA) and beyond, encouraging one another to take seriously God’s call to God’s people to participate in God’s nonviolent work of love, peace, and justice in the world. The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship started in the 1940s as a group that provided support to Conscientious Objectors to World War II, a war in which objection was quite unpopular. Since our birth we have continued to be a prophetic voice in our church, urging the abolition of war and encouraging our sisters and brothers to enact peace in the midst of our broken world. We have helped lead the PC(USA) to take bold stances in the face of violence.”

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Prevent Year ZERO

“We are a coalition of organizations who care deeply about this issue. Our mission is simple: to Prevent Year ZERO from ever occurring. Between us, we have several decades of experience working on sustainability, environmental, conservation and animal rights issues.”

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Power of Goodness: Art and Stories for a Culture of Peace

Book: “The Power of Goodness: Stories of Nonviolence and Reconciliation is a storybook with original artwork by young people ages 6 – 20 from Chechnya, Russia and around the world illustrating narratives of nonviolence, healing and reconciliation. Together they capture the excitement of action, joy of seeing from new perspectives and encouragement of witnessing how small actions make big differences.”

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Practical Ethics

Book: “For thirty years, Peter Singer’s Practical Ethics has been the classic introduction to applied ethics. For this third edition, the author has revised and updated all the chapters, and added a new chapter addressing climate change, one of the most important ethical challenges of our generation. Some of the questions discussed in this book concern our daily lives. Is it ethical to buy luxuries when others do not have enough to eat? Should we buy meat from intensively reared animals? Am I doing something wrong if my carbon footprint is above the global average? Other questions confront us as concerned citizens: equality and discrimination on the grounds of race or sex; abortion, the use of embryos for research, and euthanasia; political violence and terrorism; and the preservation of our planet’s environment. This book’s lucid style and provocative arguments make it an ideal text for university courses and for anyone willing to think about how she or he ought to live. “

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Power and Diversity Sequence

A training exercise “My goal was to create something short that could be integrated into a regular direct action training to provide some consciousness raising.” 20-30 minutes

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Power in Coalitions: Strategies for Strong Unions and Social Change

“How can communities organise effectively to promote social change in the 21st century? Amanda Tattersall examines successful coalitions between unions and community organisations in three countries – Australia, US and Canada – extracting invaluable lessons for unions and community activists everywhere. How can we change things in an age in which governments are fixated on the bottom line and conventional protest rallies have lost their punch? Coalitions can be important tools for social change and union revitalisation. What makes them successful? What causes them to fail? Community organiser Amanda Tattersall examines successful coalitions between unions and community organisations in three countries: the public education coalition in Sydney, Toronto’s Ontario Health Coalition fighting to save universal health care, and Chicago’s living wage campaign run by the Grassroots Collaborative. She explores when and how coalitions can be a powerful strategy for social change, organisational development and union renewal. Power in Coalition is essential reading for unionists, community activists, and anyone passionate about social change.”

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Book: “Power-Under offers important new insights that can help us to break cycles of violence. Analyzing connections between oppression, trauma, and internalized powerlessness, this book shows how trauma is a link in complex chains of domination. Because large numbers of traumatized people are both oppressors and oppressed, understanding internalized powerlessness is critically important for our ability to build effective social change movements. Strategies including nonviolent self-protection, humanizing the oppressor, and a new politics of compassion are proposed for mobilizing traumatic rage toward progressive ends. Power-Under is strikingly relevant to a post-September 11 world in which we need to mount resistance to chain reactions of violence.”

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Popular Resistance

“With the corporate takeover of federal and state governments, growing state violence and oppression, a widening wealth gap and the climate crisis, more people are becoming politically active in new and creative ways. A growing culture of resistance is utilizing nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience as primary tactics, and is forming real democratic organizations to empower local communities—as opposed to working within the corrupt government dominated by a two-corporate party system and within an unfair, big finance, capitalist economy. is a resource and information clearinghouse for this movement of movements. We provide a daily stream of resistance news from the United States and around the world, and a national events calendar. “

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“The growing human population depletes Earth’s finite resources, like water, arable land, and fuels. Pollution, available habitat, and climate change threaten the survival of all species. But we can stop population growth by protecting human health and human rights.”

