Social inequality

Feminine Power

The province of matriarchy is what. The province of patriarchy is how. What shall we do, that is in service to life, love, and beauty? How shall we do it? These questions merge and flow into each other. What becomes how, how becomes what. Such is the conjugation of matriarchy and patriarchy.

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Behind Rolling Stone’s Hatchet Job on a Psychiatrist Critical of Neoliberal Capitalism

Welcome to the Twilight Zone of the political landscape of psychiatry, where faux-left liberals are clueless that they have unwittingly become right-wingers, where shameless right-wingers exploit anything in an attempt to hold on to their AR-15s, and where anti-authoritarian left critical thinkers know that if they are not careful—or even if they are—they will find themselves being used politically in a repulsive way.

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Transhumanism and the Metaverse

The promoters of the transhumanist Metaverse describe it as not only good, but inevitable. It may seem so, given that it is an extension of an age-old trend. But hopefully by making its underlying myths and assumptions visible, we can exercise a conscious choice in embracing or refusing it.

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Oh God It’s Going To Get SO Much Worse

Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. By taking our control of information out of our hands without asking our permission and determining for us that we are to be a propaganda-based civilization for the foreseeable future, they have stolen something sacred from us. Something they had no right to take.

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Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

Rulers divide the world into worthy and unworthy victims, those we are allowed to pity, such as Ukrainians enduring the hell of modern warfare, and those whose suffering is minimized, dismissed, or ignored. The terror we and our allies carry out against Iraqi, Palestinian, Syrian, Libyan, Somali and Yemeni civilians is part of the regrettable cost of war.

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Russia-Ukraine: Western Media Are Acting As Cheerleaders for War

Right now, we need voices from Russia to understand what Putin thinks and wants, not what the BBC’s “chief international correspondents” think he wants. We need information sources ready to quickly challenge both western and Russian “fake news”. And most of all we need to stop with our racist view of the world, in which we are always the Good Guys and they are always the Bad Guys, and in which our suffering matters and the suffering of others doesn’t.

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Uniting in Love and Rage against Corporate Power

One problem that arises from a corrupted and ubiquitous corporate media is that if we are not directly involved in a particular campaign on issues like climate change, press freedom, anti-racism, bodily sovereignty, or anti-surveillance, we are manipulated by the corporate media to see people on another issue as marginal, misinformed, illogical, hypocritical, or simply nasty. 

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The Tipping Point (by Infinite Waters)

As the powers that be exert more and more effort to impose fear, social division, and soul-crushing narratives, Ralph Smart invites us to consider the ways our spirits can resist this oppression and turn to love instead. By keeping love steadfastly in the driver’s seat, we find a tipping point into a much more sustainable world drawing steadily nearer.

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Divide, Conquer; Unite, Heal

Whether deliberately or not, a situation has been engineered to dispose the public toward division. It is an old formula: Enemies are among us! The unclean put us all at risk! The heretics will bring the wrath of God upon us all! Let us recognize that ancient formula and how closely the dominant Covid narrative conforms to it.

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Mother Nature, Inc.

Mother Nature, Inc., will lead to extinction of The Commons, as an institution, in the biggest heist of all time. Surely, private ownership of nature is unseemly and certainly begs a much bigger relevant question that goes to the heart of the matter, to wit: Should nature’s ecosystems, which benefit society at large, be monetized for the direct benefit of the few?

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The America that Almost Was and Yet May Be

The assassination of president John F. Kennedy represented a turning away from a promising future for the United States – from the promise of a government “of the people, by the people and for the people,” to a sham government powered by the elite and self-interested industry. Is there any way this can be reversed?

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The Great New Normal Purge

Relentless official propaganda demonizing “the Unvaccinated” is being pumped out by the corporate and state media, government leaders, health officials, and shrieking fanatics on social media. “The Unvaccinated” are the new official “Untermenschen,” an underclass of subhuman “others” the New Normal masses are being conditioned to hate.

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This Isn’t Feminism, It’s Imperialism In Pumps

We should not be cheering for women rising to the top of a psychopathic war machine. We should be dismantling that war machine and rolling back all the conditions which led to it. True feminism, which is interested in guiding the world toward balance and heath in a way that benefits women and their children, would make this a priority.

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Chris Hedges: American Requiem

Well, it’s over. Not the election. The capitalist democracy. However biased it was towards the interests of the rich and however hostile it was to the poor and minorities, the capitalist democracy at least offered the possibility of incremental and piecemeal reform. Now it is a corpse.

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Making Sense of the Downward Spiral: Daniel Schmachtenberger

America’s cities are ablaze with rioting after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. This comes in the heightened tensions of the coronavirus crisis. How can we make sense of this spiral of polarisation, and are bad actors taking advantage of the situation? This is a conversation with evolutionary philosopher Daniel Schmachtenberger hosted by Rebel Wisdoom.

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Covid-19: The Rich, the Poor, the “Other”

The impact and consequences of the pandemic (for health and the economy) are much worse for the poorest sections of society and could devastate developing nations. It is making social inequality even more acute and while many communities are uniting, where a coordinated political response is called for, divisions predominate.

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Isaiah’s Warning to Change

So many Christians insinuated that “God is angry with the way we are living.” I would disagree. If you want to simplify and personify the beautiful, loving force that connects all and everything into a father figure; then I would suggest he is not angry – he is bitterly disappointed.

