Sustainable nutrition

6 Simple Steps for Mindful Eating

If the term “mindful eating” conjures up visions of lithe Los Angelinos in expensive yoga pants meditating over a plate of raw greens, you are not alone. But the truth is, mindful eating is so much more than that; and in fact, I maintain that it is one of the best diets out there.

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The Flawed Food Dependency

Julian Cribb’s ‘Food or War’ is an important book: “The world faces the greatest threat to global food supply in all of human history… There has never been a situation faced by the entire human population at one time to compare with today’s.”

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What Are Eggs For?

Apart from the fact that many birds are protected by law, why would it never occur to us to help ourselves to the eggs of a blue tit or a crow, a chaffinch or a jay, or any of the birds whose antics give us so much pleasure in our gardens or on our window sills? Well it’s obvious, isn’t it? These birds need their eggs. It would be unforgivable to take their eggs. We all know that and we’d never dream of it. So what’s different about hens?

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Former President of American College of Cardiology Condemns Animal-based Keto Diets

American cardiologist Kim Allan Williams Sr. (born 1955), former president of the American College of Cardiology discusses the research on ketogenic diets. In a nutshell, he concludes that animal-based ketogenic diets are bad for your heart and cardiovascular system. But he also discusses plant-based keto diets, and he says that the research so far suggests that a keto diet may not be so bad as long as animal products are avoided.

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New York City to Cut Meat Consumption by 50%

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today a plan to slash greenhouse gases by phasing out the purchase of processed meat and reducing beef purchases by 50 percent. The actions are part of the city’s own “Green New Deal” to attack the issue of global warming from all fronts in order to reduce emissions. The plan, laid out in “OneNYC 2050,” will ensure that NYC adheres to the Paris Agreement.

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Grass-fed Beef Debunked

Grass-fed beef is still touted as the gold standard for the environment, health, and viewed as an ethical practice. This video looks at the research to examine labels, environmental impact, and the nutrient profile of grass-fed cows.

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The Fountain of Youth is Made of Fruits and Veggies, Not $100 Moisturizers

Choices made about nutrition are the most powerful environmental factors that influence gene activity, followed by fitness, quality of sleep, toxins including smoking, and stress. Our genes may load the “longevity and health” gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger, or not. A brief description of some of the ground-breaking experiments that can impact your chances of a long and healthy life, called your healthspan, follows.

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Plant-based Health: The Doctors Tell All

Heard The Word On The Street That Plant-Based Lifestyles Are Good For You? Well these five Kiwi Doctors certainly think so! From preventing long term diseases to helping treat them, they explain how eating plants is “actually the best thing you can do for your health!”

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