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Population Media Center

“Population Media Center’s (PMC) reproducible formula for creating hit entertainment works across people, places, and media environments and it’s designed to impact multiple social, health, and environmental challenges. We engage audiences, change ideas, and empower people to make better-informed decisions.”

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Population Institute

“The Population Institute (PI) is an international non-profit (registered 501(c)(3) organization) that seeks to promote universal access to family planning information, education, and services. Through voluntary family planning, we strive to achieve a world population in balance with a healthy global environment and resource base. PI was established in 1969 and is located on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.”

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Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets

“POSITION STATEMENT: It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage.” 11 page pdf

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The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is a nonpartisan independent watchdog that investigates and exposes waste, corruption, abuse of power, and when the government fails to serve the public or silences those who report wrongdoing.

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“The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter: PolitiFact’s methodology for independent fact-checking…Fact-checking journalism is the heart of PolitiFact. Our core principles are independence, transparency, fairness, thorough reporting and clear writing. The reason we publish is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy.”

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Politics of Nonviolent Action, Part Two: The Methods of Nonviolent Action

Book: “A detailed examination of 198 specific methods of the technique – illustrated with actual cases – within the broad classes of nonviolent protest and persuasion, non-cooperation (social, economic and political) and nonviolent intervention. This book examines revolutionary events including the American Revolution, through common sense and analysis.”

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Plutocracy: Political Repression In The U.S.A. (2019)

Film: “Plutocracy is the first documentary to comprehensively examine early American history through the lens of class. A multi-part series by filmmaker Scott Noble, Part I focuses on the the ways in which the American people have historically been divided on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex and skill level.”

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Plant-Based Dietitian – Julieanna

“There is nothing Julieanna loves more than diving into a colossal bowl of salad. Known as The Plant-Based Dietitian, Julieanna has a bachelors of arts degree in Theatre from UCLA in and a masters of science degree in Nutrition from Cal State Northridge, bridging her three biggest passions for food, performing, and helping people.”

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Plant-Based Athletes

“With the growing popularity of the plant-based diet and lifestyle comes the growing population of plant-based athletes. There are more plant-based athlete social media accounts today than there have ever been before, and there is no better time than right now to connect with others. Here are 25 epic plant-based athletes to follow on Instagram”

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Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate

“In a few short weeks arm yourself with the knowledge you need to improve your overall health, learn new skills, or even inspire a career change. In our online, video-based courses, you’ll learn from over 20+ leading experts”

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Play in the Wild

“Play in the Wild! Initiations into Nonviolence offer a full-immersion education in the principles and practices of nonviolence. We define nonviolence as a lifelong commitment to seeing beyond differences, respecting all living things, and being of service to ourselves and others…Students in these programs learn practical and effective skills for living interdependently with all forms of life while developing knowledge of self and others. These skills and knowledge form the basis for peaceful, harmonious, and productive communities, not just at Play in the Wild!, but in the circles of relationships that the youth create after they leave our program.”

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“PLANETARY is a provocative and breathtaking wakeup call – a cross continental, cinematic journey, that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species. It is a poetic and humbling reminder that now is the time to shift our perspective. PLANETARY asks us to rethink who we really are, to reconsider our relationship with ourselves, each other and the world around us – to remember that we are PLANETARY.”

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Pioneer Network

“Pioneer Network is the national leader of the culture change movement, helping care providers to transition away from a medical, institutional model of elder care to one that is life affirming, satisfying, humane and meaningful. Pioneer Network advocates for a culture of aging in which individual voices are heard and individual choices are respected. Our goal is transformational culture change in organizations to foster care that is directed by the person receiving it.”

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Planet Ocean

“Planet Ocean by the notable environmentalist, journalist, and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand explores the ocean as an entire ecosystem, using stunning cinematography by Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot to show how all life on Earth is interconnected. Rather than using a persuasive tone, Planet Ocean employs the raw natural beauty of ocean life to show how precious and valuable this water world is. Using first person narration instead of the third person more commonly found in documentaries, it provides a much more personal view of the powerful scenes showcased throughout the film. Viewing this enchanting film leaves the haunting impression that the greatest threat to the ocean is humanity, but it is not too late to save it.”

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