CNCL blog
When the Cause is Everything
by Charles Eisenstein | Mar 3, 2023 | Human Society | 0
The government and people of El Salvador are in an impossible situation not of their own making. Therefore, to argue, as I see right and left doing, about whether this is a good policy is a diversion from the real originating issues.
Read MoreWhat is the Next Story?
by Charles Eisenstein | Jan 10, 2023 | Human Society | 0
We are sensing a metamorphosis of these basic myths that create the world – a transition from an old to a new story. Many are well familiar with this idea, but I’d like to clarify exactly what I think these old and new stories may be.
Read MorePandemic Amnesty, Yes—And Here is the Price
by Charles Eisenstein | Nov 4, 2022 | Human Society | 0
A recent article in The Atlantic, “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty,” has been making waves in the Covid dissident community. But how can an amnesty be supported without accountability and clear steps taken to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
Read MoreFeminine Power
by Charles Eisenstein | Nov 1, 2022 | Human Society | 0
The province of matriarchy is what. The province of patriarchy is how. What shall we do, that is in service to life, love, and beauty? How shall we do it? These questions merge and flow into each other. What becomes how, how becomes what. Such is the conjugation of matriarchy and patriarchy.
Read MoreWorld’s Premier Marine Ecosystem at Risk
by Robert Hunziker | Oct 31, 2022 | Earth | 0
The Southern Ocean is 10% of the world’s oceans. Yet, it is arguably the most significant ecosystem of the planet for marine sea life as well as regulation of CO2 and ocean heat, serving as a buffer to climate change and thereby benefiting the entire globe. It is the final frontier of life support for Earth.
Read MoreKiss the Amazon Goodbye?
by Robert Hunziker | Sep 12, 2022 | Earth | 0
As devastating as Trump was for the environment, President Jair Bolsonaro has one-upped Trump. He’s single-handedly destroying the world’s largest rainforest. It may be the single most important ecosystem for the survival of Homo sapiens.
Read MoreIs There Enough Metal to Replace Oil?
by Robert Hunziker | Aug 25, 2022 | Earth | 0
The short answer: No, not even close!
Read MoreInverting the Energy Paradigm
by Charles Eisenstein | Aug 16, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0
Charles takes an unusual approach to considering energy policy, one that applies equally to one’s personal energy as an embodied being of flesh.
Read MorePandemania, Part 5
by Charles Eisenstein | Aug 9, 2022 | Human Society | 0
Safety mania and death phobia are signs of a disconnection from purpose and passion. If you have nothing more important than your own life, then preserving life is left as the only purpose.
Read MoreBreakdown of the Marine Food Web
by Robert Hunziker | Jul 30, 2022 | Earthlings | 0
For the first time, a significant loss at the base of the marine food web has been detected. The Scottish research vessel Capepod reported the findings in equatorial waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Read MorePandemania, Part 4
by Charles Eisenstein | Jul 26, 2022 | Human Society | 0
How to become incorrigible…
Read MorePandemania, Part 3
by Charles Eisenstein | Jul 26, 2022 | Human Society | 0
On lies and systemic deceit…
Read MorePandemania, Part 2
by Charles Eisenstein | Jul 26, 2022 | Human Society | 0
More on abuse, division, and the promise of coherency
Read MorePandemania, Part 1
by Charles Eisenstein | Jul 26, 2022 | Human Society | 0
The social illness I speak of is not Covid per se, but our response to it. I will call the illness pandemania—a social, psychological, and political derangement that caused much more harm than the disease itself, and continues to do so.
Read MoreGreenland Threatens
by Robert Hunziker | Jul 20, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0
Greenland is sending signals to coastal metropolises around the world that it’s never too early to start building seawalls. These are not mixed signals from the big ice island. Rather, they are straightforward signals indicative of rapid breakdown of average ice thickness of 5,000 feet sooner than ever thought possible.
Read MoreWill Egypt Drain the World’s Second Largest Wetlands?
by Robert Hunziker | Jul 17, 2022 | Earth | 0
Sudd is Africa’s largest freshwater wetland at roughly 3,500 square miles in an otherwise dry region of South Sudan. It’s under threat by a megaproject named Jonglei Canal that has the potential to devastate this ecological gem.
Read MoreChomsky & the United Nations Warn of Collapse
by The CNCL Team | Jul 10, 2022 | Earth | 0
It’s entirely possible that doomsayers of the world, though widely ridiculed, could be on target about the prospects for global societal collapse. But, of course, when? According to a recent Noam Chomsky interview, it’s an ongoing grind that will end with a thud.
