Wildlife conservation

Climate Plan

The Climate Plan advocates measures that can be taken in efforts to improve the situation regarding the climate, as well as regarding the health, prospects and wellbeing of people and life in general. These measures can and should be implemented immediately, in line with the current climate crisis.

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Ecological Importance and Human Rights Be Damned, Trump Admin Says Fossil Fuel Pillaging in Arctic Refuge Coming Soon

Interior Dept. statement that “lease sale will happen in 2019” comes as oil companies face heat over possible extraction on previously protected public land. Environmental and indigenous activists are hoping to make sure the Trump administration’s promise to soon sell oil leases in the previously protected Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is never fulfilled.

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Turning the Tide – WWF Reports on 50 Years of Collaboration for Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Turning the tide briefly charts our growing  understanding of whales and dolphins, the  threats facing these intriguing creatures and the evolution of conservation approaches over the years. The report catalogues the rudimentary research techniques of the sixties right up to contemporary breakthrough technologies such as acoustic monitoring, genetic sampling, and satellite tagging, now applied to answer complex scientific questions. Ironically, the more we unravel the mysteries of these magnificent creatures, the more we realize that we are not curbing the activities that contribute towards the precipitous declines in their populations.

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