Author: The CNCL Team

If We Want Antibiotics to Work, Consumers Have to Put Big Pressure on Factory Farms

On March 1, Denny’s stopped purchasing chicken treated with medically important antibiotics for its U.S. restaurants. Many consumers might expect to see such promises at Whole Foods or their local farm-to-table restaurant, but why is a chain like Denny’s (i.e., one that is enjoyed more for its assortment of inexpensive breakfast foods than its moral standards) joining the trend to reduce antibiotics in meat?

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The US Cult of Bombing and Endless War

From Syria to Yemen in the Middle East, Libya to Somalia in Africa, Afghanistan to Pakistan in South Asia, an American aerial curtain has descended across a huge swath of the planet. Its stated purpose: combatting terrorism. Its primary method: constant surveillance and bombing — and yet more bombing.

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Arctic Is Thawing So Fast Scientists Are Losing Their Measuring Tools

With the ongoing acceleration of the climate crisis, it is clear that even if we believe the best-case scenarios, governments are not reacting according to the gravity of the situation at hand. Each one of us, knowing what we now know, must take full responsibility for preparing ourselves for the adaptation required to live on this increasingly warming, melting world as civilizations and societies continue to disintegrate.

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Users and Survivors Respond to World Psychiatric Association: “We Will Not be Silenced Any Longer”

When articles in a recent issue in World Psychiatry, the journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), called for ignoring, amending, and reinterpreting the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), users and survivors pushed back in an open letter. The WPA editorial claimed that the convention’s opposition to forced treatment might be harmful to vulnerable individuals who are “incapable of protecting themselves.”

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Trumpism Goes Global

Trumpism is still a growing global phenomena. It can be halted, but only with a radial programme which is local and global. It won’t be easy. But it’s certainly possible. If not us, then who, if not now, then when?

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A New Republic of the Heart

My hope is that you will choose to enter this conversation. For me it is a first step in a process of building connections, conversations, relationships, and communities that both nourish and embody the higher potentials of our species, and that will provide a solid integral foundation on which we may begin to build together, in the clear, pure words of Charles Eisenstein, “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”

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Climate Plan

The Climate Plan advocates measures that can be taken in efforts to improve the situation regarding the climate, as well as regarding the health, prospects and wellbeing of people and life in general. These measures can and should be implemented immediately, in line with the current climate crisis.

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10 States Now Encourage Adoption of Research Dogs into Loving Homes

It is a bleak life for the approximately 60,000 dogs and 20,000 cats used in testing and research in U.S. laboratories each year. In March, we revealed the sad plight of some of these animals when we did an undercover investigation at a contract laboratory in Michigan that was testing pesticides, drugs, dental implants and more on beagles and hounds.

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Global Rebellion to Save Our Planet

“The greatest threat to the Earth is thinking someone else will save it.” The responsibility is ours; politicians and governments are complacent, dishonest and buried in the ideology of the past. Despite repeated warnings nothing substantial has been done and time is running out. No one else is going to Save Our Planet; a global movement of civil disobedience is needed to force governments to take the radical action needed.

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Ecological Importance and Human Rights Be Damned, Trump Admin Says Fossil Fuel Pillaging in Arctic Refuge Coming Soon

Interior Dept. statement that “lease sale will happen in 2019” comes as oil companies face heat over possible extraction on previously protected public land. Environmental and indigenous activists are hoping to make sure the Trump administration’s promise to soon sell oil leases in the previously protected Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is never fulfilled.

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Don’t Give J. Edgar Hoover a Posthumous Victory in his Attempts to Assassinate Dr. King’s Character

For seven and half years from 1960 to April 4, 1968, I was privileged to serve Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a political advisor and subsequently as his personal lawyer and draft speech writer. With assistance from Jonathan D. Greenberg, co-founder with me of the University of San Francisco’s Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice, the following is my response to the current publicized statements by author David Garrow about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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The Bilderbergers in Switzerland

The conferences of the Bilderbergers are the most secretive events, managed by those who pull the strings behind world leaders – politicians, corporate CEOs, big finance, and other business execs, artists, and the who-is-who of the world elite. And we are talking of the western world. Other than about ten attendees from Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria and Estonia, participants are North Americans or Europeans. The rest of the world doesn’t count.