Read MoreTranshumanism and the Metaverse
by Charles Eisenstein | Jun 19, 2022 | Human Society | 0
The promoters of the transhumanist Metaverse describe it as not only good, but inevitable. It may seem so, given that it is an extension of an age-old trend. But hopefully by making its underlying myths and assumptions visible, we can exercise a conscious choice in embracing or refusing it.
Read MoreBuckle Up! The Arctic’s Sizzling
by Robert Hunziker | Jun 18, 2022 | Earth | 0
The Arctic is turning into a dream come true for doomsayers. It’s heating way too fast! Nostradamus is dancing in the street.
Read MoreIndia – Birds Drop Out of the Sky, People Die
by Robert Hunziker | May 26, 2022 | Earth | 0
Death by humid heat in India equates to the tolling of bells, slowly, repeatedly, as black pennants flutter along the distant horizon. Another one has died and another, and one more, and another and another, as the monotonous tolling becomes an atrocious irritation.
Read MoreThe Biomass Peril
by Robert Hunziker | May 24, 2022 | Earth | 0
By all appearances, woody biomass is an unstoppable behemoth initiated by the EU, which is now scrambling, as it tries to undo a monster of its own creation.
Read MoreCompartmentalization: UFOs and Social Paralysis
by Charles Eisenstein | May 16, 2022 | Human Society | 0
We will not resume our progress until we reunite our splintered society and psyche. Once we do, we may perhaps see the folly of the project to attain paradise through technological and social control, and we will turn our united energies toward an entirely different project.
Read MoreThe Good World
by Charles Eisenstein | May 1, 2022 | Personal | 0
Charles offers a contemplation on generosity, goodness and gratitude.
Read MoreJapan’s Toxic Dumping Faces Growing Protests
by Robert Hunziker | May 1, 2022 | Earth | 0
The Japanese government’s decision one year ago to dump radioactive water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant storage tanks into the Pacific Ocean, starting in the spring of 2023, is facing increasing pressure to back off, especially in light of the facts that not only is it illegal but also morally reprehensible as well as a despicable disregard for the lifeblood of the ocean.
Read MoreThe Collapse of Industrial Farming
by Robert Hunziker | Apr 28, 2022 | Earth | 0
The most upending event of the past 10,000 years is the advent of engineered food as fermentation farms displace factory farms. “We are on the Cusp of the Fastest, Deepest, Most Consequential Disruption of Agriculture in History.”
Read MoreClimate Change is Killing Trees
by Robert Hunziker | Apr 20, 2022 | Earthlings | 0
Just once in our planet’s long history, nearly all of the trees died – during the Permian-Triassic 252 million years ago, and event known as “the Great Dying.” It appears that such an event may be re-appearing. Throughout the world, trees are dying en masse.
Read MoreScientists Hit the Streets
by Robert Hunziker | Apr 12, 2022 | Earth | 0
A revolutionary slogan by climate scientists “1.5C is Dead – Climate Revolution Now!” emblazoned the streets of the world on April 6th spawned by the Sixth Assessment Report, Mitigation of Climate Change, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released April 4th.
Read MoreThe Great Barrier Reef on Life Support
by Robert Hunziker | Apr 10, 2022 | Earthlings | 0
Recent news of another (the 6th) bleaching event at the Great Barrier Reef is but one more example in a long list of recent climate-related events that depict a scenario that can only be described as triple-alarm climate emergencies, as ecosystems breakdown across the world.
Read MoreThe Truth About IPCC Reports
by Robert Hunziker | Apr 10, 2022 | Earth | 0
At the center of the issue, the IPCC does not expose the full extent of existential risk, which happens to be such an unthinkable event so hard to accept that nobody believes it will ever really truly happen.
Read MoreAntarctica on Edge
by Robert Hunziker | Mar 29, 2022 | Earth | 0
East Antarctica, often times referred to as “the final frontier of global warming,” is making headlines once again.
Read MoreReinventing Progress: How to Move Beyond Technocracy
by Charles Eisenstein | Mar 20, 2022 | Human Society | 0
The techno-scientific ambition for perfect knowledge and control is like trying to reach the horizon by running. It is like trying to build a tower all the way to the sky. No matter how fast and far you run, the horizon is no closer. No matter how high you build, the sky is no nearer.