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Politics as Usual Isn’t Working: It’s Time for a Revolution

Falling life expectancy. Rising economic inequality. Power concentrated in hands unelected elites. An environment poisoned by profits. For some, the crises present day America faces are existential. As such, the political response needs to be commensurate to the moment and nothing short of a root and branch political revolution. For others, this revolutionary impulse on the Right and Left spells disaster.

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The Disaster of Utopian Engineering

The problem is that our utopian engineers in their giddy dismantling of an economic and democratic system, as well as their draining of state resources in the wars they prosecute overseas, have dynamited the tools that could save us. They have left us no option but to revolt and remove them from power.

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More on the U.S.-Backed Bolivia Coup: Stealing Bolivia’s Lithium?

Bolivia’s president Evo Morales was overthrown in a military coup on November 10. He is now in Mexico. Before being forced into exile by a miltary coup November 10, Morales had been involved in a long project to bring economic and social democracy to his long-exploited country. Bolivia has suffered a series of coups, often conducted by the military and the oligarchy on behalf of transnational mining companies. Initially, these were tin firms, but now the main target is its massive deposits of lithium, crucial for the electric car.

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Neoliberalism Backfires

Massive, continuous demonstrations in the streets around the world bespeak a universal threat that neoliberalism’s self-immolation will grow worse and worse if it continues its horribly stale rotted emphasis on globalization and austerity of social programs as the answers for progress. It’s backfiring.

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Can the Social Order Be Transformed through Personal Practice? The Case of Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

NVC can contribute to our collective ability to face and transform social conditions and systems, including, in particular, capitalism. Despite this potential, in actual practice, there is the risk that NVC, like other forms of psychotherapy and personal growth, can risk acting as a narcotic, making people happier to live in dysfunctional social systems.

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Paul Hawken: ‘We Need to Be Fierce and Fearless’ to Reverse Climate Change

Social entrepreneur and author Paul Hawken is a leading voice in the environmental movement. His visionary ideas emphasize changing the relationship between business and the Earth. As humanity seeks to rise to the challenge of our time, Hawken provides a refreshingly positive and comprehensive approach to global warming solutions…Bioneers sat down with Paul Hawken to learn more about his work and his plan for helping build a more connected world.

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Diversity Makes Countries Stronger in the Long Run, New Research Shows

New research shows that, despite initial resistance, humans can cope with the documented challenges of diversity. It also shows that, by focusing only on the short term, we may draw an inaccurate, pessimistic conclusion about the impact of diversity. An increase in diversity offers the opportunity for members of different groups to engage in contact, get to know each other, and cooperate. And when this occurs, this positive effect of diversity trumps the initial challenges.

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Climate Change is a Poor People’s Issue

If you’ve read anything about climate change over the past year, you’ve probably heard about the IPCC report that gives a 12-year deadline for limiting climate change catastrophe. But for many parts of the world, climate change already is a catastrophe. The truth is, vulnerable communities have been dealing with the effects of climate change and environmental pollution for decades now.

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Burning Down the Future

The hulk of Grenfell Tower, its charred sides covered by sheets of white plastic, stands as a mute and ominous testament to the disposability of the poor and the primacy of corporate profit. On June 14, 2017, a fire leaped up the sides of the 24-story building, clad in highly flammable siding, leaving 72 dead and 70 injured. Almost 100 families were left homeless. It was Britain’s worst residential fire since World War II. Those burned to death, including children, would not have died if builders had used costlier cladding that was incombustible and if the British government had protected the public from corporate predators. Grenfell is the face of the new order. It is an order in which you and I do not count.

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The Future of Democracy

The word democracy derives from the Greek words that means “people govern.” Generally, it is assumed throughout the world that the democratic way of decision-making is the best possible and therefore, the most acceptable. The only problem is that nobody knows what exactly it means.

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Paul Hawken: Will Unregulated Corporate Capitalism Be Our Downfall?

Paul Hawken, one of the most important environmental authors, activists, thinkers and entrepreneurs of our era, has dedicated his life to sustainability and changing the relationship between business and the environment. Below, read an edited version of his talk from 2002, where he spoke passionately and eloquently on corporate capitalism and control, wealth disparity, social injustice and how each of those issues plays into ongoing environmental degradation.

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Users and Survivors Respond to World Psychiatric Association: “We Will Not be Silenced Any Longer”

When articles in a recent issue in World Psychiatry, the journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), called for ignoring, amending, and reinterpreting the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), users and survivors pushed back in an open letter. The WPA editorial claimed that the convention’s opposition to forced treatment might be harmful to vulnerable individuals who are “incapable of protecting themselves.”

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Trumpism Goes Global

Trumpism is still a growing global phenomena. It can be halted, but only with a radial programme which is local and global. It won’t be easy. But it’s certainly possible. If not us, then who, if not now, then when?

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Don’t Give J. Edgar Hoover a Posthumous Victory in his Attempts to Assassinate Dr. King’s Character

For seven and half years from 1960 to April 4, 1968, I was privileged to serve Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a political advisor and subsequently as his personal lawyer and draft speech writer. With assistance from Jonathan D. Greenberg, co-founder with me of the University of San Francisco’s Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice, the following is my response to the current publicized statements by author David Garrow about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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