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New Report Warns Planet May Be Warming Twice as Fast as Expected

New earthshaking science will be coming out in the 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that could nearly double future warming predictions. We have a window into this new science now, and if we thought the spate of apocalyptic climate reports last year was bad, our near-term future will create a plausible scenario that is far worse than the worst-case scenario we have come to fear.

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Climate Shake-Out with Dahr Jamail

Indie-journalist and author of “The End of Ice” Dahr Jamail covers the climate threats and how to cope – with host Alex Smith. From the Arctic to the Amazon to middle America we globe-trot through the latest science and what it means for our common future.

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After Years of Abuse, the Earth Has Sent Its Bill Collectors

This planet’s macro-ecological system does have an undeniable sense of accounting … and it keeps a running tally. From alpha-gal syndrome to herbicide resistance, from rising seas to superstorms, we’re watching Mother Nature’s accounting system repeatedly expose the fatal flaw driving economic growth during the Anthropocene era. That flaw is the fallacy of externalities.

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The Mass Media Is Poisoning Us With Hate

Our opinions and prejudices are skillfully catered to and reinforced, with the aid of a detailed digital analysis of our proclivities and habits, and then sold back to us. The result, Taibbi writes, is “packaged anger just for you.” The public is unable to speak across the manufactured divide. It is mesmerized by the fake dissent of the culture wars and competing conspiracy theories.

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The Reality of Zoos Is Even Worse Than You Think

At best, the zoo is a fun day for humans who will laugh and point and stare at captive animals who did nothing to deserve their confinement. At worst, it’s a prison that indoctrinates future generations with the shameful belief that animals should be subjugated, abused, and killed simply because we can. Much like the circus freak show, it’s an antiquated, cruel relic that should be banished to the annals of history.

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Animal Agriculture Causes Biodiversity Loss: UN Report

A new UN environmental report, which found that around 1 million species are at risk of extinction, puts much of the blame on animal agriculture, saying that the meat industry has a “particularly heavy impact”. Of all the major causes of biodiversity loss listed by the report (such as destruction of forests and wetlands, overfishing, climate change and pollution), animal agriculture is the primary cause of the deterioration.

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R2P and the Palestinian Ordeal: Humiliating the UN

If there is a lesson for the Palestinian struggle it is this. Do not look for relief to any future application of R2P, or for that matter, to inter-governmental diplomacy or the UN. The only path to ending current patterns of criminal victimization is by a combination of Palestinian national resistance and global solidarity initiatives.

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Beef Industry Takes the Biggest Bite Out of Earth’s Natural Resources

Earlier this month, faced with its involvement in the planet’s environmental crisis, the U.S. Roundtable on Sustainable Beef put together a voluntary framework to “assess” and “encourage” sustainability and hand out recognition certificates. But it’s totally inadequate. This framework lacks accountability, transparency and, above all, truth about beef’s impacts.

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‘This Is About Attacking Journalism,’ Warn Press Freedom Defenders as Trump DOJ Hits Assange With New Espionage Charges

In an unprecedented move that journalists and press freedom defenders denounced as “the most significant and terrifying threat to the First Amendment in the 21st century,” the Trump Justice Department announced Thursday that a federal grand jury charged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with 17 new counts of violating the Espionage Act.

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18 Ways Julian Assange Changed the World

Assange and WikiLeaks revealed the American military’s war crimes, the American government’s corruption and the American corporate media’s pathetic servile flattery to the power elite. We are all Julian Assange. As long as he’s imprisoned, we can never be free.