Read MoreMethane Acceleration Sets Record
by Robert Hunziker | Mar 20, 2022 | Earth | 0
That current level of 1,900 ppb of atmoshperic methane is triple the pre-industrial level of 700 ppb. Furthermore, it is suddenly mysteriously accelerating over just the past 13 years. In turn, this exceptional acceleration could hasten global warming considerably. Of even more concern, the acceleration appears to be regenerating on its own accord sans human influence.
Read MoreDangerously Awash in Chemicals
by Robert Hunziker | Mar 15, 2022 | Earth | 0
Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?
Read MoreThe Field of Peace
by Charles Eisenstein | Mar 1, 2022 | Human Society | 0
Until we dismantle the empire and terminate the Military-industrial complex, something like Ukraine will recur again and again, whether instigated (as is usual) by the US imperial hegemon or by the adversaries it generates from its us-versus-them worldview. Can’t we write another plot for the human drama?
Read MoreFactory Farms Destroy Ecosystems
by Robert Hunziker | Feb 26, 2022 | Earthlings | 0
Factory farms are the Grim Reapers of civilization, inhumanely penning up and slaughtering cows, pigs, and chickens by the tens of millions, as well as unintentionally, but effectively, poisoning, maiming and/or killing birds, insects, amphibians, mammals, and crucial life-supporting ecosystems that are key to human life. And, it’s legal.
Read MoreOn the Great Green Wall, And Being Useful
by Charles Eisenstein | Feb 15, 2022 | Human Society | 0
The Great Green Wall is a reforestation, land healing, peace, water restoration, and anti-poverty project spanning the entire African continent, from Senegal in the west to Eritrea nearly 5000 miles to the east.
Read MoreOcean Heat Killing Spree
by Robert Hunziker | Feb 12, 2022 | Earth | 0
An open question remains when and how the world’s governments will unify to stabilize or lower greenhouse gas emissions enough to make a difference, assuming it’s even possible, for marine life to continue, well, actually for all life to continue.
Read MoreA Wall Street Veteran Speaks Out – Bubbles & the Planet
by Robert Hunziker | Feb 1, 2022 | Human Society | 0
The planet is in deep trouble and rising stock prices aren’t going to fix it nor will falling stock prices.
Read MoreThe Doomsday Clock SOS
by Robert Hunziker | Jan 29, 2022 | Human Society | 0
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists unveiled the resetting of the Doomsday Clock on January 20th 2022, electing to keep the clock’s setting at 100 seconds to midnight, same as 2021, which is not at all encouraging since that’s as bad as the setting has ever been.
Read MoreDangerous Heat Across the Globe
by Robert Hunziker | Jan 26, 2022 | Earth | 0
The planet is heating up like never before, as “ground temperatures” hit all-time records in the Northern Hemisphere as well as the Southern Hemisphere, and ocean temperatures threaten the world’s major fisheries of the Far North, which are imperiled beyond any known historical precedent.
Read MoreThe Oceans Are Overheating
by Robert Hunziker | Jan 16, 2022 | Earth | 0
The world’s oceans in 2021 witnessed the hottest temperatures in recorded history.
Read MoreWhen to Build Sea Walls
by Robert Hunziker | Jan 10, 2022 | Earth | 0
During the month of December 2021, two warnings of impending sea level rise were issued by highly respected groups of climate scientists. These are professional scientists who do not deal in hyperbole. Rather, they are archetypical conservative serious-minded scientists who follow the facts.
Read MoreBook Review: ‘Bright Green Lies’ Torpedoes Greens
by Robert Hunziker | Jan 4, 2022 | Earth | 0
The authors of ‘Bright Green Lies’ write: “Today’s environmental movement stands upon the shoulders of giants, but something has gone terribly wrong… Mainstream environmentalists now overwhelmingly prioritize saving industrial civilization over saving life on the planet.”
Read MoreWarnings from the Far North
by Robert Hunziker | Dec 31, 2021 | Earth | 0
Forces profound and alarming are reshaping the upper reaches of the North Pacific and Arctic oceans, breaking the food chain that supports billions of creatures and one of the world’s most important fisheries.
Read MoreDivide, Conquer; Unite, Heal
by Charles Eisenstein | Dec 23, 2021 | Human Society | 0
Whether deliberately or not, a situation has been engineered to dispose the public toward division. It is an old formula: Enemies are among us! The unclean put us all at risk! The heretics will bring the wrath of God upon us all! Let us recognize that ancient formula and how closely the dominant Covid narrative conforms to it.
Read MoreWhat if the Doomsday Glacier Collapses?
by Robert Hunziker | Dec 18, 2021 | Earth | 0
The Thwaites “Doomsday Glacier” in West Antarctica is spooking scientists. Satellite images shown at a recent meeting December 13th of the American Geophysical Union showed numerous large, diagonal cracks extending across the Thwaites’ floating ice wedge.
Read MoreA Path Will Rise to Meet Us
by Charles Eisenstein | Dec 18, 2021 | Human Society | 0
Written by Charles Eisenstein The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation...
Read MoreBurned-out Forests Are Not Re-Growing
by Robert Hunziker | Dec 5, 2021 | Earth | 0
Forests are our last, best natural defense against global warming. Without the world’s trees at peak physical condition, the rest of us don’t stand a chance.
Read MoreThe Dreaded Rainforest Shift
by Robert Hunziker | Nov 28, 2021 | Earth | 0
Major portions of the Amazon rainforest have shifted from a carbon sink to a carbon source. This shift has severe planet-wide negative implications.
Read MoreIt’s Love, Not Fear, That Will Get Us Through the Covid Crisis
by The CNCL Team | Nov 24, 2021 | Human Society | 3
The powers that be have been pushing with ever more force on the ‘fear’ button of human nature, leading to increased divisiveness and animosity among us. But what would happen if we find a way to say, “Enough is enough!” and let love (and its cousins empathy, courage, curiosity and kindness) sit in the driver’s seat?
Read MoreThe Woody Biomass Blunder
by Robert Hunziker | Nov 17, 2021 | Earth | 0
One of the most controversial fixes for global warming is the use of woody biomass, cutting trees, burning trees to achieve “carbon neutral” status in the worldwide battle to conquer climate change/global warming. It is a prime example of human insanity maddeningly at work destroying the planet.
Read MoreMother Nature, Inc.
by Robert Hunziker | Nov 13, 2021 | Earth | 0
Mother Nature, Inc., will lead to extinction of The Commons, as an institution, in the biggest heist of all time. Surely, private ownership of nature is unseemly and certainly begs a much bigger relevant question that goes to the heart of the matter, to wit: Should nature’s ecosystems, which benefit society at large, be monetized for the direct benefit of the few?
Read MoreElements of Refusal
by Charles Eisenstein | Nov 12, 2021 | Human Society | 0
Drug companies, regulators, public health agencies, doctors, and scientists have to stop patronizing us if we are ever to trust them. They have to stop manipulating us. They have to stop cheating and hiding, bullying and censoring, bribing and coercing the public. Then, if honest research shows us that the vaccines are necessary and safe, we will trust that research and happily comply. Until then, we will not merely “hesitate”; we will obstinately refuse to receive an injection pushed upon us by people we do not trust.
Read MoreThe Covid Vaccine Mandates: A Trauma-Informed Perspective
by The CNCL Team | Nov 4, 2021 | Human Society | 33
The New Zealand’s response to the Covid crisis – their ‘no jab, no job’ policy – is tearing the fabric of our society, and could potentially cause more harm than the virus itself. Dr Paris Williams invites us to explore this crisis through a trauma-informed lens, suggesting that this can offer us a way out of this mess.
Read MoreThe America that Almost Was and Yet May Be
by Charles Eisenstein | Oct 27, 2021 | Human Society | 0
The assassination of president John F. Kennedy represented a turning away from a promising future for the United States – from the promise of a government “of the people, by the people and for the people,” to a sham government powered by the elite and self-interested industry. Is there any way this can be reversed?
Read MoreCode Red on FacingFuture.TV
by Robert Hunziker | Oct 15, 2021 | Earth | 0
FacingFuture.TV recently hosted a preview of the upcoming IPCC 2021 UN climate report, which report guides the gathering of dignitaries from around the world meeting in Glasgow this November to discuss, analyze, and decide how to deal with global warming/climate change.
Read MoreSiberia’s Hot Streak
by Robert Hunziker | Oct 5, 2021 | Earth | 0
Global warming in Siberia is on a hot streak! It was +6°C last year. In like manner, if the entire planet hit +6°C above pre-industrial, it would be lights out, life snuffed out, sayonara.