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We Are Witnessing the Collapse of Nature

We seem to be a pretty smart species, we create symphonies and 3D printed hearts and can take pictures of Mars. But really, how smart is a species that knowingly destroys its own habitat, to the point that it becomes unsurvivable? It is up to us, right now, to ensure that we protect biodiversity and treat the natural world with the care and respect required to support our species.

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Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World

An interview with Glenn Albrecht about his new book and solastalgia. “Glenn Albrecht’s vision is at once realistic and contagiously optimistic. Through unique language, he names the heart-breaking loss we feel as nature gets pummeled. Yet our senses open and our smiles re-emerge as we recognize that such destruction can be the catalyst for the evolution of human consciousness. This book is a manifesto for a new Earth.” —Peter Kahn, author of Technological Nature

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Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing

For the airline industry and industrialized nations in the Paris climate accord, offsets could be a cheap alternative to actually reducing fossil fuel use. But the desperate hunger for these carbon credit plans appears to have blinded many of their advocates to the mounting pile of evidence that they haven’t — and won’t — deliver the climate benefit they promise.

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Why Billionaires Have No Right to Their Wealth

Not a day goes by without a new article with details on the unprecedented growth in income inequality and its dire consequences. Something is missing, though. No one is proposing measures that would take away wealth from the 600 or so U.S. billionaires and the 20,000 families with hundreds of millions. Why not?

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The Reckless Saudis Want to Start Another War

The U.S. has enabled Saudi war crimes for years, and now their leaders want to get us to fight another one of their wars for them. This is just one more reason why the U.S. should cut off all military assistance and support for the Saudis and their allies, and it is why the U.S. should be distancing itself from the Saudis as quickly as possible.

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This Month in Climate Science: Warming-driven Economic Inequality, Disappearing Alps and Plummeting Penguin Populations

Every month, climate scientists make new discoveries that advance our understanding of climate change’s causes and impacts. The research gives a clearer picture of the threats we already face and explores what’s to come if we don’t reduce emissions at a quicker pace. A snapshot of the month’s significant scientific literature, compiled from some of the leading peer-reviewed journals.

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A Next-Generation Plastic That Can Be Recycled Again and Again

A team of researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has designed a recyclable plastic. Like a Lego playset, it can be disassembled into its constituent parts at the molecular level. It can then be reassembled into a different shape, texture, and colour again and again without loss of performance or quality.

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Nicaragua: The War of 2018

Nearly all US regime-change wars (Venezuela, Syria, Honduras, Ukraine, Libya, Yugoslavia, etc.) are wars of deception, fabrication, propaganda, coups and false flags. Nicaraguans have waged an heroic struggle against the most powerful empire in history.

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Former President of American College of Cardiology Condemns Animal-based Keto Diets

American cardiologist Kim Allan Williams Sr. (born 1955), former president of the American College of Cardiology discusses the research on ketogenic diets. In a nutshell, he concludes that animal-based ketogenic diets are bad for your heart and cardiovascular system. But he also discusses plant-based keto diets, and he says that the research so far suggests that a keto diet may not be so bad as long as animal products are avoided.

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Recorded Webinar – Reconnecting with the Earth for Personal and Global Healing (Part II: The Calling)

We are at a pivotal time in human history. Please join the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery (NCMHR) in a series of webinars where we explore the relationship between ecology, how we relate to one another and the earth, and healing from crisis. We have gathered experts from around the globe, including indigenous peoples, to speak to this topic, share best practices, and propose some solutions to the very complex problems we face.

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Socialism: Ecology or Nothing

Participatory economics and a participatory society puts in place a concern for human well being and development that doesn’t forcefully preclude harming other species, but which is receptive to and respectful of governmental or other social or ecological restraints on behalf of other species. If other species had votes, they would vote for participatory society.

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Real Populism is the Answer to Climate Crisis

Stop trusting those who represent not us, not the planet, not its bounteous species but the corporations, wherever they are found – in our parliaments, in our media and in our universities. It is time to listen not to them, but to the still small voice inside each of us that was long ago battered into silence and submission.

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