Read MoreA Temple of this Earth: Moving Beyond Redemptive Violence
by Charles Eisenstein | Sep 22, 2021 | Human Society | 0
A saying goes, “Truth is the first casualty of war.” And the primal lie of war is the same as that of mob violence, the pogrom, and the witch hunt: that certain people are not fully human. As long as we perpetuate that lie, humanity will continue the tragic historical pattern. We will also remain befuddled in our personal and collective sense-making.
Read MoreGPI vs. GDP: Does Size Matter More Than Substance?
by Robert Hunziker | Aug 31, 2021 | Human Society | 0
U.S House Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) recently introduced a bill in Congress to overhaul GDP, the nation’s most watched economic indicator. July 30th she introduced the Genuine Progress Indicator (“GPI”) Act. It would be a significant change for the trajectory of the socio-economic system.
Read MoreDrought Clobbers the World
by Robert Hunziker | Aug 30, 2021 | Earth | 0
The list of drought conditions hitting every continent, except Antarctica, is overwhelming. Indeed, the worldwide drought should be categorized as a triple-extra-alarm emergency with all hands on deck. Will it be?
Read MoreDrought Flood Fire (A Book Review)
by Robert Hunziker | Aug 7, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0
The world is on fire like never before while biblical floods devastate large communities. Is the sky (actually) falling? Answers can be found in a new book: Drought, Flood, Fire, How Climate Change Contributes to Catastrophes, by Chris Funk.
Read MoreApocalypse
by Robert Hunziker | Jul 31, 2021 | Earth | 0
The apocalypse has been predicted a number of times for over two thousand years, but every prediction of “End Times” has failed. Yet, a case can be made that it’s never been closer to reality because it’s already happening here and there.
Read MoreA World of Total Illusion & Fantasy: Noam Chomsky Interview
by Robert Hunziker | Jul 21, 2021 | Human Society | 0
Facing Future.TV founder and executive producer Stuart Scott and co-host Dale Walkonen recently broadcast a wide-ranging interview with Noam Chomsky about the state of human existence in the face of universal decadence.
Read MoreToxic Chemicals Engulf the Planet
by Robert Hunziker | Jun 14, 2021 | Earth | 0
Worldwide chemical emissions are six times global warming emissions. This hidden dilemma is fully exposed in a superbly researched new book by science writer Julian Cribb: Earth Detox, How and Why We Must Clean Up Our Planet.
Read MoreThe Net Zero Mirage
by Robert Hunziker | May 30, 2021 | Human Society | 0
“Net Zero by 2050” is the rallying cry of scientists and policymakers throughout the world. However, that epithet echoes past decades of climate change/global warming mitigation plans, one after another, all failures.
Read MoreChernobyl Alert and The Doomsday Clock
by Robert Hunziker | May 29, 2021 | Human Society | 0
Inescapably, the bane of nuclear power, once dangerously out of control, remains dangerously out of control, forever and on it goes, beyond human time.
Read MorePoisoning the Planet’s Web of Life
by Robert Hunziker | May 17, 2021 | Earthlings | 0
The Web of Life is under attack but almost nobody is aware because it’s happening mostly below the surface. Scientists have identified a rampant worldwide Bugpocalypse that’s methodically killing the planet’s most significant and most crucial life support system, and it’s intentional!
Read MoreIsrael’s Big Lie: This Isn’t Self Defense — It’s a War Crime, Aided and Abetted by the U.S.
by The CNCL Team | May 17, 2021 | Human Society | 0
Nearly all the words and phrases used by the Democrats, Republicans and the talking heads on the media to describe the unrest inside Israel and the heaviest Israeli assault against the Palestinians since the 2014 attacks on Gaza are a lie.
Read MoreSeaspiracy’s Nightmarish Odyssey
by Robert Hunziker | May 17, 2021 | Earthlings | 0
Seaspiracy is a powerful new documentary about the hazardous, unruly world of industrial fishing and stomach-churning abuse, overuse, disregard for life, as shown on Netflix, released by Disrupt Studios March 24th 2021.
Read MoreRadical Compassion: Our Evolutionary Imperative
by Paris Williams | Apr 26, 2021 | Personal | 0
We find ourselves accelerating towards the precipice of extinction. How did we get here? And is there any way we can avoid hurtling into the abyss? The concept of “Radical Compassion” offers us an intriguing lens through which to find some answers to these questions.
Read MoreIf Fukushima’s Water is Safe, Then Drink it!
by Robert Hunziker | Apr 25, 2021 | Earth | 0
By now, the world knows all about the decision by Japan to dump tritium-laced radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. According to Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, the treated and diluted water will be “safe to drink.”
Read MoreThe Doomsday Glacier Lives up to its Billing
by Robert Hunziker | Apr 22, 2021 | Earth | 0
We’ve witnessed an astonishing ice mass loss rate of 500% more than the last decade of the previous century. Throughout human history, this has never happened with such far-reaching extent so rapidly.
Read MoreNuclear Fuel Buried 108 Feet from the Sea
by Robert Hunziker | Mar 26, 2021 | Human Society | 0
“The most toxic substance on Earth is separated from exposure to society by ½” of steel encased in a canister,” said renowned nuclear expert Paul Blanch in reference to spent fuel rods removed from San Onofre Nuclear Generation Plant buried near the sea on California’s southern coastline 50 miles north of San Diego.
Read MoreDirect Air Capture and Big Oil
by Robert Hunziker | Mar 14, 2021 | Earth | 0
There’s something cagey going on with the world’s biggest corporations, over-weighted by oil producers, now feigning green.
Read MoreApproaching a Risky 1.5°C Global Overshoot
by Robert Hunziker | Mar 7, 2021 | Earth, Uncategorized | 0
A recent UN Assessment, as of February 26th 2021, regarding progress or lack thereof by the 195 nations to the Paris 2015 climate agreement is starting to look like a big bust.
Read MoreEcocide!
by Robert Hunziker | Feb 20, 2021 | Earth | 0
Human destruction of “large areas” of the Earth has grown so conspicuously large, so threatening to all species, including human existence, that a group of international legal experts is working to submit a draft of a new law “Ecocide” to the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) at The Hague.
Read MoreWhat If Oumuamua Is the Real Deal?
by Robert Hunziker | Feb 14, 2021 | Human Society | 0
If Oumuamua is the real deal, meaning an alien craft, then Earthlings are doing some really weird stuff on the scale of alien intelligence. Think about it… If it’s an alien craft or drone there’s no way it entered the sun’s solar system, swooping within 15M miles of Earth, powered by fossil fuels.
Read MoreDoughnut Economics Boots Capitalism Out!
by Robert Hunziker | Feb 7, 2021 | Human Society | 0
The rapid rise of Covid-19 has spawned a renaissance in socio-economic thinking about the best way to face the future, as mayors of cities throughout the world search for answers in the face of declining revenues while society demands more urgent help.
Read MoreComplex Life Threatened
by Robert Hunziker | Jan 23, 2021 | Earthlings | 0
The scale of the threats to the biosphere and all its life forms—including humanity—is so great that it is difficult to grasp for even well informed experts.
Read MoreAn Exhausted Planet Limps Into 2021
by Robert Hunziker | Jan 13, 2021 | Earth | 0
The Alliance of World Scientists (13,700 strong) delivered a biting report, not mincing words: “Scientists now find that catastrophic climate change could render a significant portion of the Earth uninhabitable consequent to continued high emissions, self-reinforcing climate feedback loops and looming tipping points.”
Read MoreReligion Meets Climate Change
by Robert Hunziker | Dec 29, 2020 | Human Society | 0
Written by Robert Hunziker Global warming is the biggest challenge of all time. It impacts every...
Read MoreMenacing Methane – An Analysis
by Robert Hunziker | Dec 17, 2020 | Earth | 0
The Arctic’s most prolific scientist, Peter Waldhams, tells us that “the story of methane really is a story of a very serious definitive threat to our future existence on this planet.”
Read MoreChange the World – Right Here, Right Now
by Brad Dixon | Dec 1, 2020 | Personal | 0
Right here, and right now, the insanity of the human condition is playing out on the Earth. The cause? Humankind’s total breakdown in connection with each other and our natural world.
Read MoreExpert IPCC Reviewer Speaks Out – Says Going Vegan is the #1 Remedy
by Robert Hunziker | Nov 22, 2020 | Personal | 0
According to Dr. Carter, we’re facing “the most rapid extinction Earth has ever experienced.” But there are solutions: “The most effective, definitively effective, immediately effective, readily doable action that everybody in the world can do is Go Vegan. In theory, we can all do that. If we do that, emissions drop immediately.”
Read MoreA Troubling Discovery in the Arctic
by Robert Hunziker | Nov 7, 2020 | Earth | 0
A notable satellite-telephonic call to colleagues in late October from Swedish scientist Örjan Gustafsson of Stockholm University briefly described a haunting discovery: “This East Siberian slope methane hydrate system has been perturbed and the process will be ongoing.”
Read MoreDumping Fukushima’s Water into the Ocean… Seriously?
by Robert Hunziker | Oct 31, 2020 | Earth | 0
A perverse endlessness overhangs Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima Daiichi (2011), earmarking these nuclear power meltdowns as the worst industrial accidents in human history. Yet, with 440 operating nuclear plants worldwide, and 50 new plants under construction, there are plans to build a few hundred more.
Read MoreLarge-Scale Permafrost Thawing
by Robert Hunziker | Oct 21, 2020 | Earth | 0
Twenty-five percent (25%) of the Northern Hemisphere is permafrost. By all appearances, it is melting well beyond natural background rates, in fact, substantially!
Read MoreKiss the Amazon Rainforest Goodbye
by Robert Hunziker | Oct 3, 2020 | Earth | 0
Right before the eyes of the world, the most legendary rainforest on the planet is going up in smoke.
Read MoreBoundless Dying Trees
by Robert Hunziker | Oct 2, 2020 | Earthlings | 0
Global warming is ravaging forests throughout the world.
Read MoreGreenland Succumbs
by Robert Hunziker | Aug 26, 2020 | Earth | 0
Greenland’s ice is melting at an accelerating rate, which has alarming implications for human society as we know it.
Read MoreFreakish Arctic Fires Alarmingly Intensify
by Robert Hunziker | Aug 13, 2020 | Earth | 0
NASA satellite images of fires in eastern Siberia depict an inferno of monstrous proportions, nothing in modern history compares. And, as of July, it’s intensifying. Should people be concerned? Answer: Yes, and double yes.
Read MoreThe World on Fire
by Robert Hunziker | Aug 8, 2020 | Earth | 0
Massive uncontrolled unprecedented wildfires are consuming portions of the Amazon rainforest and several regions of the Arctic. Somebody somewhere must be asking why all of a sudden in unison, all over creation, two of the planet’s largest ecosystems are going up in smoke.
Read MoreThawing Arctic Permafrost
by Robert Hunziker | Jul 26, 2020 | Earth | 0
It’s no surprise that first prize for exceeding 2°C above baseline goes to the Arctic with permafrost that covers 25% of the Northern Hemisphere.
Read MoreBuilding Inclusive Communities Benefits All
by Jo Wills | Jul 21, 2020 | Human Society | 0
What if we built our cities to illuminate the invisible? To give people choice, safety and inclusion? Those benefits would extend to everyone and we’d end up with a thriving, active and diverse environment.
Read MoreThe Sky Is Falling – Yes – No
by Robert Hunziker | Jul 18, 2020 | Earth | 0
The sky is falling is one of the more disturbing thoughts in society today, as to whether climate change is on a fast track collision course with doomsday amidst a collapsing society.
Read MoreThe Climate Inertia Bugaboo
by Robert Hunziker | Jul 17, 2020 | Earth | 0
A new study reveals details about climate change inertia, a sobering study that speaks to the absolute necessity of herculean efforts to stop emissions, full stop, now, not tomorrow
Read MoreArctic Heat Overwhelms Green Infighting Issues
by Robert Hunziker | Jun 30, 2020 | Human Society | 0
Clearly, too much heat has already overwhelmed the Arctic and Amazon rainforest ecosystems. Along the way, greenie frustration is finally coming to a head as environmentalists “cat fight” in open public.
Read MoreAmazon Rainforest Hit By Killer Droughts
by Robert Hunziker | Jun 26, 2020 | Earth | 0
Over the past 20 years, like clockwork, severe droughts have hit the Amazon every five years with regularity 2005, 2010, 2015. Of course, droughts have hit the Amazon rainforest throughout paleoclimate history, but this time it’s different. The frequency and severity is off the charts.
Read MoreRevolution needs to create an Evolution
by Brad Dixon | Jun 25, 2020 | Human Society | 0
If the gap between those who have and those who do not grows to a breaking point, then revolt and revolution will take place. History has shown us that. Let’s all work together to evolve in a more peaceful manner.
Read MoreThe Doomsday Clock
by Robert Hunziker | Jun 23, 2020 | Human Society | 0
Never before this year 2020 has the world-famous Doomsday Clock registered only “100 seconds-to-midnight.” According to the Science & Security Board, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, since WWII, the world has never been so perilous.
Read More